Liudmyla Shuba. Theoretical and methodical bases of studying the subject “sport pedagogical perfection” at the faculty of physical culture.

(2016) Science and education, 8, 182-188. Odessa.

Liudmyla Shuba,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Physical Culture and Sports Administration,
Zaporozhye National Technical University,
64, Zhukovskoho Str., Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine 



 The article is aimed at presenting the developed technique of conducting lessons on the subject “Sport pedagogical perfection” for 17-20-year-old female students using different kinds of fitness workouts and considering their individual peculiarities, such as type of body build, level of physical fitness and somatic health. Depending on these peculiarities there have been planned the physical loads according to the type of exercises, workout intensity, the amount of repetitions, the frequency and duration of workouts, rest pauses, number and sequence of exercises. The repetitive, series and interval methods have been implemented into the development of the technique. “Sport pedagogical perfection” is one of the main subjects at the faculty of Physical Culture. It involves studying basic concepts and terms, which reveal the peculiarities of professional activities and skills of future pedagogues and coaches in the sphere of physical culture; contributes to the absorbing of theoretical and applied data in the field of teaching and coaching, the acquisition of new knowledge and skills aiming at using sport pedagogical perfection at educational institutions. The pedagogical experiment involved the following physical exercises: angled position, sitting position, push-ups, hip abduction and KrausWeber Minimum Test. The research results show the efficiency of the developed technique, which is confirmed by the increased results of doing the above mentioned physical exercises of 17-20-year-old female students. The technique can be used not only for the subject “Sport pedagogical perfection” at the faculties of Physical Culture and Sports but also “Physical Education” for all faculties and specialties at different educational institutions.


 technique, fitness workout, set of exercises, sport pedagogical perfection, female students.




 1. Boychuk, Yu. D. (2011). Valeologicheskoe znachenie fizicheskoy aktivnosti [Valeologic importance of physical activity]. Aktualnye problemy fizicheskoy kultury i sporta: sb. nauchn. Statey – Urgent issues of physical culture and sports: collection of scientific works (pp. 360-362). Cheboksary: Chuvashsk. gos. ped. un-t [in Russian].
2. Davidov, V. Yu., Shamardin, A. I., Krasnova, G. O. (2005). Novye fitness–sistemy (novye napravleniya, metodiki, oborudovanie i inventar): ucheb. posobie [New fitness-systems (new directions, methods, tools and equipment): tetxbook]. 2nd ed. rev. Volgograd: Izd-vo VolGU [in Russian].
3. Dzhonson, D. R. (2008). Oxycise. Programma dykhatelnykh uprazhneniy [Oxycise. Respiration exercises program]. Moscow: Eksmo [in Russian].
4. Dolzhenko, L. P. (2007). Fizychna pidhotovlenist i funktsionalni osoblyvosti studentiv iz riznym rivnem fizychnoho zdorovia [Physical fitness and functional peculiarities with different level of physical health]. Extended abstract of Candidate’s thesis. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
5. Ivchatova, T. V., Soboliev, Yu. L., Karpova, I. B. (2007). Samostiini zaniattia fizychnymy vpravamy: metodychni rekomendatsii dlia studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv [Self-guided physical training: methodical recommendations for higher educational institution students]. Kyiv: KNEU im. Vadyma Hetmana [in Ukrainian].
6. Serhiienko, L. P. (2001). Kompleksne testuvannia rukhovykh zdibnostei liudyny [Compex testing of human motor abilities]. Mykolaiv: UDMTU [in Ukrainian].
7. Subbota, Yu. V. (2007). Ozdorovchi rukhovi prohramy samostiinykh zaniat fizychnoiu kulturoiu i sportom: praktychnyi posibnyk [Remedial motor programs of self-guided physical training: practical]. Kyiv: KNEU [in Ukrainian].
8. Sushchenko, L. P. (2003). Profesiina pidhotovka maibutnikh fakhivtsiv fizychnoho vykhovannia ta sportu (teoretyko-metodolohichnyi aspekt) [Professional training of future professionals in the sphere of physical education and sports]. Zaporizhzhia: ZDU [in Ukrainian].

Viktoriia Shuba. Innovative pedagogical ways of the development of 16-17-year-old boys’ strength by means of wall climbing.

(2016) Science and education, 8, 176-181. Odessa.

