Svitlana Zavoloka. Implementation of Advanced Technologies in the Process of Teaching a Foreign Lan-guage (Using the French Language as an Example)

(2016) Science and education, 4, 65-69. Odessa.

Svitlana Zavoloka,
senior teacher, Department of Foreign Languages,
Odessa National Economic University,
8, Preobrazhenska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The aim of the article is a detailed theoretical analysis of the peculiarities of implementing new technologies as the basis of the improvement of foreign language teaching quality and efficiency. The article also deals with the issues of the transition from the knowledge- to the activity-based paradigm, the use of modern educational technologies in teaching as well as the lesson planning that is different from the conventional approach. The tendency of transition from the traditional to the innovative approach of teaching a foreign language has been emphasized in the article. Computer-based teaching as a new trend in teaching a foreign language has been examined. A detailed analysis was conducted through the example of the project “A successful company” among the 2nd year students of majoring in tourism. Basing on the carried out analysis it has been defined that nowadays the new technologies of teaching a foreign language are being actively implemented and used into the educational process. New information technologies are not only the forms, methods and tools of teaching but also a new approach to teaching. On the other hand, there is a need for carefully picked up educational and methodical materials which are also used for practical training. One of ways to combine these parties is the creation of presentations which at the present stage of the latest technologies development are one of the most effective methods of a foreign language teaching. Computer presentations allow a teacher and his/her students to diversify the material of presentations, unite different organizational forms of lessons aiming at receiving good results by the minimum expenses of time. Creativity and autonomous study are of a great importance in teaching a foreign language using innovative technologies. New technologies, according to the author, allow to solve didactic problems and their usage will contribute to an increase of the quality of teaching. All forms and methods of organization a teaching process must be focused on the formation of professional competencies of students.  


innovative teaching, information and communication technologies, project-based teaching, knowledgebased paradigm, Internet resources, practice-oriented mono-project.




1.Bespalko, V. P. (1970). Programovane navchannia [Programmed teaching]. Moscow: Vyshcha shkola [in Ukrainian].
2. Bespalko, V. P. (1990). Pro mozhlyvosti systemnoho pidhodu v pedagogitsi [About the possibilities of a systemic approach in teaching]. Radianska pedahohika – Soviet Pedagogy, 7, 7-13 [in Ukrainian].
3. Vladimirova, L. P. Novi informatsiini tehnolohii pry vyvchenni inozemnykh mov [New information technologies in teaching foreign languages]. Retrieved from: // [in Ukrainian].
4. Zakharov, I. G. (2003). Informatsiini tehnolohii v osviti [Information Technologies in Education: textbook for university students]. Moscow: Publishing Center “Akademiia” [in Ukrainian].
5. Levchenko, A. N., Zawadzki, I. A., Prokopenko, N. S. (2009). Osnovy internetu [Internet Basics: textbook]. 2nd ed., rev. Kyiv: Vyd. grupa BHV [in Ukrainian].
6. Nikitchenko, M. (2009). Vykorystannia vsesvitnioi merezhi internet v navchanni frantsuzkoi movy [Using the World Wide Web in teaching the French language]. Frantsuzka mova – the French language, 1, 121- 122 [in Ukrainian].
7. Slastenin, V. A., Isayev, I.F., Shiyanov, E. N. (2002). Pedahohika [Pedagogy: textbook for university students]. Slastenin, V.A. (Ed.). Moscow: “Akademia” [in Ukrainian]. 8. Shavva, Tetyana (2007). Metodyka vykladannya frantsuzkoi movy [Methods of teaching French]. Kyiv: Skilnyi svit [in Ukrainian].

Керекеша О. В. Introduction of Through Foreign Language Teaching in the ONEU

(2016) Science and education, 4, 70-74. Odessa.

Olha Kerekesha,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Foreign Languages Department,Odessa National Economic University,
8, Preobrazhenska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



Based on the carried out research, the paper is focused on the significance of introducing the system of comprehensive foreign language teaching. This system has been developed by the author; it can be used with the aim of improving students-economists’ level of mastering language competences, cross-cultural communication in a foreign language, increasing the level of their readiness for professional communication in a foreign language. All the above mentioned make the work of university teachers more focused on achieving a common result and make interdepartmental contacts closer. It is the system of comprehensive teaching which makes it possible to process a large amount of material on the specialty using various forms, methods and techniques of work in a foreign language. In this case, a foreign language becomes not the purpose of the studying but an instrument for the development of other professional competencies. The use of the integrated system provides students with the opportunity to perceive speech of different lecturers in the course of training; facilitates their quick adaptation to changes in the pan-European linguistic and professional environment, allows them to compete and, consequently, to obtain better results. Thus, comprehensive system of foreign language teaching in the professional activity allows to pay more attention to encouraging students to their professional development and creates special conditions for self-development and creativity enhancement.  


the system of comprehensive foreign language teaching; intersubject communications; readiness for cross-cultural communication in the European professional environment.




