Hanna Sokolova. Features of The Cognitive Sphere of Children With Speech Disorders.

(2021) Science and education, 1, 5-12. Odessa.

Hanna Sokolova,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, associate professor,
The State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The need of social, psychological and pedagogical support of children with special educational needs in modern Ukrainian psychology, in particular with speech disorders, is the task of the domestic science. The socio-cultural, psychological and pedagogical conditionality of special educational needs, the focus of all correctional and educational activities on the social development of the child in the context of the formation of competencies, taking into account individual and psychological characteristics and involving parents in this process have come to the forefront of theoretical and empirical research that emphasizes the relevance of the study. The purpose of the study is to empirically study the cognitive sphere of children with speech disorders, which is one of the important factors of their socialization. The method of theoretical analysis, generalization of scientific primary sources on the research problem, observation and psychodiagnostic testing are used. The focus of the research to identify features of cognitive and personal development of children with special educational needs is particularly important for theory and practice. This article shows that special characteristics of memory, attention, thought processes of children with speech disorders have gender characteristics;this should be taken into account in the process of organizing social space and the process of socialization. Furthermore, the positive attitude formed in children and the ability to evaluate themselves and their activities create the basis for the effective development of the cognitive sphere that is an extremely important task as it is due to them the child learns to establish cause-andeffect relationships, develop appropriate roles relations with adults and peers in and out of class, seek cooperation, show attention to others.


personality, special educational needs, speech disorders, cognitive sphere, self-esteem, attention, memory.




1. Kalinina, T. S., Miroshnyk, L. A. (2013). Vyvchennia osoblyvostei shkilnoi tryvozhnosti u molodshykh pidlitkiv iz zatrymkoiu psykhichnoho rozvytku v spetsialnii shkoli [Study of the peculiarities of school anxiety in young adolescents with mental retardation in a special school]. Pedahohika zdorovia. Zdorovia liudyny v umovakh noosferohenez – Health Education. Human health in terms of noospherogenesis. Proceedings of the III All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference. (pp. 302–306). Kharkiv: KhNPU im. H.S. Skovorody [in Ukrainian].
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5. Sokolova, H. B. (2017). Psykholohichni osoblyvosti zakhysnoi povedinky batkiv, shcho vykhovuiut ditei iz syndromom Dauna [Psychological features of protective behavior of parents raising children with Down syndrome]. Nauka i osvita – Science and Education, 3, 23– 28 [in Ukrainian]
6. Tatianchykova, I. V. (2012). Sotsializatsiia ditei z vadamy rozumovoho rozvytku: hostrota problemy y osnovni ryzyky [Socialization of children with intellectual disabilities: the severity of the problem and the main risks]. Aktualni problemy yurydychnoi ta ekstremalnoi psykholohii – Current issues of legal and extreme psychology, Vol. 2, pp. 129–132 [in Ukrainian].
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Yuri Chernozhuk, Irina Uzun. Psychological Inhibitors of Intelligence of Future Teachers.

(2021) Science and education, 1, 12-19. Odessa.

Yuri Chernozhuk,
associate professor,
Department of General and Differential Psychology,
Irina Uzun,
master student,
Department of General and Differential Psychology,
The State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska, Odesa, Ukraine



The article presents the results of theoretical and empirical research aimed at studying the psychological inhibitors of intelligence of students who will work as teachers in the future. Analysis of the literature on the topic allowed to clarify the content of the main psychological phenomena being studied, to choose parameters that represent intelligence at the formal-dynamic and content-personal levels, as well as psychological properties that can hypothetically inhibit the intelligence of future teachers. Correlation analysis proved: 1) the complex and ambiguous nature of the relationships between the parameters under study; 2) the negative nature of the relationship of a number of indicators of general and social intelligence with indicators of anxiety and aggression, and positive one with indicators of conflict resilience; 3) only indicators of the style "field-dependence/field-independence" have significant negative links with hypothetical inhibitors of intelligence (indicator of personal anxiety) among a number of cognitive-stylistic indicators. Based on the purpose and research tasks, 6 groups of future teachers were created. The first group includes subjects with a low level of anxiety (LA) - 10 people, the second one with a high level of anxiety (HA) - 10 people, the third group - with a low level of aggression - 10 people (LA), the fourth - with a high level of aggression (HA) - 10 people, the fifth group - subjects with a high level of conflict resistance (HC), the sixth - with a low (LC). By means of the qualitative analysis the information on individual-typical features of intelligence of persons with various levels of the specified properties was received, their comparison was carried out. Future teachers with high anxiety, high aggression, low conflict resistance are inferior to colleagues with opposite characteristics in a number of parameters of general and social intelligence. As shown by the results of observations and conversations with these subjects, this leads to significant problems in their professional development, creates for them certain difficulties in various spheres of life. Qualitative analysis has shown that anxiety, aggression and conflict resilience can act as inhibitors of intelligence. However, firstly, it depends on their severity (high anxiety, high aggression and low conflict resistance can act as inhibitors) and secondly, if anxiety acts as an inhibitor, both at the cognitive-stylistic and content-personal levels of intelligence, aggression and conflict resistance act only on the latter one. In addition, their influence affects social intelligence and, unlike anxiety, does not extend to general intelligence.


