Ihor Puchkov, Vladyslav Sariienko, Volodymyr Sariienko. Didactic Foundations of Software Structuring in the Process of Teaching Science Disciplines and Mathematics at Pedagogical Universities.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 62-67. Odessa.


Ihor Puchkov,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Vladyslav Sariienko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Volodymyr Sariienko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Science Disciplines and Mathematics,
Donbas State Pedagogical University,
19, H. Batiuka, Sloviansk, Ukraine,



Science disciplines and Mathematics are considered to be a fundamental evidential and technical base of modern researches and production; they contribute to the formation of scientific worldview, intellectual development, provide acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for working with a PC. When developing the technology of structuring software for teaching science disciplines and Mathematics at pedagogical universities one should regard that it must cover all structural components of the educational process (target, motivational, content, operative and regulative, as well as estimation and result). The relevance of the research is explained by the necessity of determining didactic foundations of software structuring in the process of teaching scientific disciplines and Mathematics, as it affects the level of future teachers’ professional competence. The paper aims to prove the necessity of software structuring as a way of achieving the optimal combination of different program teaching methods which provides the development of students’ self-study skills in the process of mastering scientific disciplines and Mathematics. The has been conducted the pedagogical experiment aimed at checking the efficiency of the developed technique of structuring the software for teaching science disciplines and Mathematics at the Department of Physics and Mathematics of Donbas State Pedagogical University involving 120 2nd -5 th year students divided into control and experimental groups. The checking was carried our according to the following criteria: motivational; cognitive; vocational. Pearson's chi-squared test (χ2) was used for the research outcomes verification. The carried out pedagogical experiment has proved the expediency of the developed technology of software structuring in the process of teaching scientific disciplines and Mathematics, which provides the increase of the level of students’ professional competence.


pedagogical experiment, software, structuring, teaching, science disciplines, mathematics, professional competence .




1. Burynska, N. M. (1999). Dydaktychni osnovy shkilnoho pidruchnyka z pryrodnychykh dystsyplin [Didactic fundamentals of school textbook of natural sciences]. Pedahohika i psykholohiya – Pedagogy and Psychology, 3, 23-28 [in Ukrainian].
2. Gagarina, L. G. (2008). Tekhnologiнa razrabotki programmnogo obespecheniнa [Technology of software development]. Moscow: ID «FORUM»; INFRA-M [in Russian].
3. Grabar, M. I. (1977). Primenenie matematicheskoi statistiki v pedagogicheskikh issledovaniiakh [Application of mathematical statistics in pedagogical research]. Moscow: Nauka [in Russian].
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7. Puchkov, I. R. (2012). Sut i dydaktychni pryntsypy strukturuvannya prohramnoho zabezpechennya navchannya fizyko-matematychnykh dystsyplin [Essence and didactic principles of structuring software for teaching physical and mathematical sciences]. Humanizatsiya navchalno-vykhovnoho protsesu – Humanization of the educational process, 59, 350 [in Ukrainian].
8. Sariyenko, V. V. (2015). Rozvytok tvorchoi piznavalnoi diialnosti starshoklasnykiv u protsesi navchannya predmetiv pryrodnycho-matematychnoho tsyklu [Development of creative cognitive activity of senior pupils in the process of learning scientific disciplines and Maths]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kharkiv: Khark. nats. ped. un-t im. H. S. Skovorody [in Ukrainian].
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Liudmyla Matviichuk, Liudmyla Kukhar, Hnedko Nataliia. Examining Factors of Using Information and Communication Technologies For E-Learning Organization.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 68-73. Odessa.


