Ahlaia Polikhronidi Using Audio Trainings when Working with Children with Special Educational Needs

(2016) Science and education, 1, 134-137. Odessa.

Ahlaia Polikhronidi,
lecturer, Department of Solo Singing,
The Odessa National A. V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music,
63, Novoselskoho Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article presents a modern interpretation of the term “inclusion”, which is used to describe the process of teaching children with special needs at comprehensive schools. Considering the interpretation of the term “a child with special educational needs” some categories of children with special educational needs have been distinguished. It has been noted that the work with children with special educational needs has its specificity: every comprehensive school teacher, who is going to work with such children, must obtain the necessary knowledge and skills. Special attention is paid to the considerable capabilities of modern Music lessons as the lessons of multi-artistic activities of school students and the influence of music on the development of physical, psychic and mental aspects of children’s development. It has been emphasized that the content, forms and methods of the educational work in an inclusive class must be focused on the correction of current disabilities. In this regard the Tomatis method based on the system of audio trainings has been suggested. It is aimed at increasing the brain capacity of perceiving and processing information by ear. This method provides stimulation of bone conduction and outer ear by means of playing and interchanging audio frequencies. The peculiarities of using this method have been revealed with the help of a special electronic apparatus “Electronic ear”. It is important for a teacher be able to choose the appropriate forms, methods and means of work with children with special needs considering the nosology of every child. The effectiveness of the Tomatis method for the improvement of children’s motor and sensor skills, attentiveness and space orientation, speech development, communication skills, reaction rate, development of creative and music abilities as well as their emotional state has been proved.


inclusion, children with special needs, audio training, the Tomatis method.




1.Веketova, Yu.V. (2009). Osoblyvosti vplyvu muzyky na ditei z osoblyvymy potrebamy [Features of music influence on children with special needs]. Retrieved from: http://www.sportpedagogy.org.ua/html/journal/2009- 03/09byvcsn.pdf [in Ukrainian].
2.Gordeeva, N. M. (2001). Reabilitatsionnaia pedagogika: ot teorii – k praktike [Recovery pedagogy: from theory to practice]. Moscow: APKiPRO [in Russian].
3.Zakharova, N. M. (2011). Osoblyvosti sotsialnopedagogichnogo suprovodu inkliuzivnogo navchannia uchniv v umovah zagalnoosvitnoi shkoly [Features of the socio-pedagogical support of inclusive education of students at secondary schools]. Sotsialna robota v Ukraini: teoria i praktika – Social work in Ukraine: Theory and Practice, ¾, 40-49 [in Ukrainian].
4.Kolupaeva, A. A. Inkliuzyvna osvita: realii ta perspektyvy [Inclusive Education: Reality and Prospects]. Kyiv: Sammit-Kniga [in Ukrainian].
5.Ananev, A. M., Voronova, S. V., Malik, M. B., Hadzhyradeva, S. K. [et. al.] (2014). Upravlinnia pedagogichnymy innovatsiamy v inkliuzyvniy osviti [Management of pedagogical innovations in inclusive education]. Kyiv: Osvita Ukrainy [in Ukrainian].

Tetiana Dedilova, Inna Tokar, Artem Filatov. Gender Aspect of Students’ Perception of Lecturers’ Work

(2016) Science and education, 1, 137-145. Odessa.

Tetiana Dedilova,
PhD (Candidate of Economic Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Business Economics,
Inna Tokar,
assistant, Department of business economics,
Artem Filatov,
master degree student, Department of business economics,
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University (HNADU),
25, Petrovsky Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine



Reformation of the domestic higher educational system requires the compliance with international educational standards, and the formation of high educational culture with a gender orientation. However, the implementation of gender-specific activities in the field of education is complicated by gender stereotypes regarding the allocation of male and female roles in the Ukrainian educational system and the society in general. The article is aimed at developing the methodical bases of the assessment of university staff potential from the gender perspective by means of creating a hierarchical tree of the expert model of assessing lecturers. The realization of this aim is based on the results of the use of expert methods as the applied techniques. The analysis results have confirmed the existence of stereotypes among students about gender peculiarities of men and women in education and society in general. As a result of the survey it has been found that male students are focused on the cognitive (informative) component of the educational process when assessing lecturer’s work, whereas the female students choose the aesthetic component as the most important one. This implies the image of an ideal lecturer in girls’ and boys’ eyes as a personality with a high level of masculinity and/or middle level of femininity of a lecturer and a clear differentiation of his/her human qualities by gender. At the same time a typically male image includes a set of traits, norms and rules of conduct, which are not strictly limited by the society and which are identified with rational thinking and success. A typically female image is associated with emotionality, humanity, and highly developed social and communicative skills. “Genderless” of higher school pedagogy determines the emergence of a number of problems the solution of which requires the implementation of a gender approach into the educational and organizational activities of Ukrainian universities.


