Yuliia Asieieva. Role of Influence of The Internet on The Suicidal Behavior of Adolescents.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 5-13. Odessa.

Yuliia Asieieva,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
senior lector of the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Psychology,
Odessa National Medical University,
2, Valikhovsky Lane, Odessa, Ukraine



With the spread and rapid development of information and communication technologies and the global prevalence and availability of the Internet, the problem of the dissemination of information of various contents is gaining momen- Psychology - Medicine - Education Science and Education, 2020, Issue 3 13 tum. The information content of the Internet has no restrictions, except for scientific, political, economic information, there are also negative information platforms with aggressive, sexual and other negative information that affect network users, especially adolescents. The aim of this study was to identify the relationship between suicidal tendencies among adolescents who have certain types of cyber addictions. Research methods: theoretical (analysis and generalization of socio-psychological, medical-psychological, psychological-pedagogical literature on the research topic), psychodiagnostic: Test: suicidal tendencies, INTERNET-UDIT (Internet Use Disorders Identification Test), COMP-UDIT Disorders Identification Test) and mathematical and statistical (data processing was done using the program "Microsoft Excel XP", and the statistical analysis package SPSS 26.0 for Windows XP). The sample consisted of 559 people, of whom 408 had certain types of cyber addictions, and 151 people who agreed to join the control group (relatively healthy). The study was conducted in accordance with the principles of bioethics and deontology on the basis of Odessa National Medical University; Non-profit municipal enterprise «Youth Friendly Clinic» City Student Polyclinic of Odessa City Council, NGO LGBT Association "LEAGUE". According to the results of the study, it was found that among the control groups there were no respondents who showed a pronounced tendency to suicide. Among the main groups of respondents, a pronounced predisposition to suicide in the largest number of respondents was found among girls in the age group from 16 to 18 years - 10.53% of respondents in all other major groups did not exceed 10%, the lowest rate of suicidal tendencies was found among boys in age category from 19 to 21 years - 2.99% of respondents. There is a direct dependence of suicidal tendencies on some types of cyber-addictions, namely computer and Internet addiction, which indicates the need to include this marker in the development of psycho-correctional programs for people suffering from cyber-addictions.


Internet, cyber-addictions, computer addiction, Internet addiction, suicide, suicidal behavior.




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Nataliia Vasylieva. Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Logoneurosis in Preschool Children During Functional Stress.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 13-19. Odessa.

Nataliia Vasylieva,
Candidate of Biological Sciences, associate professor,
Department of Medicine and Physical Therapy,
Kherson State University,
27, Universytetska Str., Kherson, Ukraine



The changes in the electrical activity of the brain of boys with different tempo-rhythmic characteristics of speech during functional stress have been studied, namely, a series of flashes of light of a certain frequency – rhythmic photostimulation have been used. The bioelectrical activity of the brain has been studied using a computer electroencephalography system. Also, according to the methodology of zonal distribution of normalized spectral power (SP) of the rhythm of the main frequency of the EEGranges, the particles (in percent) of the normalized SP of electrogenesis in each of the four main ranges (δ, θ, α, β) have been determined. As a result of comparison of the light flashing frequency assimilation among boys in the studied groups, it has been found, that in the group of children with logoneurosis slow rhythms (5 Hz,) lying within the theta-range of the EEG, were better assimilated. The rhythm is assimilated in the low frequency range among the children with logoneurosis. The relative spectral power of theta-rhythm significantly decreased on the EEG of children with tempo and rhythm speech disorder at low-frequency photostimulation in comparison with the corresponding indicators of the background electroencephalogram; the corresponding indicators in the beta-range, anterior and posterior leads in the alpha-rangeincreased. Based on the obtained data, it has been found, that children with logoneurosis have insufficient response to photostimulation. Such data are associated with insufficient inhibitory effect of the cortex on the subcortical structures. The reduced reactivity and functional insufficiency of the activating system of the brain stem have been noted. Neurophysiological mechanisms of logoneurosis are due to the state of insufficient formation of brain structures, which is confirmed by the results of electroencephalography during rhythmic photostimulation. Changes in the tempo and rhythm of speech during logoneurosis of preschool children provoke stress of the brain mechanisms of regulation, which become apparent by special characteristics of the electrical activity of the brain, both at rest and during load.


 logoneurosis, electroencephalogram, preschool children, photostimulation.




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Antonina Minenok, Tetiana Kiiko, Ihor Donets. Prevention Overweight of Population Under Quarantine Restrictions During a Pandemic.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 20-26. Odessa.