Liudmyla Matviichuk,
PhD (Candidate of Ppedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Computer Science,
Chernihiv National T. G. Shevchenko Pedagogical University,
53, Hetmana Polubotka Str., Chenihiv, Ukraine,
Liudmyla Kukhar,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Computer Engineering and Educational Explorations,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
9, Pyrohova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
Hnedko Nataliia,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of ICT and Methods of Teaching Informatics,
Rivne State University of Humanities,
12, Stepana Bandery Str., Rivne, Ukraine



In the time when information and communication technologies (ICT) are considered to be the significant tool in education, there arises a question if there are proper conditions of their implementation for e-learning organization at higher educational institutions in Ukraine. The paper aims to examine teachers’ ICT skills and factors which slow down the process of using ICT for teaching students. The survey involved 106 teachers working at Ukrainian educational institutions of various types. The following questionnaires were used in the survey: “Students’ Impressions Scale”, “Teachers’ Attitude Towards Elearning Checklist”, “Factors Affecting ICT Use”, “Educational Institutions Provision Quality”. The questionnaires consisted of closed- and open-ended questions, as well as scale questions. Accrding to the research outcomes, the following factors positively influence the use of ICT for e-learning organization: self-fulfillment, students’ interest and motivation, financial gain, administration’s and colleagues’ respect, personal interest, improvement of academic performance. The most significant factors negatively affecting the process of ICT application are as follows: low level of equippment support, improper facilities, insufficient financial support, lack of software, lack of time, teachers’ incompetence. Despite the low level of Ukrainian educational institutions’ innovative activity assurance, teachers do their best to implement ICT into the educational process and make it more interesting for students. The insufficient level of soft- and hardware supply, the lack of powerful computers, poor financial support, personal factors, technical incompetence of teachers, and lots of other challenges should be urgently solved in order to provide Ukrainian students with high-quality education.


: e-learning, ICT, innovative activity, teachers, factors, difficulties, challenges.




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4. Igwe Sylvester Agbo. (2015). Factors Influencing the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Teaching and Learning Computer Studies in Ohaukwu Local Government Area of Ebonyi State-Nigeria. Journal of Education and Practice. 6 (7), 71-86 [in English].
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13. Sedmoy prognoz iz otcheta Bersin by Deloitte «Predictions for 2016»: revoliutsyia v korporativnom obuchenii [The 7th prognosis from Bersin by Deloitte “Predictions for 2016” report”: revolution in corporate education]. Retrieved from: http://hrdocs.ru/novosti/bersin-7 [in Russian].
14. Yakunin, Ya. Yu. (2013). Limituiuchy faktory optymalnoho vykorystannia IKT na suchasnomu urotsi [Limitation factors of optimal use of ICT at a modern lesson]. Naukovyi chasopys NPU imeni MP Drahomanova – Newsletter of National Dragomanov Pedagogical University, 19 (29), 198-201 [in Ukrainian].

Vladyslav Teremetskyi, Pavlo Grynko, Oleksandra Karmaza. Conceptual Principles For Increasing the Efficiency of Legislative Regulation of the Educational Process in Ukraine.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 74-80. Odessa.


Vladyslav Teremetskyi,
Doctor of Law, associate professor,
professor of the University's education and law department
University of educational management
National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine
52 A, Sichovykh Striltsiv str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053
Pavlo Grynko,
Candidate of Law, senior lecturer of the
Department of University Education and Law,
University of Educational Management,
National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
52 A, Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
Oleksandra Karmaza,
Doctor of Law, associate professor,
professor of the Department of Private and Legal Disciplines,
University of Modern Knowledge,
57/3 Vasylkivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



Modern Ukrainian society requires the state and politicians to create proper conditions for the development and selfrealization of individuals in the light of European integration. The reform of the educational process in Ukraine requires a conceptual approach, which is an integral part of the competitiveness of Ukrainians at the world labor market. The draft of the Law “On Education”, prepared in 2016, contains a number of innovations and changes to existing legal relations in this area, however, its existing version has certain contradictions and shortcomings. The article aims to determine problems of the educational process, which have not found the proper regulation in the draft of the specified legislative act. There have been provided a number of positive innovations and changes to existing legal relations in the field of education, which contains the draft of the Law of Ukraine “On Education” submitted to Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The comments of specialists of the Main Legal Department of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine concerning certain norms of this draft have been considered. The analysis of some provisions of the Law of the Republic of Poland “On the System of Education” and the relevant provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Education” makes it possible to conclude that the Polish legislator more closely approached the issue of legislative regulation of the issues of implementing control and supervision in the field of education. It has been proved that the wording of the Article 69 of the draft of the Law of Ukraine “On Education”, which regulates state supervision (control) in the field of education, needs to be finalized. It has been offered to expand the content of such a supervision (control) on all aspects and manifestations of educational activities, as well as to supplement the list of subjects of such a supervision (control), including (except for the central executive agency for ensuring the quality of education and its territorial agencies) the central executive agency in the sphere of education and science, agencies of local self-government, as well as central executive authorities, whose sphere of management includes institutions of specialized education.


education, educational process, state supervision (control) in the field of education, educational process reforming.




