Tetiana Dehtiarenko, Natalia Pavlova. Relevance of Interdisciplinary and Neuropsychological Approaches to Diagnostics of Severe Speech Disorders in Young Children.

(2016) Science and education, 8, 30-37. Odessa.

Tetiana Dehtiarenko,
Doctor of Medicine, professor, Department of Biology and Health Care,
Natalia Pavlova,
post-graduate student, Department of Biology and Health Care,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The implementation of interdisciplinary and neuropsychological approaches with account of individual peculiari￾ties of encephalic asymmetry (EA) makes it possible to determine a valid logopedic diagnosis and to develop pathoge￾netically targeted measures for psycho-pedagogical correction aimed at speech activity initiation in children with severe speech disorders (SSD). The concept of “neurological speech therapy” is defined by us as neurophysiological develop￾mental mechanisms in case of SSD in terms of neuro-ontogeny pathology and speech development disorder aimed at identifying pathogenetically targeted direction of logopedic correctional intervention. Determining a valid logopedic diagnosis in case of SSD is impossible without implementing modern examination techniques into speech therapy. For this reason, specialists who conduct correctional work with children having organic lesion of the central nervous system and verbal functions disorders should consider the data concerning the peculiarities of the individual profile of EA and can be qualified as neuro-speech therapists. Neurologopedic approach to severe speech disorders diagnostics in young children provides an opportunity to abstract from negative trends of classical speech therapy, such as shift in priorities of special education teachers towards coping with phonetic and phonemic as well as lexical and grammatical disorders, which limits the range of techniques of diagnostic and therapeutic processes in speech therapy with speech impaired children of preschool age. The developed method of comprehensive neurologopedic diagnostics of severe speech disor￾ders in preschool children includes assessment of children’s verbal status and at the same time instrumental neurophysiological examination aimed at objective evaluation of disorders of perception of acoustic signal’s sensor component. According to the proposed new method of neurologopedic diagnostics of SSD, velocity of conducting auditory infor￾mation in the structures of the central nervous system in children is estimated, and in case there are three or more ab￾normal changes in the structure of the sensor component of speech perception and the latent time of the 4th peak of brainstem auditory evoked potential is 0.18 ms longer, severe speech disorders are diagnosed. 


neuropsychology, severe speech disorders, preliminary diagnostics.




1. Degtyarenko, T. V. (2011). Psikhofiziologiya ranne￾go ontogeneza [Psychophysiology of early ontogenesis]. Kyiv: UAYP «Rada» [in Russian].
2. Degtyarenko, T. V. (2011). Psikhofiziologicheskaya paradigma v reshenii aktualnykh problem rekreatsionnoy psikhologii [Psychophysiological paradigm in solving topical problems of recreational psychology]. Nauka i osvita – Sci￾ence and education, 11, 42-46 [in Russian].
3. Dehtiarenko, T. V. (2014). Mizhdystsyplinarnyi ta neiroontohenetychnyi pidkhody do psykholoho￾pedahohichnoho suprovodu ditey z dyzontohenetychnym syndromom rozvytku [Interdisciplinary and neurogenetical approaches to psycho-pedagogical support of children with a dysontogenetic development syndrome]. Intehratsiia u nauky i praktyky v umovakh modernizatsii korektsiinoi osvity Ukrayiny – Integration into science and practice under con￾ditions of modernization of correctional education in Ukraine: Proceedings of the All-Ukraine research and prac￾tice conference. (pp. 57-67). Kherson [in Ukrainian].
4. Dehtiarenko, T. V. (2012). Stanovlennya mizhpiv￾kulevoi vzaiemodii v ontohenezi vyshchykh psykhichnykh funktsii dytyny ta znachennia ii otsinky dlia diahnostyky porushen intelektualnoho rozvytku [The formation of cere￾bral hemispheres interaction in ontogeny of higher mental functions of a child and the importance of its evaluation for the diagnostics of intellectual development disorders]. Nauka i osvita – Science and education, 6, 63-67 [in Ukrainian].
5. Dehtiarenko, T. V. (2012). Rol epihenomnykh faktoriv v patohenezi prenatalnoho urazhennia spetsializovanykh sys￾tem mozku [Epigenetic factors’ influence on pathogenesis of prenatal lesions of specialized brain system]. Medobory-2006: zbirnyk naukovykh prats Kamianets-Podilskoho universytetu imeni Ivana Ohiienka – Medobory-2006: collection of scien￾tific papers of Kamianets-Podilskyi University named after Ivan Ohiienko. (Vols. 1). (pp. 69-77) [in Ukrainian].
6. Dehtiarenko, T. V., Kovylina, V. H. (2013). Kom￾pleksne psykhofiziolohichne obstezhennya ditei z naslidkamy perynatalnoho urazhennia mozku [Psychophysi￾ological comprehensive survey of children with perinatal brain injury consequences]. Nauka i osvita – Science and education, 4, 112-115. [in Ukrainian].
7. Dehtiarenko, T. V., Pavlova, N. V. (2016). Ney￾rolohopedychnyy pidkhid do diahnostyky tiazhkykh porushen u ditey [Neurologopaedic approach to diagnostics of sever disorders in children]. Osoblyva dytyna: navchannya i vykhovannya – A special child: training and education, 1, 38-46 [in Ukrainian].
8. Yefimov, O. I., Yefimova V. L., Rozhkov, V. P. (2014). Narusheniye skorosti provedeniya slukhovoy infor￾matsii v strukturakh stvola mozga u detey s rasstroystvami razvitiya rechi i trudnostyami v obuchenii [Violation of the hearing information speed in the brain stem structures in children with speech development disorders and learning difficulties]. Sensornyye sistemy: nauchnyy zhurnal VAK – Sensory systems: academic journal of HAC, 3, 36-44. (Vols. 28). Moscow [in Russian].
9. Pavlova, N. V. (2016). Differentsialnaya diagnos￾tika tyazhelykh narusheniy rechi u detey mladshego dosh￾kolnogo vozrasta [Differential diagnostics of severe speech disorders in preschool age children]. Odessa: Bondarenko M. A. [in Russian].
10. Pavlova, N. V., & Degtyarenko, T. V. (2015). Ney￾rologopedicheskiy podkhod k diagnostike tyazhelykh narusheniy rechi u detey [Neurologopaedic approach to the
diagnostics of severe speech disorders in children]. Pedaho￾hichni nauky: teoriia, istoriia, innovatsiyni tekhnolohii – Pedagogіcal sciences: theory, history, innovative technolo￾gies, 6 (50), 36-145. Sumy: Vydavnytstvo Sumskoho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytety imeni A. S. Makarenka [in Russian].

