Zoriana Kovalchuk. Psychological Analysis of Intrapersonal Conflict in Secondary School Students.

(2017) Science and education, 3, 73-77. Odessa.

Zoriana Kovalchuk,
Doctor of Psychology,
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs at Faculty No. 7,
Lviv State University of Internal Affairs,
1, Kryvonosa Str., Lviv, Ukraine



The article deals with the phenomenon of interpersonal conflict in secondary school students. The survey involved 53 respondents including 30 girls and 23 boys aged from 12 to 14 using the following methods: E. Fantalova’s ValueAttainability Ratio in Various Life Spheres Scale; Lazarus’ Coping Test; Butler and Haigh’s Correlation between the Actual and Ideal Self Test and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. According to the research results, intrapersonal conflict was detected in 35 children (66%). One of the most effective psychological technologies for intrapersonal conflict elimination in children and adolescents is socio-psychological training whose positive effect is ensured by the basic principles of working in the group. It should involve exercises for the formation of an adequate self-esteem; for the development of empathy and tolerance. Also, the training sessions should include exercises to eliminate anxiety, reduce aggression and to control it; to form the ability to make decisions independently, considering their consequences (both positive and negative) and bear responsibility for them, etc.


intrapersonal conflict, adolescent, coping strategies, boundary condition, self-concept.




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Oleksandr Sannikov. Conceptual Bases of Researching the Issue of Making Decisions by a Personality.

(2017) Science and education, 3, 78-84. Odessa.

Oleksandr Sannikov,
Doctor of Psychology, senior researcher, associate professor,
Department of Theory and Methodology of Applied Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The paper aims to systematize and structure the approaches, concepts and theories of decision-making in psychology; define the principles of studying the choice of a personality; develop the psychological system of decision-making by a personality. The review of psycho-pedagogical, socio-philosophical and economic literature has made it possible to identify the approaches to the study of the phenomenon of “decision-making”, its structure, mechanisms and factors that determine its effectiveness. The main ones are the following: strategic and style, normative approach, cognitive and target, regulatory and volitional, system and structural and subject and activity, providing the appropriate projection of the problem of choice of the personality. The insufficient development of the issue studied can be overcome by a deeper examination of the specifics of life decisions made by the personality. It seems productive to shift the focus of scientific interest from studying decision-making in the context of the activity to be performed to the personal context where the personality making life decisions becomes the object of research as well as the configuration of the psychological system, describing the features of the choice. The life decision is determinative at all stages of human existence, provides a constructive way out of various life situations, the formation and realization of the life path of the individual as a whole. The psychological system of making life decisions reflects the integrity of the personality which is formed by interrelated and complexly organized functional blocks and components. The structure of the properties forming the components of the system has a clearly expressed and stable character, retaining its characteristics within the type of life decision being made. Decisiveness is considered to be an integral characteristic of the personality, the ability to make mature life decisions easily and independently, selectively using personal resources.


decision-making, choice of personality, personal approach to decision making, decision-making theory, psychological decision making system, concept of personality choice.




1. Anokhin, P. K. (1978). Filosofskie aspekty teorii funktsionalnykh sistem [Philosophical aspects of the theory of functional systems]. Mosow: Nauka [in Russian].
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9. Sannikov, A. I. (2016). Psikhologicheskie mekhanizmy zhiznennogo vybora lichnosti [Psychological mechanisms of making a choice by a personality]. Nauka i osvita – Science and education, 11, 91-97 [in Russian].
10. Sannikov, A. I. (2016). «Reshimost» i «reshitelnost» v psikhologicheskoi sisteme priniatiia lichnostiu zhiznennykh reshenii [“Decisiveness” and “resolution” in the psychological system of making everyday decisions by a personality]. Teoretychni i prykladni problemy psykholohii – Theoretical and applied problems of psychology : Collected Works of East Ukrainian National University of Vladimir Dal (Vol. 1(39), (pp. 201– 213). Severodonetsk [in Russian].
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Anna Shydelko. Emotional Stability of an Individual: Research Into the Topic.

(2017) Science and education, 3, 85-89. Odessa.

