Cao Hongkai. Ability to Conduct a Chorus as an Element of Professional Competence of a Teacher

(2016) Science and education, 4, 90-95. Odessa.

Cao Hongkai,
post-graduate student, Department of Music Art and choreography,
South Ukrainian National pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article is aimed at revealing a complex of properties of a music teacher which are necessary and sufficient for an effective management of pupils’ choral singing. It has been determined that the will is the most important component of the aptitude to chorus conducting. A music teacher should be able to achieve synergy effect from interaction of all participants in the process of choral singing. Such a point of view provides opportunities for development of synergetic approach in the study of the phenomenon of music education.  


music teacher, chorus conducting, aptitude, will, synergy.




1. Dmitrevskiy, G. A. (1948). Khorovedenie i upravlenie khorom [Choral studies and chorus conducting]. Moscow: Muzgiz [in Russian].
2. Yergiev, I. (2010). Ispolnitelskaya sinergiya kak glavnyy sistemoobrazuyuschiy element artisticheskogo universuma [Performing synergy as a major strategic element of artistic universum]. Metodolohiia, teoriia i praktyka muzychnoho vykonavstva. Naukovyi visnyk NMAU imeni P. I. Chaikovskoho – Methodology, theory and practice of musical artistic performance. Bulletin of National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P. I. Chaikovskyi, 107, 28-40. Kyiv: NMAU [in Russian].
3. Komlev, N. G. (2000). Slovar inostrannykh slov [Dictionary of foreign words]. Moscow: Eksmo-Press [in Russian].
4. Kondrashin, K. (1976). Mir dirizhera (tekhnologiya vdokhnoveniya) [The world of a conductor (impression tecnnique)]. Leningrad: Muzyka [in Russian].
5. Kryukova, O. (n.d.). Sinergetika i pedagogika [Synergy and pedagogy]. Nezavisimaya akademiya estetiki i svobodnykh iskusstv. Tetrad sedmaya. Problemy obrazovaniya – Independent academy of aesthetics and free arts. The seventh notebook. Problems of education, 12. Retrieved from: [in Russian].
6. Matviichuk, T. V. (2009). Pedahohichni zdibnosti vykladacha vyshchoho navchalnoho zakladu z pozytsii intehralnoho doslidzhennia indyvidualnosti [Pedagogical abilities of a lecturer of a higher education institution in terms of integral study of a personality]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Khmelnytskoho instytutu sotsialnykh tekhnolohii Universytetu «Ukraina» – Collection of scientific papers of Khmelnitskyi institute of social technologies of “Ukraine” university, 1, 89-91. Retrieved from: [in Russian].
7. Olkhov, K. A. (1979). Voprosy teorii dirizherskoy tekhniki i obucheniya khorovykh dirizherov [Issues of theory of conductor’s technique and teaching choral conductors]. Leningrad: Muzyka [in Russian].
8. Ptitsa, K. B. (1960). O khorovom dirizhirovanii [About choral conducting]. Moscow: Profizdat [in Russian].
9. Rubinshteyn, S. L. (2013). Osnovy obshchey psikhologii [Fundamentals of general psychology]. Moscow, St.Petersburg: Izdatelstvo «Piter» [in Russian].
10. Teplov, B. (1985). Sposobnosti i odarennost. Izbrannye trudy [Abilities and aptitudes. Selected works]. (Vols. 1). (pp. 15-41). Moscow: Pedagogika [in Russian].
11. Khuan, Tszya (2015). Intonatsionnaya sinergiya partiy golosa i fortepiano v kamernoy muzyke [Intonation synergy of vocal and piano roles in chamber music]. Arkadіia: kulturolohіchnyi ta mystetstvoznavchyi zhurnal – Arcadia: journal of culture and fine arts studies, 1 (42), 107-111. Odesa [in Russian].

Nataliia Balamutova, Svitlana Shyriaieva, Lilіia Sheiko. Improving the Methodology of Teaching Swimming to Students with Hydrophobia

(2016) Science and education, 4, 96-100. Odessa.

