(2016) Science and education, 11, 30-34. Odessa.

Oleksii Chebykin,
Doctor of Psychology, professor, academician,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The paper presents the study of students’ psychoemotional dependence on mobile means of communications. It has been found that 22% of the surveyed students have high level of dependence, 47.5% – the medium one, and 30.5% – the low one. The students with different levels of dependence are characterised by significant differences in the peculiarities of emotional maturity. The indicators of emotional maturity are empathy, self-regulation and its integral indicator. The results obtained can be employed in prophylactic treatment and correction of students’ psychoemotional dependence on mobile means of communications.


psychoemotional dependence, mobile means of communications, students, emotional maturity.




1. Aminov, N. A. (1997). Diagnostika pedagogicheskikh sposobnostey [Assessment of pedagogical skills]. Ginzburga, M. R. (Ed.). Moscow: Institut prakticheskoy psikhologii. Voronezh: MODEK [in Russian].
2. Godfrua, Zh. (2004). Chto takoe psikhologiya [What is psychology]. 3 rd ed. Moscow: «Mir» [in Russian].
3. Lushin, P. V. (2005). Lichnostnye izmeneniya kak protsess: teoriya i praktika [Personal changes as a process: theory and practice]. Odessa: Aspekt [in Russian].
4. Lushin, P. V. (2013). Ekologichnaya pomoshch lichnosti v perekhodnyy period: ekofasilitatsiya: monografiya [Ecological personal aid in the transitional period: ecofacilitation: monograph]. Kiev [in Russian].
5. Mamardashvili, M. (1992). Kak ya ponimayu filosofiyu [The way I understand philosophy]. Moscow: Progress [in Russian].
6. Nasledov, A. D. (2004). Matematicheskie metody v psikhologii: Uchebnoe posobie [Mathematical methods in Psychology: textbook]. Saint Petersburg: Rech [in Russian].
7. Rezapkina, G. V., Rezapkina Z. V. (2009). Psikhologicheskiy portret uchitelya: opyt samodiagnostiki [Psychological portrait of a teacher: the experience of self-assessment]. Psikhologiya i shkola – Psychology and school, 1 [in Russian].
8. Rechkin, N. S. (2006). Stereotipy i protsessy stereotipizatsii v sotsial'nykh sistemakh: na primere sistem shkolnogo obrazovaniya [Stereotypes and processes of stereotypization in social systems: through the example of school educational systems]. Candidate’s thesis. Rostov na Donu [in Russian].


(2016) Science and education, 11, 35-42. Odessa.

Svitlana Hutsol,
Doctor of Psychology, associate professor, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy,
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”,
37, Peremohy Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine 



Today, in the era of “non-extracted sense”, psychological science faces the issue of social and personal identity, and in this regard, the issue of development of applications and technologies of personality’s self-designing. We experience growing relevance of implementation of narrative applications, which aim to transform concepts into technologies of sociality designing and are conceptualised as processes of building perfect plans of activity and communication, construction of sign/symbol systems, which mediate human interaction with social reality in the process of integration of separate individual components of personal and socio-cultural experience. The aim of the article is to justify application of the narrative as a principle discursive practice of personality’s self-designing. Research methods: interdisciplinary analysis and synthesis of philosophical, psychological, sociological, cultural, linguistic literature on the issue of the study; comparison, systematisation, generalisation, analogies construction, interpretation while studying the features of the narrative as a factor of personality’s self-designing. Referring to hermeneutic paradigm which helps to consider the reproduction of social and cultural experience through interaction with cultural texts, makes it possible to consider the narrative as a promising methodological tool that contributes to modelling the interaction of semiotic and communicative mechanisms in the process of personality’s self-designing. Unlike traditional designing, self-designing process cannot involve a rigidly predefined result/outcome. The texts generated by a personality during narrative designing process are works of “non-finito”, “possible stories” in a way. A person meets a prototype of the future in possibilities, which are available to him/her in an actual condition. Possibilities have considerably greater influence on the behaviour and condition of a man than reality. In the context of narrative self-designing, a project is considered as a plot of a possible story, which is constructed by basic plots of the world literature (“migratory plots”, “eternal types”, leitmotifs, “eternal images”, etc.). These plots are extremely important for a person to solve problems on “potential self”, when a personality takes him-/herself beyond the existing semantic field, thereby creating the possibility of transformation of “self-text”. This transformation takes place through processes of understanding and interpretation of social and personal experience and becomes the basis for constructing a personal project. Individual and in particular existential reflection can be regarded as one of the main mechanisms of the formation of personality’s project.


narrative, discursive practice, self-designing, “self-text”, project, plot.