intelligence, general intelligence, social intelligence, cognitive styles, intelligence inhibitors, future teachers.




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Mariia Bondarenko, Valentyna Kurovska, Artem Okhrei, Olga Podpalova, Yevdokiia Reshetnik. Problems of Distant Learning of Medical Students During The Covid-19 Pandemic.

(2021) Science and education, 1, 19-26. Odessa.

Mariia Bondarenko,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences), assistant,
Department of Anatomy and Pathological Physiology,
ESC “Institute of Biology and Medicine” of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
2, Akademika Hlushkova Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine,
Valentyna Kurovska,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences), assistant,
Department of Fundamental Medicine,
ESC “Institute of Biology and Medicine” of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
2, Akademika Hlushkova Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine,
Artem Okhrei,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences), assistant,
Department of Anatomy and Pathological Physiology,
ESC “Institute of Biology and Medicine” of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
2, Akademika Hlushkova Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine,
Olga Podpalova,
assistant of Department of Fundamental Medicine,
ESC “Institute of Biology and Medicine” of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
2, Akademika Hlushkova Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine,
Yevdokiia Reshetnik,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences), assistant,
Department of Anatomy and Pathological Physiology
ESC “Institute of Biology and Medicine” of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
2, Akademika Hlushkova Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine



Traditionally, education in medical universities has huge practical part. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic the educational process has been transferred to distance learning and disadvantages of it have been revealed. The negative aspects of distance learning need to be analyzed and strategies of their prevention need to be developed. An anonymous survey was conducted among students in order to know their opinion about a transfer to distant learning. Online Google Forms technology was used with this purpose. According to the obtained data, the majority of students (58,2%) indicated a decrease in the level of knowledge acquired remotely during the quarantine. The importance of contact with teachers and receiving tasks from them during quarantine was noted by 79,6% of respondents. Only small part of students (12,2%) assessed distance learning positively. Most of them (75,5%) cannot imagine isolation without using the means of communication, but in case of inability to use them, respondents (43,8%) answered that they would read books. This raises an extremely important question about the dependence of the learning process on electricity. Over the half of the students admitted that the state of health (65,3%) and mood (57,1%) had become worse. About half of students spent their leisure time playing computer games (42,5%), had communicated with family and friends more often (44,9%) and felt homesick (45,9%). These signs are the components of distress that indirectly affect the ability to learn. It is crucially important to provide the maximum audio-visual contact between the teacher and the student during distance learning. The system of psychological consulting of students is extremely needed. Classroom activity with necessary antiepidemic measures should be provided for medical students. The duration and format of online lectures, practical and laboratory classes should be changed.


medical students, distant learning, quarantine, COVID-19 pandemic.




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Mariia Kazanzhy. Psychological Resourcefulness of Student Youth Under Conditions of Quarantine Restrictions.

(2021) Science and education, 1, 27-34. Odessa.

