Natalia Dmitrenko, Luydmila Krupelnytska, Oksana Shportun. Perception of Humorous Content Under Normal and Psychopathological Conditions.

(2017) Science and education, 7, 94-101. Odessa.


Natalia Dmitrenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Teaching Methods of Foreign Languages,
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi,
32, Ostrozkoho Str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Luydmila Krupelnytska,
Doctor of Psychology, associate professor,
Department of Psychodiagnostics and Clinical Psychology,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
16, Shevchenko Bul., Kyiv, Ukraine
Oksana Shportun,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Doctoral Student,
Department of Psychodiagnostics and Clinical Psychology,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
16, Shevchenko Bul., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article presents the results of the study of perception of humorous content by individuals who belong to the group of conventional norm and by people with mental disorders. The survey involved 358 respondents with psyhcopathologies and 52 healthy respondents and was based on Humorous Statements Assessment Inventory. The perception of humour by the group of individuals who represent different nosological forms differs inside the group in comparison with the group of individuals of conventional norm. Since the specificity of perception of humorous content by people in conventional norms and people with various mental disorders is different, the use of humor has a pcychodiagonostical orientation in detecting of certain mental pathologies. For instance, the participants with paranoid schizophrenia and dysthymia show an exact tendency to underestimating the humour of phrases. The comments of the phrases by the respondents with dysthymia show the reduction of motives and desires, lack of energy aspects of psyche to adequate respond to humour. The patients with cyclotemia show a tendency to overestimate the humour of the proposed content. The patients with mental retardation of light degree show a tendency to underestimating some humorous phrases and overestimating others. Precisely this tendency is manifested by individuals with mental retardation of moderate degree and reflects, above all, the lack of understanding of humorous content. Groups of people with neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders and Asperger syndrome do not show significant differences in the assessment of humorous content as compared to the participants of the group of conventional norm.


perception of humour, humorous content, group of conventional norm, group of individuals with mental disorders.




1. Ivanova, E. M. (2008). Narusheniye raspoznavaniya yumora u bolnykh shizofreniey [Violation of humour perception by patients with schizofrenia]. Psihologicheskiy zhurnal – Psychological Journal, (Vol. 29), 6, 75-81 [in Russian].
2. Ivanova, E. M. (2008). Narusheniya chuvstva yumora pri shizofrenii i affektivnyh rasstroystvah [Violation of humour while schizophrenia and affective disorders]. Voprosy psikhologii – Issues of Psychology, 1, 45- 57 [in Russian].
3. Kovjazina, M. S. (2008). Vospriyatie yumora bolnymi s lokalnymi porazheniyami mozga [Perception of humour by patients with local disease of the brain], Voprosy psikhologii – Issues of Psychology, 2, 74-82 [in Russian].
4. Falkenberg, I. (2007). Sense of humour in patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 95, 259-261 [in English].
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7. Samson, A. C. (2010). Perception of aggressive humor in relation to gelotophobia, gelotophilia, and katagelasticism. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 52, 217-230 [in English].
8. Suls, J. M. (1983). Cognitive processes in humor appreciation. P. E. McGhee & J. H. Goldstein (Eds.), Vol. 1: Basic issues, 39-57 [in English].

Svitlana Tsymbal. Overcoming Language Anxiety Among the English Language Learners: Psycho-Pedagogical Aspect.

(2017) Science and education, 7, 102-106. Odessa.


