Iryna Martynenko. Reflection in Communication Activity of Preschoolers With System Speech Disorders

(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 63-69. Odessa.

Iryna Martynenko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor, Doctoral candidate,
Department of Speech Disorders,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
Pyrohova Str., 9, Kyiv, Ukraine 



 The article deals with reflexive difficulties in communication activity of senior preschoolers with system speech disorders. The author reviews theoretical background for reflection studies in psychology: from the standpoint of mental processes, intrapersonal formation, multiple processes phenomenon. According to the study reflection is interpreted by the author as a precondition for effective communication, while its deficit is considered to be the cause of various communication difficulties, operational ones, in particular. It has been discovered that reflection development process continues during the preschool age and senior preschoolers show certain prerequisites of reflexivity, which can be observed in different areas of their activity. Communication activity is one of the most meaningful and productive in this regard. In childhood reflection, as personality formation, depends on the extent of ability for self-analysis, self-expression and forecasting. Experimental data analysis on the communication activity of senior preschool age children with system speech disorders of primary genesis revealed difficulties in reflection of various activities: speaking, drawing and playing. The research on reflection of senior preschool age children with system speech disorders has been carried out by the means of observation and experimental study. The conducted experiments allowed to discover the following communication reflection difficulties faced by the children: difficulties of selfanalysis and self-observation, self-expression and self-improvement, and evaluating mutual activity results on their basis. Such difficulties in communication activity cause communication barriers for interactions with adults and peers, affect the interaction results. The described research has shown that difficulties of reflection impede communication interactions, indicate insufficient development of interactive communication skills. In this regard the further development of communication activity of senior preschoolers with system speech disorders should be carried out considering peculiarities not only in their communication skills development, but also specifics of reflection as intrapersonal formation, closely related to individual identity and self-consciousness.


 reflection, communication reflection, communication activity, senior preschool age children, system speech disorders.




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Viktoriia Bilodid. Practical Recommendations on the Formation of Life Prospect of Students Through the Organization of Educational Environment

(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 74-83. Odessa.

Viktoriia Bilodid,
post-graduate student, Department of Developmental Psychology,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
2a, Hlushkov Avenue, Kyiv-03680, Ukraine 



 Based on the author’s conceptual model and empirical research results, the range of problems of the formation of life prospects during professional training is substantiated; practical recommendations on the ways to optimize life projecting by means of the educational environment organization are suggested. Basing on the author’s conceptual model and the results of the empirical research, the article is aimed at substantiating the range of problems of the formation of life perspective during professional training; as well as suggesting practical recommendations on the ways to optimize life projecting by organizing educational environment of a higher educational institution. Life prospect is defined as a dynamic image of the desired or conscious future that plays activating, directing and prognostic role in human activity regulation. It is shown that in the process of educational socialization approaching, extension and specification of life prospect takes place by fixing life plans in new spheres of life. The stages of life perspective in the course of study at a higher educational institution are described. An important socialization factor is subjective position of a student, which conditions the choice of socialization resources required for the effective adaptation and self-development. The following components of the educational socialization are singled out: educational, environmental, interactive, and professionalizing. These components are passively perceived by a student, mediated through his/her skills, abilities, personality traits, motivation and scope of structuring time, forming features of life prospect. One can effectively influence the formation of the coordinated life prospect by social and psychological training. However, the implementation of such a training has limitations because its members are immersed in the microlevel of functioning of socializing influences. Professional, interactive, environmental and educational direction of impact of educational socialization function mainly at the mesolevel - the level of cultural, social, informational, regulatory and supervisory, organizational and material environment of a particular higher educational institution. Therefore, there is a need for the purposeful organization and transformation of the educational environment in order to promote life prospects of students. The relevant recommendations for the administration and heads of departments describe a generalized portrait of a graduate - ideal reference image, personality formation project that embodies values, traditions and opportunities of a specific educational institution (specific areas to create such an image based on the competency model are suggested). It is emphasized that focus of higher education on the development of the professional competencies of students enables forming professionals ready to determine themselves, adequately assess and adjust their own lives. Practical ways to enhance the subject activity of students have been outlined. The recommendations for lecturers of subject disciplines direct didactic planning to be focused on the development of key competencies of students. The recommendations for specialists in educational work describe monitoring of the psychological condition of students in the context of solving specific personal crises that arise during each course of professional training.


  life prospect, life plan, educational socialization, competence.




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Аnna Lisovenko. Envy and Narcissism

(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 83-90. Odessa.

