Viktoriia Yahodnikova. Peculiarities of Managing Innovations in the Educational Process of Comprehensive School.

(2016) Science and education, 11, 17-22. Odessa.

Viktoriia Yahodnikova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology and General Scientific Subjects,
Odesa Institute “Interregional Academy of Personnel Management”,
19, Chornomorskoho Kozatstva Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



The article presents the review of the peculiarities of managing pedagogical innovations in the educational process of comprehensive school. The pedagogical innovations management is considered as a kind of social management which provides the purposefulness and efficient organization of innovative processes in the system of education and involves the following elements: goal setting, planning and decision making, organization of the process of implementing decisions, controlling the results of the innovative activity, regulating or correcting the innovation as well as the analysis of the results. It has been revealed that innovations management at an educational institution is performed with the help of methods and activities aimed at providing high quality of educational standards. Basing of the review of scientific literature it has been determined that innovations management in education is considered to be the process of developing a certain algorithm and the succession of implementing innovations into the educational process, which involves solving certain tasks of the efficient creation and implementation of pedagogical innovations at schools. Along with this, management of the educational process should be oriented at building harmonious relations between teachers and students on humanistic basis. It provides constant controlling of the results of the educational work, the level of students’ manners, educational opportunities of pedagogues and parents, correction of the content and techniques of the educational process aiming to improve it. Innovations management in the educational process is a part of innovative educational activities, which solves the problems of planning, organization, implementation, regulation, and correction of the processes of developing and acquiring innovations with the view to obtain good results in education. There are the following methods of innovations management in the educational process of comprehensive school: organizationally-administrative, organizationally-pedagogical, psychosocial, financial and economic. It has been proved that innovations management in the educational process contributes to the determination of the strategy of innovative educational activities; it motivates teachers, students and their parents to these activities, and provides the organization, regulation and control over the innovative process in education.


management, innovations, innovations management, educational process. 




1. Kontseptsii natsionalno-patriotychnoho vykhovannia ditei i molodi (6 chervnia 2015 roku) [Concepts of national education of children and yuth]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].
2. Bolshoy entsiklopedicheskiy slovar [Big encyclopedic dictionary]. Retrieved from: [in Russian].
3. Pavlenko, I. A., Honcharova, N. P., Shvydanenko, H. O. (2002). Ekonomika ta orhanizatsiia innovatsiinoi diialnosti: navch.-metod. posibnyk [Economics and organization of innovative activities: textbook]. Kyiv: KNEU. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].
4. Dychkivska, I. M. (2004). Innovatsiini pedahohichni tekhnolohii: navch. posibnyk [Innovative educational technologies]. Kyiv: Akademvydav [in Ukrainian].
5. Shadova, V. V. (2001). Innovatsiina spriamovanist pedahohichnoi diialnosti [Innovstive orientation of educational activity]. Pedahohika i psykholohiia formuvannia tvorchoi osobystosti: problemy i poshuky: Zb. nauk. pr. – Pedagogy and psychology of creative personality formation: problems and seeking: collection of scientific works, 19, 64- 67. Kyiv, Zaporizhzhia [in Ukrainian].
6. Dzherelo pedahohichnoi maisternosti [Source of pedagogical mastership]. Innovatsiinyi osvitnii prostir Kharkivshchyny : naukovo-metodychnyi zhurnal – Innovative educational environment of Kharkiv region: academic journal. (2007). (Vol. 1(38)). Kharkiv: KhONMIBO [in Ukrainian].
7. Sydorov, S. V. (2007). Upravlenye protsessamy v shkolnom innovatsionnom menedzhmente: nauch.-metod. posobye [Managing the processes in school innovative management]. Repin, S. A. (Ed). Shadrynsk: Shadrynskyi Dom pechaty [in Russian].
8. Fitsula, M. M. (2005). Pedahohika: navchalnyi posibnyk. [Pedagogy: textbook]. (2nd ed.,rev.). Kyiv: Akademvydav [in Ukrainian].
9. Kanishevska, L. V. (2011). Vykhovannia sotsialnoi zrilosti starshoklasnykiv zahalnoosvitnikh shkilinternativ u pozaurochnii diialnosti: monohrafyia [Upbringing social maturity in senior students of secondary schools-boarding homes in extracurricular activities: monograph]. Kyiv: KhmTsNP [in Ukrainian].

