Oleksandra Herkerova. Cultural Map of Europe in the View of the Students of Foreign Languages Faculty

(2016) Science and education, 4, 30-38. Odessa.

Oleksandra Herkerova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Germanic Philology and Methods of Foreign Languages Teaching,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
34, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The problem of intercultural communication, mutual understanding, tolerance between the representatives of different ethnoses and cultures is one of the topical issues nowadays. Every nation has a set of stereotypical ideas of culture, traditions, national characters, norms and rules of behavior of other nations. Such ethnical stereotypes are one of the main constituents of the cultural world view. The research is aimed at studying the peculiarities of the perception of the concepts associated with European countries by the students of the foreign languages faculty. The experiment was carried out on the basis of questionnaire method of information acceptance. We asked the students to fill in the blank that contained the names of European countries with the associations with these countries: notions connected with literature, music and other kin ds of arts, cookery, historical events and personalities, geography, monuments, architecture, national character, national symbols, education, etc. The results of the experiment have shown that most of the associations are connected with such countries as Ukraine (137), Great Britain (134), Russian Federation (119), France (109), Greece (94), the least in number were associations with Liechtenstein (13), San Marino (15), Slovenia (16), Macedonia (19), Montenegro (19). All the associations educed were divided into four groups: national character, cookery, geographical names and places of interest, personalities (poets and writers, composers, artists, monarchs and political leaders, actors, singers, sportsmen and also literary and mythological characters). The data analysis makes it possible to summarize the obtained results: - the series of European countries such as Andorra, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia are almost unknown in the cultural aspect; - kindness, friendliness, amiability, cordiality as the traits of national character of such countries inhabitants as Belarus, Germany, Lithuania, Moldova, San Marino, Ukraine were pointed out; - most of cookery associations were connected with such countries as Moldova (12), Italy (11), France (11), Ukraine (10), Hungary (8), Spain (8); - most of associations with personalities were connected with Great Britain (25), Ukraine (17), France (13), Greece (9), and Germany (8). The results of the research can be used when teaching the subject “Country Studies” in order to introduce cultural characteristic of English-speaking countries as well as in the process of studying the topic “Language and Culture” as part of the subject “Specialty Introductory Course” by students of Foreign Languages Faculty. The prospects of the further research involve regular carrying out of this experiment and comparison of the obtained results in the diachronical aspect. 


ethnical stereotype, autostereotype, heterostereotype, cultural worldview.




1. Azimov, Ye. G. & Shchukin, A. N. (2009). Novyi slovar metodicheskikh terminov i ponyatiy (teoriya i praktika obucheniya yazykam) [New dictionary of methodological terms and notions (theory and practice of language teaching)]. Moscow: «Ikar» [in Russian].
2. Koptyakova, Ye. Ye. (2008). Germaniya v natsionalnykh stereotipakh russkikh i amerikantsev [Germany in national stereotypes of the Russians and the Americans]. Politicheskaya lingvistika – Political linguistics, 1(24), 129-132 [in Russian].
3. Krasnykh, V. V. (2002). Etnopsikhologiya i cultural linguistics: Kurs lektsiy [Ethnopsychology and cultural linguistics: series of lectures]. Moscow: Gnosis [in Russian].
4. Maslova, V. A. Lingvokulturologiya [Cultural linguistics]. Moscow: Akademiya [in Russian].
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Serhii Cherniak. Emergence and Development of Education in the World Civilization

(2016) Science and education, 4, 39-47. Odessa.

Serhii Cherniak,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
head of the Department of Legislative Proposals and Problems of Culture Financing,
Ukrainian Centre for Cultural Studies,
21, I. Mazepy Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with the emergence and development of education in the world civilization. The author focuses on the fact that the need for education of children and young people originates from the primitive society. At the stage of the early matriarchy education was associated with the performance of everyday duties and was not allocated as particular social activities. The evolution of material relations between primitive people is considered to be an essential factor of the formation of education as a special kind of activities. At the stage of patriarchy education was considered as a form of social activities. Some literary compositions of Ancient East have been reviewed in the paper. It was concluded that family education was not enough to transfer the necessary system of knowledge and social experience. Besides, the systems of education at first schools of East (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Iran, India, China) have been described. Special attention is paid to the development of education in the ancient world. The most popular educational systems of Ancient Greece were Athenian and Spartan ones. The Athenian educational system is regarded as an ancestor of high spiritual culture, the formation of a harmonious person, whose main qualities were spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection. The Spartan educational system was based on the physical training, hardening, formation of the strength of mind, craft, and discipline. Besides, the educational system and the pedagogical heritage of the Rome Empire have been reviewed in the article. It has been concluded that the Roman educational system was a great example of social education aimed at preparing public characters. In addition, some educational ideas of Ancient Rus have been revealed and described.  


education, education systems, world civilization.




1. Ganelin, Sh. I., Golant, E. Y. (1941). Istoriya pedagogiky: [posib.] [History of education: a guide]. Kyiv: Radianska shkola [in Ukrainian].
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Bozhena Bukhovets. Efficiency of Bobath Correctional Remedial Exercises for Preschoolers with Cerebral Palsy Considering their Gender Peculiarities

(2016) Science and education, 4, 47-54. Odessa.