Аnna Lisovenko,
post-graduate student, Department of General and Differential Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



 The article deals with the results of the theoretical and empirical research aimed at revealing the level of the manifestation of narcissism in personalities, prone to envy in different degrees. It has been theoretically grounded, that envy is a stable individual property caused by the regular comparing of oneself with others not for one’s own favour, and is manifested in the passionate desire to have what the “object of comparing” has; and is characterized by specific emotions, thoughts and considerations regarding oneself and others, which is also manifested in a specific kind of behaviour. In the given study narcissism is considered as an exaggerated sense of self-worth and an intense concern of selfesteem. The following methods have been used in order to find the ratio of proneness to envy and narcissism: original test-questionnaire «Differential diagnosis of personality tendency to envy» (DIZA), the questionnaire «Social identity guidelines towards envy» by O. Sannikova, A. Lisovenko, «Narcissistic Personality Inventory: Narcissism Test (NI) by F.-W. Deneke, B. Hilgenstock (adaptation by V. Vid, N. Zalutska). The significant correlation relationships have been revealed between the different indicators of envy and narcissism. The profiles of the parameters of narcissism in the groups with the highest and lowest values of the general index of envy are considered. It has been empirically proved that personalities, who are more prone to jealousy, are characterized by painful doubts about the value of themselves and a sense of deep insecurity; the tendency to mobilize impulses of rage and revenge; by self weakness, the desire for praise and acknowledgment; the tendency to self-control loss; as well as by the lowering of the basic potential of hope. Personalities with the less manifested proneness to envy are characterized by the great increase of the general index of narcissism; self-confidence without being dependent on other people’s opinion and evaluations (including negative ones); well-developed capabilities of controlling their emotions, thoughts and behaviour; positive self-attitude; hope for the better; self-responsibility, etc.


 envy, proneness to envy, narcissism, the property of the individual personality, personality.




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Olena Kosianova. Emotional Sphere as a Basis of Polygraph Evidence

(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 91-98. Odessa.

Olena Kosianova,
post-graduate student,
Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine  



 The article presents the results of the theoretical research of emotional sphere, which is considered by the author as an integral structure personal formation, including not only dynamic properties, but also qualitative and meaningful characteristics. It has been revealed that stable emotional features in a certain degree can determine person’s fraudulent propensity. The analysis of educational states in situations connected with deceit through the examples of many researches has shown that excitement is considered to be a part of emotion, and its manifestation is a probable result of deception. It has been discovered that the work of a polygraph is based on this aspect. Besides, the following aspects, which are manifested in the polygraph evidence, have been revealed: motivational, moral and assessment, gnostic, physiological, etc. It has been justified that a polygraph is a detector of emotions, which registers and analyzes their changes in vegetative physiological functions. Along with this, the role of influencing stimuli is considered to be extremely important; and the software helps to transform all the examined parameters (breathing, blood pressure, skin and galvanic reaction, etc.) into digital data, which characterize the level of emotions manifestation. Moreover, neutral emotional properties are significant for polygraph testing because they act like indicators compared to other ones, helping to determine a certain basis for the analysis of changes in psycho-physiological indices. Today the issue of the interrelation between fraudulent propensity and stable peculiarities of the emotional sphere (such as emotional lability, emotional stability, level of empathy and personal maturity) still remains understudied and needs further examination, which is considered to be the prospects for further research.


 emotions, emotional sphere, fraudulent propensity, polygraph testing.




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Olena Bespartochna, Anna Ziuman. Influence of Tobacco Smoking on the Quality of Interpersonal Communication in Young Adulthood

(2016) Science and education, 2-3, 99-105. Odessa.

Olena Bespartochna,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Philosophy,
Anna Ziuman,
Master’s degree student, specialty “Pedagogy of Higher School”
Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University,
20, Pershotravneva Str., Kremenchuk, Ukraine 



 Tobacco smoking is closely connected with the interpersonal communication since this is a good occasion for the very first cigarette to be smoked which can become the addiction in the future. The reasons, which are a significant factor for tobacco smoking in adolescence, are less relevant in young adulthood. As interpersonal communication becomes more significant in young adulthood, the finding of ways of crossing barriers is vitally important. So, it is considered that tobacco smoking can assist in crossing these barriers and as such improves the quality of the interpersonal communication. The article is aimed at studying the effect of tobacco smoking on the quality of young males’ and females’ interpersonal communication. In the course of the study the authors have compared specific features of emotional barriers which can arise during the interpersonal communication and interpersonal social orientation of both smokers and non-smokers. Besides there have been revealed the special aspects of the tobacco smoking process, which help smokers to cope with interpersonal communication barriers. It has been concluded that smokers more often than non-smokers demonstrate emotionally deficient type of behaviour. They communicate in a “superficially friendly” way, holding themselves aback from others, they are afraid that they cannot be loved, and if they get close to anyone, their disadvantages can be discovered. At the same time smokers face less emotional barriers during interpersonal communication. The authors believe that smokers, being emotionally vulnerable, use smoking as a means of crossing the interpersonal communication barriers. Thus, a cigarette is used as a symbol; smoking is considered as a ritual which allows pauses to be filled, time to be gained for thinking, the building of an emotional block, an excuse for a conversation starting, etc. Moreover, a fruitful relationship to be established requires the joint actions of two interlocutors. Thus, smoking, as a joint activity, relieves stress, encourages people for emotional openness and relaxing. The successful usage of this method for the interpersonal communication facilitation in the referent group makes smokers to gradually transfer such a “behaviour criterion” to other areas of life. This is considered to be the main reason of the unsuccessful antismoking campaign. Together with the physiological dependence, faith in tobacco myths, protective and other mechanisms – all of these complicate the overcoming of the tobacco addiction.


 tobacco smoking, interpersonal communication, adolescence, emotional barriers, referent group.




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