Tetiana Dehtiarenko, Yana Shevtsova. Psychophysiological Paradigm Implementation for Oligophrenopedagogy.

(2016) Science and education, 8, 37-43. Odessa.

Tetiana Dehtiarenko,
Doctor of Medicine, professor, Department of Biology and Health Сare,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine,
Yana Shevtsova, assistant lecturer,
Department of Correctional Education, Kherson State University,
27, Universytetska Str., Kherson, Ukraine



Implementation of the psycho-physiological paradigm in psycho-pedagogical support for children with impaired intellectual development is the relevant and perspective research area that has practical orientation at creative adaptive methods of corrective and developmental teaching of children with psychosomatic health disorders and psychophysical development deviations. Analysis of the results obtained has shown the validity of differences between the groups of children under test with different level of intellectual development in terms of the indicators of information capacity of visual gnosis. Latent time of all the types of sensorimotor reaction in mentally retarded children is significantly longer compared to healthy children and standard value range, which demonstrates diminished character of their psychomotor qualities. The time required for doing four types of tests by the procedure of sensorimotor excitement and sensorimotor precision by children of the basic group with intellectual disorders was much longer than that of healthy children from the control group. The validity of the difference of objective parameters of encephalic asymmetry index (EAI) in chil￾dren with or without intelligence deviations has been discovered. This indicator of mental retardation in boys and girls equaled 16.12 ± 3.42 c.u. and 14.14 ± 2.72 c.u. while healthy children demonstrated EAI of 3.03 + 1.12 c.u. and 3.13 ± 1.08 c.u. correspondingly. The results obtained have made it possible to identify the peculiarities of disorders in psy￾chomotor development, perceptive and cognitive qualities in case of mental retardation, which were manifested as fol￾lows: reduction of latent time of children’s sensorimotor reactions, increase of the level of sensorimotor excitement, reduction of the level of sensorimotor precision, reduction of the level of information capacity of visual gnosis, disbal￾ance of the nervous processes and rise in encephalic asymmetry index. Implementation of appropriate methodological approaches into defectology in the course of analyzing the results of comprehensive psycho-physiological examination of primary school children with and without intelligence deviations has made it possible to identify the specificity of psychomotor functions deviations in mentally retarded children. The results of comprehensive psycho-physiological examination of primary school children with and without intelligence deviations have made it possible to develop corre￾sponding measures for correcting disorders of psychomotor, perceptive and cognitive development in primary school children with mental retardation with account of their age and gender peculiarities and specific identifying characteris￾tics of their psycho-physiological state and psychomotor system disorders. 


psychophysiology, perceptive and cognitive functions, mentally retarded younger schoolchildren, psy￾chomotor system. 




