Olena Stechenko. Biological and Bioorganic Chemistry in The Medical Curricula

(2019) Science and education, 2, 5-12. Odessa.

Olena Stechenko,
PhD (Candidate of Chemical Sciences), associate professor,  Department of Bioorganic and Biological Chemistry,
Bogomolets National Medical University, 13, Shevchenko Blvd., Kyiv, Ukraine



The issue of academic mobility was actualized after the accession of Ukraine to the European educational and scientific environment. However, implementation of this principle of providing real credit transfer and learning outcomes according to the methodology of ECTS is quite challenging even today if applied to training of medical students. Several reasons can be indicated for that. Firstly, systems of higher education in the countries of European Union and in Ukraine differ in educational levels, anticipated results as well as in the mechanisms of regulation by the state. Thus, the search of opportunities for creating conditions of the gradual equalization of educational content between different players in the educational market in Europe is urgent. Secondly, implementation of the transition of higher medical education to the training of masters of medicine in accordance with the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" and introduction of new curriculum by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine has created the basis for differences with the previous curriculum of training specialists on the specialty "General medicine". Thus, comparison of the volume of teaching disciplines for students of the same specialties in different countries is extremely relevant from the point of view of harmonization of efforts for further development of joint educational environment. But equally important is the analysis of changes in the distribution of academic hours from the disciplines that took place during the transition of higher medical education in our country to training specialists in the specialty "General Medicine" for the training of specialists of the second (master's) level of higher education in the specialty "Medicine". In the article the outcomes of comparative analysis of curricula for training medical students in HEIs of Ukraine and some countries of Europe is presented in terms of the number of credits from biological and bioorganic chemistry – one of the key medical biological disciplines. Comparing the educational load from the biological chemistry in HEIs in Ukraine and abroad provides additional grounds for predicting the possibility of recognition credits in the context of academic mobility of medical students.


 biological and bioorganic chemistry, curriculum, educational program, pre-diploma training of physicians.




1. Klishch, H.I. (2014). Formy organizatsii navchannia u medychnykh universytetakh Avstrii [Forms of organization of training in medical universities in Austria]. Medychna osvita – Medical education, 4, 56-59 [in Ukrainian].
2. Nahaeva, Ya. M. (2013). Definityvnyi analiz doslidzhennia pedagogichnoi problem pidgotovky maibutnikh likariv [Definitive analysis of the research of pedagogical problem of the future physicians’ preparation]. Naukovyi visnyk Uzhgorodskogo natsionalnogo universytetu. Seriya «Pedagogika, sotsialna robota» – Scientific bulletin of Uzhgorod National University. Series Pedagogy, social work», 28, 113-115 [in Ukrainian].
3. Savaryn, Т. V., Yarysh, Yu. Yu., Denefil, O. V. (2018). Rozvytok vyshchoi osvity Gretsii (na prykladi Universytetu im. Arystotela v m. Salonikakh) [Development of higher education in Greece (on the example of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)]. Medychna osvita – Medical education, 4, 191-195 [in Ukrainian].
4. Stechenko, O. V. (2015). Evrointegratsiini zminy u vyshchii medychnii ta farmatsevtychnii osviti: naiblyzhchi perspektyvy [European integration based changes in higher medical and pharmaceutical education: near future opportunities]. Ludynoznavchi studii. Seriia «Pedagogica» – Human studies studios. Series «Pedagogy», 1/33, 202211 [in Ukrainian].
5. Falfushynska, H. I., Ivanets, L. M., Zahrychuk, H. Ya. (2015). Porivnialna kharakterystyka navchalnykh planiv bloku bazovykh himichnykh dysciplin pidgotovky fakhivtsiv za spetsialnostiamy «Farmatsia» ta «Likuvalna sprava» u medychnykh VNZ krain – asotsiiovanykh partneriv ERASMUS [Comparative characteristics of grounded chemical disciplines syllabus for «Pharmacy» and «Medicine» profession obtaining in medical universities of the country – ERASMUS associated member]. Medychna osvita – Medical education, 4, 60-63 [in Ukrainian]. 
6. Khomenko, K. (2015). Porivnialnyi analiz pidgotovky likariv u Polshchi ta Ukraini. [Comparative analysis of the training of physicians in Poland and Ukraine]. Pedagogichni nauky: teoria, istoria, innovatsiini tehnologii – Pedagogical sciences: theory, history, innovative technologies, 8 (52), 226-233 [in Ukrainian].
7. Barrow, M., McKimm, J., Samarasekera, D. D. (2010). Strategies for planning and designing medical curricula
and clinical teaching. South-East Asian Journal of Medical Education, 1 (4), 2-8 [in English].
8. Zavlin, D., Jubbal K., Noé, J., Gansbacher, B. (2017). A comparison of medical education in Germany and the United States: from applying to medical school to the beginnings of residency. GMS German Medical Science, 15, 1-12 [in English]

