Serhii Cherniak. Education in the Context of Public Interests of the Middle Ages

(2016) Science and education, 1, 57-61. Odessa.

Serhii Cherniak,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
head of the Department of Legislative Proposals
and Problems of Culture Financing,
Ukrainian Centre for Cultural Studies,
21, I. Mazepy Str., Kyiv, Ukraine 



The article is deals with the issue of educating a personality in the context of public interests of the Middle Ages. The author focuses on the fact that church considered to be the main ideological basis of the society development at that time. The ideological approach was based on special ascetic doctrine, according to which one should ignore all worldly goods. Asceticism was manifested in all spheres of culture and was predominant in life of the time. The development of the educational practice caused the activation of special spiritual education, which was implemented through the system of church education. The author describes the specificity of education in feudal society. The educational system had class structure as was dependant from influential social circles. The following kinds of education in feudal society have been distinguished: church, knight, and public. Church education involved parochial, almonry and cathedral schools. The author also describes the system of knight education, which was based on seven principles: riding, javelin throwing, playing chess, writing poems, singing, playing musical instruments. The peculiarities of public education have been also described. Craft and trade in towns and cities contributed to its development at that time. Education of rural people involved physical, labor, moral and religious development. The development of the educational potential of that time was associated with the epoch of Kievan Rus, when the basis of the pedagogical thought has been formed. Besides, the most famous literary works of that time have been reviewed in the article.


education, society, Middle Ages, Kievan Rus. 




1. Zolotykhina, S. T. (1994). Rozvytok idei vykhovnychoho navchannia v istorii pedahohichnoi dumky ta v praktitsi Ukrainu: navch. posib. [Development of the idea of training the training in the history of educational thought and practice in Ukraine: textbook]. Kharkiv [in Ukrainian].
2. Ivanov, K. A. (1894). Srednevekovoy zamok i ego obutateli v epokhu protsvetaniya rytsarstva [Medieval castle and its inhabitants in the era of knighthood prosperity]. Saint Petersburg [in Russian].
3. Izbornik Sviatoslava (1073) (2003). Istoriia ukrainskoi shkoly i pedahohiky: khrestomatiya [History Ukrainian schools and pedagogy: a reader]. Kremen, V. G. (Ed). Kyiv: Znannia [in Ukrainian]. 4. Liubar, O. O. (2003). Istoriia ukrayinskoi shkoly i pedahohiky: navch. posib. [History of Ukrainian schools and pedagogy: textbook]. Kyiv: Znannia [in Ukrainian].
5. Kravets, V. P. (1996). Istoriya klasychnoi zarubizhnoi pedahohiky ta shkilnytstva: navch. posib. [History of classical foreign pedagogy and schooling: textbook]. Ternopil: Ternopil [in Ukrainian].
6. Kurliak, I. E. (2000). Zagalnyi ogliad istorychnoho rozvytku zarubizhnoi osvity (vid naidavnishykh chasiv do XIX stolittia): navch.-metod. posib. [Overview of the historical development of foreign education (from ancient times to the nineteenth century): instructor’s manual]. Lviv [in Ukrainian].
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8. Liubar, O. O., Fedorenko, D. T. (1994). Istoriia pedahohichnoi dumky i osvity v Ukraini [History of pedagogical thought and education in Ukraine]. Chastina druha: Knyazha doba [Part two: Princely era]. Kyiv: ISDO [in Ukrainian].
9. Liubar, O. O., Stelmakhovych, M. G., Fedorenko, D. T. (1999). Istoriia ukrainskoi pedahohiki: navch. posib. [History Ukrainian pedagogy: tutorial]. Kyiv: IZMN [in Ukrainian].
10. Medvid, L. A. (2003). Istoriya natsionalnoi osvity i pedahohichnoi dumky v Ukraini: navch. posib. [The history of national education and pedagogical thought in Ukraine: textbook]. Kyiv: Vikar [in Ukrainian].
11. Melnychuk, O. S. (2001). Istoriia pedahohiky Ukrainy: navch. posib. [History of education in Ukraine: textbook]. Kirovograd: Imeks LTD [in Ukrainian].
12. Pylypchuk, O. Y., Konovets, O. F. (1998). Istoriya nauky ta osvity v Ukraini (Naydavnishi chasy – persha tretyna XX st.): navch. posib. [History of science and education in Ukraine (ancient times – the first third of the twentieth century): textbook]. Kyiv: Mizhnarodna finansova agentsiya [in Ukrainian].
13. Povist vremianykh lit (2003). Istoriia ukrainskoi shkoly i pedahohiky: khrestomatiia [History of Ukrainian schools and pedagogy: a Reader]. Kremen, V. G. (Ed). Kyiv: Znannia [in Ukrainian].
14. Lutvunov, S. A. (Ed). Poychennya Volodumura Monomakha. (1961). Khrestomatiya z istorii vitchuznyanoi pedagogiku [Readings on the history of national pedagogy]. Kyiv: Radyanska shkola [in Ukrainian].
15. Sbrueva, A. A., Rysina, M. Yu. (2000). Istoriia pedahohiki u skhemakh, kartakh, diahramakh: navch. posib. [History of pedagogy in the schemes, maps, diahramakh: manual]. Sumy: SumDPU [in Ukrainian].
16. Kremen, V. G. (Ed.). (2003). Slovo pro zakon i blahodat. Istoriya ukrayinskoi shkoly i pedahohiky: khrestomatiya [History of Ukrainian schools and pedagogy: a Reader]. Kyiv: Znannia [in Ukrainian].

