Larysa Ilnytska. Peculiarities of Internet-Addicted Personality’s Locus of Control.

(2017) Science and education, 7, 31-36. Odessa.


Larysa Ilnytska,
senior lecturer, Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
Ushynsky University,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The research hypothesis implies that significant narrowness of value and motivation sphere of an internet-addicted personality leads to the formation of virtual reality, results in his/her orientation at external assessment criteria, distortion of reality, decrease of the sense of responsibility, and thus, the violation of his/her interaction with the surrounding environment. The paper aims to determine the correlations of locus of control and the expressiveness of internetaddicted behavior manifestation. The survey involved 98 students of Ushynsky University aged from 19 to 24 using the The Chen Internet Addiction Scale, Rotter's Locus of Control Scale, and T. Dembo-S. Rubinshtein Method. For the statistical processing of empirical data, the following methods were used: Mann-Whitney U-test, Kruskal-Wallis test, and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. The statistical data analysis has shown that person’s propensity for internet-addicted behavior is correlated with general externality and externality in the field of work relations, achievements and failures. Persons prone to internet addiction are characterized by the decreased level of self-esteem and aspirations. The absence of the sense of responsibility, lack of self-trust, inability for critical assessment of one’s own actions and oneself, for designing a constructive image of the future leads to the violations in the system of interaction with reality. As a result, an internet-addicted personality cannot build an adequate image of a situation, orients at external assessment criteria from virtual worldview which leads to the increase of externality. The research hypothesis has been confirmed.


personality, internet addiction, locus of control, internality, externality.




1. Akimov, S. K. (2014). Psykholohichni osoblyvosti Intrenet-adyktyvnykh zmin u strukturi osobystosti [Psychological peculiarities of internet-addiction changes in personality structure]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Odesa: PNPU imeni K.D. Ushynskoho [in Ukrainian].
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Viktoriia Slabouz. Examination of Foreign Language University Teachers’ Reflexive and Perceptive Characteristics Manifestation.

(2017) Science and education, 7, 37-43. Odessa.


Viktoriia Slabouz,
PhD (Candidate of Philological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Foreign Languages,
Donbas State Pedagogical University,
19, Henerala Batiuka Str., Sloviansk, Ukraine



The article deals with the experimental investigation of the manifestation of the reflexive and perceptive characteristics of foreign language university teachers. The impact of reflexive and perceptive characteristics on the peculiarities of emotional reaction of lecturers in conflict situations and the efficiency of teaching activities has been identified. The insufficient level of the development of reflexive and perceptive characteristics of lecturers can result in emotional burnout; the adequacy of emotional reaction in conflict situations is essentially connected with the efficiency of teaching activities. In order to identify the respondents’ perceptive characteristics a targeted surveillance has been conducted. It is based on the scheme that fixes the lecturer’s ability to penetrate into the students’ inner spiritual world, the capacity for compassion and empathy, the ability to react responsively to students’ fatigue or difficulties of the learning material perception; to perceive psychological atmosphere in a group. The experiment involved 10 lecturers of foreign languages and 50 students of the 1st-3rd years of studying of the Faculty of Philology. As a result of the experiment the hypothesis has been confirmed which implies that the inadequate level of the development of the reflexive and perceptive skills of the lecturers forms such a stereotype of professional behavior as emotional burnout; there is a correlation between the adequacy of teacher’s emotional reaction in conflict situations and the effectiveness of his/her teaching activities.


 reflexive and perceptive characteristics, foreign language university teacher, syndrome of emotional burnout, semantic differential by Osgood, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.




1. Anishchuk, E. V. (1986). O vliianii kommunikativnykh svoistv lichnosti uchitelya na otnosheniya s uchashchimisya [On the influence of the communicative qualities of the teacher’s personality on relations with pupils]. Psikhologicheskie voprosy formirovaniya lichnosti budushchego uchitelya – Psychological Issues of Future Teacher’s Personality Formation, 46 – 69 [in Russian].
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Serhii Bielai, Mykhaylo Medvid, Oleksandr Parkhomenko. Theoretical, Methodological and Practical Bases for Creating Job Description of Crisis Assessment Experts in Terms of State Security of Ukraine.

(2017) Science and education, 7, 43-49. Odessa.