Nataliia Balamutova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University,
77, Pushkinska Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine,
Svitlana Shyriaieva,
senior lecturer, Department of Physical Training,
National technical University of Ukraine «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»,
21, Frunze Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine,
Lilіia Sheiko,
senior lecturer, Department of Water Sports,
Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture,
99, Klochkivska Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine



Swimming is an essential life skill and one of the available and useful kinds of sports. According to the long-term observations, at the beginning of every academic year there are many students who are unskilled swimmers or who cannot swim at all. Such students need special training methods. The methodology of teaching swimming is one of the most developed sections of the swimming theory. However, the issue of the methods of teaching swimming to students with hydrophobia still remains understudied. The success of teaching swimming to these people depends on their awareness of the reasons of their hydrophobia. Almost everybody comes to the conclusion that the hydrophobia is caused by the accidents in the water because of panic and fear. The article is aimed at examining the features of the methods of teaching swimming to students with hydrophobia, namely at studying the experience of teaching swimming to students with hydrophobia and developing methods of teaching swimming to these students. During the 2014-2015 academic year the experiment involving 14 students with hydrophobia has been conducted. The algorithm of the methodology for teaching swimming to students with hydrophobia has been presented in the article. It involves the imitation of technical elements on land; methods of adaptation to water with teaching breathing in the water (breathing-out); mastering of skills of lying and sliding on the water; teaching rowing movements; as well as teaching elements of starts and turns. The suggested algorithm contributes to the systematization, specification and application of early developed methods and components of technology for teaching swimming to students with hydrophobia. Conscious individual selection of the techniques ensures the purposefulness of the teaching process and reduces the time of training of students with hydrophobia. According to the results of the experiment, the students with hydrophobia have learnt to swim in a short period of time. The most important thing is that they have mastered some different kind of swimming techniques and are able to swim for 50 and more meters.  


education, swimming, student, fear, water, hydrophobia.




1. Bykov, V. A. (2000). Tekhnologiya uskorennogo obucheniya plavaniyu [Technology of accelerated teaching to swim]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury – Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 6, 41-42 [in Russian].
2. Volegov, V. P. (1986). Uskorennoe obuchenie plavaniyu molodiozhi [Accelerated teaching swimming to young people]. Plavanie: Ezhegodnik Swimming: Yearbook. (pp. 50-54). Moscow: Fizkultura i sport [in Russian].
3. Makarenko, L. P. (1985). Universalnaya programma nachalnogo obucheniya detey plavaniyu [Universal program of primary teaching swimming to children]. Plavanie: Ezhegodnik – Swimming: Yearbook. (pp. 27-28). Moscow: Fizkultura i sport [in Russian].
4. Malygin, L.S. (2001). Obuchenie plavaniyu vzroslykh v zavisimosti ot ikh sposobnostey [Teaching swimming to adults according to their abilities]. Na rubezhe XXI veka: Nauchnyiy almanah MGAFK – At the turn of the XXI century: Scientific almanac MGAFK Malahovka, 3, 39-42 [in Russian].
5. Pogrebnoy, A. I. (1999). O nekotorykh printsipakh obucheniya plavaniyu [About some principles of teaching swimming]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury – Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 3, 59- 63 [in Russian].
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7. Pyizhov, V. V. (1979). Obuchenie plavaniyu s pomoschyu shesta [Teaching swimming with the help of the pole]. Plavanie: Ezhegodnik – Swimming: Yearbook, 2, 39-40. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport [in Russian].
8. Pyizhov, V. V. (1983). Uskorennyiy metod nachalnogo obucheniya plavaniyu v lastakh [Accelerated method of primary teaching swimming with flippers]. Plavanie: Ezhegodnik – Swimming: Yearbook. (pp. 53- 55). Moscow: Fizkultura i sport [in Russian].
9. Semenov, Yu. A. (1983). Navyk plavaniya – kazhdomu: Iz opyta programmnogo obucheniya plavaniyu [Skills of swimming for everyone: From the experience of program teaching of swimming]. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport [in Russian].
10. Firsov, Z. P. (1984). Ozdorovitelnoe plavanie dlya vseh [improving swimming for all]. Plavanie: Ezhegodnik – Swimming: Yearbook. (pp. 35-42). Moscow: Fizkultura i sport [in Russian].

