(2016) Science and education, 11, 91-97. Odessa.

Oleksandr Sannikov,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), senior researcher, associate professor,
Department of Theory and Methods of Applied Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article presents the author’s approach to studying the mechanism of making everyday decisions by a personality, based on the system of activation of its resources. The complex of the main concepts of the psychological system of personality’s everyday choice includes the contextuality of everyday decisions, structural integrity, functional and subjective usefulness. The mechanism of making a choice by a personality can be carried out only by the “bounded” psychological system of making everyday decisions. The structure of the system of personality’s choice is formed by the clusters of the interconnected elements – components of making everyday decisions; and its functioning is provided by the mechanisms of making a choice. The functional analysis of the situations of making everyday decisions has made it possible to describe the functional units of specific features of the mechanism of making everyday decisions. The activation of the mechanism is initiated by a person’s realisation of the context of a real or imagined situation of choice. The mechanism of making a choice is carried out by the following units: actualisation, assessment and rebuilding of a situation, estimation of the resources, consideration of the criteria of usefulness of choice, etc. The algorithms of personality’s behaviour as a consequence of the assessment of resources of the choice include transformations, saving resources, transforming the conditions of a real or virtual situation. The decisiveness is considered as a multileveled, integral personality trait which provides the readiness for making everyday decisions. It is understood as a personality’s ability for wise analysis and assessment of the situation of making a decision and own abilities (resources); the ability for self-regulation, controlling and managing the states, thoughts, actions and behaviour in different situations of making a choice; the readiness for defending the choice, etc.


making a decision, everyday choice, the mechanism of making a decision, the components of a situation of choice.




1. Maksymenko, S. D. (2004). «Odynytsi analizu» rozvytku osobystosti: metodolohiia pytannia [«Units of analysis» of personality’s development: methodology of studying]. Nauka i osvita – Science and education, 6-7, 162-166 [in Ukrainian].
2. Sannikov, A. I. (2015). Psikhologiya zhiznennogo vybora lichnosti: monografiya [Psychology life choices of a personality: monograph]. Odessa: Izd-vo VMV [in Russian]. 


(2016) Science and education, 11, 5-10. Odessa.

Oleksandr Voronov,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
doctoral student of State Management Department,
National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine,
20, Ezhena Pottier Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The relevance of the formation of citizens’ social activity, their readiness for self-organisation for solving their prob- lems and participation in the processes of formation of public management in Ukraine has been considered. It has been proven that the position of certain public authority bodies that avoid making necessary decisions leads to decline in social activity of citizens. The aim of the research is the analysis of functioning of the phenomenon of individual activity in the sphere of public management and its impact on making managerial decisions. The basic task of the scientific research is the formation and approbation of psychological mechanisms of improvement of personal activity of public servants in the processes of making managerial decisions. In the course of the research, analytical method, questioning, and method of diagnosis of a personality’s motivation for success by T. Elers was used. The activity of the person who makes decisions plays a leading role in this process and appears permanently in its different phases. The results of the questioning of the Master-degree students majoring in public management concerning the systematisation of problematics of individual activ- ity increase in the process of making decisions by public servants have been presented. The impact of motivation of public servants on their activity in the processes of making managerial decisions has been reviewed. Public servants with the average and moderately high level of motivation for success form the basic groups according to the quantitative character- istics. Administrators of public authority bodies have high rates according to the average, moderately high and ultrahigh levels of motivation for success. High motivation for success promotes their active participation in the processes of making decisions, but causes low level of disposition to making risky decisions. The model of influence of activity on making decisions in the sphere of public management has been developed. Structurally the model is divided into three levels: indi- vidual activity of public servants, group activity (inherent to public management bodies) and social activity of people from regions of Ukraine. Study of influence of public servants’ individual activity on making risky decisions in public manage- ment bodies is considered to be basic direction of further research. 


activity, decision-making, public management, social activity, model, motivation.




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(2016) Science and education, 11, 17-24. Odessa.

Nataliia Volianiuk,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy,
Heorhii Lozhkin,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
Department of Psychology and Pedagogy,
National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute»,
37, Peremogy Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine



The article is aimed at considering the concept of psychological potential of a subject of scientific and educational activities as well as the barriers that prevent a professional’s innovative activities. The following research methods were used: theoretical review, analysis, synthesis, comprehension and generalisation of scientific literature. Psychological potential is understood as not only something that is given to a man by nature, but that is constantly updated and renewed individually. The renewable part of the psychological potential mainly depends on the activity of the subject of scientific and educational activities. The structure of the psychological potential combines those mental formations, which are able to organise and coordinate various forms of interaction of the subject of activity with reality. Basing on the innovative activity of the subject in scientific and educational activities the following structural components of psychological potential have been distinguished: self-esteem, personal referentiality, the level of conflict, the experience of social interaction, moral normativity. Psychological characteristics, skills and abilities of the subject of scientific and educational activities are considered to be very important as they determine the success, development and implementation of innovation and creative thinking. However, these depth intentions can be weakened by two contradictory tendencies: on the one hand, it is progressive development, and on the other hand, regression as adverse changes in cognitive, motivation and behaviour fields. The following changes can be the barriers of innovation activities: conservatism, rigidity, dogmatism, conformism, stereotypical thinking, fixed self-esteem, lack of motivation, frustration, neophobia, and extreme conservatism. Personal structures of various levels which provide accumulation of the psychological potential have a significant impact on the goals set by a subject of scientific and educational activities and the way he/she overcomes barriers.


psychological potential, subject of scientific and educational activities, activity, innovation, barriers.