Serhii Bielai,
Doctor of Public Administration, senior researcher,
Research Section of Reconstruction and Operational Deployment of the
National Guard of Ukraine,
Research Centre of Service and Combat Activities of the
National Guard of Ukraine,
Mykhaylo Medvid,
Doctor of Economics, senior researcher,
Chief Deputy of Educational and Methodical Center,
Chief of the Department of the Methodical Support of Education,
Oleksandr Parkhomenko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), senior researcher,
Research Laboratory of Service and Combat Deployment,
National Guard of Ukraine of the Research Center of
Service and Combat Activities of the National Guard of Ukraine,
The National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine,
3, Zakhysnykiv Ukrainy Square, Kharkiv, Ukraine



The most efficient way of preventing crises threatening state security is the constant monitoring of their emergence and development. In order to provide the effective monitoring of crises in terms of state security one needs highlyqualified professionals. The paper aims to justify theoretical, methodological and practical bases for the development of the job description of crisis assessment experts in terms of state security of Ukraine. In order to study the psychological characteristics of professional activities of the above mentioned experts the job analysis method was used, which involved such techniques as analysis of documentation, Delphi method and observation. Based on the results of the study the hob description of a crisis assessment expert has been composed. It reveals basic competences and skills a highlyqualified and competitive crisis assessment expert in terms of state security should have. The application of the developed job description in real-case scenario will reduce the time for training crisis assessment experts in terms of state security; increase the efficiency of fulfilling the tasks on the assessment of crises due to high-quality professional psychological selection of candidates and psychological support of their professional activities.


crises, monitoring, job description, job analysis, professional activities, crisis assessment expert.




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8. Rozrobka form i sposobiv informatsiinoi borotby pry vykonanni vnutrishnimy viiskamy Ministerstva Vnutrishnikh Sprav Ukrainy sluzhbovo-boiovykh zavdan [Development of forms and methods of information warfare in the process of fulfilling service and combat missions by internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine] (2009). Kharkov: NA NGU [in Ukrainian].
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Hanna Pyroh, Oleksandr Piroh. Psychological Analysis of The Reflection of Thinking in Social Networking Websites.

(2017) Science and education, 7, 50-57. Odessa.


Hanna Pyroh,
PhD (Candidate of Philosophical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Theoretical Psychology and Psychology of Development,
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University,
40, Velyka Berdychivska str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine,
Oleksandr Piroh,
PhD (Candidate of Technical Sciences), leading specialist,
Ukrainian research institute for special techniques and forensic enquiry,
Security Service of Ukraine,
3, Vasylenka Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



Internet technologies and virtual communication have become the integral part of modern life, and they keep influencing the users’ thinking. Modern research studies deal with the process of thinking in the Internet, as well as its peculiarities, but though there are a few empirical studies in this field. The paper aims to examine the reflection of thinking in social networking websites, in particular – to detect the forms of thought transfer the bloggers use in their posts, as well as the ways they affect the cognitive processes of the audience. The study is based on the following research methods: theoretical review of scientific literature, analysis of network messages, quantitative and qualitative methods (regressive analysis). According to the ideas of L. Vygotsky’s cultural and historical concept, cognitive processes are interrelated with language and communication, thinking is reflected via “inner speech” into “external” in a written form. Thinking and written speech are modified and get new characteristics in the Internet. The study sample consisted of the messages taken from the posts of Facebook users. The homogeneity of the sample was provided by the selection of the messages in one topic (real or imaginary event). In December, 2016, 10 topics in socio-political field were chosen and 50 posts of different bloggers were analysed. The research results have shown some peculiarities: active use of a wide variety of visual and imaginary forms of thoughts reflection; convergence of linguistic and visual forms, their mixture. The audience’s reaction to certain messages depends on the forms of the author’s thoughts reflection. The combined application of linguistic and visual forms (a text together with pictures or videos, internet-memes, etc.) has significant impact on the audience’s thinking stabilization. The forms using direct appeal to the audience influence the development of users’ thinking. The methods of direct interaction of the author with the audience (comments, questions, pools) provoke the formation of the readers’ thoughts, which is manifested in a great number of comments to the post.


 thinking, cognitive processes, net-thinking, social networks, forms of thoughts reflection, thinking stabilization, development of thinking, written communication.




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Tuncay Oral. Investigation of Forgiveness Levels in Vocational School Students.

(2017) Science and education, 7, 58-62. Odessa.


Tuncay Oral,
PhD (Counseling Psychological and Guidance), instructor,
Department of Child Care and Youth Services, Pamukkale University,
Çamlaraltı Mahallesi, University Cd., 11/A, Denizli, Turkey



Forgiveness plays an important role in being able to cope with the negative emotions that arise after the problems and the conflicts experienced by people. The study aims to investigate the forgiveness levels of vocational school students. In line with this aim, a total of 230 vocational school students consisting of 165 female (71.7%) and 65 male (28.3%) students were surveyed using Heartland Forgiveness Scale. Frequency, percent, mean and standard deviation analyses were used in this study. The research outcomes were computerized and tested with SPSS 16.0 program. According to the results of this research, there were 40 (17.4%) students with the low level of forgiveness, 157 (68.3%) respondents with the moderate level, and 33 (14.3%) students with the high one. The mean scores of low forgiveness level (x=14.11), moderate forgiveness level (x=27.40), and high forgiveness level (x=37.33) have been found. The fact that the students have a forgiveness average of 26.53 cannot be considered as negative, however, if the average score increases it will be better for students’ psychological health. Some recommendations to increase this score have been presented in the paper.


forgiveness, forgiveness levels, vocational school students.




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