Natalia Bachinska. Dynamics of Indicators of General and Special Physical Training of Acrobats in the Proc-ess of Long-Term Perfecting

(2016) Science and education, 4, 100-105. Odessa.

Natalia Bachinska,
PhD (Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sport), associate professor,
Department of Physical Education and Sports,
Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University,
72, Haharina Avenue, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine



The continuous studying of the issue of physical training through the examples of different kinds of sports has revealed the importance of its differentiation. The ratio of the means and methods of general and special physical training depends on the individual characteristics of a sportsman, his/her experience in sports, training period, etc. Due to the relevance of the researched issue the review of the scientific approaches to the differential allocation of methods of general and special physical training in gymnastics for modifying the obtained data regarding five types of group hand balancing taking into account athletes’ specialization has been performed. The review of numerous programmes for child and youth sports acrobatics schools on sports has allowed to determine that when planning a curriculum for physical training, features of the role of sportsmen are not considered, and there is also no differentiated approach to the planning of the training loads. The article is aimed at complementing and extending the content of classification programs on sports acrobatics related to the planning of general and special physical training at the stages of long-term perfecting. The results of the introduced author’s programme have revealed that the total amount of special physical training in hand balancing is increasing, and the amount of general physical training is decreasing. During the long-term training the dynamics of general and special physical training regarding the roles and gender differences through the example of medium load can be observed. First-class sportsmen should perform exercises of general physical training related to the specificity of group hand balancing, which means that combined developing exercises should be similar to acrobatic ones with neuromuscular efforts. Means of special physical training should be similar in the technique and basic motor skills of acrobats. The most effective ratio of the loads of general and special physical training is the following: at the general preparatory phase – 72% and 28%, at the specially-preparatory stage – 65% and 35%, in the competitive period – 60% and 40%. The method of using means and methods of special physical training of acrobats considering their role allows to increase the level of physical fitness, to ensure the effective development of basic motor skills, etc.  


acrobatics, physical training, long-term training.




1. Eremina, E. A. (2003). Kriterii otsenki sorevnovatelnykh nagruzok i modelirovanie predsorevnovatelnoy podgotovki akrobatov vysokoy kvalifikatsii [Evaluation criteria of competitive loads and modeling of precompetitive training of acrobats of high qualification]. Extended abstract of Candidate’s thesis. Moscow [in Russian].
2. Lebedev, P. N. (2009). Metodika upravleniya protsessom osvoeniya programmnogo materiala v parnoy akrobatike na osnove kontrolya i samokontrolya individualnykh trudnostey sportsmenov [The method of managing the process of mastering the curriculum material in hand balancing on the basis of control and selfmanagement of athletes’ individual difficulties]. Extended abstract of Candidate’s thesis. Kirov [in Russian].
3. Malinovskiy, S. K. (2003). Metodika sovershenstvovaniya spetsialnoy fizicheskoy podgotovki akrobatov na etape nachalnoy sportivnoy spetsializatsii [The technique of improving acrobats’ special physical training at the stage of initial sports specialization]. Extended abstract of Candidate’s thesis. Khabarovsk [in Russian].
4. Menhin, Yu. V., Menhin, A. V. (2002). Ozdorovitelnaya gimnastika: teoriya i metodika [Recreational gymnastics: theory and methods]. Rostov n/D: Feniks [in Russian].
5. Nabatnikova, M.Ya. (1984). Vzaimosvyaz urovnya raznostoronney fizicheskoy podgotovlennosti i sportivnykh rezultatov u yunykh sportsmenov: [The interrelation of the level of diversified physical fitness and athletic performance in young athletes]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kulturyi – Theory and practice of physical culture, 10, 27-28. Moscow [in Russian].
6. Pilyuk, N. N. (2003). Postroenie i realizatsiya sistemy sorevnovatelnoy deyatelnosti akrobatov vysokoy kvalifikatsii. [The design and implementation of a system of competitive activity of high qualified acrobats]. Doctor’s thesis. Moscow: RGB [in Russian].
7. Platonov, V. N. (2004). Obschaya struktura mnogoletnego sportivnogo sovershenstvovaniya. Obschaya teoriya podgotovki sportsmenov v olimpiyskom sporte: ucheb. posobie [The General structure of longterm sports improvement. General theory of preparation of sportsmen in Olympic sport: textbook.]. Kyiv: Olimpiyskaya Literatura [in Russian].
8. Savchin, S. (2000). Teoretiko-metodologicheskie osnovy normirovaniya trenirovochnykh nagruzok v sportivnoy gimnastike v protsesse stanovleniya sportivnogo masterstva [Theoretical and methodological bases of rationing training loads in artistic gymnastics in the process of sports skills formation]. Doctor’s thesis [in Russian].

