Tetyana Yarnykh, Oleksandr Kotenko, Olga Rukhmakova, Julia Levachkova, Volodymyr Kovalev. Introduction of Learning Innovative Elements on The Lesson Example "Preparation of Emulsions".

(2021) Science and education, 1, 45-49. Odessa.

Tetyana Yarnykh,
Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, professor,
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8496-1578,
Oleksandr Kotenko,
Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, professor,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6233-9841,
Olga Rukhmakova,
Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, professor,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8573-8965,
Julia Levachkova,
Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, associate professor,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8540-4041,
Volodymyr Kovalev,
PhD (Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences), associate professor,
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1603-2771,
Department of Drugs Technology,
National University of Pharmacy,
53, Pushkinska str, Kharkiv, Ukraine



Improving the quality of education is one of the most important tasks facing the teacher. An indicator of the effectiveness of training is its compliance with conditions in which the future specialist will work. University graduates often face the difficult task of adapting the knowledge gained in the learning process to the realities of the workplace. Teachers of the National University of Pharmacy, in particular those who work at the Drugs Technology Department, try to introduce into the educational process classes in which applicants of higher education can see and participate in the work of modern pharmacies. The purpose of such classes is to increase the interest of applicants of higher education in training, demonstration and practice of using modern equipment, increase the efficiency of teamwork and others. The publication presents the experience of conducting classes on the preparation of emulsions using modern equipment with the participation of pharmacy staff who prepare extemporaneous medicines. To compare the efficiency of modern devices, applicants of higher education were divided into two groups, which prepared the emulsion by classical technology and using a homogenizer “Silent Crusher-M”. The result of this lesson is to increase the interest of applicants of higher education in the use of modern telecommunications equipment and devices, increase interest in obtaining theoretical knowledge due to the clarity of their practical implementation, increase awareness of professional development. Applicants for higher education were able to compare the effectiveness of the use of mechanization for the preparation of medicines; the need to acquire skills for further work in the pharmaceutical field, which increases their responsibility to learn.


pharmaceutical education, innovative elements of training, pharmacy-based technology of drugs, emulsions, vocational training.




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Darina Dvornichenko, Vadym Barskyy. Blended Learning Model in Teaching Media Literacy.

(2021) Science and education, 1, 49-56. Odessa.

Darina Dvornichenko,
PhD (Candidate of Political Science),
Department of Maritime Law,
National University “Odesa Maritime Academy”,
8, Didrikhson Str., Odesa, Ukraine
Vadym Barskyy,
PhD (Candidate of Law), associate-professor,
Department of the Civil Law Disciplines,
Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University,
2, Dvoryanskaya Str., Odesa, Ukraine



This article offers insights into the practices of a blended learning course devoted to media literacy. The present study focuses on correlation of such terms as “blended learning”, “hybrid learning”, “ubiquitous learning”. Special attention is also paid to the studying of benefits and drawbacks of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The case under investigation is the MOOC “Very Verified: Online Course on Media Literacy” developed by International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) and EdEra in 2019. Data were collected via pre-test and post-test instruments of assessment with the aim of deriving an understanding of progress made by students, as well as analysing the fluctuations in students’ self-assessment of their own media literacy skills. The study also examined quantitative data to determine how many learners completed the course and how useful it was for them. By comparing the data from students who completed the online course combined with face-to-face sessions and those who completed the online course without attending face-to-face sessions, the research examined the benefits of blended learning model. It was found that the Psychology - Medicine - Education Science and Education, 2021, Issue 1 50 blended learning model turned out to be more effective in comparison with the ubiquitous learning model despite the uniformity of learning content. The findings and analysis offer several insights of blended-learning model and its application in formal and non-formal education.


blended learning, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), media literacy, ubiquitous learning, critical thinking.




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Oksana Kravchenko, Maryna Mishchenko. To The Problem of Physical Support of Persons With Disabilities.

(2021) Science and education, 1, 56-61. Odessa.

Oksana Kravchenko,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor,
Dean of Social and Psychological Department,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,
2, Sadova Str., Uman, Ukraine
Maryna Mishchenko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), assistant professor,
Department of Psychology,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,
2, Sadova Str., Uman, Ukraine



Today, the activities of all national institutions, including public authorities, public associations, etc., are aimed at creating conditions in which persons with disabilities can lead an independent life and take an active part in all its aspects. Full participation of people with disabilities in society is not possible due to numerous barriers and obstacles. An «ordinary» person may not notice them, and a person with a disability has to deal with them on a daily basis. The purpose of this study was to analyze the training of accompanying persons with disabilities. Research methods: theoretical – analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources on the researched issues, generalization and systematization of data on training – attendant of persons with disabilities; empirical – polls. The sample of the study consisted of 10 volunteers who accompanied the participants of the International Art Symposium-Plein Air of Persons with Disabilities «Art without Restrictions». Volunteers in the survey noted that the vast majority do not have qualified training. Among the problems faced when accompanying people with disabilities are the following: ignorance of others about the capabilities and needs of people with disabilities; difficulty in establishing interpersonal communication; the presence of architectural barriers that prevent unimpeded movement or access to a particular object; wrong approach that does not take into account the opinion of people with disabilities in solving their problems; a state of despair or helplessness of such people, etc. According to the results of the study, the importance of introducing the standard of the profession «Companion of Persons with Disabilities» and training specialists with the same qualification is an important step towards ensuring access to public goods of all categories of citizens, including people with disabilities. At the same time, the social service of physical support is part of a system of measures that contribute to the social rehabilitation of people with disabilities.


physical support, disability, attendant of persons with disabilities, social service, barriers, general competencies, professional competencies.