Svitlana Yermakova. Fundamental Aspects of Implementing Lean Production into Educational Process of Higher Technical Educational Institutions

(2016) Science and education, 1, 62-66. Odessa.

Svitlana Yermakova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Department of Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology and Law,
Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture, 4, Didrikhsona, Odesa, Ukraine 



The article deals with the theoretical and methodological issues on applying the basics of lean production at higher educational institutions, considering peculiarities of their activity, specificity of their goals. The article is aimed at studying the development of higher technical education on the principles of lean-conception. The aim of the article also involves solving the following tasks: disclosing and justifying the elements of the system of higher technical education development based on the principles of lean production; defining potential usage of lean manufacturing tools in higher education, particularly at modern higher educational institutions. The research methods have been selected as follows: methods of analysis, diagnostics, observation, and pedagogical experiment. There has been revealed the essence of lean use of resources of higher technical educational institutions in the experimental embodiment of monitoring the technology of professional preparation of future professionals at higher technical educational institutions based on the ideas of lean production. The educational purposefulness of the advanced training of future specialists in their professional preparation at higher technical educational institutions based on the ideas of lean production to their professional activity has been proved. It has been also justified that lean-technology of professional training at higher technical educational institutions in the context of lifelong education on the basis of lean production of knowledge is the system of continuous monitoring of the effectiveness of the educational process and lean usage of its capabilities at higher technical educational institutions as the dominant idea of professional training of future engineers focused on continuous revealing and preventing educational losses for the development of professionalism and creativity due to the pull production of knowledge and its constant self-improvement.


higher education, higher technical educational institution, monitoring of professional training, lean education, lean strategy, kaizen. 




1. Pro vyshchu osvitu: Zakon Ukrainy vid 01.07.2014 r. No1556-VII [Law of Ukraine on higher education from July, 01, 2014 #1556-VII]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].
2. Yermakova, S. S. (2011). Teoretyko-metodychni zasady monitorynhu profesiinoi pidhotovky maibutnikh vykladachiv vyshchykh tekhnichnykh navchalnykh zakladiv: monohrafiia [Theoretical and methodical foundations of monitoring professional training of future lecturers of higher technical institutions: monograph]. Odesa: In Press [in Ukrainian].
3. Yermakova, S. S. (2013). Teoretyko-metodychni zasady monitorynhu profesiinoi pidhotovky maibutnikh vykladachiv vyshchykh tekhnichnykh navchalnykh zakladiv [Theoretical and methodical foundations of monitoring professional training of future lecturers of higher technical institutions]. Extended abstract of Candidate’s thesis. Odesa : DZ "Pivdennoukrainskyi nats. ped. un-t im. K.D. Ushynskoho [in Ukrainian].
4. Natsionalna stratehiia rozvytku osvity v Ukraini na 2012-2021 roku [National strategy of development of Ukraine for 2012-2021 years]. Retrieved from: f [in Ukrainian].

Andrii Bohatov. Components and Criteria of Future Physical Culture Teachers’ Preparedness for Health Saving Environment Formation

(2016) Science and education, 1, 67-72. Odessa.