Bozhena Bukhovets,
post-graduate student, Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education,
Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of the efficiency of applying Bobath therapy as the main method of the correction of psycho-physical state of preschoolers with central nervous system damages considering their gender. In order to assess the efficiency of the correctional remedial exercises the adapted scale “Testing motor skills of children aged from 3 months to the lawful age” was used. It helped to estimate the stages of psychomotor development of preschoolers. Due to its flexibility, accessibility and informative value it became possible to assess the effectiveness of the Bobath therapy for the correction of the psychophysical state of the above mentioned children. The experiment was based on the estimation of the basic motor skills in certain positions at the beginning and the dynamics of their formation at the end of the course of Bobath correctional remedial gymnastics. Positive results in the formation of motor skills in the initial position standing on all fours of both boys and girls have been observed. It confirms the effective influence of the proposed method on the back muscles, upper and lower limbs. It should be stated that all the examined motor skills have improved, however, the deterioration in the formation of some complex skills (walking, lifting a leg) because of the rapid improvement of performing more simple exercises (sitting, kneestanding) has been noted. Considering the research results it should be emphasized that Bobath correctional remedial gymnastics contributes to successive formation of locomotor system functions of preschoolers with central nervous system damage.  


psychomotor development, preschoolers, the Bobath method, central nervous system, remedial gymnastics.




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Olesia Shafran (Korop). Activity Progress of Preschool Educational Institutions on the Formation of the Listening Comprehension Skills in Senior Preschoolers

(2016) Science and education, 4, 54-59. Odessa.

Olesia Shafran (Korop),
post-graduate student, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Preschool Education,
Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi State Pedagogical University named after Hryhoriy Skovoroda,
30, Sukhomlynskyi Str., Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine



The article is aimed at revealing the real activity progress of preschool educational institutions on the formation of listening comprehension skills in senior preschoolers. The following methods were used: survey of pedagogues; monitoring of the educational process in kindergartens; study and review of the curricula; review of the content of child readers in kindergartens. Questioning of pedagogues has shown that most of them realize the importance of the researched issue for the development of preschool children’s speech. However, they have not enough knowledge about the phenomenon of “listening comprehension”, peculiarities of the formation of listening comprehension skills in preschoolers (pedagogical conditions, methods and techniques, forms and means of speech and developing work with children), criteria and indicators of the levels of the development of these skills. They do not have enough knowledge about what kind of listening skills and abilities should be formed in preschoolers. Therefore, we believe that teaching staff need theoretical and practical knowledge on the formation of listening comprehension skills in preschoolers during the educational process. The monitoring of the educational process has shown that during language development lessons of senior preschoolers the teachers focus their attention primarily on the development of their speaking skills (different kinds and types of stories, retelling, inventing stories, etc.). The review of the content of child readers has shown that they have no specific tasks (comments, questions) aimed at the development of listening comprehension skills in preschoolers. The carried out research has shown that that preschool educational institutions do not provide purposeful educational work focused on the development of listening comprehension skills in senior preschoolers.   


listening, listening skills and abilities, speech perception, understanding of speech, speech activity.




1. Bohush, A. M., Havrish, N. V. (2007). Doshkilna linhvodydaktyka: teoriia i metodyka navchannia ditey ridnoi movy [Preschool linguodidactics: Theory and methods of teaching native language to children]. Bogush, A. M. (Ed.). Kyiv: Vyshcha shkola [in Ukrainian].
2. Kalmykova, L.O. (2008). Psykholohiia formuvannia movlennevoi diialnosti u ditey doshkilnoho viku [Psychology of speech activity formation in preschoolers]. Kyiv: Feniks [in Ukrainian].
3. Krutiy, K. L. (2014). Rozvytok pochuttia movy u ditey zasobamy shtuchnykh tekstiv (na materiali lingvistichnoyi kazki L.S. Petrushevskoyi) [The development of the sense of language in children using artificial texts (based on linguistic tales L.S. Petrushevskoy)]. Psyholinhvistyka – Psycholinguistics, 15, 215-226 [in Ukrainian].
4. Kharchenko, N.V. (2015). Development in Preschoolers of Skills in Listening and Producing Expressionconsiderations. Psycholinguistics, 17, 143-155 [in English].

Vitaliy Khimakov. Functional Profile of the Neuromuscular Apparatus of Qualified Track and Field Athletes

(2016) Science and education, 4, 193-198. Odessa.

Vitaliy Khimakov,
lecturer, Department of Physical Education and Sports,
Gomel State University named after F. Skorina,
104, Sovetskaya Str., Gomel, Belarus



The paper is devoted to studying elastic and viscous properties of skeletal muscles of qualified throwers during pre-contest period. Modern sports training of track and field athletes is characterized by significant increase in the volume of high-intensity loads due to increased sports competing in various competitions. When planning training loads, a trainer, as a rule, relies on his/her own experience and intuition, and also empirical data obtained as a result of the analysis of training top-qualification athletes. Absence of the data containing dynamics of biometric indicators reflecting functional and morpho-functional properties of an athlete’s body systems considerably complicates the process of planning training loads. A great number of researches confirm the fact that biomechanical properties of skeleton muscles reflect their functional state, which is changed under the impact of physical exercise. Thus, it is obvious that conducting special research aimed at discovering common factors of the impact of physical exercises on the functional state of skeleton muscles remains pertinent for track and field throwing. The study was carried out throughout full-year cycle of training, top-qualified track and field athletes participated in it. The measurements were taken separately for left and right biceps, triceps, quadriceps of the arm and calf muscles. Three core indicators were taken into account: vibration frequency (characterizes muscle tension), decrement (characterizes muscle elasticity, i.e. the ability to restore its initial form after muscle contraction), stiffness (characterizes the ability of a muscle to resist form changes under the impact of external forces – muscle force potential). The results obtained provide trainers (educators) with the opportunity to assess the amount and orientation of the impact of physical exercise on limiting functional systems of track and field throwers, which will facilitate individualization and improvement of the processes of modelling micro-, meso-, and macrocycles. It will form the basis for targeted improvement of physical fitness and its implementation in major competitions.   


training process, neuromuscular apparatus, functional state, top-qualification athletes.




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