1. Kerekesha, O. V., Barabash, Yu. G. (2012). Interaktyvna avtorska tekhnolohiya na dopomohu roboti u litniy movniy shkoli [Interaktive author’s technology assisting the work in the summer language school]. Vytoky pedahohichnoi maysternosti: zbirnyk naukovykh prats Poltavskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni V. H. Korolenka – Background of pedagogical mastery: Collection of scientific works of the Poltava V. G. Korolenko national pedagogical university, 9, 88-92 [in Ukrainian].
2. Kerekesha, O. V. (2015). Formuvannia otsinnorefleksyvnoi samostiinosti maibutnikh ekonomistiv u protsesi fakhovoi pidhotovky [Formation of evaluative and reflexive independence of future economists in the course of professional training]. Odesa: VD Bilka [in Ukrainian].
3. Vodianytska, I. I. (2011). Model naukovometodychnoi roboty vyperedzhauchoi osvity dlia staloho rozvytku [Model of scientific and methodical work of innovative education for sustainable development]. Retrieved from: 25047/ [in Ukrainian].
4. Naskrizne navchannia [Comprehensive education]. Innovatsiina diialnist – Innovation activities. Retrieved from: -navcanna [in Ukrainian].

Nataliia Ostapchuk. Implementation of the Competency Approach to the Study of Computer Science at Ele-mentary Schools

(2016) Science and education, 4, 74-80. Odessa.

Nataliia Ostapchuk,
(PhD) Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor,
Department of Information and Communication Technologies
and Methods of Teaching Computer Science,
Rivne State University of Humanities,
12, S. Bandera Str., Rivne, Ukraine



The article deals with the competence-based approach to teaching primary school children. Special attention is paid to teaching computer science. Due to the fact that the subject is relatively new, there is a need for development and implementation of the ways of competence-based approach realization in teaching computer science at primary school according to the programme “Steps to Computer Science”. The analysis of scientific research and publications makes it possible to determine that the technologies of activity and student-centered teaching can be of use for implementing competence-based approach. Teacher’s selection of effective training methods and educational activity forms is the most important factor in the successful implementation of the competence-based approach in education. A group of interactive methods corresponds to the requirements of student-centered teaching in the most accurate way, as long as the organization of interactive training includes simulations of life situations, the use of role-playing games, which contribute to the formation of key, general educational, and subject- informatics competencies. The prospects for further research involve development of the means of implementation of competence-based approach to teaching computer science to primary school students according to the content of the programme, its parts and topics.  


competence-based approach to teaching, subject competence, key competence, student-centered education, interactive teaching methods, project work, primary school, teaching computer science, the programme “Steps to Computer Science”.




1. Voronkina, L. I. (2015). Suchasnyi urok: poshuky, perspektyvy [Modern lesson: search and prospects]. Retrieved from: 45910/ [in Ukrainian].
2. Holovan, M. S. (2007). Kompetentnisnyi pidkhid u navchanni informatyky i kompiuternoi tekhniky studentiv ekonomichnoho VNZ [Competence approach to teaching computer science and computer technology to students of Economic Universities]. Problemy inzhenerno-pedahohichnoi osvity – Problems of engineering and pedagogical education, 18-19, 19-32. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].
3. Kozakova, N. B. (2012). Realizatsiia kompetentnisnoho pidkhodu v navchanni molodshykh shkoliariv [The implementation of competence-based approach in teaching primary school children]. Retrieved from: 31210/ [in Ukrainian].
4. Ostapchuk, N. (2015). Struktura ta skladovi predmetnoi kompetentnosti uchniv pochatkovykh klasiv pry vyvchenni informatyky [The structure and components of subject competence of primary school pupils when studying computer science]. Nova pedahohichna dumka. Naukovo-metodychnyi zhurnal – New pedagogical thought. Research and methodology journal, 4 (84), 118– 122 [in Ukrainian].
5. Samoilenko, N. I., & Semko, L. P. (2013). Formuvannia informatychnykh kompetentsii na urokakh informatyky v osnovnii shkoli [Formation of information competence in computer science lessons in primary school]. Kompetentnisni zasady zmistu osvity v 11-richnii shkoli – Competence principles of educational content in the 11-year-old school, 1, 435-439 [in Ukrainian].
6. Korshunova, O. V., Lomakovska, G. V., Morze, N. V., Protsenko, H. O., Ryvkind, Yi. Ya., & Rivkind, F. M. (2011). Skhodynky do informatyky. Prohrama dlia uchniv 2- 4 klasiv zahalnoosvitnikh navchalnykh zakladiv [Steps to computer science. The program for students of 2-4 grades of secondary schools]. Kyiv: Osvita [in Ukrainian].
7. Khutorskoi, A. (2009). Kliuchovi osvitni kompetentnosti [Key educational competences]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

