Anzhelika Tatarnikova. Pedagogical Conditions for the Development of Professional Competence in Music Stu-dents Specialized in Arts Management

(2016) Science and education, 4, 5-10. Odessa.

Anzhelika Tatarnikova,
post-graduate student, Department of Pedagogy,
Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University,
lecturer, Odessa College of Arts and Culture named after K. F. Dankevich,
32, Dvorianska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the justification of the pedagogical conditions for the development of professional competence of music students specialized in arts management, which is based on the analysis of the conceptual approaches of foreign and Ukrainian scientists to studying the content of educational programmes on arts management, as well as the modernisation of professional music education system. The importance of training music students-future arts managers is also demonstrated in the article. The future specialists should master advanced technologies of arts management, i.e. art products promotion, concert administration, information support of art products and performer’s creative work, Internet promotional campaigns, blogging in social networks, collaboration with sponsors (fundraising, patronage, and charity), etc. The analysis of educational curricula and programmes, as well as the empirical study on the levels of professional competence of music graduates specialized in arts management in Ukraine conclusively confirm the fact that personality of a graduate as a professionally competent arts manager in the field of musical art has not been developed intentionally and in a proper way until now. Therefore, the didactical potential of the main principles and means of competency-based and student-oriented approaches to its organisation and the results evaluation is elicited. It is also proved that the development of professional competence of music students specialized in arts management in the course of receiving their degree will be more efficient in case certain pedagogical conditions are created in the education process: providing the content of artistic education with the theoretical issues of arts management, supporting students’ individual research activities on mastering advanced technologies of arts management, the pedagogical support of individual and professional self-development of students as arts managers in the field of musical art, and motivating students to participation in different project artistic and creative activities. It is shown that the means of the studentoriented approach, particularly, the principles of humanization; individualization; personalization; dialogization; scientificity; occupational mobility; contextuality of education; diversification of artistic education, its universality; relevance of its content, forms and methods to contemporary targets and functions of a professional musician as an arts manager; the combination of pedagogical facilitation and the development of initiatives and leadership of the members of the social and cultural environment; the problemacity and situatedness of education, its close relation to the arts management practice contribute to the practical implementation of the indicated pedagogical conditions.


arts management, professional competence in arts management, competency-based approach, studentoriented approach, music students training.




1. Drozdova, N. V. (2007). Kompetentnostnyy podhod kak novaya paradigma studentotsentrirovannogo obrazovaniya [Competence approach as a new paradigm of student-centered education]. Minsk: RIVSh [in Russian].
2. Komandyshko, E. F. (2009). Art-menedzhment: spetsifika, problemy, perspektivy razvitiia [Artmanagement: specificity, problems and prospects of development]. Moscow: IKhO RAO [in Russian].
3. Lіdstoun, Dzh. (2007). Suchasni metodyky formuvannia navchalnykh prohram z menedzhmentu kultury i mystetstv [Modern methods of reforming curricula to cultural management and arts]. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
4. Novikova, G. N. (2006). Tekhnologii artmenedzhmenta [Technologies of Arts Management]. Moscow: Izdatelskii Dom MGUKI [in Russian].
5. Bezgіn, O., Bernadska, G., Datsko, O., Kocharian, І. S., Uspenska, O. (2008). Problemy mystetskoi osvity: Typolohichni kryterii ta naukovometodychna rozrobka [Problems of arts education: typological criteria, scientific and methodical development]. Kyiv: SPD Holosui [in Ukrainian].
6. Rіch, Dzh. Dennіs. (2005). Rozvytok osvity z artmenedzhmentu v krainakh z perekhidnoiu ekonomikoiu [The development of education in art management in countries with economies in transition]. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
7. Tulchinskiy, G. L. (2009). Menedzhment v sfere kultury: uchebnoe posobie [Management in the field of culture: a tutorial]. Moscow: Planeta Muzyki [in Russian]. 8. Chasnik, O. (2010). Navchalni prohramy z artmenedzhmentu v universytetakh SShA [Training programmes in art management in the United States]. Kharkiv: Visnyk KhDAK [in Ukrainian].
9. Chizhikov, V. V. (2008). Teoriya i praktika sotsiokulturnogo menedzhmenta: uchebnoe posobie [Theory and practice of socio-cultural management: textbook]. Moscow: MGUKI [in Russian].
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Sergey Guzun. Multimedia Technologies of Teaching “Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Science” to Medical College Students

(2016) Science and education, 4, 11-15. Odessa.