Svitlana Tsymbal,
Ph.D. (Psychology), associate professor,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine



Foreign language anxiety, the feeling of tension and apprehension specifically associated with learning a foreign language is considered to be the major factor encountered by language learners around the world. The consideration of language anxiety in the modern English classroom is highly significant to help learners boost their confidence and develop their communication skills in the target language. The current study addresses the following research questions: 1. What factors may cause the anxiety that university students encounter in the process of learning English? 2. What psychological and pedagogical strategies in reducing the language anxiety among English language learners to cope with the language anxiety can be utilized? The research is of qualitative and descriptive type. A survey questionnaire (by Horwitz et al.) was suggested to 86 students of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv. The findings of this study clearly indicate that in spite of the use of modern communicative approaches and techniques by university teachers, the problem of English language anxiety still persists among the students. Teachers should do their best to reduce anxiety in their students by creating an attractive, warm atmosphere inside the classrooms and increasing students’ motivation in learning English. They should help their students to cope with negative attitudes and unpleasant feelings towards learning English. Furthermore, they should build students’ self-confidence by using positive reinforcement, encouragements. Coping strategies for foreign language anxiety may include those helping the students learn to deal with the context provoking anxiety and those making the learning context less stressful. In order to reduce the language anxiety, special trainings, activities and sessions should be used for language learners such as direct discussing students’ anxieties, cooperative learning activities, progressive relaxation, deep breathing, meditation, soothing music and humor, encouraging statements as well.


foreign language anxiety, English as a second language, coping strategies




1. Gardner, R., & MacIntyre, P. (1993). A student’s contribution to second language learning. Part II: affect variables. Language Teaching, 26, 1-11 [in English].
2. Hilgard, E. R., Atkinson, R. C., & Atkinson, R. L. (1971). Introduction to psychology (5th ed.). New York: Harcourt [in English].
3. Horwitz, E. K., Horwitz, M. B., & Cope, J. A. (1986). Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety, The Modern Language Journal, Vol. (2), (pp. 125-132) [in English].
4. Kagan, S., & Kagan, M. (2009). Kagan cooperative learning. San Clemente, CA: Kagan Publishing [in English].
5. MacIntyre, P.D., & Gardner, R.C. (1994). The subtle effects of language anxiety on cognitive processing in the second language. Language Learning, 44, рр. 283- 305 [in English].
6. Oxford, R. (1990). Applying indirect strategies to the four language skills. In Language learning strategies: What every teacher should know (pp. 151-191). Boston, MA: Heinle and Heinle [in English].
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8. Young, D.J. (1990). An investigation of students’ perspectives on anxiety and speaking. Foreign Language Annals, 23(6), 539-553 [in English].
9. Young, D.J. (1994). New directions in language anxiety research. In C.A. Klee (Ed.). Faces in a crowd: The individual learner in multisection courses. MA: Heinle & Heinle [in English].

Oksana Ilina. Method of Modeling Situations in Complex Psychological Training of Rehabilitation Therapists.

(2017) Science and education, 7, 107-114. Odessa.


Oksana Ilina,
post-graduate student, Department of Rehabilitation Therapy,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
9. Pyrohova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with relevant practical aspects of the formation of psychological readiness of the students majoring in special education and teachers of secondary schools for working with children with developmental disorders in special establishments and institutions with inclusive and integrated forms of training. The paper aims to present a specially developed training exercise from the complex of the author’s program, which has been experimentally tested with students of 2nd -4 th years of study majoring in special education. In the process of forming future rehabilitation therapist’s psychological readiness for working with special children it is important not only to provide him/her with necessary theoretical knowledge but also form the skills of understanding his/her own emotional states and the ones of the people having developmental disorders and who differ from others. The best way to provide understanding a “different” person is to model a situation where frustrations are provoked, analysed and considered indirectly. There has been proposed a special role-playing game “Teddy-Bear in the Store” where the main character is a teddy bear without a button, a girl willing to buy it and her mother who does not want to do it because the toy is “defective”. The bear is a symbol of strength and health, and a torn-off button shows its imperfection. The participants are suggested to role-play the situation proposed and dwell upon the actions of its characters, as well as to answer a number of questions concerning the actions of all the story characters. There have been worked-out the following criteria to check the effectiveness of the proposed methodology: psychological and pedagogical efficiency; motivation for proactivity and the necessity to make decisions; the possibility of generalization and application in a wide field of tasks – the qualitative indicators have confirmed the validity of the presented psychological training exercise. It can be applied both in the course of training students in the field of special education and teachers of secondary schools, in the future – integrated classes.


 special education, rehabilitation therapists, children with developmental disorders, emotional intelligence, modeling training, training exercises.