1. Dehtiarenko, T. V. (2011). Otsinka psykhomo￾tornykh yakostei dytyny za obiektyvnymy psykhofizyolo￾hichnymy parametramy [Evaluation of the child’s psy￾chomotor skills according to objective psycho￾physiological parameters]. Psykholohichni, pedahohichni ta medyko-biolohichni aspekty fizychnoho vykhovannya – Psychological, pedagogical and biomedical aspects of physical education: Proceedings of the 3rd International online conference. Odesa [in Ukrainian].
2. Dehtiarenko, T. V. (2011). Psykhofiziologiya ran￾nego ontogeneza [Psychophysiology of early ontogene￾sis]. Kyiv: UAIP «Rada» [in Russian].
3. Dehtiarenko T. V., Shevtsova, Ya. V. (2015). Di￾ahnostyka ta korektsiya psykhomotornykh porushen u rozumovo vidstalykh ditey [Diagnosis and correction of
psychomotor disorders in mentally retarded children]. Odesa: VMV [in Ukrainian].
4. Dehtiarenko, T. V., Shevtsova Ya. V. (2010). Doslidzhennia stanu psykhomotoryky v rozumovo vid￾stalykh molodshykh shkolyariv [Research on the state of psychomotor system in mentally retarded primary school children]. Naukovo-praktychnyy zhurnal Pivdennonau￾kovoho tsentru NAPN Ukrayiny. Nauka i osvita – Aca￾demic journal of the Southern centre for research of the National Academy of Educational sciences of Ukraine. Science and education, 4-5 [in Ukrainian].
5. Dehtiarenko, T. V., Shevtsova, Ya. V. (2012). Novi metody otsinky zorovoho spryinyattia ta yikh uprovadzhennia dlia diahnostyky rivnia pertseptyvno￾kohnityvnoho rozvytku ditey [New methods of estimating visual perception and their implementation for diagnostics of the level of children’s perceptual and cognitive devel￾opment]. Nauka i osvita – Science and education, 9 [in Ukrainian].
6. Rohovyk, L. (2005). Psykhomotoryka dytyny [Child’s psychomotor system]. Kyiv: Hlavnyk [in Ukrainian]. 7. Synov, V. M. (2007). Rozumova vidstalist yak pedahohichna problema [Mental retardation as a peda￾gogical problem]. Kyiv: Vydavnytstvo NPU imeni M. P. Drahomanova [in Ukrainian]

Yuliia Diachenko. Methodological Support of Organizing Recreation and Rehabilitation for Children of Senior Preschool Age with Kyphotic Posture at Educational Institutions.

(2016) Science and education, 8, 43-47. Odessa.

Yuliia Diachenko,
PhD (Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education), senior lecturer,
Department of Biomedical Bases of Physical Culture,
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko,
87, Romenskaia Str., Sumy, Ukraine



During the period of senior preschool age, the foundations of future health are formed; this period is characterized by the development of morphofunctional maturing and the formation of prominent characteristics of child’s personality. Vertebral deformity in sagittal plane is the most common pathology of musculoskeletal system among children. Atpresent, there is an objective need for substantiating preventive, recreational and rehabilitation activity at educational institutions with the aim of implementing the methods of children’s health recovery and reduction of orthopedic pathol￾ogy advance. The aim of the paper is to substantiate theoretical and methodological basis for recreational and rehabilita￾tion work with children of senior preschool age having kyphotic posture at educational institutions. At the beginning of their studies at school, 54% of children have disorders of the functional status of various body systems; in Ukraine, every fourth child has posture disorders, scoliosis is diagnosed in 6 children out of 1000. For the first time in Ukraine, compulsory preschool education for 5-year-old children is implemented, which makes it possible to affect the process of children’s growth and development. In most cases, children with orthopedic pathology need comprehensive rehabilita￾tion, however, taking regular preventive measures is the prerequisite for preventing further progression of the disease. The programme of physical rehabilitation for children with kyphotic posture should be based on preliminary anthropo￾metric and functional examinations. The main target of doing physical correctional and preventive exercises is the de￾velopment of strength endurance of extensor muscles of the trunk and the back in all the regions as well as pectoral muscles stretching. The programme should be based on compliance with the basic elements of daily living activities with the use of correctional and preventive elements in the process of doing physical exercises, morning exercises, P.T. breaks and exercises after awakening. 


children, preventative measures, physical rehabilitation, kyphotic posture, senior preschool age.