1. Arutyunova, N.D. (1990). Diskurs [Discourse]. Lingvisticheskiy entsiklopedicheskiy slovar – Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary (pp. 136-137). Moscow: Sovet. entsiklopediya [in Russian].
2. Borkhes, Kh.L. (2011). Sad raskhodyashchikhsya tropok [The Garden of Forking Paths]. Sobraniye sochineniy – Collection of works. (Vols. 2). Moscow: Amfora. Retrieved from: http://lib.ru/BORHES/sad.txt [in Russian].
3. Vitgenshteyn, L. (1994). Filosofskie issledovaniya [Philosophical investigations]. Filosofskie raboty – Philosophic works (Vols. 1). (pp.75-319). Moskow: Gnozis. [in Russian].
4. Vallerstayn, I. (2003). Konets znakomogo mira: sotsiologiya XXI veka [End of the familiar world: the sociology of the XXI century]. Mosсow: Logos [in Russian].
5. Gutsol, S.Yu. (2014). Mifoporozhdenie kak obekt psikhologicheskoy refleksii [Myth-building as an object of psychological reflection]. Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka [in Russian].
6. Znakov, V.V. (2010). Tezaurusnoe i narrativnoe ponimanie sobytiy kak problema psikhologii chelovecheskogo bytiya [Thesaurus and narrative understanding of events as a problem of human existence psychology]. Metodologiya i istoriya psikhologii. Psikhologiya chelovecheskogo bytiya – Methodology and history of psychology. Psychology of human being, 5(3), 105-119 [in Russian].
7. Leontev, D.A. (2009). Labirint identichnostey: ne chelovek dlya identichnosti, a identichnost dlya cheloveka [Labyrinth of identities: not a man for the identity and the identity for a man]. Filosofskie nauki – Phiolosophical sciences,10, 5-10 [in Russian].
8. Lotman, Yu.M. (1992). Izbrannye stati [Selected articles]. Stati po semiotike i tipologii kultury – Articles in semiotics and culture typology (Vols. 1). Tallinn: Izd-vo Tartus. un-ta [in Russian].
9. Onoprienko, V.I. (2010). Narrativ kak strategiya i praktika postmodernistskogo obnovleniya metodologii sotsiogumanitarnogo znaniya [Narrative as a strategy and practice of postmodern updating of the methodology of socio-humanitarian knowledge]. Visnyk Natsionalnoho aviatsiinoho universytetu. Filosofiia. Kulturolohiia – Bulletin of aviation university. Philosophy. Culture studies, 1, 22-25. [in Russian].
10. Prieto, A. (2001). Iz knigi «Morfologiya romana» [From the book «The morphology of the novel»]. Semiotika: antologiya – Semiotics: anthology. Moscow: Akadem. Proyekt; Yekaterinburg: Delov. kn. [in Russian].
11. Chepeleva, N.V. (Eds.) (2009). Problemy psikhologicheskoy germenevtiki [Problems of psychological hermeneutics]. Kyiv: Izd-vo Natsionalnogo pedagogicheskogo un-ta im. N. P. Dragomanova [in Russian].
12. Rozin, V.M. (2009). Mozhem li my proektirovat sami sebya? [Can we design ourselves?]. Filosofskie nauki – Philosophic sciences, 12, 8-26. [in Russian].
13. Chepelieva, N.V., Smulson, M.L., Zazymko, O.V., Hutsol, S.Yu. at al. (2016). Samoproektuvannia osobystosti u dyskursyvnomu prostori: monohrafiia [Selfdesigning of personality in the discursive space: monograph]. Kyiv: Pedahohichna dumka. Retrieved from: http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/704560/ [in Ukrainian].
