(2016) Science and education, 11, 17-24. Odessa.
Nataliia Volianiuk,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy,
Heorhii Lozhkin,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
Department of Psychology and Pedagogy,
National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute»,
37, Peremogy Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine
The article is aimed at considering the concept of psychological potential of a subject of scientific and educational activities as well as the barriers that prevent a professional’s innovative activities. The following research methods were used: theoretical review, analysis, synthesis, comprehension and generalisation of scientific literature. Psychological potential is understood as not only something that is given to a man by nature, but that is constantly updated and renewed individually. The renewable part of the psychological potential mainly depends on the activity of the subject of scientific and educational activities. The structure of the psychological potential combines those mental formations, which are able to organise and coordinate various forms of interaction of the subject of activity with reality. Basing on the innovative activity of the subject in scientific and educational activities the following structural components of psychological potential have been distinguished: self-esteem, personal referentiality, the level of conflict, the experience of social interaction, moral normativity. Psychological characteristics, skills and abilities of the subject of scientific and educational activities are considered to be very important as they determine the success, development and implementation of innovation and creative thinking. However, these depth intentions can be weakened by two contradictory tendencies: on the one hand, it is progressive development, and on the other hand, regression as adverse changes in cognitive, motivation and behaviour fields. The following changes can be the barriers of innovation activities: conservatism, rigidity, dogmatism, conformism, stereotypical thinking, fixed self-esteem, lack of motivation, frustration, neophobia, and extreme conservatism. Personal structures of various levels which provide accumulation of the psychological potential have a significant impact on the goals set by a subject of scientific and educational activities and the way he/she overcomes barriers.
psychological potential, subject of scientific and educational activities, activity, innovation, barriers.

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