university, teacher, student, gender stereotypes, men, woman, evaluation




1. Prykhodkina, N. O. Genderni stereotypy v uiavlenni studentiv humanitarnoho profiliu [Gender stereotypes in views of students specialized in humanities]. (n.d.). Retrieved from: http://www.pdaa.edu.ua/np/pdf/82.pdf [in Ukrainian].
2. Skoryk, M. M. (Eds.) (2004). Osnovy teorii genderu [Basics of Gender Theory]. Kyiv: “K.I.S.” [in Ukrainian].
3. Bohatyrov, K. O. Shchodo vyznachennia mistsia i roli hendernoi pedahohiky v profesiinii pidhotovtsi maibutnikh vchyteliv [On the definition the place and role of gender pedagogy in professional training of future teachers]. (n.d.). [in Ukrainian]. Retrieved from: http://eir.nuos.edu.ua/ xmlui/ bitstream/ handle/123456789/1544/Bogatirev.pdf?sequence=1 [in Ukrainian].
4. Vasylchenko, O. I. (2008). Formuvannia hendernoi kultury studentiv universytetu yak predmet i obiekt doslidzhennia [Formation of gender culture of university students as a subject and object of study]. Visnyk Zaporizkoho natsionalnoho universytetu. Seriia «Pedahohichni nauky» – Bulletin of Zaporizhzhya National University. A series of "Pedagogical science", 1, 48-52 [in Ukrainian].
5. Bukach, M. M. (2010). Perspektyvy rozvytku hendernoi skladovoi suchasnoho zmistu profesiinoi osvity maibutnikh pedahohiv [Prospects of the development of gender component of future pedagogues’ modern professional education content]. Naukovi pratsi ChDU imeni Petra Mohyly. Pedahohika – Collection of scientific works of Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University. Pedagogy, 131 (Vol. 144), 50-53 [in Ukrainian].
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Yan Yuan. Methodology of Forming Self-Preparing Skills for Teaching Practice in Future Music Teachers

(2016) Science and education, 1, 146-152. Odessa.

Yan Yuan,
post-graduate student, Department of Music Arts and Choreography,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



Students’ creative potential fulfillment depends on their personal involvement into the self-guided work aimed at the acquisition of new knowledge, self-study and self-preparation for teaching practice. Self-preparing is associated with some difficulties peculiar for future teachers training. One of the ways of solving this problem is the improvement of students’ self-preparing skills for teaching practice. The article deals with the staged methodology of preparing students for teaching practice. Basing of the interpretation of the concept of students’ self-preparing as a planned kind of activities, performed according to the task and guided by a lecturer, but without his/her direct participation, this process is considered as the independent work carried out by a student without any supervision. In this process students use certain theoretical and practical experience obtained before. The methodology of students’ self-preparing is based on the “activity approach”, “synergetic approach”, “multi-subject (dialogical) approach”, and “person-centered approach”. Besides, it also includes three stages: preparatory, interiorization and exteriorization. The first stage is aimed at the formation of motives of students’ independent work oriented at pedagogical creativity. The second stage is based on the substantive aspect. The third stage is aimed at transferring a student’s internal psychic action into external one. Every stage involves the acquisition of a certain number of methods and tools by students, which are described in the article.


self-study, students’ self-preparing work, teaching forms, activity approach, synergetic approach, educational motivation. 




1. Vygotskiy, L. S. Istoriya razvitiya vysshikh psikhicheskikh funktsiy [History of higher mental functions’ development]. Problemy razvitiya psikhiki: sobranie sochineniy – Problems of psyche development: collection of scientific works (Vols. 3). Matyushkina, A. M. (Ed). Moscow: Pedagogika [in Russian].
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Olha Ocheretna. Involving Future Telecommunication Engineers in Self-Guided Work during Professional Training as a Pedagogical Condition of Their Acmeological Culture Formation

(2016) Science and education, 1, 152-157. Odessa.