14. Sapogova, E.E. (2005). «Rimeyki zhizni»: konstruirovanie avtobiograficheskogo avtonarrativa [«Remakes of life»: the construction of autobiographical narrative]. Izvestiya TulGU. Seriya «Psikhologiya» - News of Tyl State University “Psychology”, 5 (1), 200- 228 [in Russian].
15. Serikov, A.E. (2009). Tipichnyye syuzhetnyye skhemy v povestvovaniyakh i v zhizni [Typical plot scheme in narratives and life]. Vestnik Samarskoy Gumanitarnoy akademii. Seriya Filosofiya. Filologiya – Bulletin of Samara Humanitarian Academy. Philosophy. Philology, 2 (6), 60-84 [in Russian].
16. Slavutin, E.I. & Pimenov, V.I. (2013). K voprosu o profeticheskoy strukture khudozhestvennogo teksta [On the question of prophetic structure of the art text]. Vestnik Literaturnogo instituta im. A. M. Gorkogo – Bulletin of A. Gorkiy Literary Institute, 1, 37-44 [in Russian].
17. Smulson, M.L. (2014). Mistse samoproektuvannia u proektnii paradyhmi [Place of selfdesigning in the design paradigm]. Aktualni problemy psykholohii : zb. nauk. prats Instytutu psykholohii im. H. S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy – Relevant issues of psychology: collection of scientific works, 8, 16-29. Zhytomyr: Vydavnytstvo ZhDU im. I. Franka [in Ukrainian].
18. Tytarenko, T.M., Kochubeinyk, O.M. & Cheremnykh, K.O. (2014). Psykholohichni praktyky konstruyuvannya zhyttya v umovakh postmodernoyi sotsialnosti: monohrafiia [The psychological practice of designing life in postmodern sociality: monograph]. Kyiv: Milenium. [in Ukrainian].
19. Tulchinskiy, G.L. (2009). Avtoproektivnost lichnosti [Self-designing of personality]. Filosofskie nauki – Philosophic sciences, 11, 137-139 [in Russian]. 
20. Fridman, Dzh. & Kombs, Dzh. (2001). Konstruirovanie inykh realnostey. Istoriya i rasskazy kak terapiya [Construction of other realities. The history and stories as therapy]. Moscow: Klass [in Russian].
21. Chepelieva, N.V. (2014). Rozuminnia ta interpretatsiia zhyttievoho dosvidu yak chynnyk samoproektuvannia osobystosti [Understanding and interpretation of the experience of life as a factor selfdesigning of personality]. Nauka i osvita: naukovopraktychnyi zhurnal Pivdennoukrainskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni K. D. Ushynskoho – Science and education: academic journal of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, 9/СХХYІ, 22-25 [in Ukrainian].
22. Shchukina, M.A. (2014). Napravleniya issledovaniy samorazvitiya v sovremennoy zarubezhnoy psikhologii [Research areas of self-development in modern foreign psychology]. Voprosy psikhologii – Psychological issues, 4, 94-106 [in Russian].
23. Booker, Ch. (2005). The Seven Basic Plots: Why We Tell Stories. NY: Continuum [in English].
24. Carr, D. (1991). Time, Narrative and History. Bloomington; Indianopolis: Indiana University Press [in English].