Andrii Bohatov,
lecturer, Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sport Disciplines,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the components of preparation and evaluation criteria of future Physical culture teachers’ preparedness for health saving environment organization. It has been revealed that for the formation of health saving educational environment a teacher should have the high proficiency level, which implements the educational process on the basis of the following principles: individualization, demonstrativeness, balance, all-round development of a personality, considering individual and age characteristics of students, bonds between theory and practice, consistency, etc. The following components have been distinguished: motivational and axiological (which manifests itself in understanding axiological attitude towards professional activities, oriented at promoting and saving health, forming health saving educational environment), cognitive (involving students’ knowledge, abilities and skills in terms of creating health saving educational environment), operational and activity (providing acquisition of methodic and practical tools of using knowledge for the adoption of new forms of activities, the formation of skills in the field of organization and management of health saving educational environment at a higher educational institution), reflexive (providing the process of perceiving oneself as a professional, accepting one’s own inner world; the analysis of one’s own activities, etc.). The following criteria have been selected for the estimation of preparedness levels: axiological (involving information about the motivation of future Physical culture teachers to professional activities focused on the formation of health saving educational environment), epistemological (providing the assessment of knowledge in the field of health saving educational environment formation), organizational and constructive (providing estimation of knowledge, abilities, skills and experience in the sphere of health saving educational environment), as well as axiological and reflexive (oriented at the assessment of skills, knowledge and experience gained in health saving educational environment). It has been also revealed that the formation of health saving educational environment provides rational organization of the educational process. It should be based on the principles of videoecology, healthy living, using recreational health saving technologies, keeping health and safety policy, etc.


preparedness, health saving principles, future Physical culture teachers, educational environment, components, criteria, structural components, organization of the educational process. 




1.Babushkin, G. D., Dvoeglazov, A. N. (2000). Upravlenie formirovaniem professionalnykh umeniy u studentov fizkulturnogo vuza v usloviyakh sportivnopedagogicheskoy deyatelnosti [Management of professional skills formation in students of Physical training universities in terms of sports and pedagogic activities]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury – Theory and practice of Physical cukture, 5, 11-12 [in Russian].
2.Buriak, V. K. (2005). Formuvannia metodolohichnoi kultury maibutnoho vchytelia [Formation of future teacher’s methodical culture]. Ridna shkola – Native school, 2, 3-7 [in Ukrainian].
3.Vilenskiy, M. Ya. (2009). Fenomen tsennosti zdorovya v razvitii lichnosti studenta [Phenomenon of health value in the development of student’s personality]. Pedagogika zdorovya – pedagogy of health, 2, 2-7 [in Russian].
4.Danylko, M. P. (2000). Formuvannia hotovnosti do profesiinoi diialnosti maibutnikh vchyteliv fizychnoi kultury [Preparing future Physical training teachers for professional activities]. Extended abstract of Candidate’s thesis. Lutsk [in Ukrainian].
5.Dzhurynskyi, P. B. (2012). Teoretychni i metodychni zasady pidhotovky maibutnikh uchyteliv fizychnoi kultury do zdoroviazberezhuvalnoi profesiinoi diialnosti: monohrafiia [Theoretical and methodical foundations of preparing future Physical culture teachers for health-saving activities: monograph]. Odesa: V-vo TOV “Leradruk” [in Ukrainian].
6.Dolynskyi, B. T. (2010). Teoretyko-metodychni zasady pidhotovky maibutnikh uchyteliv do formuvannia zdoroviazberezhuvalnykh navychok i vmin u molodshykh shkoliariv u navchalno-vykhovnii diialnosti: monohrafiia [Theoretical foundations of preparing future Physical culture teachers for health-saving skills formation in educational activities: monograph]. Odesa: Vydavets M. P. Cherkasov [in Ukrainian].
7.Ivanova, L. I., Sushchenko, L. P. (2005). Pidhotovka maibutnikh uchyteliv iz pozytsii zdoroviazberihaiuchoi osvity [Preparing future teachers in terms of health-saving education]. Realizatsiia zdorovoho sposobu zhyttia – suchasni pidkhody – Implementation of healthy living – modern approaches. Lukianchenko, M., Shkrebtii, Yu. (Ed.). Drohobych : KOLO [in Ukrainian].
8.Levchuk, Z. S. (1992). Formirovanie gotovnosti k professionalnomu tvorchestvu u studentov pedagogicheskogo vuza [Preparing pedagogical university students for creativity]. Extended abstract of Candidate’s thesis. Minsk [in Russian].
9.Naumchuk V. I. (2002). Profesiina pidhotovka maibutnikh vchyteliv fizychnoi kultury v protsesi samostiinoi roboty zi sportyvnykh ihor [Professional training of future Physical culture teachers in the process of self-study on sport games]. Candidate’s thesis. Ternopil [in Ukrainian]. 10. Petunin, O. V. (1996). Teoreticheskie osnovy podgotovki studentov k professionalnoy deyatel'nosti uchitelya fizicheskoy kultury [Theoretical foundations of preparing students for working as Physical training teachers]. Extended abstract of Candidate’s thesis. Saint Petersburg [in Russian].