Alla Bochevar. State of Future Lawyers’ Informative and Communicative Competence Maturity.

(2016) Science and education, 1, 5-10. Odessa.

Alla Bochevar,
senior lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages,
Odessa State University of Internal Affairs,
1, Uspenska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article reviews the criteria, indicators and levels of future lawyers’ informative and communicative competence maturity. Thematic justification of the article is determined by pedagogical and social significance of the issue of training future lawyers because the role of the legal profession in modern society is undoubtedly appreciable. The content of the legal profession is a complex, multi-component system of activities including the integral components such as interaction with the participants of legal relations and direct communication with people in conditions of information saturation. Thus, the formation of the informative and communicative competence of future lawyers is one of the important tasks that each legal educational establishment should set as a predominant goal while educating specialists in the field of law. Having analyzed a number of psychological and pedagogical sources we have arrived at the conclusion that despite the availability of scientific works on the problem of lawyers’ professional competence in general, informative and communicative competence in particular, the issue of the informative and communicative competence of lawyers is considered to be understudied in psychological and pedagogical literature. We have defined such criteria of the aforementioned competence as motivational and volitive, gnoseological, operational and axiological. The maturity of all indicators taken together defines the level of future lawyers’ informative and communicative competence maturity. We distinguish four levels of its maturity: high, sufficient, middle and low. On the basis of the above mentioned criteria, indicators and levels an ascertaining experiment has been carried out. The survey has been conducted in Odessa State University of Internal Affairs and involved 112 students-future lawyers. The experiment has shown that overwhelming majority of students don’t have high and sufficient level of the informative and communicative competence maturity. This proves that the traditional approach to teaching future lawyers does not provide the formation of their informative and communicative competence at a sufficient level. The analysis of the ascertaining experiment confirms the worthwhileness of further research in this field and seeking for appropriate methods and approaches to teaching future lawyers’ to form their informative and communicative competence.


criteria, indicators, informative and communicative competence, teaching of lawyers. 




1. Bashtanar, Y. M. (2013). Formyrovanye informatsyonno-kommunikativnykh umeniy u studentov fakulteta dokumentalnykh kommunykatsyi [Formation of informative and communicative abilities of the students at the fuculty of documentary communications] Integatsyonnyi potentsial professyonalnoi napravlennosty v soderzhanyy sotsiokulturnoho obrazovaniya – Integrational Potential of Professional Orientation in the Maintenance of Social and Cultural Education, 4, 111-112 [in Russian].
2. Bochevar, A. G. (2013). Informatsiinokomunikatyvna kompetentnist yurysta, yii sutnist ta struktura [Informative and communicative compenetce of a lawyer, its essensce and structure]. Naukovyi visnyk Pivdennoukrainskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu im. K. D. Ushynskoho – Bulletin of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, 1, 72 [in Ukrainian].
3. Zakharova, O. A. (2007). Informatsionnokommunikativnaya kompetentnost gosudarstvennykh sluzhashhikh v usloviyakh sovremennykh sotsiokulturnykh izmeneniy [Informative and communicative competence of state officials in contemporary socio-cultural changes]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Moscow [in Russian]. 4. Kleshhenkova, N. F. & Savchenko, A. B. (2008). Formirovaniye iformatsyonno-kommunikativnoy kompetentnosti kak neobkhodimoe usloviie effektivnosti professyonalnoy deyatelnosty budushheho spetsialista [Formation of informative and communicative competence as a prerequisite for the effectiveness of future specialist’s professional work]. Informatsionnye tekhnologii v obrazovanii – Information Technology in Education. Retrieved from: [in Russian].
5. Sosnin, O. V. (2012). Informatsiinokomunikatyvna kompetentnist hromadianyna v protsesakh formuvannia hromadianskoho suspilstva [Informative and communicative competence of a citizen under civil society formation] Viche – Veche, 20, 22-26 [in Ukrainian.]
6. Sofinskaya, E.N. (2010). Formirovaniie informatsionno-kommunikativnoy kompetentsii sotsialnogo rabotnika v usloviyakh informatsionnoy obrazovatelnoi sredy [Formation of informative and communicative competence of a social worker in the conditions of information educational environment]. Sotsialnaya politika i sotsiologiya – Social Policy and Sociology, 11, 82–92 [in Russian].