(2016) Science and education, 11, 43-48. Odessa.

Iryna Brynza,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General and Differential Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine
Mykola Budiianskyi,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), professor,
Department of Applied and Social Psychology,
Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National Univeristy,
2, Dvorianska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



Today, in the era of “non-extracted sense”, psychological science faces the issue of social and personal identity, and in this regard, the issue of development of applications and technologies of personality’s self-designing. We experience growing relevance of implementation of narrative applications, which aim to transform concepts into technologies of sociality designing and are conceptualised as processes of building perfect plans of activity and communication, construction of sign/symbol systems, which mediate human interaction with social reality in the process of integration of separate individual components of personal and socio-cultural experience. The aim of the article is to justify application of the narrative as a principle discursive practice of personality’s self-designing. Research methods: interdisciplinary analysis and synthesis of philosophical, psychological, sociological, cultural, linguistic literature on the issue of the study; comparison, systematisation, generalisation, analogies construction, interpretation while studying the features of the narrative as a factor of personality’s self-designing. Referring to hermeneutic paradigm which helps to consider the reproduction of social and cultural experience through interaction with cultural texts, makes it possible to consider the narrative as a promising methodological tool that contributes to modelling the interaction of semiotic and communicative mechanisms in the process of personality’s self-designing. Unlike traditional designing, self-designing process cannot involve a rigidly predefined result/outcome. The texts generated by a personality during narrative designing process are works of “non-finito”, “possible stories” in a way. A person meets a prototype of the future in possibilities, which are available to him/her in an actual condition. Possibilities have considerably greater influence on the behaviour and condition of a man than reality. In the context of narrative self-designing, a project is considered as a plot of a possible story, which is constructed by basic plots of the world literature (“migratory plots”, “eternal types”, leitmotifs, “eternal images”, etc.). These plots are extremely important for a person to solve problems on “potential self”, when a personality takes him-/herself beyond the existing semantic field, thereby creating the possibility of transformation of “self-text”. This transformation takes place through processes of understanding and interpretation of social and personal experience and becomes the basis for constructing a personal project. Individual and in particular existential reflection can be regarded as one of the main mechanisms of the formation of personality’s project.


narrative, discursive practice, self-designing, “self-text”, project, plot.




1. Brynza, I. B. (2000). Osobennosti perezhivaniya professionalnogo krizisa u lits s razlichnym tipom emotsionalnosti [Peculiarities of experiencing professional crisis in persons with different types of emotionality]. Candidate’s thesis. Odessa [in Russian]. 2. Brynza, I. V., Ryazantseva, E. Yu. (2008). Problema issledovaniya resursov lichnosti v psikhologicheskoy nauke [Study of personal resources in psychology]. Aktualnі problemy psykholohii Іnstitutu psikholohii іm. G.S. Kostiuka: zb. nauk. Prats – Relevant issues of Psychology: collection of scientific works, 6, 126-130. S. D. Maksimenko, M.V. Papuchі (Eds.). Kyiv-Nіzhyn [in Russian]. 3. Kozhevnikova, E. Yu. (2006). Lichnostnye resursy preodoleniya situatsii sotsialno-ekonomicheskoy deprivatsii [Personal resources of overcoming socioeconomic deprivation]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Krasnodar [in Russian]. 4. Leontev, D. A. (2002). Lichnostnyy potentsial kak osnova samodeterminatsii [Personal potential as a basis of self-determination]. Uchenye zapiski kafedry obshchey psikhologii MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova – Scientific papers of the Department of Psychology, MSU named after M. Lomonosov, 1, 56-65. B.S. Bratus, D.A. Leontev (Eds.). Moscow: Smysl [in Russian]. 5. Lushin, P. V. (2005). Lichnostnye izmeneniya kak protsess: teoriya i praktika [Personal changes as a process: theory and practice]. Odessa: Aspekt [in Russian]. 6. Ryazantseva, E. Yu. (2012). Ekzistentsialnye resursy lits, perezhivayushchikh psikhologicheskiy krizis [Existential resources of persons who experienced psychological crisis]. Candidate’s thesis. Odesa [in Russian]. 7. Faerman, M. I. (2007). Kompleksnyy sotsialnopsikhologicheskiy podkhod k preduprezhdeniyu soprotivleniy novovvedeniyam personala (na primere organizatsiy malogo i srednego biznesa) [Complex socio-psychological approach to preventing staff rebellion]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Yaroslavl [in Russian]. 8. Fetiskin, N. P., Kozlov, V. V., Manuylov, G. M. (2002). Sotsialno-psikhologicheskaya diagnostika razvitiya lichnosti i malykh grupp [Socio-psychological diagnostics of the development of a person and small groups]. Moscow: Izd-vo Instituta Psikhoterapii [in Russian].