Viktoriia Shuba,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology,
Dnipropetrovsk State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports,
10, Naberezhna Peremohy Str., Dnipro, Ukraine  



 The article deals with the developed technique of developing 16-17-year-old boys’ strength by means of wall climbing. Nowadays scholars and pedagogues studying the issues of wall climbing are interested in new methods and means of teaching and training. Wall climbing is considered to be a kind of sports and active leisure at the same time. The comparing of mountain and wall climbing shows that wall climbing is more comfortable and safe for unskilled climbers. Besides, wall climbing has the following advantages: a great number of different routes, high level of safety, convenient location. Climbing is not only an interesting activity for children, but also a health-promoting kind of sports, because it smoothly develops all types of muscles, strengthens bands, develops spatial thinking, improves movements and reaction.  The structure of stages, methods, principles and forms of extracurricular lessons organization on the basis of wall climbing has been presented in the paper. The study involved 32 boys divided into control and experimental groups. The following methods have been used: the review of the scientific literature, questioning of 16-17-year-old boys, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical testing (chinup, hanging, wrist flexion, wrist dynamometry, etc.), methods of mathematical statistics. The technique involves a set of exercises using a climbing wall performed by the surveyed during the extracurricular time. The results of the experiment have confirmed the efficiency of the developed technique aimed at the development of 16-17-year-old boys’ strength.


 sport climbing, senior school, physical education, strength, motivation, preparedness




 1.Vlasiuk, O. O. (2011). Rozvytok fizychnykh yakostei ditei 11-13 rokiv na urokakh fizychnoi kultury zasobamy skelelazinnia [Development of physical qualities of children aged from 11 to 13 at Physical culture lessons by means of sport climbing]. Moloda sportyvna nauka Ukrainy: zb. nauk. pr. z haluzi fiz. vykhovannia, sportu i zdorovia liudyny – Young sport science of Ukraine: collection of scientific works in the field of physical culture, sports and human health, (2 Vol.), 15, 32-37. Prystupa, Ye. (Ed.). Lviv [in Ukrainian].
2.Zaniuk, S. S. (2002). Psykholohiia motyvatsii: navchalnyi posibnyk [Psychology of motivation: tetxbook]. Kyiv: Lybid [in Ukrainian].
3.Zemtsova, I. I., Vekla, P. P. (2013). Fiziolohichni aspekty sportyvnoho skelelazinnia [Physiological aspects of sport climbing]. Moloda sportyvna nauka Ukrainy – Young sport science of Ukraine, 3, 132-136. Lviv [in Ukrainian].
4.Kuramshin, Yu. F. (2007). Teoriia i metodyka fizychnoi kultury: pidruchnyk [Theory and methods of physical culture: textbook]. 3 rd ed. Moscow: Radianskyi sport [in Ukrainian].
5.Novykov, M. T. (2000). Osnovy tekhniky skelelazinnia na spetsialnykh stendakh (trenazherakh). Navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk [Bases of sport climbing technique using special smulators: textbook]. Moscow: SPbDU [in Ukrainian].
6.Repko, E. A. (2013). Metodicheskie osnovy skorostno-silovoy podgotovki skalolazov [Methodical bases of speed and power training of sport climbers]. Visnyk Chernihivskoho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu im. T. H. Shevchenka – Bulletin of T. H. Shevchenko Chernihiv state pedagogical university named, 3, 200-206. Chernihiv [in Ukrainian].
7.Shulha, O. (2010). Fizychna pidhotovlenist sportsmeniv 14-15 rokiv, yaki spetsializuiutsia v shvydkisnomu lazinni [Physical fitness of 14-15-year-old sportsmen majoring in sport climbing]. Aktualni problemy fizychnoi kultury i sportu – Urgent issues of physical culture and sports, 18 (2), 30-35 [in Ukrainian].
8.Grant, S., Hasler, T., Davies, C. (2001). A comparison of the anthropometric, strength, endurance and flexibility characteristics of female elite and recreational climbersand nonclimbers, (pp. 499-505). J. SportsSci [in English].
9.Mermier, C. M., Janot, J. M., Parker, D. L. (2000). Physiological and anthropometric determinants of sport climbing performance, (pp. 359-365). Br. J. SportsMed [in English].

Mykhailo Khoroshukha, Liudmyla Levytska, Olena Omelchuk. Quick test of assessing somatic health of people with musculoskeletal disorders.

(2016) Science and education, 8, 169-175. Odessa.