Sergey Guzun,
Head of the Department of Surgical Disciplines,
high level certificate teacher of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Science,
Odesa Regional Primary Medical College,
4, Pushkinska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



Modern changes in the educational system of the country and the world require serious reforms in the teaching process, especially it concerns the medical sphere. In particular, the article deals with the issue of improving the methods of teaching “Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Science” to medical college students by implementing informational and computer teaching technologies into this process. The modernization of the vocational training of nurses and medical assistants is aimed at providing the high level of competence and competitiveness of professionals, who are ready for the efficient activities in the sphere of health protection and professional self-development. The aim of the article is to study the efficiency of using multimedia technologies in the process of teaching the above mentioned subject to medical college students. The experiment involving 119 students, who were divided into two groups, has been carried out. The first group was taught according to the traditional lesson plan, and the second group was taught with the help of multimedia technologies. The research results have shown that according to all criteria (such as understanding of the material, creativity, concentration, etc.) the first group of students has shown better results compared to the second one, who was taught according to the traditional programme. It has been found that the multimedia form of teaching “Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Science” to medical college students contributes to the activation of their cognitive activities by visualization of a number of clinical settings, allowing to deepen the theoretical knowledge in this field. Besides, this technique promotes the formation of medical judgments in students by means of the analysis of clinical and laboratory examination data, as well as stimulates their intellectual potential and motivation to study. 


multimedia technologies, professional competences, cognitive interest, activation of thinking, pedagogical technology.




1. Maksymenko, S. D., Filonenko M. M. (2014). Pedahohika vyshchoi medychnoi osvity: pidruchnyk [Pedagogy of higher medical education: textbook]. Kyiv: Tsentr uchbovoi literatury [in Ukrainian].
2. Koval, T. I. (2009). Pidhotovka vykladachiv vyshchoi shkoly: informatsiini tekhnolohii u pedahohichnii diialnosti : navch. -metod. posib. [Training university teachers: information technologies in pedagogical activities: texbook]. Kyiv: Vyd. tsentr NLU [in Ukrainian].
3. Kozlakova, H. O. (1997). Teoretychni i metodychni osnovy zastosuvannia informatsiinykh tekhnolohii u vyshchii tekhnichnii osviti: monohrafiia [Theoretical and methodical bases of using information technologies in higher technical education: monograph]. Kyiv: IZMN, VIPOL [in Ukrainian].
4. Zilber, A. P. (1984). Klinicheskaya fiziologiya v anesteziologii i reanimatologii [Clinical physiology in anesthesiology and emergency medicine]. Moscow: Meditsina [in Russian].
5. Dyabkin, E. V., Vinnik, Yu. S., Kochetova, L. V. (2015). Primenenie kompyuternykh programm dlya uluchsheniya effektivnostit izucheniya modulya «Osnovy anesteziologii» po distsipline «Obshchaya khirurgiya» [Using computer programs for improving the efficiency the study of the module “Bases of anesthesiology” within the discipline “General surgery”]. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya – Modern issues of science and education, 6, 144-146 [in Russian].

Alla Bochevar. Implementation of the Model of Future Lawyers’ Informative and Communicative Com-petence Formation by Means of Multimedia Technologies

(2016) Science and education, 4, 16-20. Odessa.