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Olena Vovk. Foreign Language Acquisition: a Communicative and Cognitive Paradigm.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 81-85. Odessa.


Olena Vovk,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy,
81, Shevchenko boulevard, Cherkasy, Ukraine



The study deals with a modern strategy of a foreign language (FL) acquisition. It briefly outlines the process of learning a FL within the framework of the communicative and cognitive approach. Developing learners’ communicative and cognitive competence is identified as a current target. In order to achieve it, the teaching process has to be grounded on the following basic principles: the first one accentuates the importance of acquiring a FL via cognitive and communicative activity; the second one highlights the indication to employ learners’ epistemological styles in the educational process; the third one postulates the premise that the process of a FL acquisition fosters the development of students’ linguistic personalities; the fourth one emphasizes the assumption that a FL acquisition conduces and facilitates shaping learners’ worldviews; the fifth principle accentuates the relevance of widening learners’ knowledge space. The key aspect of the paper is an experimentally proved spiral model of cognition, which signifies that in the course of mastering a FL students move from perception of the material to speech production through such stages as reproduction, apperception, knowledge incubation and creative reproduction. In the process of passing through the singled out stages learners develop communicative and cognitive capacities and acquire relevant knowledge, habits and skills that constitute alien communicative and cognitive competence.


 foreign language acquisition, alien communicative and cognitive competence, principles of learning, spiral model of cognition.




1. Vovk, O.I. (2013). Communicatyvno-cohnityvna competentnist studentiv-philologhiv: nova osvitnia paradyhma [Communicative and cognitive competence of students of linguistic fields: a new educational paradigm]. Cherkasy: Chabanenko, Yu.A. [in Ukrainian].
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15. Vovk, O.I. (2015). Modeling the Process of Foreign Language Acquisition: Communicative and Cognitive Framework. TESOL Ukraine: New Vistas of Research and Teaching: Збірник наукових праць (pp. 151-152). Черкаси : ФОП Третяков О.М. [in English].

Nataliia Kosylo, Oksana Nych, Kateryna Balaieva. Examining Preschool Teachers’ Skills Of Using Innovative Technologies.

(2017) Science and education, 6, 86-94. Odessa.


Nataliia Kosylo,
PhD (Candidate of Philological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Linguistics,
Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University,
2, Halytska Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine,
Oksana Nych,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Foreign Languages,
Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk,
57, Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine,
Kateryna Balaieva,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), assistant,
Chernivtsi National University named after Yuriy Fedkovych,
2, Kotsyubinsky Str., Chernivtsi, Ukraine



Modernization of education in Ukraine in the course of globalization and integration as well as changes in ideological paradigm require highly skilled, competitive educators. Accordingly, requirements concerning preschool teachers’ competence and skills are constantly growing in order to provide harmonious development of children. The paper aims to examine preschool teachers’ skills of using innovative technologies in their work. The carried out experiment involved 60 preschool teachers having work experience for about 5 years. There have been distinguished three levels of the development of innovative technologies skills in preschool teachers: high (innovative and constructive), sufficient (reproductive and constructive), and low (initial). They were examined according to the following criteria: motivational and objective, cognitive, operational and pragmatic, reflexive and attitude. The experiment was based on the following techniques: Examining Motivation for Studying the Subject by T. Dubovytska, Motivation to Work (K. Zamfir’s methodology in the modification of A. Rean), a questionnaire developed by authors, as well as pedagogical observation. According to the research outcomes the respondents are not ready to use innovative techniques in their work as their skills are immature, which confirms the relevance of the study. The results of the survey show the necessity to consider the issue of reforming technological content of professional training of future preschool teachers.


readiness, criterion, indicator, level, competence, professional activity.




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