Rostyslav Radzievskyi, Valerii Plisko, Valentyn Bondarenko. Professional Training of Security Guards on The Basis of System Modular Project of Object Protection.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 109-117. Odessa.

Rostyslav Radzievskyi,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Institute of the Department of State Guard of Ukraine,
Taras Shevchenko National University,
8, Bolbochana Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
Valerii Plisko,
Doctor of Pedagogical Science, professor,
National University "Chernihiv Collegium" named after Taras Shevchenko,
53, Polubotka Str., Chernihiv, Ukraine,
Valentyn Bondarenko,
Doctor of Pedagogical Science, associate professor,
National Academy of Internal Affairs,
1, Solomianska Square, Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with the problematic issues of professional training of law enforcement officers who would be able to ensure reliable protection of objects and security of individuals. The analysis of security guards’ professional requirements and features of their official activity has been carried out. The method of training of security guards has been developed on the basis of systematization of knowledge, skills taking into account various modules, modular blocks in a single complex that gives the chance to the future security guard to master knowledge consistently and to provide the whole process algorithmization. On the basis of the created technique the model of security guards’ training is developed in general. The main training modules and their modular blocks are: acquisition of knowledge on the main areas of ensuring the overall organization of objects protection, which minimizes and eliminates the impact of other threats that may interfere with the normal functioning of the object; ability to provide a description of the object by external and internal characteristics; possession of a modern set of engineering and technical means of protection, including: fire-fighting modular unit, infrastructure unit, alarm system protection unit, access control and management systems, reliable modular unit, etc. The main stage of law enforcement personnel training is a formation of abilities to use protective modules in the conditions of external and internal interventions, threats etc. Actions of unauthorized entry on the object have been defined. A method of detecting factual intrusion (attempt) into the area of the protected object is provided. Examples of psychotic behavior of the offender are considered in the training process. The table shows the potential ability of the offender to act depending on the motivation level of emotional preparedness that correlates with his/her actions. The positive influence of the proposed innovations on the level of theoretical and practical training of future security guards has been revealed. The experiment confirmed the effectiveness of security guards training method based on the modular design system of object protection.


 training methods; security guard; modular project; professional skills; professional training.




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Ivan Samokish, Anatolii Bosenko, Mariia Topchii. Comprehensive Monitoring of The Functional Capabilities of Students of Higher Education Institutions.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 117-125. Odessa.

Ivan Samokish,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor,
professor of the Department of Physical Education,
Odessa National Academy of Communications named after A. S. Popov,
1, Kuznechna Str., Odesa, Ukraine,
Anatolii Bosenko,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences),
professor of the Department of Biology and Health Care,
Mariia Topchii,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences),
Head of the Department of Biology and Health Care,
State Institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



A considerable amount of research is devoted to theoretical and practical study of the functional capabilities of students. An overwhelming number of scientists and practitioners assess the level of functionality with the help of various control exercises for physical fitness. It has been established that tests for physical fitness have certain disadvantages, especially organizational and methodological ones. Some researchers use various functional trials and functional tests, in rare cases – maximum loads at the level of functional reserves, which give the most accurate information, but they need to be used with some caution. It has been established that the existing regulatory and legal framework governing the organization of physical education in higher education institutions practically does not regulate the monitoring of the functional capabilities of students. The technological aspect of the assessment of functional capabilities is not disclosed, and monitoring methods for students with different levels of physical condition and regulatory requirements for functional capabilities are not sufficiently developed and do not meet modern requirements. In the literature available to us there are practically no comprehensive studies in higher education institutions of the functional capabilities of students, taking into account the results of physical fitness and functional tests in the educational process of physical education. In our opinion, the use of integrated monitoring of students' functional capabilities with the help of functional testing with a change in the power of physical activity over a closed cycle and a specially developed battery of tests for physical fitness makes it possible to obtain more accurate and diverse information about the level of functionality of students, as well as optimize the teaching and educational process of physical education in higher education institutions.


integrated monitoring, functionality, higher education institutions, physical fitness, functional testing.




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Sergey Sevdalev, Marina Kozhedub. Modeling of The Competitive Activities of Highly Qualified Female Athletes Specializing in The Modern Pentathlon.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 125-131. Odessa.