Mykhailo Khoroshukha,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences), Doctor of Pedagogy,
associate professor, private professor,
Liudmyla Levytska,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences), associate professor,
Olena Omelchuk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
Pirohova str. 9, Kyiv, Ukraine



 The article deals with the issue of assessing the level of physical health of people with musculoskeletal disorders. The formalized scale of rapid assessment of somatic health of the above mentioned people developed by the author has been presented and described in the paper. It has no analogues in the CIS countries and far abroad. The closest analogue of this test is the express method of the quantitation of the somatic health level according to the reserves of bioenergetics of healthy people of all ages developed by G. Apanasenko in 1992. The research aiming at determining the efficiency of the quick test of assessing somatic health of people with musculoskeletal disorders involved 800 persons (men and women) at the age from 18 to 35 years: 460 students of the University «Ukraine», 146 students of Brovary College, 27 members of Brovary natural human healing city club, 57 workers, as well as 3 patients with musculoskeletal disorders. As the result of the research some positive changes in the dynamics of indices of physical health of this category of people have been detected. It has been proved that this method is reasonable for using during mass preventive examinations of people with musculoskeletal disorders.


 health, assessment, musculoskeletal disorders, students, adults.




 1.Apanasenko, G. (2000). «Sport dlya vsekh» i novaya fenomenologiya zdorovya [“Sport for everybody” and new phenomenology of health]. Nauka v olimpiyskom sporte: spetsialnyy vypusk – Science in Olympic sports. (pp. 36-40) [in Russian].
2.Apanasenko, G. L. (2007). Kniga o zdorovie [Book about health]. Kiev: Medkniga [in Russian].
3.Krutsevych, T. Yu., Vorobiov, M. I., Bezverkhnia, H. V. (2011). Kontrol u fizychnomu vykhovanni ditei, pidlitkiv i molodi: navch. posib. [Control in the physical education of children, adolescents and young people]. Kyiv: Olimpiiska literatura [in Ukrainian].
4.Khoroshukha M. F. (2006). Ekspres-otsinka rivnia somatychnoho zdorovia osib iz porushenniam opornorukhovoho aparatu [Express assessment of the level of somatic health of persons with diseases of the musculoskeletal system]. Sportyvna medytsyna – Sporting medicine, 2, 146-152 [in Ukrainian].
5.Khoroshukha, M. F. & Pryimakov, O. O. (2009). Sportyvna medytsyna [Sporting medicine]. Kyiv: M. Dragomanov National pedagogical university [in Ukrainian].
6.Khoroshukha, M. F. (2010). Pro chynnyky, shcho unemozhlyvliuiut vykorystannia ekspres-metodu kilkisnoi otsinky rivnia somatychnoho zdorovia sportsmeniv-pidlitkiv za rezervamy bioenerhetyky [About the factors that make it impossible to use the express method for quantitative assessment of the level of somatic health of young athletes of adolescence on reserves of bioenergetics]. Naukovyi chasopys Natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni M. P. Drahomanova. Seriia # 15. «Naukovo-pedahohichni problemy fizychnoi kultury (fizychna kultura i sport)»: zb. nauk. pr. – The scientific journal of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series number 15. «Scientificpedagogical problems of Physical Education (physical training and sports)»: collection of scientific works, 6, 327-330. Kyiv: M. Dragomanov National pedagogical university [in Ukrainian].
7.Khoroshukha, M. F. (2014). Osnovy zdorovia yunykh sportsmeniv: monohrafiia [Basics of health of young athletes]. Kyiv: National University of life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
8.Gieck, D. J., Olsen, S. (2007). Holistic Wellness as a Means to Developing a Lifestyle Approach to Health Behavior Among College Students. Journal of American College Health, 1(56), 29-36 [in English].
9.Juvva, S., Newhill, C. E. (2011). Rehabilitation Contexts: A Holistic Approach. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 2(21), 179-195. [in English].

Olha Skyba. Role of educational process orientation at young athletes’ adaptive capacity at youth sports schools.

(2016) Science and education, 8, 163-169. Odessa.