Bozhena Bukhovets. Examining Psychophysical Development of Children in the Course of Motor Disturbances Correction.

(2016) Science and education, 1, 11-17. Odessa.

Bozhena Bukhovets,
postgraduate student,
Departament of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine,
South Ukranian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine.



The article deals with the issue of assessing the effectiveness of Bobath-therapy as one of the leading methods of correcting psychophysical development by examining changes in the basic motor skills in children with motor disturbances. There are certain standards and norms for the psychophysical development of children, according to which it is possible to diagnose some psychophysical development disorders. These disturbances include undevelopment of motor skills and discrepancy of biological, social and psychophysical ages. The correction of psychophysical states of children with psychophysical development delay manifested in motor disturbances is carried out with the help of a number of correctional measures, which contribute to socialization and adaptation of children with motor disturbances, stimulating the formation of basic motor and psychic skills. A great number of scales of assessing the process of forming motor skills and basic psychic qualities in children with motor disturbances have been tested. But they do not provide the necessary information and are considered to be difficult for using. Taking all their disadvantages into account, the detailed scale of assessing children psychophysical development at Bobath-therapy lessons called “Card-test of motor skills of children aged from 3 months till 18” has been adjusted and implemented. The test made it possible to perform a qualitative and detailed assessment of the stages of children psychophysical development, namely the formation of their basic motor skills in the process of correcting their psychophysical development with the help of Bobath-therapy. However, this method does not assess the development of their psychic qualities. Considering this fact, the development of psychic qualities and the determination of real psychophysical age have been assessed with the help of Munich diagnostic card. These scales helped to determine the real psychophysical age and examine the dynamics of children psychophysical development manifested in obtaining basic motor skills and forming basic psychic qualities. Taking the flexibility, availability and informativeness of the described tests the experiment involved the assessment of stages of psychophysical development and the formation of psychic qualities as well as the determination of the real psychophysical age of 3-4-year-old children with motor disturbances.


Bobath-therapy, Munich diagnostics card, psychomotor development, children of preschool age, motor disturbances.