1. Aslaeva, R. G. (2011). Strategiya sotsialnoprofessionalnoy podgotovki defektologov v pedagogicheskom vuze [Strategy of social and professional training of defectologists in pedagogical high school]. Extended abstract of Doctor’s thesis. Izhevsk [in Russian].
2. Ilina, O. V. (2012). Do pytannya pro psykholohichnu hotovnist maybutnikh pedahohiv do fakhovoyi diyalnosti [On the issue of psychological readiness of future teachers for professional activity]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Kamyanets-Podilskoho universytetu imeni Ivana Ohiyenka – Collection of scientific works of Kamyanets-Podilskyi Ivan Ogienko University, XXI (2), 68-78. Kamyanets-Podilsky: «Medobory-2006» [in Ukrainian].
3. Ilina, O. V. (2016). Doslidzhennya emotsiynoho intelektu u protsesi formuvannya psykholohichnoyi hotovnosti maybutnikh ortopedahohiv-reabilitolohiv, defektolohiv do roboty z lyudmy z porushenym rozvytkom [The study of emotional intelligence in the process of formation the psychological readiness of future orthopedagogues-rehabilitologists, defectologists to work with people with disturbed development]. Mizhnarodnyi konhresi zi spetsialʹnoyi pedahohiky, psykholohiyi ta reabilitolohiyi «Osvita ditey z osoblyvymy potrebamy: vid instytualizatsiyi do inklyuziyi» − Proceedings of International Congress on Special Education, Psychology and Rehabilitation “Education of children with special needs: from institutionalization to inclusion” (pp. 133-137). Vinnytsia «Vinnytsia-2016» [in Ukrainian].
4. Lodatko, Y. O. (2011). Pedahohichni modeli, pedahohichne modelyuvannya i pedahohichni vymiryuvannya: that is that? [Pedagogical models, pedagogical modeling and pedagogical measurements: that is that?]. Pedahohika vyshchoyi shkoly: metodolohiya, teoriya, tekhnolohiyi. Vyshcha osvita Ukrayiny: Teoretychnyy ta naukovo-metodychnyy chasopys − Pedagogics of Higher School: Methodology, Theory, Technologies.Higher Education of Ukraine: Theoretical and Scientific Methodical Journal, 3, 339-344 [in Ukrainian].
5. Lisurenko, L. A. (2004). Formirovaniye gotovnosti k vzaimodeystviyu s osobym rebenkom u budushchikh pedagogov-vospitateley spetsialnykh (korrektsionnykh) uchrezhdeniy [Preparing for interaction with a special child from future educators-educators of special (correctional) institutions]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Moscow [in Russian].
6. Martynyuk, V. Y. (2011). Sotsialna pediatriya v Ukrayini: kontseptsiya, zavdannya, perspektyvy [Social pediatrics in Ukraine: concept, tasks, perspectives]. Sotsialna pediatriya − Social pediatrics,1, 17-23 [in Ukrainian].
7. Sydorenko, О., Chuba, V. (2001). Sytuatsiyna metodyka navchannya: teoriya ta praktyka [Situational teaching methodology: theory and practice]. Kyiv: «Tsentr innovatsiy ta rozvytku» [in Ukrainian].
8. Chuyko, O. V. (2013). Osobystisne stanovlennya subiyektiv profesinoi diialnosti u sotsionomichnykh profesiyakh [Personal formation of subjects of professional activity in socionomical professions]. Kyiv: ADEF-Ukraina [in Ukrainian].
9. Shevtsov, A. G (2012). Obgruntuvannya ortopedahohiky [Justification of orthopedagogy]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Kamyanets-Podilskoho universytetu imeni Ivana Ohiyenka − Collection of scientific works of Kamyanets-Podilskyi Ivan Ogienko University, IXX,(1), 274-284. Kamyanets-Podilsky: «Medobory» [in Ukrainian].
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Lyubov Spivak. Transformations of Personality’s National Self-Consciousness in Youth.