Alla Lynenko. Professional Identity in Terms of Future Teachers Training: Theoretical Aspect

(2016) Science and education, 1, 72-76. Odessa.

Alla Lynenko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Department of Music and Instrumental Training,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with philosophic, psychological and pedagogical approaches to the study of the concepts of “identity”, “identification”, “pedagogical identity”, and “pedagogical ideal”. It has been noted that the issue of professional identity formation is especially relevant due to the fact this phenomenon allows a student to estimate his/her abilities, skills, interests, which leads to self-determination (personal identity); to perceive his/her strengths and weaknesses, shape his/her destiny in personal and professional aspects. The carried out review of philosophic and psychopedagogical literature allows to reveal the essence of the concepts “identity”, “identification”, “pedagogical identity”. Identification is considered as a mechanism, the process of development, functioning and formation of identity. It causes self-equation with other people or a certain group, which leads to the imitation of other people’s behaviour and actions, assumption of their values and attitudes, whereas identity is regarded as a social product, which arises as a result of dialectic interrelation of a personality and society. The purposefully organized educational process at a pedagogical higher educational institution aiming at the formation of professional identity gives a future teacher an opportunity to perceive social importance of the profession of a pedagogue, his/her responsibility to the society for the results and consequences of pedagogical activities; to form professional competences, professional consciousness, stable reflexive position, manifested in constant need for self-assessment, self-analysis, pedagogical activities, correction of personal and professional qualities necessary for the fruitful creative pedagogical activity. The professional identity of a future teacher is based on the process of self-comparison with an educational ideal, which is considered as motivation to comprehend the profession through self-revealing, self-development, self-education and self-improvement.


identity, identification, professional identity, pedagogical ideal, future teacher. 




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Du Ji Long, Olena Mamykina. Pedagogical Conditions for the Optimization of Primary School Students’ Personality Formation at Pop Vocal Lessons

(2016) Science and education, 1, 77-82. Odessa.

Du Ji Long,
post-graduate student, Department of Music Arts and Choreography,
Olena Mamykina,
senior lecturer, Department of Theory of Music and Vocal,
South Ukrainian National pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with pedagogical conditions for providing personality formation of primary school students in terms of pop singing teaching. As a result of the study the following pedagogical conditions have been distinguished: involving them into pop vocal lessons on the basis of amplification ideas, considering age peculiarities and interests of children, purposefully enriching their artistic experience, fostering music appreciation in them, selecting the appropriate repertoire, establishing positive relations with families, etc. There have been considered methods of pop vocal lessons including usage of rhythm and movement exercises, oriented at the development of emotionality and muscle tension release, involving children into pop forms of music-making, where the positive style of communication, moral qualities, kindness, ability to empathize are formed. The peculiarities of the methods of pop vocal teaching involve searching for one’s individual style without imitating adult artists, using a number of tasks aiming to improve artistry and culture of stage behavior of primary school students, creating dialogue and communicative, music and creative situations in pop vocal forms of music-making. The following criteria of repertoire selection have been distinguished: correspondence to primary school students’ age characteristics of perceiving, artistic value of music and poetry; diversity of emotional states, etc. The possibility of role interpretation of child repertoire, implementing movement and stage elements of artistry (mimics, gestures) are considered to be important characteristics of child repertoire. The prospects of the further research involve the development of methods of encouraging primary school students towards pop singing, which relieves stresses in the process of preparing for public performance, saves and develops the natural character and sincerity in their performance activities.  


junior school students, pop singing, personal development, pedagogical conditions.




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