Alla Bochevar,
post-graduate student, Department of Pedagogy,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
senior lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages,
Odessa State University of Internal Affairs,
1, Uspenska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of future lawyers’ informative and communicative competence formation. The developed model future lawyers’ informative and communicative competence formation includes three stages: motivational, reproduction-pragmatic and creative-resultative. At the first stage of the experiment the first pedagogical condition was implemented. It implied future lawyers’ understanding the necessity of ICT usage within the educational process and their further professional activities. With this purpose the special course ―Informative and communicative technologies in the modern professional and educational environment‖, consisted of lections and seminars-discussions, which were aimed at obtaining knowledge of ICT usage in the educational process and further professional activities. The students were taught by such techniques as lectiondialogue, lection-discussion, project method, audio-visual and problem methods. The second pedagogical condition (integration of students’ humanitarian and profession oriented training under conditions of multimedia educational environment) was implemented at the second stage of research within the special workshop during which the students were represented a number of multimedia integrated practical classes of Foreign Language with professional direction (in the English language), Legal Deontology, International and Criminal Law. The third stage (creative-resultative) dealt with the third pedagogical condition, i.e. stimulation of students’ self-dependent informative and communicative activity during the practicals. The students performed practical tasks aimed at forming skills of applying available knowledge of ICT for solving legal issues. This stage is characterized by the acquisition of skills of performing original actions with applying ICT independently and using the innovative approach for solving various legal tasks by means of ICT. Stimulation of students’ self-dependent informative and communicative activity was realized with the assistance of trainings, role plays, brainstorming, interviews and roundtable discussions. It gave an opportunity to activate the educating process, to speed up students’ complex theoretical knowledge and skills formation, which influences the improvement of the effectiveness of their future professional legal activity. 


competency-based approach, informative and communicative competence, multimedia technologies, model of future lawyers’ informative and communicative competence formation.




1. Babanskiy, Yu. K. (1997). Optymyzatsiya protsessa obucheniya: obshchedydaktycheskiy aspekt [Optimization of an education process: common didactic aspect]. Moscow: Pedagogika [in Russian].
2. Bochevar, A.G. (2013). Informatsiinokomunikatyvna kompetentnist yurysta, yii sutnist ta struktura [Informative and communicative compenetce of a lawyer, its essensce and structure]. Naukovyi visnyk Pivdennoukrainskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu im. K.D. Ushynskoho – Bulletin of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky, 1, 72 [in Ukrainian].
3. Zaytseva, O. N. (2013). Formirovanie informatsionno-kommunikatsionnoy kompetentnosti v systeme urovnevoho obrazovaniya [Informative and communicative competence formation in the level education system]. Problemy i perspektivy razvitiya obrazovaniya – Problems and prospects of education development, (pp. 124- 126). Perm: Merkuriy [in Russian].
4. Kleshchenkova, N. F. & Savchenko, A.B. (2008). Formirovanie informatsionno-kommunikativnoy kompetentnosti kak neobkhodimoe uslovie effektivnosti professionalnoi deyatelnosty budushcheho spetsialista [Formation of informative and communicative competence as a prerequisite for the effectiveness of the future specialist’s professional work]. Informatsionnye tekhnologii v obrazovanii – Information Technologies in Education. Retrieved from: [in Russian].
5. Kurlyand, Z. N. (2001). Pedahohika [Pedagogics]. Odesa: Pivdennoukrainskyi derzhavnyi pedahohichnyy universytet im. K. D. Ushynskoho [in Ukrainian].
6. Khrykov Ye. M. Pedahohichni umovy v strukturi naukovoho znannya [Pedagogical conditions in the structure of scientific knowledge]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].
7. Shapoval, Yu. D. (2007). Pedahohichni umovy formuvannya hotovnosti maybutnioho vchytelya pochatkovykh klasiv do osobystisno oriyentovanoho navchannya molodshykh shkolyariv [Pedagogical conditions of preparing future elementary school teachers for personcentered teaching of primary school pupils]. Candidate’s thesis. Kharkiv [in Ukrainian].

Yan Yuan. Creative activity as a method of organizing future music teachers’ self-preparation for teaching practice (2)

(2016) Science and education, 4, 21-24. Odessa.

Yan Yuan,
post-graduate student, Department of Music and Choreography,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



Methods and learning technologies used in the modern educational process direct future music teachers towards mastering the prepared information. Contradiction can be seen between the formal knowledge that many students have and their poor ability to study independently as well as their insufficient possession of the latest self-study methods. Creative activity during the learning process is considered to be the means of activating independence in studying, initiative and curiosity of musical students. 


 creative activity, cognitive activity, musical students, self-study, teaching practice.