Olha Skyba,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Biomedical Bases of Physical Culture,
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko,
87, Romenska Str., Sumy, Ukraine



 The issue of health preservation and promotion in the younger generation is considered as a factor of the state’s national safety, and it still remains a high-priority task in the social programme for society development. It is also known that contemporary level of sports achievements is usually associated with forced intensive physical exercise, which does not correspond to age-specific developmental peculiarities of functional capacity of children’s body, so the risk of somatic pathology increases. Prenosological approach to the evaluation of health state provides an opportunity to examine larger groups of children, to create databases with corresponding indicators (morphofunctional, psychological, psycho-physiological, etc.), which makes it possible to observe their changes under the influence of environmental factors, including physical exercise. Creating an efficient control system is the way to preserve younger generation’s health. The paper is aimed at identifying physiological and hygienic aspects of premorbid states in young athletes under conditions of different orientation of the training process. The following research methods were used: anthropometric, functional, mathematical and statistical. Under the influence of specific physical exercise, the increasing number of children with satisfactory adaptation was observed –4.36±1.01% compared to the initial values (p<0.05). The results of evaluation of child’s body adaptive capacity depending on the kind of sports demonstrates significant increase in the number of young athletes with satisfactory adaptation only among those ones who are engaged in cyclic sports (+5.23±1.10%, p<0.05). Similar changes were observed for the indicators of physical capacity, which are characterized by increased number of children engaged in cyclic sports with high level of it at the end of the year (+6.51±1.22%, p<0.001). It has been determined that the representatives of combat and complex coordination sports were characterized by the greatest number of cases of adaptation failure both at the beginning (6.02±1.18% and 4.59±1.04% correspondingly) and at the end of the academic year (7.63±1.32% and 5.26±1.11% correspondingly), which indicates regulatory systems exhaustion and inefficiency of the defense and adaptation mechanisms of a child’s body. Thus, the indicators of adaptive capacity and physical performance determine the efficiency of the young athletes’ training activities in various kinds of sports, as long as they serve as prognostic criteria for the development of functional systems maladaptation as a result of adaptive mechanisms exhaustion and disturbance, which, in its turn, prevents children from achieving top sporting results. 


 prenosological diagnostics, premorbid states, adaptive capacity, physical performance, early sports specialization, prevention, athletes. 




 1. Lesovoy, V. N. (2013). Meditsina pogranichnykh sostoyaniy: teoriya i praktika donozologicheskoy diagnostiki [Medicice of borderline states: theory and practice of prenosological diagnostics]. Naukovyi zhurnal MOZ Ukrainy – Scientific journal of Health care Ministry of Ukraine, 2 (3), 49-60 [in Russian].
2. Pyrohova, V. I., & Tsolko, O. R. (2014). Reproduktyvne zdorovia pidlitkiv: sotsialno-medychni aspekty [Reproductive health of adolescents, social and medical aspects]. Zdorovia Ukrainy – Health of Ukraine, 22 (347), 38-39 [in Ukrainian].
3. Serdiuk, A. M., Kundiiev, Y. I., Nahorna, A. M. et al. (2012). Stratehiia rozvytku profilaktyky v okhoroni zdorovia v Ukraini [The development strategy for prevention in health care in Ukraine]. Zhurnal NAMN Ukrainy – Journal of NAMS of Ukraine, 18, 3, 358-371 [in Ukrainian].
4. Podryhalo, L. V., Pashkevych, S. A., & Sokol, K. M. (2012). Vykorystannia hihiienichnykh metodyk dlia vyiavlennia y prohnozuvannia donozolohichnykh staniv u shkoliariv [The use of hygienic methods for detection and prediction of prenosological states in students]. Nauka i osvita – Science and education, 4, 142-145 [in Ukrainian].
5. Bayevskiy, R. M. (1979). Prognozirovanie sostoyaniy na grani normy i patologii [Predicting the states on the verge of norm and pathology]. Moscow: Meditsina [in Russian].
6. Yefimova, N. V., Savchenkov, M. F., & Otgon, G. (2009). Gigiena detey i podrostkov: podkhody k profilaktike donozologicheskikh sostoyaniy [Hygiene of children and adolescents: approaches to prevention of prenosological states]. Sibirskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal – Siberian journal of medicine, 4, 107-110 [in Russian].
7. Kupchinov, R. I. (2015). Sovremennye vzlyady na sportivnuyu deyatelnost [Current thinking about sports activities]. Universitetskiy sport v sovremennom obrazovatelnom sotsiume – University sports in contemporary educational society: Proceedings of the International research and practice conference. (pp. 31-33). Minsk: BGUFK [in Russian].
8. Lyugaylo, S. (2014). K voprosu o professionalnom zdorovye sportsmenov: aspekty sportivnoy spetsializatsii [On the issue of professional athletes’ health: aspects of sports specialization]. Sportyvnyi vіsnik Prydnіprovya – Sports Bulletin of the Dnieper Region, 3, 167-172 [in Russian].
9. Azhippo, A. Yu., & Podrigalo, L. V. (2015). Ispolzovanie metodov donozologicheskoy diagnostiki dlya otsenki zdorovya detey, podrostkov i molodezhi [Using precnosological diagnostics for assessing the health of children, adolescents and young people]. Fіzychna kultura, sport ta zdorovia – Physical education, sports and health: Proceedings of the XV International research and practice conference. (pp. 190-192). Kharkov: HSAFK [in Russian].
10. Danylenko, H. M., & Podryhalo, L. V. (2012). Doslidzhennia stupenia napruhy rehuliatornykh mekhanizmiv u donozolohichnii diahnostytsi zdorovia ditei, pidlitkiv i molodi [Research of the degree of strain of regulatory mechanisms in prenosological diagnosing of health in children, adolescents and youth]. Dovkillia i zdorovia – Environment and health, 1 (60), 53-56 [in Ukrainian].
11. Kvashnina, L. V., Polka, N. S. & Kalynychenko, I. O. (2010). Otsinka adaptatsiinykh i funktsionalno-rezervnykh mozhlyvostei orhanizmu ditei shkilnoho viku [Evaluation of adaptive and functional reserve capacity in children of school age]. Kyiv: Naukovyi svit [in Ukrainian].
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13. Galeyev, A. R., Igisheva, L. N., & Kazin, Ye. M. (2002). Variabelnost serdechnogo ritma u zdorovykh detey v vozraste 6-16 let [Heart rate variability in healthy children aged 6-16 years old]. Vіsnik Kharkіvskoho natsіonalnoho unіversitetu іmenі V. N. Karazіna. Serіya “Meditsina” – Bulletin of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series “Medicine”, 3 (545), 35-40 [in Russian].