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Olha Ivanchenko. Traditions of Zemstvo Charity in The System of Vocational Education of Ukraine.

(2021) Science and education, 1, 62-69. Odessa.

Olha Ivanchenko,
PhD student,
Department of Social Philosophy and Public Administration,
Zaporizhzhia National University,
66, Zhukovskogo Str., Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine



An integral part of reforming the Ukrainian system of vocational education and training is improving the existing incorporated segment of social work and security. The demanding search for an effective problem-solving draws constant attention to the leading foreign and domestic historical experience. The instauration urgency of the latter is caused not only by providing potential continuity of the development, but also by streamlining the educational field. Equally important is the fact that the steps under consideration are to contribute to the formation of a positive image of local authorities in the collective consciousness of the territorial community members. The purpose of the research is to identify and characterize the traditions of zemstvo charity within the system of vocational education of Ukraine. To achieve the purpose, the following methods were used, i.e. logical, historical-genetic, futuristic, retrospective and narrative ones, as well as the method of analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction comparative and content analysis, typology and secondary information processing. In the research process, the elements of zemstvo charity in primary and secondary vocational educational institutions have been proved to be preferential or free based education, granted scholarships, free uniforms and overalls, dormitory accommodation, food, textbooks, professional supplies and other materials within the graduation period. Those norms and regulations of social work and security encompassed only the best students and few representatives of bourgeoisie and peasantry. It should be emphasized that, for a century and a half, zemstvo charity transformed from cohort to mass practice in the system of vocational education and, notwithstanding certain narrowing of the receipt categories has, nowadays, become the core of the traditions of social work and its provision. Preserved and acquired principles, norms of pre-Soviet socially oriented practices ensure the viability and socially oriented mission of domestic vocational educational institutions.


 zemstvo charity, social work, social support, social security, vocational education, vocational school.




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Abdülkadir Kabadayı, Emine Bilge Altunok. Investigation of The Relationship Between Parental Styles With Communication Skills of Preschool Children.

(2021) Science and education, 1, 69-77. Odessa.

Abdülkadir Kabadayı,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
associate professor, Dr., A. K. Faculty of Education,
Department of Basic Education,
Necmettin Erbakan University,
Meram Kampüsü, Meram Yeniyol,
42090, Meram Yeniyol, Konya, Turkey,
Emine Bilge Altunok,
M. A. (Master of Pedagogical Sciences),
Institution of Educational Sciences,
Necmettin Erbakan University,
Meram Kampüsü, Meram Yeniyol,
42090, Meram Yeniyol, Konya, Turkey



It can be stated that the relationships that parents have with their children in the preschool period have a great impact on their future social-emotional lives and a significant part of learning takes place in the preschool period. Considering those parents' attitudes during child-rearing may affect the child's development and interpersonal relationships; this study aims to examine the relationship between parental attitudes and communication skills of 36-72 monthold children attending preschool education institutions. This research: parents' attitudes concerning reveal the relationship between preschool children's communication skills, preschool in Turkey period in terms of the lack of a sufficient number of working children about the communication skills, parents and educators; it is thought to be important in terms of providing a different perspective and contributing to the development of children's communication skills and drawing their attention to this issue, and also in terms of guiding researchers in future studies on the subject. The research was conducted using the relational scanning model. The population of this research consists of 36-72 months old children attending pre-school education institutions in Elazığ city center and Diyarbakır central districts in the 2017-2018 academic year, and parents of 36-72 months old children. The sample of the study consisted of 300 children and 320 parents randomly selected from the universe. In the research, the "Parental Attitudes Questionnaire" and "Communication Skills Scale" were used. The Parental Attitudes Determination Questionnaire consists of four parental attitudes (oppressive-authoritarian, protective, indifferent-carefree, democratic). The Communication Skills Scale consists of four communication skills (verbal communication, avoiding communication barriers, and communication with courtesy content, non-verbal communication). The data obtained were analyzed with SPSS 22 program. In the statistical evaluation, firstly, a normality test was applied to the subscales of the "Parental Attitudes Determination Questionnaire" and the "Communication Skills Scale". Since “p <0.05” in all communication skills subscales and all parental attitudes subscales, it was accepted that they did not show a normal distribution. Thus, Spearman Correlation was applied to test whether there was a significant relationship between parent attitudes and communication skills. According to the results of the research it is observed that parents adopt "Democratic Attitude" the most and "Verbal Communication Skills" are used the most by preschool children. No significant relationship was found between oppressiveauthoritarian, indifferent-carefree, and democratic parental attitudes and subscales of communication skills. Only a low level of negative correlation was found between the protective parental style and the verbal communication skills subscale. According to the results of the study, parents and educators can be trained on parent attitudes and communication skills. Educators can support the development of children with low communication skills with activities that will showcase their social skills and allow them to express themselves. To parents who show a protective attitude; children can be helped to behave in a way that supports their verbal communication skills, affects the personality development of the child positively, and allows them to develop a personality structure independent of others. This research was conducted in Elâzığ and Diyarbakır provinces. Turkey will be held in the west of the province or be provided with a contribution to the results of the research will be done with a much larger sample group. The relationship between the communication skills of preschool children and an area different from the parent attitudes can be examined.


Preschool, parental styles, communication skills, authoritarian, indifferent, democratic.




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