Anna Hilman. Empirical Study of Students’ Sanogenic Thinking

(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 5-9. Odessa.

Anna Hilman,
lecturer, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy,
National University “Ostroh Academy”,
2, Seminarskaia Str., Ostroh, Ukraine 



The article deals with the issue of sanogenic thinking diagnostics in students. Changes in the modern society, intense scientific and technological progress result in the increase of nervous tension which frequently leads to mental and nervous disorders in young people. The style of thinking in the process of perceiving, assessing and experiencing difficult life situations sometimes affects human health, promotes or hinders the success and different kinds of relationships. The peculiarities of students’ sanogenic thinking manifestation have been revealed. The experiment involving 175 students aged from 17 to 24 was conducted during 2014-2016. The experiment has shown that the students’ dominant type of thinking is pathogenic thinking, which speaks for students’ negative emotions (fear, rage, sadness) causing tension, stresses, depressions, etc. Students with the low level of mental tolerance to stresses are prone to nervous breakdowns conditioned by physical and psychic overexertions. Mental tolerance to stresses may be caused by a number of psychological and social factors. As a result of the experiment it has been revealed that the most of the surveyed students have the trigger level of mental tolerance to stresses. Sanogenic thinking is directly dependant from personal needs for achieving success and avoiding failures, the ability to be psychologically stable under unfavorable conditions, from such character traits as respect for social standards, the desire to behave according to these standards. High stress tolerance determines sanogenic thinking. The more expressed insufficient adaptability of thinking towards changing environment is, the less expressed is sanogenic thinking helping to overcome difficult situations. 


sanogenic thinking, pathogenic thinking, reflection, rigidity, stress tolerance, mental tolerance to stresses, level of life satisfaction, psychosomatic complaints, volitional self-regulation, personality type, motivation, type of emotional reaction, anxiety, life-sense orientations, psychological well-being, students.




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Tetiana Sinielnikova, Nataliia Vornik. Diagnostics and Correction of Aggressiveness of Primary Schoolchildren by Fairy Tale Therapy

(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 10-15. Odessa.

Tetiana Sinelnikova,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
Nataliia Vornik,
student, Faculty of Psychological Education,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the problem of aggressive behavior in primary school age and peculiarities of its correction by fairy tale therapy. The authors note that manifestations of aggressive behavior can be caused by many factors, including age, individual characteristics, ambient physical and social conditions. However, the decisive role in the formation of aggressive behavior of a person, according to most researchers, is played by his/her immediate social environment. Often the main cause of the aggressive behavior in children is rooted in reluctance of parents to understand its motives, indifference to emotional world of a child. Also, the article deals with psychological peculiarities of aggressive children. It has been noted that such children are characterized by inadequate self-esteem (it can be overstated or understated). Moreover, aggressive pupils tend to have more significant discord between their self-esteem and expected regard from peers. Also, the authors note that the defining feature of aggressive children is often their negative attitude towards peers. They consider other children as competitors, opponents, obstacles to be removed. The authors also note the effectiveness of the use of fairy tale therapy as a method to correct aggressiveness in primary school age. The research presented in the article involves several stages: the summative and formative assessment. Psycho-diagnostics of the group of primary school children reveal high level of aggression. Correctional work conducted by the authors, that engaged elements of fairy tale therapy substantially reduced the level of aggressiveness in all its parameters. The results of fairy tale therapy utilization in dealing with aggressive pupils attest therapeutic, developing, correctional and educational effect of a fairy tale. The authors also emphasize that the use of fairy tales in the process of education of children of primary school age is necessary because of the sensitivity and effectiveness of this method. Storytelling, creating and drawing own stories develop creative imagination. A variety of forms of work with fairy tales, as well as the diversity of meanings of the same tale creates favourable conditions for the development and implementation of activities in child educational institutions using techniques of fairy tales therapy. The further researches are aimed at the development of effective methods of correction by means of fairy tale therapy for different age categories.


aggressiveness, aggressive behavior, primary school age, psycho-diagnostics, fairy tale therapy.