Sergey Sevdalev,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Dean of the faculty of Physical Education,
Marina Kozhedub,
Master of the Pedagogical Sciences, lecturer,
Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education,
Gomel State University named after F. Skorina,
98, Sovetskaya Str., Gomel, Republic of Belarus



Modern pentathlon is a complex type of sport that includes: fencing, swimming, horse riding (show jumping) and combined sport (running, shooting). Sports, which are different in orientation and nature and included in its composition, require athletes to display a significant number of physical abilities and motor skills, different in orientation, due to the structure and content of the competitive activity of the sport. The development of effective models of competitive activity, structured on the basis of the analysis of the results shown by the leading athletes at the largest competitions will allow to optimize the construction of the training. Aim of the study is to build a generalized model of the competitive activity of highly qualified athletes specializing in modern pentathlon. Research methods: analysis and systematization of scientific and methodical literature and information from the official website of the International Federation of Modern Pentathlon (official protocols of the competitions); modeling; methods of mathematical statistics. It was revealed that when forming models of competitive activity, one should focus on characteristics that are significant for achievements in a particular type of competition. Based on the data of the average results shown by female athletes in certain types, a generalized model of the competitive activity of highly qualified athletes specializing in modern pentathlon has been built. Two types of group models of competitive activity in women's modern pentathlon have been determined. The first type is typical for a group of female athletes who are able to achieve high results in fencing, characterized by a high level of speed-power and coordination abilities. The second one unites female athletes who achieve high results in the combined form of modern pentathlon. Thus, when training female athletes specializing in modern pentathlon, special attention should be paid to fencing and increasing the effectiveness of running training.


competitive activity, sports training, sportsmen specializing in modern pentathlon, modeling, modern pentathlon, highly qualified female athletes.




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8. Vrublevskiy, Е. Р., Sevdalev, S. V., Lashkevich, S. V., & Gerkusov, A. S. (2019). Modelirovanie sorevnovatelnoy deyatelnosti kvalifitsirovannyih beguniy na korotkie distantsii s uchetom ih individualnyie osobennostey [Modelling of the competitive activities of qualified female shortdistance runners, taking into account their individual characteristics]. Fizicheskoe vospitanie studentov – Рhysical education of student, 6, 269–275 [in Russian].
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Rodion Yahotin, Tetiana Dehtiarenko, Svitlana Khalaidzhi. Peculiarities of The Training Process of Boxing Students Taking Into Account Their Psychomotor State.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 131-138. Odessa.

Rodion Yahotin,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
senior lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sports,
Odessa National Academy of Food Technology,
112, Kanatna Str., Odessa, Ukraine,
Tetiana Dehtiarenko,
Doctor of Medicine, professor,
Department of Biology and Health Care,
The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky",
26, Staroportofrankivska St., Odessa, Ukraine,
Svitlana Khalaidzhi,
PhD (Candidate of Science in Physical Education and Sports), lecturer,
Department of physical education and sports,
Odessa National Academy of Food Technology,
112, Kanatna Str., Odessa, Ukraine,



The article is devoted to the problem of organizing the training process in boxing classes in higher education institutions. Determining the features of the psychomotor state of boxing students and its consideration in the dynamics of training allows optimizing the process of physical training of future professionals and contributes to the achievement of planned sports results. A specialized training program has been developed, which consists of nine complex specialized physical exercises aimed at developing the coordination qualities of boxing students. The aim is to investigate the state of psychomotor state of boxing students under the conditions of using specialized coordination physical exercises. A significant positive dynamics of psychomotor state indicators of boxing students has been established under the condition of using specialized physical exercises of coordination orientation. The obtained results expand the scientific information on the need to take into account the psychomotor state of students engaged in boxing. The existing programs of the training process have been supplemented, which are aimed at improving the coordination qualities of boxing students. In the context of modeling the modern system of physical education in higher education institutions, the effectiveness of the use of a sectional form of organization of classes has been proved, which involves the consideration of individualized features of the psychomotor state of student.


psychomotor state, coordination, students, boxing, physical exercises.




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Valeriia Ovcharova. Factors of Effective Implementation of Social Work Within Youth Engagement in Volunteering at The Community Level.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 138-149. Odessa.

Valeriia Ovcharova,
PhD student,
Department of the Social Philosophy and Public Administration,
Zaporizhzhia National University,
66, Zhukovskogo Str., Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine



The article is devoted to the determination of factors that can influence the effective implementation of social work within youth engagement in volunteering within community. To conduct this study, scientific works, key researches and the legislation of Ukraine were analyzed. Due to the decentralization reform in Ukraine, community social work becomes in the center of attention. Considering that community development depends on human capacity, work with young people is a key direction of community social work. It should be noted that community social work aims not only to meet the individual needs of community residents but also to develop a community in general. Volunteering is one of the instruments of implementation of community social work and youth engagement. We think that youth engagement in volunteering within social work is effective if it contributes to community development and meets the needs of young people. Based on recent national sociological researches, we have analyzed values, interests, needs of modern youth in Ukraine and typical problems faced by communities. The results of these analyses helped to identify the following factors, which influence effective youth engagement in volunteering within community social work: subject-subject relationship, orientation on individual interest of youth and features of the motivation of their participation in the process of community problem-solving, orientation towards solving specific problems of communities.


community social work, social work with youth, volunteering, youth, decentralization.




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