1. Arhipova, E . F. (2007). Lohopedychna robota z dіtmy rannioho vіku [Speech therapy with little children]. Moscow: Astrel [іn Ukranian].
2. Badalyan, L. O., Zhurba, L. T., Timonina, O. V. (1988). Dytiachi tserebralni paralichi [Child cerebral palsy]. Kyiv: Zdorove [in Ukrainian].
3. Bobat, K. (1966). Motorni defekty u patsientiv z tserebralnym paralichem [Motor defects in patients with cerebral palsy]. Saffolk: Svobodna presa [in Russian].
4. Bobat kontsept: Teoriia ta klinichna praktyka v nevrolohii reabilitatsii. [Bobath Concept: Theory and practice of neurological rehabilitation]. (2013). Nizhniy Novgorod: Kirilitsya [in Ukrainian].
5. Bukhovets, B. O. (2014). Bobat terapiia v korektsii psyho-motornoho rozvytku ditei z orhanichnymy urazhenniamy [Bobath therapy in the correction of psychomotor development of children with organic disorders]. Nauka i osvita – Science and education, 8, 30-35. Odesa [in Ukranian].
6. Gluschenko, M. N., Biesieda, V. V., Romanchuk, A. P. (2013). Vliyanie dyhatelnykh uprazhneniy v komplekse s massazhnoy gimnastikoy na fizicheskuyu podgotovlennost detey s porazheniem CNS [Efficiency of the complex breathing exercises with massage gymnastics on physical fitness of children with CNS disturbances]. Nauka i osvita – Science and Education, 4, 102-105. Odesa [in Russian].
7. Nensi, R. Finni (2009). Dytyna z tserebralnym paralіchem. Dopomoha. Dogliad. Rozvytok [Сhild with Сerebral Palsy. Help. Care. Development. Book for Parents]. Moscow: Terevinf [in Ukranian].
8. Robienesku, N. (1972). Neiromotorne perevykhovannya [Neyromotor learning]. Buharest: YETM [ in Ukrainian].
9. Tarasun, V. V. (2012). Psyholoho-pedahohіchna dopomoha dіtiam pereddoshkіlnoho vіku z osoblyvostiamy vrozvytku: napriamy realіzatsіi. Monohrafіia [Psychopedagogical assistance to preschool children with features in development: directions of realization. Monograph]. Kyivv: Vydavnytstvo Natsіonalnoho pedahohіchnoho unіversitetu іmenі M. P. Drahomanova [in Ukrainian].
10. Romanchuk, A. P., Beseda, V. V. (2009). Metodychni aspekty provedennia ta organizatsii masazhnoi himnastyky u ranniomu vitsi [Methodological aspects of massage and gymnastics organization at the early age]. Medychna reabіlіtatsіia, kurortolohіia, fіzіoterapіia – Medical rehabilitation, rest studies and physiotherapy, 4, 37-40 [in Russian].
11. Helbryukte, T. (1997). Miunhenska funktsіonalna dіahnostyka [Munich functional diagnostics]. Minsk: Vidkyti dveri [in Ukrainian].
12. Celnik, P., Hummel, L., Cohen, G. (2007). Somatosensory stimulation en hances the effects of training functional hand tasks in patients with chronic stroke. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing Ltd [in English]. 

Liliia Balan. Forming Readiness of Future Software Engineers for Using Distance Education Technologies: Practical Aspect

(2016) Science and education, 1, 22-28. Odessa.

Liliia Balan,
senior lecturer, Department of Information Technologies and Software Engineering,
Shevchenko Transnistria State University, Rybnitsa filiation,
Gagarina Str., 12, Rybnitsa, Moldova



The article deals with the results of the pedagogical experiment which involved future software engineers within the framework of the university curriculum. The experiment was aimed at forming special knowledge and skills of implementing distance education technologies in future professional activities. The focal point of the article is the pedagogical facilities which contribute to preparing future software engineers for using distance education technologies. The main pedagogical facilities of its formation are as follows: activation of motivationally-reflexive students’ activities; students’ involvement in using distance education technologies within the academic activity organization and development of learning and teaching materials of the remote support of disciplines; providing students with the system of knowledge and skills concerning the usage of distance education technologies; immersion of the students into distance education software development with the help of intersubject communications. The activation of motivationally-reflexive students’ activities was aimed at shaping students’ motivation to succeed, positive attitude towards collaboration in definite projects, as well as their striving to self-improvement. Students’ involvement in using distance education technologies within the academic activity organization and development of learning and teaching materials of the remote support of disciplines required creating some facilities necessary for getting skills of dealing with distance education courses. So, electronic support of the disciplines based on distance education technologies has been created. Moreover, the students were invited to take part in some pedagogical projects within the framework of which they had to present systematized teaching materials for every sections of the discipline currently studied. Providing students with the system of knowledge and skills concerning the usage of distance education technologies was achieved in the course of special discipline “Distance education technologies in professional environment” dedicated to the future software engineers. Its main aim was to form the future programmers’ general theoretic and expert knowledge in the field of distance education technologies. The pedagogical facility, called “immersion of the students into distance education software development with the help of intersubject communications” was connected with active involvement of the future software engineers to join the development staff of the software, aimed at enabling favourable environment for implementing distance education technologies in the academic activity. Implementation of every facility required organizing several special activities which allowed to get values of the variables, which have been used afterwards in assessing the level of the future software engineers preparedness for using distance education technologies in their professional activities.


shaping readiness to use, software engineers, pedagogical facilities, distance education technologies.