Mariia Kazanzhy,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, professor,
Department of General and Differential Psychology,
The State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The worldwide coronavirus pandemic has dramatically transformed people's lives: habitual things, living and working conditions have changed. It has mostly effected the spheres of activity that were completely or partially switched to a remote format. So, it is especially important now to identify those resources that allow participants in the educational process to function effectively, namely - students, because their adhering to the self-isolation regime required an obligatory intensive constant presence in the digital information environment. Thus, the aim of the article was to identify the psychological resources of students, their individual psychological characteristics and transformations during quarantine restrictions. There was used a complex of theoretical and empirical research methods, in particular "Questionnaire of psychological resourcefulness of personality" (O. S. Shtepa) and "Test-questionnaire of facilitative potential of personality" (M. Y. Kazanzhy). Correlation analysis was conducted based on the results of measuring these psychological features in 200 students of the State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky". A comparison of the resourcefulness of individuals before the pandemic and about a year after its beginning was made with the participation of 138 subjects. According to the results of correlation analysis, a close positive relationship between the parameters of facilitative potential and psychological resourcefulness was revealed. The comparison of psychological resources with the help of which students adapt to new conditions and carry out educational activities showed that the parameters of the actualizing component of students' facilitative potential remain virtually unchanged, and the requirement-motivational component even increases, which is associated with unrealized potential under quarantine restrictions. The severity of facilitation resources decreased significantly, indicating that knowledge, skills and abilities to influence others require constant use / training for effective detection. It is established that psychological resourcefulness has changed during the period of quarantine restrictions, such resources as self-realization in the profession, selfconfidence, success have decreased especially significantly. The study has proved that knowledge of one's own psychologi-cal resources, the ability to update and accommodate them is the first thing to pay attention to in the context of provid-ing psychological assistance to students due to the current social constraints. Increasing work on oneself was insufficient to compensate the psychological resources used by the individual in this situation, so it is necessary to develop new techniques and mechanisms for their enrichment.


 psychological resourcefulness, facilitation, facilitative potential, coronavirus pandemic, individual psychological characteristics.




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11. Shtepa, O. S. (2016). Psykholohichna resursnist yak kryterii indyvidualnoho zdorovia [Psychological resourcefulness as a criterion of individual health]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats K-PNU imeni Ivana Ohiienka, Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S.Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. Problemy suchasnoi psykholohii, 32, 571–585 [in Ukrainian].

Yuliia Asieieva. Relationship Between Social Conditions of Life And The Stage of Manifestation of Cyber Addictions.

(2021) Science and education, 1, 34-44. Odessa.

Yuliia Asieieva,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
Head of the Department of General Scientific,
Social and Behavioral Sciences of
the Odessa Institute of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management,
19, Black Sea Cossacks Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The whole world today is rapidly following the path of digitalization of society, cyberspace is becoming a new sphere of reality for the majority of the population. Despite all the advantages of interactive technologies and the speed of obtaining the necessary information due to the prevalence of the Internet. New problematic issues also arise. Almost 8% of the world's population has been already addicted to the Internet, but questions about the nosology, etiology of cyber addictions and their treatment and prevention still remain unresolved. The aim of this study was to identify the impact of social living conditions on the severity of cyber addictions. The following research methods were used: bibliographic and historical analysis of theoretical heritage, psychodiagnostic testing: Test-questionnaire for detecting cyber addiction (TQC) and semi-structured interview of respondents to clarify social living conditions as well as mathematical and statistical methods for data analysis (data processing was done using the program "Microsoft Excel", "SPSS 26.0 for Windows XP"). The study sample consisted of 559 people, including 408 who had certain types of cyber addictions and 151 people who agreed to join the control group (relatively healthy). The study was conducted in accordance with the principles of bioethics and deontology. It was found that the most typical addictions for boys are computer addiction, Internet addiction, game addiction and gadget addiction; more typical addictions for girls are cybercommunication addiction and selfie. In correlation analysis (according to Pearson and Tau-b Kendall) of relationship between the influence of social living conditions on the severity of cyber addictions it was found that according to the results of both correlation matrices the links were not revealed between cyber addictions and educational institutions in which our respondents studied; but at the same time a direct relationship was found between computer addiction, Internet addiction, game addiction and cyber-communication addiction with the academic success of cyber-addicts. Such a type of cyber addiction as selfie has an inverse relationship with the material wealth of the family. When analyzing the results obtained by Pearson's correlation analysis, it can be argued that the manifestations of all types of cyber addictions have a medium direct connection with conflicts with parents, a weak direct connection between cyber addictions and conflicts with peers.


Internet, cyber addictions, computer addiction, Internet addiction, gadget addictions, selfie, cybercommunication addiction.




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2. Voyskunsky, A. E., & Smyslova, O. V. (2020). Kiberzabolevanie v sistemakh virtualnoy realnosti: klyuchevye faktory i sensornaya integracziya [Cyber Disease in Virtual Reality Systems: Key Factors and Sensory Integration]. Psikhologichesky zhurnal – Psychological journal, 1 (41), 56-64 [in Russian].
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