1. Breslav, G. Y. (2007). Psykhologicheskaya korektsiya detskoy i podrostkovoi agressivnosti: naych. posobie dlya spetsialistov i diletantov [Psychological correction of child and adolescent aggression: guidelines for professionals and amateurs]. SaintPetersburg: Publishing House “Rech” [in Russian].
2. Zinkevich-Yevstigneeva, T. D. (2000). Praktikum po skazkoterapii [Workshop on fairy tale therapy]. SaintPetersburg.: Publishing House “Rech” [in Russian].
3. Oklender, V. (2003). Okna v mir rebenka: Rukovodstvo po detskoy psikhoterapii [The windows in the child’s world: Guidelines to Child Psychotherapy]. Moscow: Nezavisimaya firma “Class” [in Russian].
4. Osipova, A. A. (2002). Obshchaya Psikhokorrektsiya. Uchebnoye Posobiye [General psychocorrection. Workbook]. Moscow: “Sfera” [in Russian].
5. Sevastyanova, T. V. (2008). Pozbavlyayemosya vid agresii za dopomogoyu gry [Getting rig of aggression through playing]. Doshkіlne vihovannya – Preschool education, 12 , 77-80 [in Ukrainian].

Mariam Arpentieva. Multicultural Psychological Counselling: Peculiarities of Mutual Understanding

(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 16-24. Odessa.

Mariam Arpentieva,
Doctor of Psychology, associate professor, senior researcher,
Department of Developmental Psychology and Education,
Kaluga K E. Tsiolkovsky State University,
26 Boldin str., Kaluga, Russia 



 The article deals with a topical problem of cross-cultural interaction in psychological counselling and psychotherapy – its investigation will help consultants to be more accurate at all stages of interrelations with a client: understanding problems that caused disorders in the client’s life, in minimization of culturally-determined mistakes of understanding a client, problem situations in their life, etc. There is the lack of studies on the problems of cross-cultural specificity of the consultative contact in the process of professional training, that is why many consultants in real practice stay in the state of intolerance and internal “encapsulation” to the problems of cross-cultural contacts. In the situation of multicultural contact they try to be leaded by their own, usual for them criteria of evaluating the behaviour of the client who belongs to other ethnocultural group; keep behaving according to the norms of their own culture. Consequently, the purpose of the article is to analyze the ways of creating interaction of the multicultural consultative contact. The analysis of scientific researches has shown that opportunities and restrictions of multicultural counselling are connected with the measure which expresses how its subjects are ready and eager to develop inclinations to self-understanding (in particular as members of a certain ethnocultural group); to develop abilities to understand another person as a representative of human society and a concrete ethnocultural group; to understand peculiarities of the situation of interaction and making a dialogue with an interlocutor. There is a comparison of multicultural and anti-psychiatric prospects of counselling and their contribution to the development of practice of psychological help and danger of cultural encapsulation. Key statements of universal (transcultural) and focused (alternative) approaches in multicultural counselling, their opportunities and limitations have been examined. In the productive counselling there is a process of harmonization of different aspects of relations, an internal congruence of stereotypes (ways) of understanding oneself and others, a large outer harmony: models of communication, schemes and strategies of understanding, values of communication, polyethnic interaction. Encapsulation within a particular ethnic, professional, confessional and other culture leads to the dependence of the consultant from his/her own definitions, models of communication, techniques, values, to a low tolerance for unusual and unclear situations that happen in relations with clients: ethno-cultural, confessional and professional and other groups.


 multicultural counselling, cross-cultural interaction, mutual understanding, cultural encapsulation.




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Iryna Pyvovarchyk. Transformation of the Ability to Care about other People in Training Students-Psychologists

(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 25-33. Odessa.