1.Balan, L. A. (2013). Model formirovaniya u buduschikh programmistov teoreticheskikh znaniy v sfere distantsionnykh obrazovatelnykh tekhnologiy [The model of forming theoretical knowledge of future programming specialists in distance education technologies]. Vypusk №4 nauchnykh trudov uchenykh Izrailya i Ukrainy – The 4 th issue of the collection of scientific articles in Israel and Ukraine. Ariel, Israel [in Russian].
2.Balan, L. A. (2014). Facilities of forming practiceoriented readiness of future programming engineers for the use of distance learning technologies in their professional activity. Vypusk №4 nauchnykh trudov uchenykh Izrailya i Ukrainy – The 4th issue of the collection of scientific articles in Israel and Ukraine. Ariel, Israel [in English].
3.Klimov, E. A. (2004). Psikhologiya professionalnogo samoopredeleniya: Ucheb. posobie dlya stud. vyssh. ped. ucheb. zavedeniy [Psychology of professional selfdetermination: textbook for university students]. Moscow: Izdatelskiy tsentr “Akademiya” [in Russian].
4.Leksunin, E. (Date of appeal: 16.12.2015). Psikhologicheskaya deformatsiya programmistov. Vzglyad s obeikh storon barrikad [Psychological deformation of programmers. Look on either side of barricades]. Retrieved from: [in Russian].
5.Tkacheva, M. (Date of appeal: 16.12.2015). Pedagogicheskaya psikhologiya: konspekt lektsiy. [Pedagogical psychology: summary of lections]. Retrieved from: ogija_konspekt_lekcii/index.php [in Russian].

Maryna Badelan. Street Social Work: Essence and Specificity

(2016) Science and education, 1, 28-31. Odessa.

Maryna Bodelan,
master of Social Pedagogy, senior lecturer, degree-seeking student,
Department of Social Work and Staff Management,
Odessa National Polytechnic University,
1, Shevchenko Avenue, Odesa, Ukraine



Street social work increases the efficiency of residential social care, provided for all categories of clients of social work by establishing special feedback. It contributes to rendering urgent medical aid and social preventive work in places of potential clients’ temporary residence. Its peculiarity is the absence of direct dependence between care assistance for clients and the necessity of engaging them in social institutions, which is the determinative for developing a good rapport between a client and a social worker. The carried out analysis of street social work specificity allows to interpret its essence, to characterize potential clients as well as street social workers. Street social work is considered as professional activities, oriented at supporting individuals and social groups in overcoming personal or social problems by establishing and maintaining contacts between them and social service workers, providing defense and rehabilitation outdoors. A client of social service is considered as an individual, who uses service of social organizations by interacting with social workers. A street social worker is a professional, who provides social, psychological and legal support and help outdoors for disadvantaged groups of society (retired people, refugees, orphans, etc.), as well as people in the state of psychological instability, caused by objective (wards, ecological catastrophes, international conflicts, religious disagreements) and subjective (problems in a family) factors, aiming for establishing contacts between social workers and target groups, potentially interested in such a kind of service.


social work, street social work, client of street social work, street social worker. 




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2. Kobzar, B. S, Postovoytov, E. P (1999). Zniattia adaptatsiinykh trudnoshchiv u ditey v sotsialnoreabilitatsiinomu centri [Removing adaptation difficulties in children in social and rehabilitation center]. Kyiv: Institute of education of Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
3. Kalynchenko, S. Y. (2013). Otechestvennyy i zarubezhnyy opyt reabilitatsyy beznadzornykh i besprizornykh nesovershennoletnikh [Domestic and foreign experience of rehabilitation of abandoned and homeless adolescents]. Belgorod: Belgorodskiy gosudarstvennyy natsionalnyy issledovatelskiy universitet, NIU “BelGU” [in Russian].




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