Anna Shydelko,
PhD (Candidate of Sociological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General Psychology,
Lviv State University of Internal Affairs,
1, Kryvonosa Str., Lviv, Ukraine



The paper aims to provide a critical review of the theoretical substantiation of the phenomenon of emotional stability in scientific literature, to categorize scholars’ views on psychological peculiarities of emotional stability in adulthood. The study deals with the psychological theories of personality by S. Rubinstein; theories of emotional phenomena by L. Abolin, B. Vardanyan, E. Ilyin, J. Reykowski, O. Chernikova; basic principles of psychocorrection and psycho-social training by T. Yatsenko; manifestations of emotional life by V. Semychenko and others. Emotional stability is considered as a multifaceted integrative personality trait based on four main components – emotional (emotional anxiety or arousal), motivational (power of motivation), intellectual (evaluation, prediction, decision-making in extraordinary situations), typological (peculiarities of the nervous system) – which determine the performance and adequacy of behavior of an individual in solving problems under extreme and stressful conditions. It is an integral part of personal development and adaptation to the world. Emotional stability and emotional vulnerability can be contrasted as opposing properties in terms of their importance for the successful balancing of an individual within the ever-changing environment.


emotional stability, an individual, activity, behavior, adulthood, mental state.




1. Abolin, L. M. Emotsionalnaya ustoychivost i puti ee povysheniya Retrieved from: www.voppsy.ru/issues/1989/894/894141.htm. [in Russian].
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3. Vardanyan, B. Kh. (1983). Mekhanizmy regulyatsii emotsionalnoy ustoychivosti: kategorii, printsipy i metody psikhologii. Psikhicheskie protsessy [Mechanisms of regulation of emotional stability: categories, principles and methods of psychology. Mental processes]. Moscow: Nauka [in Russian].
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15. Chernikova, O. A. Emotsionalnye sostoianiia v sporte [Emotional states in sports]. Retrieved from: http://www.studfiles.ru/preview/5458217/page:11. [in Russian].
16. Yatsenko, T. S. (2004). Teoriia i praktyka hrupovoi psykhokorektsii: Aktyvne sotsialno-psykholohichne navchannia: navchalnyi posibnyk [Theory and practice of group psychocorrection: active psychosocial trainings: study guide]. Kyiv: Vyshcha shkola [in Ukrainian].

Olena Proskurniak. Diagnostic Methodology of Communicative Activity Development Levels in Adolescents With Mental Retardation.

(2017) Science and education, 3, 90-96. Odessa.

Olena Proskurniak,
Doctor of Psychology,
Head of the Department of Correctional Education and Special Psychology,
Municipal institution “Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy”
of Kharkiv Regional Council,
7, Rustaveli lane, Kharkiv, Ukraine



Communication is a leading activity in adolescence. Due to the peculiarities of mentally retarded adolescents’ cognitive sphere, they have certain complications in communication that affect socialization and adaptation processes, relationships with others. To create a technique of development and correction of communicative activity in adolescents with mental retardation it is necessary to determine communicative activity formation levels. However, studies analysed have proved that there is no complex diagnostic methodology of communicative activity. It determines the relevance of this research. The aim of the article is to illustrate peculiarities of creation of psychodiagnostic methodology for determining levels of communicative activity development in adolescents with mental retardation. To achieve the goal, the research methods to measure the range of techniques diagnosing mentally retarded adolescents’ communicative activity, methods of mathematical statistics for validity and reliability verification, generalization of scientific and practical achievements have been used. 300 adolescents with mental retardation have been examined with the help of the final version of the developed methodology. Psychological diagnostic methodology of communicative activity development in adolescents with mental retardation in its final version consists of five scales. Due to the content of statements the first scale is defined as “communicative activity”. The second one is “communicative competence”. The third scale is “communicative culture”. The fourth one is “communicative behaviour”. The fifth scale is “self-control of personality in communicative activity”. Based on the used diagnostic tools, levels of communicative activity formation (high, medium, low) have been identified and characterized.


adolescents, mental retardation, communicative activity, diagnostics, methodology, development.




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