Nataliia Bashavets. Current Features of Physical Training of University Students and Recommendations for its Improvement

(2016) Science and education, 4, 105-111. Odessa.

Nataliia Bashavets,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Department of Socio-Humanitarian Disciplines,
Odessa Trade and Economic Institute of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics,
6, 25 Chapaievskoi Divizii Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The formation of post-industrial society and innovative changes in young peoples’ occupation and rest, the transformation of the Ukrainian society affect the quality characteristics of physical culture. So it is quite natural that recent years in Ukraine are characterized by the active development of models of organization of physical training of university students. The most promising area of physical training optimization at higher educational institutions is searching for the creative and pedagogical educational model based on the international experience, which involves the humanization of subject-content basis, socio-cultural integration, professionally-oriented focus, the selectivity according to sports specialization, innovation activity of a teacher and the individualization of the educational process. The article is aimed at identifying the features of physical training of students at higher educational institutions basing on the review of the international experience and providing recommendations for its improvement. The review of the international experience in the organization of physical education makes it possible to identify different approaches to this process. It is quite clear that physical training is of the great importance in many countries because future graduates have to be highly skilled professionals with the high level of physical fitness. Under the current conditions higher educational institutions should implement a professionally-focused model of physical training organization (for 1st -3 rd year students) in the form of mandatory physical classes in study time (1 day a week), extracurricular activities and recreational sports classes for students with health problems (twice a week) and for physical classes healthy students – 2 times a week. 4th -5 th year students should be engaged into individual and sectional elective physical classes. The chosen by an educational institution model of physical training organization should contribute to the increasing of motor activity of students, improving of their physical and mental working capacity. It should have positive impact on students’ academic results; make them attend physical training classes with pleasure, do physical exercises at home in extracurricular time, etc.  


physical education, model, student, higher educational institution, pedagogical process.