1.Vlasenko, Yu. O. (2003). Psikhologicheskiy analiz innovatsionnogo potentsiala lichnosti [Psychological analysis of the innovation potential of the individual]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Odessa [in Russian].
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3. Volyanyuk, N.Yu, & Lozhkin, G.V. (2013). Psikhologicheskiy potentsial sotsialnoy otvetstvennosti subekta deyatelnosti [Psychological potential of social responsibility of a person]. National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute». Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogics, 2 (38), 30-32 [in Ukrainian].
4. Hudymenko, Yu. Yu. (2014). Psikhologicheskie barery k innovatsionnoy deyatelnosti, kak predposylki formirovaniya professionalnoy deformatsii lichnosti pedagoga [Psychological barriers to innovation as a prerequisite for the formation of professional deformation of the person of the teacher]. Psihologiya professionala: lichnost, deyatelnost, organizatsiya – Psychology of a professional: personality, activity, organization (pp. 60- 71). Tver: Tver.gos.un-t. [in Russian]. 5. Kostin, I. (2000). Ne boytes tvorcheskih intelligentov. Chto takoe kreativnaya ekonomika i chem ona grozit Ukraine? [Do not be afraid of creative intellectuals. What is the creative economy and how it threatens Ukraine?]. Ezhenedelnik – Weekly publication, 27-28 (779). Retrieved from: http://www.2000.ua/modules/pages/files/27779-8--14- iyulja-2016-g__697404_1.pdf [in Russian]. 
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10. Lozhkin, G. V. (2007). Konceptualnye predstavleniya o psikhologicheskom potentsiale kvalifitsirovannogo sportsmena [The conceptual ideas about the psychological potential of a skilled athlete]. Nauka v olimpiyskom sporte – Science about olimpic sports, 1, 87-93 [in Russian].
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(2016) Science and education, 11, 11-17. Odessa.

Iryna Brynza,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Nataliia Lyshchyna,
post-graduate student, Department of General and Differential Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of assessing personality’s role crisis, stages of the development and teasing of results of the inventory for psychometric efficiency. The scientific literature review has revealed a great variety of psychodiagnostic methods for assessing the crisis characteristics experienced by a man, as well as types of the role behaviour crisis, but there are no methods for assessing the peculiarities of experiencing the role crisis. That is why it was reasonable to develop a new author’s technique. The paper is aimed at describing the stages of development and testing of diagnostic test instrument that makes it possible to measure the indicators of propensity to experiencing role crisis. With the purpose of diagnostic test instrument development, the authors applied theoretical, synthetic, analytical methods, expert evaluation method, diagnostic, mathematical and statistical methods. The aim, according to the requirements of psychometrics, was implemented in several stages. At the first stage, theoretical construct of the inventory was prepared; six role-based characteristics were distinguished by expertise: 1. I am a child; 2. I am a mother/father; 3. I am a wife/husband; 4. I am a professional; 5. I am a woman/man; 6. I am an adult. At the second stage, the form and indicators of the answers were chosen. At the third stage, theoretical construct of the technique was tested for psychometric effectiveness. The testing of face validity was carried out with the cooperation of a group of respondents (136 people) and experts-psychologists (26 people). It showed the need for modification of the inventory and deleting some statements. The paper presents the tables illustrating homogeneity (consistency) of the parts of the inventory and discriminative character of test cases. Rather significant coefficients of correlations between all the indicators demonstrate homogeneity of the test cases, its internal consistency in general, which confirms its discriminative character. To substantiate construct validity of the inventory, we applied factor analysis that made it possible to confirm the total number of statements included into the inventory: there were 96 statements left (both for men and women’s variants). Thus, the above-mentioned statistical proofs confirm the inventory’s reliability, validity, discriminative character, and psychometric effectiveness. The inventory is applicable for scientific and practical purposes.


personality, crisis, life roles, experiencing role crisis, role-based dysfunctions.




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(2016) Science and education, 11, 24-30. Odessa.

Oksana Davydova,
research assistant,
University of Educational Management, NAES of Ukraine,
high level certificate practical psychologist,
Kremenchug Lyceum of Information Technologies No.30 named after N. Shevchenko,
3, O. Koshevoho Lane, Kremenchuk, Ukraine



The article presents the results of the empirical research of the stereotypes in teachers’ pedagogical activities. The study was carried out during 2014-2016 and involved 205 surveyed. In terms of the multi-factor model, the differences in the parameters of teachers’ professional competence with different tendencies to stereotypisation depending on different pedagogical techniques, oriented at efficient support of the didactic communication in the situations of educational interaction, have been analysed. The following 12 groups of teachers have been distinguished: controlling (with extremely high level of stereotypisation) – 14 respondents, differential (the one with extremely high level of stereotypisation) – 40 respondents, facilitative (with extremely high level of stereotypisation) – 21 respondents; controlling (with high level of stereotypisation) – 8, differential (with high level of stereotypisation) – 30, facilitative (with high level of stereotypisation) – 7; controlling (with normal level of stereotypisation) – 8, differential (with normal level of stereotypisation) – 27, facilitative (with normal level of stereotypisation) – 6; controlling (with low level of stereotypisation) – 7, differential (with low level of stereotypisation) – 27, and facilitative (with low level of stereotypisation) – 10 respondents. The obtained results make it possible to conclude that the pedagogues with very high stereotype tendencies have difficulties associated with the violations of emotional stability, motivational complex and self-image. Under the conditions of crisis states, the group of teachers with the facilitative type is considered to be optimal according to psychological characteristics. The group of the controlling type is characterised by emotional ill-being, insufficient satisfaction with work, etc. With the decrease of the corresponding stereotype tendencies the processes of self-organisation, identification and stereotypisation become interconnected.


pedagogical activities, educational process, pedagogical stereotypes, transformation, development.




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