Tetiana Pilhuk. Psychological Conditions of Young Teachers’ Creative Process Running

(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 40-44. Odessa.

Tetiana Pilhuk,
post-graduate student, Department of General, Age and Practical Psychology,
Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University,
2, Ostrohradskoho Str., Poltava, Ukraine 



 The article examines the psychological conditions of teachers-beginners’ creative process running. The content of the issue of the development of teacher’s creativity at a high creative level has been determined. There have been also reviewed some researches of scientists working on problems of the development of personality creativity in the educational environment. It has been noted that finding out of the conditions of effective professional activity for teachersbeginners is one of the most relevant issues. The following main psychological conditions of young teachers’ creative process running have been considered in the article: teachers’ willingness to be creative, reflexive attitude of a teacher towards pedagogical activity; self-realization, pedagogical activity. Recently the issue of creativity has been the subject of researches of many specialists in various fields of Psychology. The works of scientists studying the psychological mechanisms of creativity (L. Vygotsky, N. Guzii, V. Eliseev, I. Kogan, V. Moliako, Ya. Ponomarev, S. Rubinstein and others) have been reviewed. The problems of young teachers’ creativity in the psychological and pedagogical aspects have been described. It has been stated that the creative process involves going beyond that is directly deduced from the existing theoretical claims and concrete experience. Besides, the results of the survey concerning the issue of creativity have been presented, in which 120 teachers of secondary schools of Poltava and Poltava region have taken part. As a result of the survey it has been found that a large number of respondents believe that the basis of the creative process is empathy, creativity, self-dependence, and perseverance.


 creativity, creative process, beginning teacher, development, psychological conditions, professional becoming, professional activity.




1. Basin, E. Ya. (1987). Tvorchestvo i empatiya [Creativity and empathy]. Voprosy filosofii – The issues of philosophy, 2, 54-66 [in Russian].
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3. Kapinus, N. (2008). Hotovnist uchyteliv do pedahohichnoi tvorchosti [The readiness of teachers for pedagogical creativity]. Retrieved from: http://osvita.ua/school/theory/1936/ [in Ukrainian].
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Tsarkova O. V., Prokofieva O. O., Prokofieva O. A. The study of emotional burnout in students-psychologists and professional psychologists

(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 44-49. Odessa.

Olha Tsarkova,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor, Department of Psychology,
Olesia Prokofieva,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor, Department of Psychology,
Olha Prokofieva,
senior lecturer, Department of Human and Animal Anatomy and Physiology,
Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi,
20, Lenina Str., Melitipol, Ukraine, 



 The paper presents the results of the empirical study conducted with the aim of determining the level of emotional burnout among students-psychologists and professional psychologists. Harmful effect of emotional burnout syndrome on human health is described. The study has shown that 30% of professional psychologists demonstrated high level of emotional burnout and among 30% of them the level of emotional burnout was higher than average. As for studentspsychologists, 10% of them are characterized by high level of emotional burnout.


 emotional burnout syndrome, students-psychologists, professional psychologists, stress, emotional burnout symptoms.




1. Sydorov, P. Syndrom emotsiinoho vyhorannia [Emotional burnout syndrome]. Medychna hazeta – Medical journal, 43, 12-15 [in Ukrainian].
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9. Vodopyanova, N. Ye., & Starchenkova, Ye. S. (2008). Sindrom vygoraniya: diagnostika i profilaktika [Burnout syndrome: diagnostics and preventive measures]. (pp.109-113). St. Petersburg: Piter [in Russian].

Ihor Denysov. Characteristic Features of Adolescents’ Personality as Asocial Behaviour Determinants

(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 50-55. Odessa.

Ihor Denysov,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology
Melitopol state pedagogical university named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky, scientific correspondent, Laboratory of
Psychology of Personality named after P. R. Chamati,
G. S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.
20, Lenina Str., Melitopol, Ukraine  



 The article deals with the peculiarities of asocial behaviour as a kind of behaviour which contradicts the norms accepted by a society, is preconditioned by the complex of external and internal prerequisites and factors that determine the psychological characteristics of its formation and manifestation. It has been revealed that external prerequisites can affect a personality at the macro-level (social and economical problems, social values) and micro-level (mistakes of family and school education, values of referent groups). It is important to remember that deviant behaviour is characterized by the departure from the accepted norms, which can be both positive (for example, creative giftedness) and negative. Negative deviant behaviour can be divided into immoral (deeds which contradict moral standards), illegal (deeds contradict the legal rules), and criminal (when deeds contradict the norms of criminal laws). “Teaching” asocial behaviour takes place in the process of interaction with other individuals though the mastering of the techniques of asocial behaviour implementation; specific motivational orientation and justification of this kind of behaviour. The individual psychological prerequisites of asocial behaviour include peculiarities of self-consciousness, character accentuation, level of aggressiveness, features of axiological and meaningful spheres of a personality (the dominant life values). It has been proven that adolescents with asocial behaviour are characterized by a greater degree of manifestation of most character accentuations as distinct from those, whose behaviour meets social standards and who is characterized by just one of the accentuations – hypomania. It allows to state that character accentuations are an important factor of asocial behaviour and in its turn, adolescents’ awareness of their own characteristic features can be considered as a factor of preventative measures of asocial behaviour in adolescence. The further researches involve the development of complex programme of psychodiagnostics, prediction, psychological prophylaxis, as well as psychocorrection of asocial behaviour of adolescents.