Nadiia Kychuk. Risk Management as a Complex Activity of a Modern Higher Educational Institution

(2016) Science and education, 4, 80-83. Odessa.

Nadiia Kychuk,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, dean of the Department of Pedagogy,
Izmail State University of Humanities,
77, Suvorova Avenue, Izmail, Ukraine 



The article deals with the expediency of risk management a modern educational institution comes across. Besides, the main risks of a university affecting the quality of education have been described. Modern world is characterized by constant risks and it is the right response to them that is considered to be the prerequisite of the success. Education as a part of social life is not an exception. That is why risk management allows not only predicting and preventing negative phenomena, but also provides the achievement of goals of the long-term programmes of higher institutions’ development. There is a lack of researches in the field of risk management in education in the Ukrainian scientific sources. It has been determined that one of the main reasons of risks in the system of educational institutions management is a human factor. The risks associated with the human resources are based on human nature as a complex subject of management, which creates a certain level of information and behaviour ambiguity, and quite low controllability of the organizational behaviour. It has been proved that the system of internal audit at a higher educational institution allows to estimate probable risks, indentify them and be able to remove the reasons of risks. The audit system involves the organizational and functional structure, the principles of control, processes and methods accepted by the authorities of a higher educational institution as a means of efficient pursuit of activities. The implementation of the system risk management and the internal audit through the key indicators of risks at universities can provide the efficiency of its activities, increase its competitiveness at the education services market.  


risk, management, risk management, higher educational institution, risks of higher educational institution.




1.Alaverdov, A. R. (2009). Upravlenie personalom: ucheb. posobie [Human Resource Management: Textbook]. Moscow: Market DS [in Russian].
2.Kapustina, N. V. (2008). Riski upravleniya personalom [Personnel Management Risks]. Ekonomika obrazovaniya – Economics of education, 4, 139-142 [in Russian].
3.Tsvetkova, I. I. (2009). Klassifikatsiya kadrovykh riskov [Classification of personnel risks]. Ekonomika i upravlenie – Economics and Management, 6, 38-43 [in Russian]. 

Halyna Yavorska. Methods of Forming Future Jurists’ Basic Competences

(2016) Science and education, 4, 84-89. Odessa.

Halyna Yavorska,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Department of Humanities,
International Humanitarian University,
33, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article is focused on the methods of forming basic competences of future lawyers (required forms, methods and means); the most effective approaches to the solving of the above mentioned problem (hermeneutic, competencebased) have been determined. It has been shown that consistent implementation of hermeneutic approach into organization of learning, educational and professional activity of future jurists provides the process of forming basic competences with the necessary format of pedagogical influence over students’ motivational and conceptual orientations. In the author’s opinion, hermeneutic basis of work with texts facilitates forming information and communicative competence and helps implement specific purposes of future jurists’ professional development in the course of training. The paper also demonstrates the role of specially created conditions (laboratories) for conducting practical lessons (legal clinic, criminalistic laboratory, training-laboratory “Court room”, etc.). Creation of the so-called “Pres-centre” is of great importance in forming basic competences, particularly, the communicative one. Giving practical lessons in the “Press-centre” facilitates the formation and development of forensic speech culture, activation of the process of profession-related thinking, the ability to conduct public professional argument and vindicate one’s judgment referring to regulatory framework, to establish contact with the listener, etc. Thus, at modern legal institutions of higher education there is an opportunity to create a great number of conditions for giving practical lessons with future jurists with the purpose of forming their basic competences and their development as professionals of their legal job. Prospects for further research involve the problem of training teachers-lawyers for pedagogical activity at higher educational institutions.  


competence, basic competence, lawyers-jurists, approaches (hermeneutic, competence-based), activity (learning, education and professional, quasiprofessional).




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