Antonina Minenok,
Doctor of Pedagogical Science, professor,
Department of Preschool and Primary Education,
Tetiana Kiiko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Science),
senior lecturer of the Department of Biology,
basics of Physical Education, Health and Sports,
T. H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Colehium”
53, Hetman Polubotko Str., Chernihiv, Ukraine,
Ihor Donets,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
lieutenant of internal service,
Academy of the State Penitentiary Service,
34, Goncha Str., Chernihiv, Ukraine



The article highlights the negative trends of deteriorating health of the population in our country, which requires a responsible attitude of society and the state to strengthen and preserve the health. It becomes necessary to identify new approaches and develop programs of problems solving in the field of public health, because the current system of health care in Ukraine does not actually provide a preventive component, as it is stated in the Concept of Public Health System Development. It is noted that among a number of dangerous diseases and other important health problems, the problem of overweight remains relevant for all age groups and has no boundaries. One of the causes of overweight and obesity is the disturbance of the energy balance between the calories consumed and the calories expended, that is, excessive consumption of high-calorie foods and low levels of physical activity, especially during a pandemic. Ensuring the health and well-being of people is one of the most important goals of the world community, reflected in the basis of European policy. The achievement of European standards of quality of life and well-being of the population is one of the main tasks defined by the Strategy for Sustainable Development «Ukraine–2020». The main directions of reforms should be to increase the personal responsibility of citizens for their own health, ensuring their free choice of health-care providers of appropriate quality, the provision of targeted assistance to the most vulnerable segments of the population, and the creation of a business-friendly environment in the health-care market. Theoretical studies on the choice of efficient methods for studying overweight suggest that scientists have proposed dozens of different approaches, including both simple measurements and the most modern and expensive. But the the definition of the body mass index (BMI) remains the most convenient. This index is more closely related to the fat content of the human body than other anthropometric body mass-to-height ratios, and is therefore widely used in clinical practice. The dynamics have been investigated and important questions of preventive action on overweight and obesity have been pointed out, the reasons for the increase of the respondent body weight have been indicated, and recommendations have been made for the preservation of individual health in the context of a pandemic.


public health, pandemic, overweight, obesity, body mass index.




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Olena Miroshnychenko, Alexandra Gutculyak. Role of Character Accentuation in The Adaptation of Personality To Extreme Conditions of Life.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 26-32. Odessa.

Olena Miroshnychenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Alexandra Gutculyak,
PhD student, Department of Theoretical and Practical Psychology,
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomir, Ukraine



The article considers the peculiarities of accentuating the character of Ukrainian winterers and its role in the process of adaptation to the conditions of vital activity in Antarctica. The relevance of the article is based on the fact that Ukraine is one of the 29 countries in the world that have the status of an Advisory Party to the Antarctic Treaty, and for 25 years has the opportunity to explore the White Continent at the Ukrainian Antarctic Station "Academician Vernadsky". Wintering of Ukrainian polar explorers conducting research in the areas approved by the State Program (Earth Sciences, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences) is associated with a long stay in a limited area, which requires adaptation to social isolation, sensory and psychological deprivation in winter. In addition, the psychological adaptation of winterers takes place in harsh climates and largely depends on the psychophysiological characteristics of the expedition. Psychophysiological characteristics of personality, including accentuation of character, play a significant role in the process of adaptation. The aim of the article is to present psychological studies of character accentuations in wintering people in Antarctica as a prerequisite for psychological adaptation of personality. The scientific developments of domestic and foreign researchers dealing with the problem of adaptation to life in extreme conditions have been analyzed. The concept of psychological adaptation to life in extreme conditions has been specified; the types of accentuations of Ukrainian winterers have been determined; methodological tools of psychological research have been presented. The main accentuations that are characteristic of winterers have been highlighted, and the peculiarities of personality behavior with different types of accentuations have been described. Such results allowed to determine new criteria of psychophysiological and psychological forecasting, and also to confirm necessity of application of psychological researches of Antarctic winterers.


character accentuation, accentuated personality, adaptation, vital activity, personality groups of different types of accentuations.




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Svetlana Prokofieva-Akopova. Pregnancy as a Factor of Emotional Instability of Women.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 33-38. Odessa.

Svetlana Prokofieva-Akopova,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), assistant professor,
Department of Family and Special Pedagogy and Psychology,
State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical
University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The article substantiates the relevance of the study of negative emotional states, emotional reactions and stress during pregnancy as an important and difficult period in the life of women of reproductive age. The features of psychoemotional changes in women regarding the fetal development have been highlighted and the most common emotional states of pregnant women have been identified. The aim of the study was to study the emotional sphere of women during pregnancy as the early motherhood period and to develop a comprehensive psychocorrectional program aimed at psycho-emotional and social adaptation of women during pregnancy and childbirth. Such research methods as diagnostic questionnaire of current state (situational, reactive anxiety), anxiety determination as a personality trait and also the study of probability and level of neuroticism were used. Testing was performed for the differential diagnosis of depressive states, for screening and diagnostics tests in mass studies and for the purpose of preliminary, pre-medical diagnostic. Based on the initial questionnaire, it was found that almost all surveyed women found that their emotional saturation of life became more turbulent and unpredictable. Further research has been found that reactive anxiety of pregnant women is expressed mainly at a low level (89,2%) and personal is at a high level (46,8%). It has been found that mostly all pregnant women have no depression (83,5%), that is, these women do not have a global ill-being and there are only some aspects of the negative manifestations. It has been investigated that the predominant level of neuroticism is average (87,3% of respondents). This is determined by the fact that not all women were sincere, because they have a strong attitude to optimism, calm state during childbirth and they are characterized by idealization of their state. Thus, the study convincingly showed that pregnancy has a certain effect on the psyche. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the recommendations for a psycho-correctional program for working with women during pregnancy have been developed.


 pregnancy, emotional states, stress, anxiety, fetal development, childbirth, psycho-emotional changes.




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