Yaroslava Dudko. Organisational and Pedagogical Conditions For Educational Work Management at Teacher Training Universities of Ukraine.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 31-37. Odessa.


Yaroslava Dudko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
doctoral candidate, Department of Pedagogy and Art of Teaching,
Bohdan Khmelnytskyi State Pedagogical University of Melitopol,
20, Hetmanska Str., Melitopol, Ukraine



The paper presents the results of scientific and pedagogical research of the issue of modernisation of educational work management at teacher training universities of Ukraine. The aim of the research work was to specify and substantiate the system of organisational and pedagogical conditions for managing educational work of Ukrainian teacher training universities; develop a factor-and-criterion-based model of assessing the effectiveness of educational work management and carry out its experimental proof. According to scientific literature review and the results obtained at the summative stage of the pedagogical experiment, the following organisational and pedagogical conditions have been distinguished: regulatory (availability of regulatory documents, programme of educational work development, intra-university TV and radio programmes, university website, counselling service, etc.), methodological (organisation of the system of training and retraining of educational work managers, availability of individual plans for educational work managers’ development, methodological basis for educational work managers’ creative development, etc.), financial (the use of managerial and marketing technologies, employment and sustainable use of extra-budgetary sources, etc.), psycho-pedagogical (creating acmeological environment and incentive system for motivation of educational work managers, atmosphere of respect, trust and success), and organisational (person-centred approach to educational process management, engaging community and parents in education of students, adhering to traditional principles, functions, methods and means in educational work management, etc.). Basing on the qualimetric approach, we have developed a factor-and-criterion-based model for assessing the effectiveness of managing educational work of teacher training universities of Ukraine. The model makes it possible to find existing shortcomings in providing organisational and pedagogical conditions for educational work management at a teacher training university as well as specify the ways of their overcoming. Results of the expert evaluation of the data obtained have made it possible to state that the developed factor-and-criterion-based model for assessing the quality of managing educational work of a pedagogical higher educational institution is effective.


 education, educational work, pedagogical higher educational institution, a process, self-government, a student, management.




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Xing Zhefu. Model of Pedagogical Support For Foreign Students in The Process of Adaptation to Training at Universities of Ukraine.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 38-43. Odessa.


Xing Zhefu,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Oriental Languages and Translation,
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,
13-B, Tymoshenko Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with the characteristics of the elements of the model of pedagogical support for foreign students in the process of their adaptation to the educational process at universities of Ukraine. The adaptation of foreign students to training at Ukrainian universities is considered as a process of active adjustment to a new socio-cultural and educational environment. Pedagogical support of foreign students in the process of their adaptation to training at higher education institutions is a system of interaction between the educational process participants aimed at helping them overcome a set of psychological, pedagogical and social problems associated with their interaction with a new sociocultural and educational environment to ensure a high level of adaptation. The success of the pedagogical support in the process of foreign students’ adaptation to the educational process at Ukrainian universities can be provided by means of implementing the following pedagogical conditions: 1) preparing teaching staff for providing support for foreign students; 2) creating multi-cultural socio-pedagogical environment focused on the organization of the inter-cultural dialogue, forming tolerant relations. The suggested model of pedagogical support of foreign students in the process of their adaptation to the educational process at the universities of Ukraine involves target, content and technological, monitoring and resulting blocks, and is based on the set of the methodological approaches: system, humanistic, synergetic, axiological, person-centered, and environmental. The pedagogical support in this field is carried out by means of the pedagogical conditions implemented during the preparatory, initial, intermediate and final stages. The determined diagnostic tools and levels of foreign students’ adaptive capacity demonstrate the level of the effectiveness of teaching staff’s work in terms of foreign students’ successful adaptation.


adaptation, foreign students, training, pedagogical support, pedagogical conditions, model.




1. Bekh, I. D. (1998). Osobystisno-zoriientovane vykhovannia [Personality-oriented education]. Kyiv: IZMN [in Ukrainian].
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Tetiana Gurova, Serhii Gurov, Liudmyla Moskaliova. Innovative Technologies in The Formation of Future English Teachers’ Intercultural Communicative Competence.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 44-50. Odessa.


Tetiana Gurova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Serhii Gurov,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Philological Department,
Liudmyla Moskaliova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, head of the
Department of Social Work, Social and Preschool Education,
Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after B. Khmelnitsky,
20, Hetmanska Str., Melitopol, Ukraine



The article deals with the innovative teaching technologies as a means of the formation of English language communication competence as an important component of future English teachers’ professionalism. The experiment was aimed at assessing the effectiveness of using a set of innovative teaching technologies for the development of the above mentioned competence and involved 50 third-year students majoring in English philology who were divided into experimental and control groups. The following exercises were used in the survey as the examples of interactive teaching technologies: “Microphone”, “Brainstorm”, “Teaching and learning”, “Associative bush”, “Guess the question”, “Different perception”, “Describe my favorite cultural tradition”, “Idioms and proverbs”, “Pros and cons corners”, “Do you know the person?”, What’s appropriate?”. According to the research results, the applied techniques contribute to the development of students’ communicative competence development and also encourage them for self-development.


 competence, intercultural communicative competence, innovative technologies, future teacher of English.




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Tetiana Derkach, Tetiana Starova. Preferred Learning Styles of Students of Natural Field of Study.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 51-56. Odessa.


Tetiana Derkach,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
Department of Industrial Pharmacy,
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design,
2, Nemyrovycha-Danchenka Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
Tetiana Starova,
PhD (Candidate of Chemical Sciences),
head of the Department of Chemistry and Chemistry Teaching Methods,
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University,
54, Haharina Avenue, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine



Indexes of learning styles of students majoring in “Biology and Chemistry” and “Chemistry and Informatics” were assessed by Felder-Soloman’s Index of Learning Styles. The respondents of both specialties demonstrate a pronounced active style of information processing and sensitive style of perception. They preferably use visual sensors for information perception. The difference between the specialties under comparison consists in learning patterns. The respondents majoring in “Biology and Chemistry” demonstrate preferred sequential style of understanding while the students majoring in “Chemistry and Informatics" are characterized by a balance between sequential and global styles. The characteristics of the preferred learning styles obtained in the experiment mainly conform to those of students of natural science and computer specialties at universities of the world.


 higher education, Felder-Soloman Index of Learning Style, students majoring in natural and computer science.




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Hanna Kashyna, Vira Lebedeva, Maryna Kashtalian. Simulation Teaching Technology In Modern Educational System Reformation.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 57-62. Odessa.


Hanna Kashyna,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
9, Pyrohova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine
Vira Lebedeva,
Doctor of economics, associate professor,
Department of Administrative Management and Market Problems,
Odessa National Polytechnic University,
1, Shevchenko Avenue, Odessa, Ukraine
Maryna Kashtalian,
PhD in Medicine, associate professor,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology No1,
Odessa National Medical University
2, Valikhovsky lane, Odessa, Ukraine



Modern education aims to form an all-round future professional. So only semiotic means of training are not enough, the necessary technologies should be based on the principle of “perceiving through performing” involving effective professional tests, manifesting themselves in the development of professional competence, providing the designing of situations and appropriate situational reflection. This studying should result in not narrow knowledge in a certain sphere, but versatile one with the possibility of its further adaptation to a changing context. The article deals with the expediency of implementing a simulation teaching technology in terms of training and simulation company, the features of its adaptation to the Ukrainian educational system, the combination of methods and technologies applied in terms training and simulation company. It has been concluded that this technology has a positive impact of the development of modern professionals.


 education, educational technology, educational and training company, simulation teaching technology, educational reform.




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