Pavel Samsonov. Contemporary Problems of Distance Course in The Higher Education System of Russia

(2019) Science and education, 2, 13-16. Odessa.

Pavel Samsonov,
Associate Professor of Education College,
University of Louisiana (Lafayette), 104 East University Avenue, Lafayette, LA, USA



In the article, three interrelated problems that are directly or indirectly implemented in the process data, are identified on the basis of a very thoughtful analysis and generalization of various data on the features of distance course of the higher education system of Russia. First, it is a cultural and psychological problem. Secondly, it is methodical, thirdly – administrative and organizational. Based on the generalization of the available data, some aspects of solving these problems are revealed in the work. The main focus is on the choice of the most demanded disciplines, for example, English and others. At the same time, it indicates a high activity of enthusiasts, professionals who develop online courses. The concepts of hybrids of such courses are introduced, since different software programs are used in their development. There is a lack of financial and resource support in creating online courses, as well as realization time. This article does not claim to be a comprehensive disclosure of the problem; it only gives some initial data that can serve as the beginning of a more in-depth study of this topic.


 distance education, digital technologies, pedagogical standards, online course, hybrid courses.




1. Daletskaya, T. (2008). Open and Distance Education in Russia: Thoughts About Russian Distance Education from the American Perspective, Educational Technology, 48 (6), 27-29.
2. Frolova, N. (2015). Challenges of eLearning Implementation in Russian Education. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(1), 1-5. 
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Marta Kondratyuk. Introducing Certain Elements of Project-Based Learning into Ukranian Translation Programs

(2019) Science and education, 2, 17-21. Odessa.

Marta Kondratyuk,   
(PhD in Comparative Literature), associate professor, Department of Translation Studies,
Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, 21, 600-richchia Str., Vinnitsia, Ukraine 



The article deals with the urgency of introduction of project-based learning in the Translation Programs of Ukrainian universities and discusses some directions for the introduction of project-based learning (PBL) in terms of translator’s competences as defined by the European Competence Framework for translation programs. The article offers a review of John Dewey’s theory of Project-Based Learning (PBL) and suggests some ways of how to incorporate its elements into the university Translation programs and how the European requirements for MA in Translation can help to determine the directions for the development of the elements of the PBL in Translation Programs. In the framework of the theoretical study, we carried out the review of various sources dealing with the PBL and reviewed the EMT requirements in Ukrainian context.


 project-based learning (PBL), John Dewey, translator’s competences, student-centered teaching methods, soft skills, European Master’s in Translation Framework.




