(2016) Science and education, 11, 60-66. Odessa.

Vladyslav Papusha,
senior teacher, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Correction Education,
Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education,
74, Chornovola Str., Rivne, Ukraine



Victim behaviour is peculiar to every person in a greater or lesser extent, regardless of age, sex, and education. It is manifested especially sharply in adolescence, which is characterised by rapid and intense life changes. The highest tendency of adolescents to fall into situations of danger is observed during this period. The aim of the article is a theoretical analysis of the main forms of manifestation of the victim behaviour of adolescents. The theoretical analysis revealed that the issue of victim behaviour can be considered in different aspects. In this study, the term “victim behaviour” denotes a form of adolescents’ social activities based on wrong, reckless, immoral, provocative actions, which served as a trigger for committing crimes. The victim behaviour is a deviation from the norms of safe behaviour and is implemented in a set of social, mental, and moral manifestations. Many researchers associate these deviations with the following negative factors which violate the process of socialisation: dissatisfaction with social demands and the presence of such dispositions, which affect the choice of social means and ways of satisfying the needs. There are several groups of adolescents according to the victim behaviour manifestation. The first one includes adolescents with amoral and even unlawful behaviour. They are characterised by such traits as selfishness, rudeness, impatience, etc. The second group of victims involves adolescents who have no clear negative traits but their behaviour can cause or contribute to committing a crime. Along with this, the motives of such behaviour are considered as the adolescents’ desire to assert themselves. And the behaviour of adolescents from the third group is considered to be neutral from the standpoint of morality and law. These adolescents are easily influenced by other people; they have no stable skills of moral behaviour, but skills and knowledge which are not their own beliefs.


adolescent, victim behaviour, forms, types, kinds of manifestations.




1.Andronnikova, O.O. (2004). Psihologicheskie faktory vozniknoveniya viktimnogo povedeniya podrostkov [Psychological factors of adolescents’ victim behavior emergence]. Candidate’s thesis. Novosibirsk: Novosibirskiy gosudarstvennyiy pedagogicheskiy universitet [in Russian].
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(2016) Science and education, 11, 66-72. Odessa.

Zoriana Kovalchuk,
Doctor of Psychology, associate professor, professor,
Yevhen Karpenko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), Associate Professor,
Department of Psychology, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs,
26, Horodotska Str., Lviv, Ukraine 



The article reveals the essence of individual’s reflective activities as a precondition for favourable personal growth and development of one’s economic and general culture. The three basic structural components of the process of reflection in the course of overcoming a crisis have been described. These are fixing the level of personal activity, identifying the causes, evaluating personal efficiency and measures taken in order to overcome crisis consequences. The functions of reflection in a crisis have been examined and are as follows: modelling, organisational, communicative, informative, motivational, and correctional. The author states that there are five levels of human reflective activities which demonstrate comprehension of the best practices and a diverse reflection experience. The intensification of reflective activities leads to an increase in performance and successful overcoming of consequences of a financial and economic crisis; implementation of various life enhancement techniques notwithstanding unfavourable social or economic circumstances becomes more efficient. The article can be of help while training specialists-psychologists, in psycho-counselling, etc.


reflection, reflective activities, social strategies, crisis, personal development.




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(2016) Science and education, 11, 72-79. Odessa.