(2016) Science and education, 11, 49-55. Odessa.

Natalia Perehonchuk,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology and Social Work,
Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University,
32, Ostrozkoho Str., Vinnitsia, Ukraine



In terms of integration, democratisation, socio-economic changes in the society, significant reforms are taking place in the sphere of education. The educational environment is becoming more and more spontaneous and global. The main task of a subject of the educational environment is supporting its professional competence in terms of dynamic and constant changes of everyday life. One of the key moments of the education modernisation is the creation of pedagogical conditions and efficient ways of future psychologist’s professional competence formation in accordance with modern demands. The article is aimed at reviewing the issue of a future psychologist’s professional competence formation in the modern educational environment. Basing on the psychological literature review the following conditions of future psychologist’s professional competence formation have been distinguished: refocusing on the changing and structuring of future psychologist’s inner state in the process of the formation of knowledge and skills in the interaction between a student and a teacher; development of a future psychologist’s skills and desire to study throughout life; professional competence has a personal character and includes a man’s subjective experience, his/her needs, interests, desires, feelings, and value orientations; profound knowledge, acquired in the process of professional training, creates potential opportunity for a student to develop in a professional way; reflexive environment as a precondition for the personal development gives an opportunity for self-examination and self-correction of socio-psychological and professional recourses. The following features of the modern educational environment contributing to the formation of future psychologists’ professional competence have been identified: unique character, paradoxical feature, openness, uncertainty; variability (formal, informal education). The organisation of the modern educational environment has its principles, rules and conditions and plays a significant role not only in the formation of professional competence, but also professional and personal development of a future psychologist.


professional competence, reflexive environment, person-centered education, competence approach, future psychologists.