1. Baer, B. S. & Koby, S. (2003). “Introduction: 
Translation Pedagogy: The Other Theory”. Beyond the Ivory Tower, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 
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3. Billet, S. (2011). Knowing in Practice: Reconceptualizing translation expertise. Learning and Instruction, 11 (6), 431-452. 
4. Dewey, J. (1938). Experience and Education. New York, Simon & Schuster. 
5. Doherty, S. (2016). The Impact of Translation Technologies on the Process and Product of Translation. International Journal of Communication, 10, 947-969. 
6. Kolb, A. & Kolb, D. (2005). Learning styles and learning spaces: Enhancing experiential learning in higher education. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 4 (2), 193-212. 
7. European Master’s in Translation. Retrieved from: https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/emt_competence_ fwk_2017_en_web.pdf 
8. González Davies, M. (2004). Multiple Voices in the Translation Classroom. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 
9. Plaza-Lara, C. (2016). The Competence Paradigm in Education applied to the Multicomponent Models of Translator Competences. Journal of Translator Education and Translation Studies, (1)2, pp. 4-19. 
10. Pym, An. (2011). What Technology does to Translation? The International Journal for Translation & Interpreting, 3, 1. Retrieved from http://www.transint.org/index.php/transint%20%20%20%20%20%20%20 %20%20%20%20/article/viewFile/121/81 
11. Risku, H. (2002). Situatedness in Translation Studies. Cognitive Systems Research, 3, 523-533.

Anatoly Chustrak, Peter Todorov, Christian Kobus. Statokinetic Stability and Other Physical Qualities of The Sportsmen-Beginner

(2019) Science and education, 2, 22-28. Odessa.

Anatoly Chustrak,
  PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate Professor, private-professor,  Department of gymnastics and sports martial arts,
           Peter Todorov,
  Associate Professor, honoured worker of Physical culture and sports of Ukraine  Department of gymnastics and sports martial arts,
            Christian Kobus,
  Master of Department of gymnastics and sports martial arts, 
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,   26, Staroportofrankovskaya, Odessa, Ukraine 



The article examines the empirical studies of the influence of increasing statokinetic stability on other physical qualities of 6-7 years-old sportsmen of the initial training group. The relevance of the work is determined by the significant rejuvenation of many sports and the need to increase statokinetic stability in young school age, which is sensitive to increase this important quality where the basic static, dynamic and spatiotemporal parameters of children's movements are formed. The static and dynamic balance indicators after dosed vestibular irritations were used to determine statokinetic  stability and how they affect the flexibility, agility, speed, strength and static endurance, and speed and physical qualities of children. Although, statokinetic stability and almost all other physical qualities were low before the pedagogical experiment. All the physical qualities of sportsmen, both girls and boys, significantly improved after a six-month experiment. All beginning sportsmen showed good and excellent results, both statokinetic stability, and other physical qualities, except the speed and physical qualities of boys who showed average (satisfactory) estimates, according to state standards. It is also important that sportsmen who systematically attended training stopped being sick. The results of the study may be useful for coaches of primary school sportsmen and physical education teachers in general schools.


 beginning sportsmen of 6-7 years, statokinetic stability, physical qualities.