Sytnyk O. A., Recreation therapist’s contribution to the formation of health-saving educational environment.

(2016) Science and education, 8, 158-162. Odessa.

Olha Sytnyk,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Physical Rehabilitation,
Sumy State University,
2, Rymsky-Korsakov Str., Sumy, Ukraine



 People’s health is considered to be the main value for any state. The educational system should be a powerful source for the development of a healthy nation, but unfortunately according to the Medical Statistics Centre data Ukrainian school students’ health is critically poor. That is why the primary task of modern science and education is the development of new health-saving technologies and the perfection of existing ones. In order to improve the situation some researchers suggest taking different pedagogical, psychological, health-improving and medical measures. In this aspect highly-qualified workers, among which a recreation therapist is one of the most important ones, are necessary. The article is aimed at proving the importance of a recreation therapist in the process of health-saving educational environment formation. In the target social program “Healthy Nation” the state provides the improvement of the system of training future recreational therapists by pedagogical and medical universities. A recreational therapist can provide the examination determining the level of functional disorders, develop individual rehabilitation programs, provide rehabilitation treatment, evaluate its efficiency and implement the necessary changes in the developed activities. The basic means of physical rehabilitation are remedial gymnastics, massage, physiotherapy, etc. All these means should be actively implemented in the health-saving educational environment of an educational institution. A recreation therapist working for an educational institution develops methods for using physical exercises in case of locomotor, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, sensory or nervous systems disorders, teaches students how to do self-massage, consult students and organizes recreational campaigns. These activities contribute to the formation of the culture of healthy living and create conditions for the development of a healthy nation.


 physical rehabilitation, recreation therapist, physiotherapy, health-saving, rehabilitation programs, educational institution. 




 1.Yezhova, O. O. (2007). Zdoroviazberihaiucha diialnist v osvitnikh zakladakh [Health-saving activities at educational institutions]. Pedahohichni nauky. Osvitni innovatsii: filosofiia, psykholohiia, pedahohika - Pedagogical sciences. Educational innovation: philosophy, psychology, pedagogics, 1, 61-66 [in Ukrainian].
2.Lukianova, O. M. (2005). Problemy zdorovia zdorovoi dytyny ta naukovi aspekty profilaktyky yoho porushen [Problems of health of a healthy child and scientific aspects of the preventive measures of health deterioration]. Mystetstvo likuvannia – Art of the treatment, 2 (18) [in Ukrainian].
3.Gumenna, O. A., & Yezhova, O. O. (2003). Ozdorovlennia ditei molodshoho shkilnoho viku v umovakh zahalnoosvitnikh navchalno-vykhovnykh zakladiv: Metodychni rekomendatsii [Junior school pupils’ health improvement in terms of schools: Methodical recommendations]. Sumy: SumDPU [in Ukrainian].
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