(2017) Science and education, 7, 115-119. Odessa.


Lyubov Spivak,
Doctor of Psychology, associate professor,
Department of Theoretical and Counselling Psychology,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
9, Pyrohova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with the results of empirical research of transformations of personality’s national self-consciousness according to the types of national identity in youth. Transformational tendencies of the development of personality’s national self-consciousness in youth according to the types of national identity were studied by means of a method “Types of ethnic identity” (by G. Soldatova, S. Ryzhova). The survey involved 1303 respondents of Ukrainian nationality aged from 17 to 22. In general, age dynamics of the development of personality’s national self-consciousness in youth according to the types of national identity is positive. Namely, starting from the age of 17-18 up to 21-22 the number of the respondents with national self-consciousness according to “positive national identity” type slightly increases. They have positive image of their nation and positive attitude towards it which optimally correlates with their tolerant attitude towards other ones. At the same time, it has been revealed that from the age of 17-18 to 21-22 the amount of the respondents with national self-consciousness according to transformed types of national identity slightly decreases. This much smaller number of young people possesses the following characteristics: the irrelevance of nationality, values and features of their nation; uncertainty of their national belonging, etc. The research outcomes can be applied when organizing psychological support for the development of university students’ national self-consciousness.


national self-consciousness, types of national identity, transformations, development, personality, youth.




1. Soldatova, G. U. (1998). Psikhologiya mezhetnicheskoy napryazhonnosti [Psychology of Interethnic Tension]. Moscow: Smysl [in Russian].
2. Spivak, L. N. (2014). Psychological Foundations for the Development of the Young Person’s National SelfConsciousness. – European Applied Sciences, 1, 94-96 [in English].

Oksana Davydova. Psychological Peculiarities of Teaching Profession.

(2017) Science and education, 7, 120-125. Odessa.


Oksana Davydova,
post-graduate student, University of Education Management,
National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
high level certificate psychologist,
Kremenchuk Lyceum of Information Technologies named after N. M. Shevchenko,
3, Oleha Koshovoho Str., Kremenchuk, Ukraine



The paper deals with the analysis of the results of the summative stage of the experiment aimed at examining the peculiarities of teaching profession. The study involved 205 teachers of different educational institutions of Kremenchuh, Poltava region, Ukraine. For studying the peculiarities of teaching profession and revealing the essence of its procedural component according to the parameters associated with professional competence and efficient work there was used Teacher’s Psychological Profile Method by H. Rezapkina and Z. Rezapkina. Besides, Personality SocioCommunication Competence Inventory was applied for studying the peculiarities of teaching profession more profoundly according to the operational (activity) criterion. In order to examine the efficiency of the operational (activity) component of teaching activities and to reveal individual differences in teaching activities regulation by teachers there was applied The Teaching Style Efficiency Scale by M. Aminov and N. Shelikhova. Mann-Whitney U test for independent samples was utilized in order to study the gender- and experience-related peculiarities of teachers. According to the research outcomes, there have been distinguished the following psychological peculiarities of teaching profession: a) the motivational component, which implies that teachers’ desire to avoid failures and events which cause negative emotions are not their leading motives, most of the pedagogues reflect the level of professional success in terms of satisfaction with work and its conditions, manifest interest in the process and results of professional activities, are satisfied with their own skills, personal qualities and their social role; b) the emotional and axiological component: most teachers face emotional overloads which are manifested in the instability of their emotional states; c) the operational (activity) component: most of the respondents possess highly developed communication skills, they are able to cope with problems and challenges, as a rule use democratic teaching style; gender characteristics and work experience determine the change in teachers’ didactic communication.


 teaching profession, teaching methods, structure of teaching, components of teaching, levels of development, characteristics of didactic communication, gender peculiarities.




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