Olha Ocheretna,
English teacher,
linguistic training Department Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications named after O.S. Popov,
1, Kovalska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with one of the pedagogical conditions of acmeological culture formation in future telecommunication engineers during their professional training. Different kinds of exercises and approaches concerning the implementation of this condition are suggested. Also, the changes and new standards of the educational programmes at higher technical educational institutions are discussed. Under the conditions of fundamental changes happening in the Ukrainian society and Ukrainian education a modern competent professional must be able to use the advanced informational technologies and have the highly-developed communication skills. The training process should obtain the characteristics of students’ self-guided work, because it is impossible to prepare a competitive professional without it. The article is aimed at reviewing the advanced foreign experience of using innovative approaches for the organization of selfguided creative work and the possibilities of their use at Ukrainian higher technical educational institutions. The main task of higher education is the formation of a creative personality and specialist, capable for self-development, selfeducation and innovation activity. The implementation of this task cannot be done only by means of transferring knowledge in the finished form from a teacher to a student. It is necessary to turn students as passive knowledge consumers into active knowledge creators, who can formulate a problem, analyze possible solutions, find the optimum one and prove its correctness. The higher education reform that is taking place in Ukraine is associated with the transition from training to the education paradigm. In this regard, it should be admitted that the self-guided creative work of students is not just an important form of educational process, it should become its basis.


creative self-guided work, future telecommunication engineers’ acmeological culture, implementation of the pedagogical condition.




1. Zhuravska, L. M. (1999). Kontseptualni umovy upravlinnia samostiinoiu robotoiu studentiv u VNZ [Conceptual conditions of managing students’ self-study at higher educational institutions]. Osvita ta upravlinnia – Education and management (Vols. 3) [in Ukrainian].
2. Zavyalova, E. P. Sovmestnaya deyatelnost prepodavateley i studentov v organizatsii samostoyatelnoy raboty studentov [Cooperative activity of teachers and students when organizing students’ selfstudy]. Retrieved from: http://www.asu.ru [in Russian].
3. Kozakov, V. A. (1990). Samostoyatelnaya rabota studentov i yeye informatsionno-metodicheskoye obespechenie : uchebn. posobie [Students’ self-study and its informational and methodical support: textbook]. Kiev: Vysshaya shkola textbook [in Russian].
4. Sokolova, I. B. (2002). Osnovy samostoyatelnoi raboty studentov: uchebno-metodicheskoye posobie v pomohsch studentam pedagogicheskikh vuzov [The theory of self-assisted work of students: textbook for students of pedagogical universities] Armavir : IC AGPI [in Russian].

Ella Pecherska, Oleksii Usachov. Forming Artistic Thinking in Adolescents in the Process of Participating in Mass Cultural Events

(2016) Science and education, 1, 157-165. Odessa.

Ella Pecherska,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), freelance professor,
Department of Music Arts and Choreography,
Oleksii Usachov,
specialist of the Department of Music and Choreprgaphic Education,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article is aimed at specifying the essence of artistic thinking and developing methods of its formation in adolescents in the process of participating in mass cultural events. Artistic thinking is considered to be the human ability to think in the artistic context, which involves individual comprehension of works of arts. It is mental process characteristic, which allows to express one’s thoughts and feelings in the emotionally imaginative form. The distinctive features of artistic thinking are imaginative, associative and metaphoric character, specific correspondence of the form and content. There has been offered the structure of artistic thinking, which includes the following components: motivational, axiological, emotional, empathic, rational, cognitive, creative, and active. In order to study the development of artistic thinking in adolescents in the process of participating in mass cultural events the experimental work involving 14-16-yearold adolescents in the recreational centre “Moloda Hvardiia” has been conducted. It consisted of three stages: 1) the development of criteria approach to the diagnostics of the adolescents’ artistic thinking maturity; 2) conducting the ascertaining experiment; 3) the development of methods of adolescents’ artistic thinking formation in the process of participating in mass cultural events though the example of LARP. Basing on the results of the theoretical research, the criteria apparatus, consisting of criteria (motivational and axiological, emotional and empathic, rational and cognitive, creative and active) and corresponding indices, has been presented. The following methods have been used in the experiment: questioning, talking, testing, and creative tasks. The developed methods of forming artistic thinking in adolescents is based on the principles of randomness, role participating, self-organization of the participants, disregarding the reality when role-playing, psychological support of the participants. The technique is based on the following pedagogical conditions: providing the diversity of artistic content of role-playing games; using stage property and visual effects; motivating students to obtain the artistic skills. According to these conditions the following methods have been developed and implemented in the process of the experiment: extracurricular reading, watching thematic movies, observing, costume competition, creative search, modeling, improvisation, etc.  


artistic thinking, cultural mass events, role-playing games, LARP.




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