Ding Yujing. Professional and Pedagogical Self-Design of Future Education Managers: Theoretical Aspects

(2019) Science and education, 2, 34-43. Odessa.

Ding Yujing,
  Post-graduate student,  Department of Educational Management and Public Administration,
  South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,  26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



The article considers self-design as an important element for the professional and pedagogical training of future education managers. It is noted that the specialists’ professional activities cannot be sufficient for quality without the formation of prognostic and design competencies. The concentration of individual experience in solving professional problems provides act-psychological competence. The manager of a modern educational institution is a professional who consciously and constantly improves his/her qualifications not only by means of organized forms, but also in the course of self-knowledge, self-diagnosis, self-design, and self-improvement. The article analyzes the main components of education management, reveals the essence of the concept of “self-design” and shows a comparative analysis of various theoretical and methodological approaches (activity, subject, complex, functional role-playing, acmeological) to describe the theoretical and methodological approach of self-designing future managers in interpreting various scientists. Self-design is considered as the personal ability of the future personnel to the inclusion in the system of self-determined and self-controlled activities which aim at increasing the efficiency of professional activity and self-improvement of personal qualities. The real methodological basis for effective professional and pedagogical self-design for future education managers is synergetic acmeology, which explores the regularity of attaining the maximum perfection by an arbitrary system of self-organization. Synergetic acmeology contains the theory of social synergetics and the theory of acmeological development. Synergetic acmeology is a practical application of the philosophy’s success, which is reflected in its sections: synergetic carherology, synergetic catabology, synergetic ethnology. Based on the analysis, it was concluded that self-design is the process of identifying possible options for combining means, goals, spatial and temporal parameters of activity to find the most acceptable, optimal option for the development and improvement of the personality. The result of self-design is various projects (options) for future activities, various types of Self-concept. Self-design is the desire of a person to improve his/her Self-concept in various areas of life.


 acmeology, future education manager, prognostic competence, self-design, synergetic acmeology, theoretical and methodological approaches, educational institutio.




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Victoria Pererva. Pedagogical Conditions of Professional and Terminological Competence of The Future Biology Teacher

(2019) Science and education, 2, 44-48. Odessa.

Victoria Pererva,
Assistant of Botany and Ecology Department,
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 54, Gagaryn Avenu, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine 



In the article essence of concept «condition» is exposed and maintenance of concept «pedagogical condition» is described. The generalization of existent scientific approaches the understanding of pedagogical terms of forming of professional and terminology competence of future biology teachers is given in the process of professional preparation. The main aspect of modern pedagogical research of the increasing the efficiency of the educational process problems is the identification, substantiation and verification of pedagogical conditions that ensure the success of the activity. The problem of identifying and substantiating the pedagogical conditions of professional and terminological competence of future biology teachers formation during professional training remained out of the attention of the researchers. The effective pedagogical conditions depend on the clearly determining the structure of methodological support in accordance with the ultimate goal, as well as on the implementation of an interdependent set of conditions. Considering that for the biology teacher, as well as for the doctor, Latin is the basis of professional and terminological competence. Thus, the level of training of specialist is conditioned by the degree of mastery of Greek-Latin terminology, ability to conduct semanticetymological analysis of terms. The basic pedagogical terms of forming of professional and terminology competence of future biology teachers are reasonable. The result is an increase interest and activity in mastering Latin, an expansion of individual passive and active vocabulary. This pedagogical condition implies the introduction of interactive, imitation and game forms of teaching in order to increase students' motivation to master professional terminology. The involvement of future specialists in the formation of professional and terminological competence through various forms of classroom-based and extracurricular work of professional disciplines study is carried out. The training and field practice will be especially relevant to develop and refine the profession term system of future biology teachers. The main means of developing the student’s individual and active terminological vocabulary are terminological, illustrative dictionaries, training and methodology complexes and the information and computer technologies. The organization of educational and development environment that contributes to the individualization and creative and productive communication activity, diagnostics and correction of the levels of formation of the system and components of professional and terminological competence of future biology teachers. The result is the formation of professional communication skills and abilities, the creation of an atmosphere of cooperation, as well as the expansion of vocabulary, the transition of the terminological dictionary from the passive to the active state.


 conditions, pedagogical conditions, professional and terminology competence, future biology teachers, competence, active methods of stud.