 behavior, asocial behavior, asocial behavior determinants, adolescence, adolescent, adolescent’s personality, character, characteristic features of a personality.




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3. Boulbi, D. (2004). Sozdanie i razrushenie emotsionalnykh svyazey: monografiya [Creation and destruction of emotional bonds: monograph]. Moscow: Akademicheskiy proekt [in Russian].
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Olena Tyron. Psychosocial Characteristics of Sea Crews as a Background of Seafarers’ Foreign Language Competence Formation

(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 56-60. Odessa.

Olena Tyron,
post-graduate student, Department of Psychology,
Open International University of Human Development “Ukraine”,
senior lecturer of the ESP, Kyiv State Maritime Academy named after hetman Petro Konashevich- Sahaydachniy,
9, Frunze Str., Kyiv, Ukraine 



 The article gives the synthesis of existing scientific statements about socio-psychological peculiarities of life of international crews at the present stage of development of the international maritime industry. The level of training of specialists for maritime industry must meet not only the requirements of professional educational programs but the number of resolutions and requirements of international maritime organizations. It is well-known that crewing policy aims to search for cheap labor and as a result, most crews are mixed now, consisting of seven or more nationalities. In such circumstances, the ability to perceive and reproduce foreign content quickly and correctly is a factor which influences making the right decisions and ensure safety of navigation. The purpose of the article is to formulate sociopsychological characteristics of marine crews at the present stage of navigation development. We have formulated a set of provisions which determine the socio-psychological characteristics of international maritime crews, such as: 1. General specific laws of a maritime multinational crew: – communicative activity of marine crews is characterized by short contacts, which require the ability to establish friendly relationships beginning from the first days of the voyage; – intercultural interaction involves the ability to find favorable topics for conversation and to avoid those ones that may cause misunderstanding and lead to disputes and conflicts; – analysis of cognitive activity of a sailor in a multinational crew allows to assume the idea about the direction of sailors’ thinking towards risk prevention in their life and the navigation process. The following stages of formation of the crew as a social group have been determined: familiarization, discussion, normalization of relations and a stage of activities. Understanding the social and psychological characteristics of the crew at every stage of its development allows to correct seafarer’s behavior to maintain their mental health and to avoid conflict situations on board. 2. Socio-psychological characteristics of a member of the international crew as an individual: – individual psychological features of a seafarer in the international crew (the development of emotional intelligence, deprivation, the desire for self-learning and self-improvement); – the introduction of the concept of “intergenerational inter-rank communication”.


 marine crew as a social group, conditions of the life activity of a seafarer, the age structure of the international crew, the temporal characteristics of the voyage.




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Olha Sannikova, Tetiana Ulianova. Approbation Results of the Technique “Differential Diagnostics of Proneness to Conflict”

(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 61-67. Odessa.

Olha Sannikova,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
head of the Department of General and Differential Psychology,
Tetiana Ulianova,
post-graduate student, Department of General and Differential Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



The article deals with the essence of the concept of “proneness to conflict”, as well as with the structure model of proneness to conflict in terms of the continual and hierarchical personality structure. Proneness to conflict is considered as a personal property, reflecting the frequency of getting into interpersonal conflicts; the level of person’s readiness for the developing and resolving problematic situations of social interaction by means of a conflict; personal quality, determining the outbreak, dynamics and the final result of an interpersonal conflict. The set psycho-diagnostic techniques (“Express-diagnostics of subjective attitude towards conflicts”, “Express-diagnostics of indices of conflicts” and “Differential diagnostics of proneness to conflict”) aimed at studying different conflict characteristics, developed by the authors, is presented. The technique “Differential diagnostics of proneness to conflict” is focused on the diagnostics of the following components: psycho-physiological, emotional, cognitive, conative (behavioural) as well as control and regulative indices of proneness to conflict. The results of the approbation of the above mentioned technique and the factor analysis of indicators have been presented. The given technique has been tested for diagnostic value. Its validity has been proved. Besides, it has been found that the suggested set of methods and techniques can be used not only for scientific, but also practical goals helping to find the personal level of manifestation of proneness to conflict.


 proneness to conflict, qualitative indicators of proneness to conflict, factor structure, validity.




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