1. Afonin, V. M. (2011). Spetsialna (vestybuliarna) pidhotovka viiskovosluzhbovtsiv [Special (vestibular) training of military]. Pedahohika, psykholohiia ta medykobiolohichni problemy fizychnoho vykhovannia i sportu. – Pedagogy, Psychology and medical and biological problems of physical education and sports, 2, 7-9. Kharkiv: KhDADM [in Ukrainian].
2. Voropai, S. M., Burianovatyi, O. M. (2014). Vplyv zaniat spetsialnoho akrobatychnoho spriamuvannia na riven proiavu stiikosti vestybuliarnoho analizatora yunykh biitsiv - bahatobortsiv 6-8 rokiv [Influence of employments of the special acrobatic aspiration on the level of display of firmness of vestibular analyzer of young fighters - multiathlonists 6-8 years old]. Pedahohika, psykholohiia ta medyko-biolohichni problemy fizychnoho vykhovannia i sportu – Pedagogics, Psychology and medical and biological problems of PE and sport, 11, 13-16 [in Ukrainian].
3. Korobeinikov, H. V., Zhyrnov O. V., Korobeinikova, L. H. (2018). Neirodynamichni funktsii ta statokinetychna stiikist kvalifikovanykh kikbokseriv [Nervous dynamic functions and snatokinetic stability of skilled kickboksers]. Visnyk Chernihivskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu im. T. H. Shevchenka – Chernihiv national pedagogical university named after T.H. Shevchenko, 154, (Vols. l.1.), 90 - 94. [in Ukrainian].
4. Chertihina, N. A. (2013). Kompleksnoie razvitie vestibulyarnoi ustoychivosti v hudozhestvennoi gimnastike na etape nachalnoi podgotovki [Complex development of vestibular stability in a calisthenics on the stage of initial preparation]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Volgograd [in Russian].
5. Chustrak, A. P., Todorova, I. V. (2011). Teoriia ta metodyka sportyvnoi pidhotovky. Navchalnyi posibnyk dlia studentiv instytutu fizychnoi kultury [Theory and method of sports training. A manual for students of the Institute of Physical Culture]. Odesa: PNPU named after K.D. Ushynsky [in Ukrainian].
6. Chustrak, A. P. (2015). Statokinetychna stiikist shkoliariv. Monohrafiia [Statokinetic stability of schoolchildren. Monograph]. Odesa: PNPU named after K.D. Ushynsky [in Ukrainian].
7. Chustrak, A. P., Sherstiuk, M. M., Litvinov, M. V. (2016). Trenuvannia statychnoi ta dynamichnoi rivnovahy shkoliariv [Training the static and dynamic equilibrium of schoolchildren]. Naukovyi visnyk Pivdennoukrainskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni K.D.
Ushynskoho. Pedahohichni nauky – Scientific Bulletin of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky. Pedagogical Sciences, 1 (108), 80-84. Odesa [in Ukrainian]. 8. Chustrak, A. P., Pavlenko, T. K., Litvinov, M. V. (2016). Formirovaniie statokinetycheskoi ustoichivosti shkolnikov [Formation of static-kinetic stability of schoolchildren]. Nauchnyi zhurnal "Novation" – Scientific journal "Novation", 6, 33-39. Varna [in Russian].
9. Chustrak, A. P., Pohorelova O. O., Marunchak O. S. (2017). Dynamika rozvytku fizychnykh yakostei pidlitkiv [Dynamics of development of physical qualities of adolescents]. Znanstvena misel journal, 8, 66 – 69. Slovenia [in Ukrainian].
10. Abdelghaffar, H., Elshazly, M. (2011). Cochlear implants in children with vestibular hypofunction. Egyptian Journal of Ear, Nose, Throat and Allied Sciences, 12 (1), 49-52 [in English].
11. Gioacchini, F. M., Alicandri-Ciufelli, M., Kaleci, S., Magliulo, G., Re, M. (2014). Prevalence and diagnosis of vestibular disorders in children: A review. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 78 (5), 718-724 [in English].
12. Moiseenko, E. K. (2012). Determination of the functional status of vestibular apparatus of 5-6 year-old children. Physical education of students, 2, 70 – 73 [in English].
13. Myer, G., Ford, K., McLean, S., Hewett, T. (2006). The effects of plyometric versus dynamic stabilization and balance training on lower extremity biomechanics. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 34 (3), 445455 [in English].
14. Syshko, D. V. (2009). The various reactions of sportsmen are received of vestibule load. Physical education of students. (Vols. 1), 70- 72 [in English].

Lesia Perederko. Self-Esteem of Emotional State And Anxiety Level of Medical Student’s Personalit

(2019) Science and education, 2, 28-33. Odessa.

Lesia Perederko,
  PhD Biological Sciences,  Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University,
Medical Biology and Medical Genetics Department,  2, Halytska, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine 



The ecological environment, which includes the psychological sphere, is one of the key factors in the study of the social and professional maturity of the modern student. This study highlights the monitoring of student’s self-esteem of emotional state and anxiety level. The methods “Self-esteem of Emotional State” of Wessman A. & Rix D. and Taylor G. “Manifest Anxiety Scale” (with modification Norakidze V.), theoretical, empirical and statistical methods of research were used. The coefficient of determination showed that the model is suitable for practical application, as the resultant property is explained by the influence of the factor's characteristic. The high student’s self-esteem of emotional state influenced by the external factors, was followed by certain anxiety level.  The research indicated the empirical connection between self-esteem of emotional state, anxiety level and influence of social factors. That’s created a background for further studying of this psychological circle.


 self-esteem, emotional state, anxiety level, student.




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