Iryna Pyvovarchyk,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



 The paper focuses on the analysis of transformation of the ability to care about other people in training studentspsychologists at the faculty of psychology. The concept of „care‟ as an integral personal attribute of studentspsychologists which reflects their readiness for work and influences its effectiveness has been defined. The psychological content of care about other people has been analyzed. The idea of care peculiarities existing in academic literature has been discovered. The structure of this phenomenon includes the following components: emotional and volitional (person‟s feelings for people he/she cares about, his/her attitude towards the process and result of care and towards him/herself as a subject of care, conation), communicative and behavioural (acts, deeds, verbal and non-verbal behaviour directed at human welfare) and cognitive (awareness of needs, interests, aims, emotions, behaviour, relationships, value orientations of a personality or a person in general, which is manifested in knowledge that is an integral part of convictions). A complex of appropriate methods aimed at studying the above mentioned components of care about other people have been selected and substantiated; it included express-inventory “Index of Tolerance”, Diagnostics of Personal Attitude “Altruism-Egoism” and Methodology for Diagnosing the Level of Empathic Experience. In the course of empirical study with the use of the selected methods it was determined that the integrative type of the investigated components of the ability to care about other people is confirmed in the correlation study at the levels of general indices of altruism, empathy and tolerance as well as at the level of the detailed consideration of correlation relationships between separate scales which form these indices. Among the study participants, regardless of the level of their empathy, altruism and tolerance, there is a tendency for correlation of these qualities and, in our opinion, for their integration into the ability to care about other people. Having studied statistically significant changes in manifestation of the indicators characterizing one‟s ability for care, which took place in students of 1st -3 rd year of study at the faculty of psychology, it was discovered that the students‟ attitude towards other people have become more altruistic, tolerant and empathic. Despite the fact that psychologist‟s personality is the main tool of his/her work and the ability for care is one of integral personal characteristics, one of the major professionally significant qualities of a psychologist, prospects for further research involve studying the mechanisms of forming the ability to care about other people in the course of training and their implementation.


 ability, care, empathy, tolerance, altruism, professionally important qualities, training, future psychologist.




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Svitlana Shevchenko. Psychological Peculiarities of Cognitive and Conative Component of First-Year Students’ Mental Health

(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 34-39. Odessa.

Svitlana Shevchenko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), senior lecturer, Department of Psychology,
Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky,
20, Lenina Str., Melitopol, Ukraine  



Intellectual activity of students is a complex process in terms of objectively existing contradictions, which create large emotional stress, adversely affecting their mental capacity. The article is aimed at experimental studying of the psychological characteristics of the structural components of cognitive and conative components of first-year students’ mental capacity. Differentiating scientific sources on the issue of mental capacity and its features, the authors have formulated their own point of view on the definition of the constructs of mental capacity: cognitive, emotional, personal and conative components. During the pilot study there have been examined the psychological characteristics of the cognitive (presented by the development of students’ cognitive processes) and conative components of students’ mental capacity, studied on the basis of data analysis of their academic progress by the examinations results. The results of the pilot study have revealed that the majority of students have the middle level of mental capacity development according to the cognitive and conative components. First-year students are characterized by the ability to select relevant information and disregard unnecessary one, the ability to maintain attention on a specific object for a certain period of time, without weakening it and without being distracted. The students also demonstrated the ability to use concepts, which allowed them to master successfully the various activities, especially training and mental. Besides, the average indices of intellectual activity efficiency have been diagnosed in first-year students. They, having got “excellent” and “good” marks for the examinations, demonstrating the productive performance of intellectual tasks, partially completing mental actions, are able to correct the mistakes, the number of which is insignificant, to summarize, systematize information under the guidance of a teacher. This gives an opportunity to state that students have nearly enough potential for successful acquisition of high-quality knowledge and productivity of mental activity. In spite of this, there have been also detected rather low indicators of mental capacity development according to the distinguished components. It requires the development of a system of measures for their improvement, which is considered as a prospect of the further research in this direction


 mental efficiency, cognitive component, conative component, cognitive processes, mental action.




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