1. Abasov, Z. A. (1996). Rol pedagogicheskoy praktiki studentov v ikh professionalnom stanovlenii [Role of teaching practice of students in their professional development]. Saint Petersburg : SGTU [in Russian].
2. Grigorieva, M. S. (2014). Metakognivnye protsessy: ikh struktura i rol v reshenii zadach [Metacognitive processes: their structure and role in problems solution]. Filologicheskie nauki: Voprosy teorii i praktiki – Philological sciences: Issues of theory and practice, 1, 18-20. Tambov: Gramota [in Russian].
3. Mikheeva, E. N. (2002). Razvitie tvorcheskoy aktivnosti budushchego uchitelya v protsesse muzykalnogo obrazovaniya [Development of artistic activity of a future teacher in the process of music education]. Extended abstract of Candidate’s thesis. Arkhangelsk [in Russian].
4. Balakireva, E. V., Bogdanova, R. U., Dautova, O. B. (2009). Organizatsiya samostoyatelnoy raboty studentov po pedagogicheskim distsiplinam : uch.-metod. posobie dlya prepodavateley vysshey shkoly [Organization of independent work of students in pedagogical disciplines: methodical guidebook for university teachers]. Tryapitsyna, A. P. (Ed.). Saint Petersburg: RGPU imeni A. I. Gertsena [in Russian].
5.Radionov, V. E. (1989). Vzaimodeystvie pedagogov i starshykh shkolnikov: tekhnologiya i tvorchestvo [Interaction of teachers and senior school pupils: technology and creativity]. Leningrad: RGPU [in Russian].
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Nataliia Chernenko, O. Voronenko. Administration of a Higher Educational Institution under Modern Conditions

(2016) Science and education, 4, 25-29. Odessa.

Nataliia Chernenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical sciences), associate professor,
Department of Administration of Educational Institutions and Civil Service,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
71, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine,
Oleksandr Voronenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical sciences), the head specialist of the Department of Science Development at High-
er Educational Institutions of the Department of Scientific and Technical Development,
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
Senior lecturer, Department of Pedagogical Creativity,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
9, Pirohova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with the necessity of administration of a higher educational institution on the basis of risk-management. The review of scientific literature in the fields of pedagogy, administration and economics has shown that most domestic scholars consider the phenomena of risk-management and risk administration as synonyms. Risk-management is not a direct administration of risks, it is administration of an educational institution regarding all possible risks. It is one of the directions of modern management, dealing with the issues of risk-management in educational institution’s activities. The following advantages of risk-management have been distinguished: it is the basis for the increasing of the efficiency of strategic planning; improves the efficiency/performance of a higher educational institution’s activity; contributes to wider openness of authorities’ work and improves the communication; provides the authorities with the brief overview of all risks a higher educational institution faces with; contributes to the prevention of risks at an educational institution, giving education managers an efficient and consistent methodology of risks study. Modern domestic experience in the field of risk-management at educational institutions demonstrates the lack of skills in revealing risks, as well as the lack of the systemic comprehension of the bonds between different kinds of risks, insufficient understanding of the scripts of “the worst sequence of events”. It has been found that Ukrainian educational institutions do not fully use the coordination of functions between decreasing a number of risks and risk-management financing. When making strategic decisions one does not consider risk-management and do not perform an internal audit aiming at obtaining the all-round analysis of activity. 


administration, higher educational institution, risk, education managers.




1.Vasilkov, Yu. V., & Guschina, L. S. (2015). Otsenka riskov – aktualnyiy vopros sovremennoy innovatsionnoy deyatelnosti obrazovatelnykh uchrezhdeniy [Risk assessment as a relevant issue of modern innovative activity of educational institutions]. Upravlenie innovatsiyami – Innovation Management, 2(32), 34-39 [in Russian].
2.Mostenska, T. L., & Skopenko, N. S. (2010). Ryzyk-menedzhment yak instrument upravlinnya hospodarskym ryzykom pidpryyemstva [Riskmanagement as a method of economic risk administration of an enterprise]. Ekonomichni nauky – Economic sciences, 3, 72-79. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].
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