1. Nikolaieva, O. M., Polivoda, O. M., & Balashova, I. V. (2009). Deformatsii khrebta u ditei ta pidlitkiv: fizioter￾apiia [Spinal deformity in children and adolescents: physical therapy] Odesa: IzdatInform ONMA [in Ukrainian].
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3. Moiseienko, R. O. (2009). Chastota ta struktura zakhvoriuvanosti ditei v Ukraini ta shliakhy yii znyzhennia [The frequency and structure of morbidity of children in Ukraine and ways of its reducing]. Sovremennaya pediatriya – Contemporary pediatrics, 2, 10-11 [in Ukrainian].
4. Kashuba, V. O. (2010). Korektsiia porushen post￾avy doshkilniat u protsesi fizychnoho vykhovannia [Cor￾rection of posture of preschool children in physical educa￾tion]. Teoriia i metodyka fizychnoho vykhovannia i sportu – Theory and methods of physical education and sport, 2, 75-79 [in Ukrainian].
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(2016) Science and education, 8, 47-51. Odessa.

Larisa Yevtukhova,
PhD (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Zoology, Physiology and Genetics, F. Skorina Gomel State University,
104, Sovetskaya Str., Gomel, Belarus,
Anatoliy Bosenko,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences), private professor,
Head of the Department of Biology and Health Сare,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odessa, Ukraine



In the paper, the method of electrete and thermal analysis (ETA) is described and the potential for its use by stu￾dents majoring in biomedicine is substantiated. Research and methodical literature review demonstrates that the moti￾vating factor facilitating activation of students’ individual research work is its usefulness and effectiveness. For exam￾ple, examination of fellow-students’ vitally important body systems is helpful for their mastering the examination pro￾cedure as well as for appropriate analysis and interpretation of the results obtained. In this case, methods of screening diagnostics of blood, synovial fluid, urine and other bioobjects can be of interest at biomedical practical and laboratory classes. It has been proven that ETA method is informative for a number of biological objects. It provides the data on electrophysical properties of the objects under examination in the form of thermally stimulated current spectrum. Study￾ing the fundamentals and practical application of the ETA method contributes to the improvement of students’ profes￾sional competence in biomedicine. They also have an opportunity to adopt best experience in research, which increases the effectiveness of their studies. Thus, in order to provide effective educational process when studying the subjects “Human Physiology”, “Immunology”, “Cellular and Tissue Engineering”, “Biophysics”, “Methods of Bioobjects Anal￾ysis”, “Sports Physiology”, “Biological Research Methods in Physical Culture and Sports”, it is recommended to add the ETA method to the list of traditional methods studied at biomedical subjects as long as it will improve the effective￾ness of students’ practical individual work. 


method of electrete and thermal analysis, educational process, students’ research work, current spectral analysis, thermally stimulated current.




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(2016) Science and education, 8, 52-57. Odessa.

Hanna Zhara,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Biological Bases of Physical Education and Sports,
Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after T. Shevchenko,
53, Hetmana Polubotka, Chernihiv, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of teachers’ health in terms of individual health-saving competence formation. This competence is a supersystem formation, which, on the one hand, includes a series of general and subject (professional) competencies inherent in the subject area “Education”, and on the other hand, is itself a system of competences with a clear structure. Besides, there have been justified the forms and methods of teaching with the help of which the imple￾mentation of the content of future teachers’ individual health-saving competence at all stages of training in educational levels “Bachelor” and “Master” is carried out. The content of individual teachers’ health-saving competence is imple￾mented gradually in the process of educational and extracurricular work with the students during the entire period of Bachelor and Master training. The study of scientific disciplines which provide valeological education of future teach￾ers makes it possible to form the above mentioned competence when using the purposeful methodical approach. The article also presents the structure and content of educational disciplines programs which directly or indirectly form the following components of students’ individual health-saving competence: psycho-physiological, emotional and sensual, mental, interpersonal (socially conscious), collectively-creative, inter-collective (social-hierarchical) and worldview. This is facilitated by the integrated use of modern innovative forms of teaching (interactive lecture, modelling, introduc￾tion to the event, distance learning, inverted training, socio-educational training, facilitation training, and social project). In accordance with them there have been selected active and interactive teaching methods (brainstorming, simulation, role-playing games, design-projects); recovery methods (physical culture and dynamic pauses, breathing exercises, self￾massage, the analysis of “health cards”); methods of vital activity regulation (self-diagnosis of health and diseases, autogenous training, self-suggesting, physical and mental self-control, verbal self-control, visualization, emotional “re￾set” or emotional “pause”), psychotherapeutic methods (colour therapy, light therapy, music therapy, animal therapy, body and dance therapy). Implementation of specially developed means (special courses of training, teaching materials, differentiated exercises, individual psycho-valeological and psycho-systematic counselling) contributes to the process of future teachers’ individual health-saving competence formation. 


teacher’s health, individual health-saving competence, innovative forms and methods of teaching, pro￾fessional training, future teacher, Bachelor, Master.




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