Anastasiia Yatsyshyna,
post-graduate student, Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The issue of destructive behaviour is considered to be relevant for modern psychology as it still remains understudied. Psychological mechanisms of its formation, manifestation and correction complicate the process of its examination and the development of the techniques for its prevention and correction. There have been three stages in the history of studying psychological manifestations of destructive behaviour of a personality: prescientific, the stage of consideration of the mechanisms of destructive behaviour and ways of its overcoming, as well as the scientific one. In the present study, destructive behaviour is understood as a process of inadequate actions, aimed at complicating the interaction between a personality and social environment. In order to prevent the development of destructive behaviour in children, it is necessary to take the following measures: to encourage a child to be engaged in a certain kind of creative (or sport) activities according to his/her personal traits and interests; regard and respect his/her interest and opinion; always be ready to help; explain the harm of destructive behaviour. The interaction of a child with his/her peers, as well as the influence of mass media can cause the deviant forms of his/her behaviour. Practical psychologists suggest different kinds of teleotherapeutics, psychogymnastics, music and game therapy, logotherapy. The latter is focused on the verbalisation of emotional states and verbal description of feelings. Other specialists consider game therapy as the best way for forming psychic stability as it can act as diagnostic, therapeutic and teaching tool. Besides, psychological gymnastics can be very efficient as well. It involves the exercises based on changing mimics, pantomime. The empirical part of the study includes interviewing experienced teachers according to the developed questionnaire. In order to assess the features of destructive behaviour, the following properties were used: proneness to conflicts, impatience, aggressiveness, rudeness in communication, protervity, inadequate actions, decrease of adaptive capacity, etc. The research results have made it possible to state that proneness to conflicts, impatience and inadequate actions are the most significant features of school-aged children’s destructive behaviour. 


destructive behaviour, destructiveness, inadequate actions, school-aged children.




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(2016) Science and education, 11, 80-84. Odessa.

Olena Horova,
Doctor of Psychology, associate professor, Head of Socio-Psychological Technology Laboratory,
Institute of Social and Political Psychology
15, Andriivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
professor, Department of Practical Psychology, Institute of Criminal Executive Service,
4, Kolektorna Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper outlines the features of providing psychological support for young men with drug addiction experience. The peculiarities of adolescents’ perception of their way of life, as well as the structure of life perspective as the mechanism of youth’s drug addiction have been analysed. The main principles of development and stages of implementation of the programme of psychological support for persons taking rehabilitation course after drug addiction have been presented. The results obtained show the subjective lifeline break and shifting of the evaluation of some events to revaluation of negative events and ignoring the positive ones.


life path, life perspective, professional formation, drug addiction.




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(2016) Science and education, 11, 85-90. Odessa.

Andrii Yablonskyi,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor, doctoral student,
Department of Psychology,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,
2, Sadova Str., Uman, Ukraine



The article actualised the task of educational institutions’ environment creation, which will develop and maintain personal resource potential of pupils/students. The author emphasised that there are differences between declared and actual values during the implementation of the educational process, the lack of a healthy conservatism and unjustified openness of modern school to innovations with their unobvious efficiency; inconsistency in requirements of the society to school graduates. Therefore, it is reasonable to conduct psychological expertise of the educational environment, as the development of human psychological resource, increasing “psychological contributions” to the educational community are no less important than the economic contributions. Carrying out expertise in education is complicated by a variety of approaches to the analysis of this activity, the absence of agreed methods of study and evaluation criteria of educational practice. Expert activities aimed at the study and evaluation of educational processes require definition and development of the theoretical principles and technology of their implementation. As the social environment generates a particular way of life of an individual, which is formed by a set of social relations and its specifics at a certain stage of their development and corresponding way of individual’s thinking and behaviour, attention is focused on the fact that while studying conventional boundaries, dynamism, intensity of interaction of the social environment with social objects, one should take into account the system of material elements included in individual’s environment, the proportion of direct and indirect communication, its intensity, breadth, focus, which is considered in their interrelation; the number of groups of people who interact with the person being studied; the scope and depth of personality’s socialisation. The author pointed out that under the current crisis socio-economic conditions, psychological expertise of the educational environment is updated from the standpoint of psychological safety of a personality, its protection from effects that are adverse for its development. The expertise of psychological safety of the educational environment provides an assessment of its current state according to the criteria of referentiality of the environment for the subjects of educational activity, the level of satisfaction with the environment and its protection from psychological violence, analysis of the reasons for a certain state of the environment, forecasting the effects of the influence of a certain state of the educational environment on personality development. Under these conditions, humanitarian and psychological expertise implements its developmental function, as participation in expert procedures serves as a powerful source for professional and personal development of all participants of the educational process, which can be considered as the prospect for further scientific research.


educational environment, subject-developmental environment, educational space, humanitarian and psychological expertise.




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