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Bilousova Lyudmyla , Zhytienova Natalya. Technology of Designing Digital Didactic Visual Means in Professional Activities of Teacher

(2019) Science and education, 2, 49-55. Odessa.

Bilousova Lyudmyla,
PhD (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences), associate professor, Department of Informatics,
Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G. S. Skovoroda, 2, Valentinovska, Kharkiv, Ukraine
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2364-1885

Zhytienova Natalya,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor, Department of Informatics,
Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G. S. Skovoroda, 2, Valentinovska, Kharkiv, Ukraine
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ORCID: 0000-0002-3083-1070



The article defines the essence and features of the design of digital didactic visual means in the professional activity of the teacher. The fact that there are no pedagogical researches devoted to the specifics of the creation of didactic visual digital means is revealed at the present time, however, the creation of qualitative visual materials requires appropriate competencies, which necessitates disclosure of the specifics of their creation and the corresponding technology. The peculiarity of the design of the digital didactic visual means, which is due to the compositional decisions, typography, coloristics, includes the unity of style and the creation of visual anchors and metaphors. The technology of designing the indicated means consisting of several stages is substantiated, namely: the stage of goal-setting, the stage of didactic design, the stage of visual design, the stage of instrumental design. The stage of goal-setting involves determining the significance and location of the training material in the general structure of the discipline in terms of the relevant topic section; finding out the specifics of the contingent of students; analysis of the complexity of creating a suitable visual tool. The stage of didactic design involves analytical work with information; identification of key elements of informational content; establishing interrelations and hierarchy. The stage of visual design aims to transfer the layout in a visual form and involves taking into account composite decisions, rules of coloring and typography and the adding of visual anchors and metaphors. The final step is to transfer the prototype to a digital format and involves the program realization and receipt of the final product of the digital visual didactic tool. The proposed technology systematizes the process of developing a didactic visual tool and consists of logical interconnected sequential stages which have a certain result. The structure, content and methods of teacher’s design activity at each of the stages are revealed. The proposed technology can be used in the process of training future educators and in the system of postgraduate education.


visualization technologies, didactic design, visual design, instrumental design, educational process.




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Nataliia Leshchii. Functional State of The Cardiorespiratory System of Youth Children with Complex Developmental Disorders

(2019) Science and education, 2, 56-64. Odessa.

Nataliia Leshchii
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,  Department of Defectology and Physical Rehabilitation,
South  Ukrainian  National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,  26, Staroportofransivska, Odesa, Ukraine 



The article deals with the problem of diagnostics of functional state of the cardiorespiratory system of youth children who have complex developmental disorders. The physical, functional and psychological state of the child are an integral whole and any physical disturbance necessarily causes changes in the psychological and functional status of the child, which must be taken into account during performing physical education and health measures. The system of operational assessment of physical development and the results of physical culture and recreational work is an integral part of planning and evaluation of the effectiveness of the developed plan of correctional and recreational work with children who have complex developmental disorders. The aim of the study is to determine the features of the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system of children with complex developmental disorders. The methods of research are the following: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature; medical and biological methods: spirography, functional tests of Shtange, Genchy, Skibinsky, definition of chest excursion, heart rate, arterial pressure; methods of mathematical statistics. It was found that healthy boys have a significantly higher value of vital capacity of lungs than boys who have the complex developmental disorders by 120,40 ml (p<0,01), forced lung capacity – by 200,69 ml (p<0,01), volume of forced exhalation for the first second – by 250,59 ml (p<0,01), peak volume – by 1,1 l/s (p<0,01), maximum ventilation of the lungs – by 19,55 l/min (p<0,01), excursion of the chest – by 2,9 cm (p <0,001), the Skibinsky index – by 5,08 c.u. (p<0,01). The girls who have the complex developmental disorders, the vital capacity was probably less than 120,60 ml (p<0,01) compared with healthy peers, the forced vital capacity – by 200,39 ml (p<0,01), volume of forced exhalation for the first second – by 255,59 ml (p<0,01), peak volume – by 1,2 l/s (p<0,01), maximum ventilation of the lungs – by 19,65 l/min (p<0,01), chest excursion – by 2,9 cm (p<0,001), Stange test – by 11,00 sec (p<0,01), Genchi test – by 5 seconds (p<0,01), Skibinsky index – by 3 c.u. (p<0,05.


functional state, cardiorespiratory system, diagnosis, children, complex developmental disorders.




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