1. Yevdokymova, N. O. (2011). Psykholohichni zasady formuvannia subiekta pravnychoi diialnosti u vyshchomu navchalnomu zakladi: monohrafiia [Psychological bases of the development of the subject of legal activities at a higher educational institution: monograph]. Mykolaiv: Ilion [in Ukrainian].
2. Zastelo, A. O. (2012). Psykholohichne zabezpechennia ekolohichnosti osvitnoi vzaiemodii v prostori dystantsiinoi osvity [Psychological support of ecological educational interaction in terms of distant learning]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Zaporizhzhia [in Ukrainian].
3. Elkonin, B. D. (1994). Vvedenie v psikhologiyu razvitiya (v traditsii kulturno-istoricheskoy teorii L.S. Vygotskogo) [Introduction to the psychology of development (according to the cultural and historical theory of L. S. Vygotsky)]. Moscow: Trivola [in Russian].
4. Lushin, P. V. (2014). «Gibridnaya zhizn»: ob osobennostyakh samoorganizatsii i psikhologicheskoy pomoshchi v perekhodnyy period. Metodicheskie materialy k avtorskomu kursu «Psikhologicheskaya pomoshch lichnosti v perekhodnoy period» [Hybrid life: about the peculiarities of self-organisation and psychological aid in adolescence. Methodical materials for the author’s course “Psychological support of a personality in adolescence”]. Teoriya i praktika psikhoterapii – Theory and practice of psychotherapy, 4, 57-62 [in Russian].
5. Lushin, P. V. (2013). Ekologicheskaya pomoshch lichnosti v perekhodnyy period: ekofasilitatsiya: monografiya [Ecological aid for a personality in adolescence: ecological facilitation: monograph]. Kiev [in Russian].
6. Mamardashvili, M. K. (1992). Kak ya ponimayu filosofiyu [The way I understand philosophy]. Moscow: Progress-Kultura [in Russian].
7. Merzon, E. E. (2011). Obrazovatelnaya sreda kak faktor formirovaniya professionalnoy kompetentnosti studentov pedagogicheskogo vuza [Educational environment as a factor of pedagogical university students’ professional competence formation]. Molodoy uchenyy – Young scientist, 10, 170-172. (Vol. 2). [in Russian].
8. Sapogova, E. E. (1999). Kak ya ponimayu psikhologiyu: v podrazhanie M.K. Mamardashvili [The way I understand psychology: for M. K. Mamardashvili]. Zhurnal prakticheskogo psikhologa – Journal of practical psychologist, 4, 13-27 [in Russian].
9. Sapogova, E. E. (2003). Kontsepty i orientiry sovremennogo psikhologicheskogo obrazovaniya [Concepts and orientations of modern psychological education]. Alma Mater (Vestnik vysshey shkoly) – Alma Mater (Bulletin of higher education), 10, 8-13 [in Russian].
10. Tkach, T. V. (2008). Osvitnii prostir osobystosti: psykholohichnyi aspekt: monohrafiia [Educational environment of a personality: psychological aspect: monograph]. Kyiv; Zaporizhzhia [in Ukrainian].
11. Khaydegger, M. (1991). Iskusstvo i prostranstvo [Art and environment]. Samosoznanie evropeyskoy kultury XX veka: Mysliteli i pisateli Zapada o meste kultury v sovremennom obshchestve – Self-consciousness of European culture of the 20th century: thinkers and writers of the West about the role of culture in modern society (pp. 95-102). Moscow [in Russian].
12. Chuiko, O. V. (2013). Osobystisne stanovlennia subiektiv profesiinoi diialnosti u sotsionomichnykh profesiiakh: monohrafiia [Personal development of the subjects of professional activities in socionomic professions: monograph]. Kyiv: ADEF-Ukrayna [in Ukrainian].
13. Shvalb, Yu. M. (2010). Metodologicheskie osnovaniya razrabotki sistemy professionalnogo obrazovaniya v vuze (na materiale spetsialnosti «Sotsialnaya rabota») [Methofical foundations of the development of the system of professional education at a university (through the example of the specialty “Social work”)]. Naukovyi vіsnyk Mikolaivskoho derzhavnoho unіversitetu іmenі V. O. Sukhomlinskoho: zbіrnyk naukovikh prats – Scientific bulletin of V. Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv state university: collection of scientific works, 5 (Vol. 2). S. D. Maksimenko, N. O. Yevdokimova (Ed.). Mykolaiv: MDU іmenі V. O. Sukhomlinskogo [in Russian]. 14. Shchedrovitskiy, G. P. (2005). Myshlenie – Ponimanie – Refleksiya [Thinking – Undestanding – Reflection]. Moscow: Nasledie MMK [in Russian].


(2016) Science and education, 11, 55-60. Odessa.

Inna Khorzhevska,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology, Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University,
10, Desantnykiv Str., Mykolaiv, Ukraine 



The article analyses the issues of an individual’s professional development, examines different approaches to it. The development of a professional is a result of a personality’s formation in the professional activity; it is connected with general personality development and acquisition of new experience, knowledge, abilities, and with transformation of motivation and interests of a person.


professionalism, personality of the worker, professional formation of a personality, personal development




1. Ananyev, B. G. (1980). Izbrannye psikhologicheskie trudy: v 2 t. [Selected works on psychology: in 2 vols.]. Moscow: Pedagogika [in Russian].
2. Vygotskiy, L. S. (1984). Problema vozrasta [The problem of age]. (Vols. 4). (pp. 244-269). Moscow: Pedagogika [in Russian].
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5. Korneyeva, L. N. (1991). Psikhologicheskiy aspekt vliyaniya professionalnoy deyatelnosti na lichnost [Psychological aspect of the influence of professional activities on a personality]. Moscow: Prosveschenie [in Russian].
6. Kuzmina, N. V. (1990). Otsenka professionalnoy deyatelnosti uchitelya [Evaluation of teacher’s work]. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola [in Russian]. 
7. Markova, A. K. (1996). Motivatsiya spetsialista. Puti osvoyeniya professionalnoy deyatelnosti [Motivation of a specialist. Ways of mastering professional activities]. Moscow [in Russian].
8. Nikiforova, R. S. (Ed.). (2004). Psikhologicheskoe obespechenie professionalnoy deyatelnosti [Psychological support of professional activities]. St. Petersburg [in Russian].
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