1. Bazylchuk, V. B. (2004). Orhanizatsiini zasady aktyvizatsii sportyvno-ozdorovchoi diialnosti studentiv v umovakh vyshchoho navchalnoho zakladu [Organizational principles of activation of sports and recreational activities of university students]. Extended abstract of Candidate’s thesis. Lviv [in Ukrainian].
2. Verblyudov, I. B. (2007). Optimizatsiya individualnoy trenirovochno-ozdorovitelnoy programmy dlya studentov vysshykh pedagogicheskikh uchebnykh zavedeniy [Optimization of individual training and recreational programs for students of higher educational establishments]. Extended abstract of Candidate’s thesis. Kharkiv [in Russian]
3. Voyner, Yu. (2000). Fizicheskoe vospitanie v polskikh vysshikh shkolakh [Physical Education in Polish higher schools]. Teoriia i praktika fizicheskoy kultury - Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 12, 45-51 [in Russian].  
4. Volkov, V. L. (2011). Rozvytok fizychnykh zdibnostey studentiv u systemi fizychnoi pidhotovky [Development of physical abilities of students in the system of physical training: monograph]. Kyiv: Osvita Ukrainy [in Ukrainian].
5. Vu Dyik Thu (1998). Sistemno-tselevoy podkhod k sovershenstvovaniyu fizicheskogo vospitaniya v vuzah Sotsialisticheskoy respubliki Vietnam [System-targeted campaign of improving physical education at the universities of the Socialist republіc of Vietnam]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury - Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 11, 56-58 [in Russian].
6. Gosyun, E., Chzhan Uzyannan (1995). Puti perestroyki uchebno-vospitatelnogo protsessa v sisteme vyisshego fizkulturnogo obrazovaniya Kitaya [Ways of adjustment of the educational process in the system of higher physical training of China]. Nauka v olimpiyskom sporte - Science in the Olympic sports, 2, 68-69 [in Russian].
7. Li Tszin (2006). Analiticheskiy obzor programmnykh trebovaniy po fizicheskomu vospitaniyu v vuzakh Kitaya i Ukrainy [Analytical review of program requirements for physical education at the universities of China and Ukraine]. Slobozhanskiy naukovo-sportyvnyi visnyk - Slobozhansky scientific and sports bulletin, 9, 167-169 [in Russian]. 8. Polunyn, I. (1996) Karaiushchhii myach AKAA: o problemakh studencheskoho sporta v SShA [The punishing ball AKAA: problems of university sports in the USA]. Sport dlia vsekh – Sport for everyone, 2 [in Russian].
9. Sikilich, S. (1994). Fizicheskoe vospitanie v Belgradskih universitetakh [Physical Education at the Universities of Belgrad]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury - Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 9, 48 [in Russian].
10. Turchyna, N. I. (2007). Suchasni osoblyvosti pedahohichnoho protsesu fizychnoho vykhovannia studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv tekhnichnoho profilu i rekomendatsii shchodo yoho vdoskonalennia [Modern features of physical education of students of technical universities and recommendations for its improvement]. Zdorovyi sposib zhyttia – Healthy lifestyle, 22, 45-53. Lviv: LDUFK [in Ukrainian].

Olena Bobro, Serhii Nedelev. Use of Natural Adaptogenes for Intensive Physical Activities

(2016) Science and education, 4, 111-116. Odessa.

Olena Bobro,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Biology and Foundations of Health,
Serhii Nedelev,
3 rd year student, Faculty of Physical Rehabilitation,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of studying natural substances which promote recovery of health. It will help to expand the general medical knowledge of students majoring in Physical culture and apply them in their practical activities. Preservation of health in case of long physical, emotional and mental activities of students majoring in Physical culture is considered to be an urgent issue today. A lot of health problems can be caused by the syndrome of overload, which in turn leads to visceral diseases. The syndrome of overload can cause a lot of diseases. Violations of cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary systems and digestive tract belong to the most often-observed problems in the health of sportsmen. In order to maintain an organism of a sportsman in a good physiological state various natural factors having a positive impact on the restoration of functional activity of organs are to be found and examined. A lot of attention is paid to the studying of positive influence of natural factors because they adequately influence the adaptable mechanisms of a human body and provide the biological activation of regulatory systems. The article is aimed at justifying the search for the naturally-occurring substances, which provide the sanogenic influence on the human body under the conditions of long-term physical and psycho-emotional loads. The group of naturally-occurring substances involves products of biological origin produced by means of the method of tissue therapy. As a rule they do not have side effects. Clinical and experimental results speak for the expediency of using tissue adaptogenes together with vitamins, antibiotics and other drugs. The efficiency of the course increases due to the fact that bioorganic metabolites are similar by the formulae with living bodies and are more physiological than other drugs. It has been established that natural adaptogenes contribute to the restoration of adaptation mechanisms and fast rehabilitation of sportsmen who suffer from the overload syndrome. They help to activate the adaptive and nutritional functions of the vegetative nervous system; normalize the biochemical processes and physiological functions; increase the level of adaptedness, etc. It allows using them during the rehabilitation period in order to restore sportsmen’s health.  


adaptation, health-saving technologies, teaching, physical activity, syndrome of overload.




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