Olha Khoma. Development of Primary School Students’ Lexical Competence at Ukrainian Language Lessons

(2017) Science and education, 2, 41-46. Odessa.

Tamila Kolomoiets,
PhD (Candidate of Sociological Sciences), senior lecturer,
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University,
54, Haharina avenue, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine



Modern social relations in our country are far from being harmonious. As to educational system, such disharmony is even stronger because it is expressed in separating of mass and correctional education. Attempts to form inclusive education have not come to any considerable results, which appears in constant division of children into “normal majority” and “abnormal minority”. That is why the issue of socialization of preschool children with special needs becomes more and more important. The review of some scientific works has shown that the issue of forming mechanisms of interaction between the teachers of special educational institutions and their students towards improving the efficiency of their socialization is still understudied. The paper is aimed at the formation of interaction model between special educational institutions teachers and their students towards increasing the efficiency of their socialization. The further education of children with special needs will be easier if their socialization and social adaptation in the social environment begin in the preschool age. Under these conditions their future life and professional activities will be more socially adapted. The developed model makes it possible to perform such tasks of socialization of children with special needs: acquisition of abilities and skills needed for normal functioning of these children in the society; forming adequate social behavior, social “self”; mastering the norms of culture, etc.


special education, inclusive education, socialization, children with special needs, psychophysical disturbances, social adaptation, preschool education.




1. Vashulenko, M. S. (2009). Kompetentnisnyi pidkhid do perevirky movnykh i movlennievykh znan molodshykh shkoliariv [Competence approach to assessing language and speech skills in primary school students]. Pochatkova shkola – Primary school, 1, 16-17 [in Ukrainian].
2. Vashulenko, M. S. (2010). Metodyka navchannia ukrainskoi movy v pochatkovii shkoli: navchalnometodychnyi posibnyk dlia studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv [Methods of teaching Ukrainian in primary school: textbook for university students]. Kyiv: Litera LTD [in Ukrainian].
3. Busel, V. T. (2001). Velykyi tlumachnyi slovnyk suchasnoi ukrainskoi movy [Great dictionary of modern Ukrainian language]. Kyiv: Irpin: VTF «Perun» [in Ukrainian].
4. Derzhavnyi standart pochatkovoi zahalnoi osvity [State standard of primary education]. (2011). Pochatkova osvita – Primary education, 18, 8-30 [in Ukrainian]. 5. Siranchuk, N. (2016). Formuvannia leksychnoi kompetentnosti molodshoho shkoliara zasobom slovotvorchykh vprav [Forming lexical competency of primary school students by means of word-forming exercises]. Pochatkova shkola Primary school, 2, 4-8 [in Ukrainian].
6. Cukhomlynskyi, V. O. (1977). Sertse viddaiu ditiam [I give my heart to children]. Vybrani tvory v 5-ty tomakh – Selected works in 5 volumes. (Vol. 3). Kyiv: Radianska shkola [in Ukrainian].
7. Khoroshkovska, O. N. (2006). Metodyka navchannia ukrainskoi movy u pochatkovykh klasakh shkil z rosiiskoiu movoiu vykladannia [Methods of teaching Ukrainian in primary school with the Russian language of teaching]. Kyiv: Promin [in Ukrainian].
8. Khoma, O. M. (2016). Dydaktychna hra yak odyn iz zasobiv piznavalnoi diialnosti uchniv na urokakh ukrainskoi movy v pochatkovii shkoli [Didactic game as one of means of students’ cognitive activity at Ukrainian language lessons in primary school]. Pedahohichni nauky: teoriia, istoriia, innovatsiini tekhnolohii – Pedagogical sciences: theory, history and innovation technologies (pp. 111-121). Sumy [in Ukrainian].
9. Chepeliuk, N. I. (2001). Zbahachennia slovnykovoho zapasu uchniv pochatkovykh klasiv diieslivnymy formamy [Enriching primary school students’ vocabulary with verbs]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Odesa: Pivdennoukr. derzh. ped. un-t im. K. D. Ushynskoho [in Ukrainian]. 

Tamila Kolomoiets. Socialization Model of Preschoolers with Special Needs in the System of Special Education

(2017) Science and education, 2, 46-53. Odessa.

Tamila Kolomoiets,
PhD (Candidate of Sociological Sciences), senior lecturer,
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University,
54, Haharina avenue, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine



Modern social relations in our country are far from being harmonious. As to educational system, such disharmony is even stronger because it is expressed in separating of mass and correctional education. Attempts to form inclusive education have not come to any considerable results, which appears in constant division of children into “normal majority” and “abnormal minority”. That is why the issue of socialization of preschool children with special needs becomes more and more important. The review of some scientific works has shown that the issue of forming mechanisms of interaction between the teachers of special educational institutions and their students towards improving the efficiency of their socialization is still understudied. The paper is aimed at the formation of interaction model between special educational institutions teachers and their students towards increasing the efficiency of their socialization. The further education of children with special needs will be easier if their socialization and social adaptation in the social environment begin in the preschool age. Under these conditions their future life and professional activities will be more socially adapted. The developed model makes it possible to perform such tasks of socialization of children with special needs: acquisition of abilities and skills needed for normal functioning of these children in the society; forming adequate social behavior, social “self”; mastering the norms of culture, etc.


special education, inclusive education, socialization, children with special needs, psychophysical disturbances, social adaptation, preschool education.




1. Avramenko, O. O. (2013). Socializatsiia osobystosti yak sotsialno-pedahohichna problema [Socialization of the person as a socio-pedagogical issue]. Visnyk Natsionalnoi akademii Derzhavnoi prykordonnoi sluzhby Ukrainy. Seriia: Pedahohichni nauky – Bulletin of National Academy of State Border Force. Series: Education, 5. Retrieved from: http://www.irbis-nbuv.gov.ua/cgibin/irbis_nbuv/cgiirbis_64.exe?I21DBN=LINK&P21DB N=UJRN&Z21ID=&S21REF=10&S21CNR=20&S21ST N=1&S21FMT=ASP_meta&C21COM=S&2_S21P03=FI LA=&2_S21STR=Vnadps_2013_5_3 [in Ukrainian].
2. Parygin, B. D. (1971) Osnovy sotsialnopsikhologicheskoy teorii [Fundamentals of social and psychological theory]. Moscow: Mysl [in Russian].
3. Kon, I. S. (2003). Rebenok i obshchestvo [The child and society]. Moscow: Izdatelskiy tsentr ―Akademiya‖ [in Russian].
4. Levada, Yu. A. (1970). Sobranie sochineniy [Complete Works]. Moscow: Nauka [in Russian].
5. Mudrik, A. V. (2005) Sotsializatsiya cheloveka kak problema [The socialization of the person as a problem]. Sotsialnaya pedagogika – Social education, 4, 47- 57 [in Russian].
6. Andreeva, G. M. (1996). Sotsialnaya psikhologiya [Social Psychology]. Moscow: Aspekt-Press [in Russian].
7. Lomov, B. F. (1984). Metodologicheskie i teoreticheskie problemy v psikhologii [Methodological Педагогіка – Education Science and Education, 2017, Issue 2 51 and theoretical problems of psychology]. Moscow: Nauka [in Russian].
8. Lukashevych, M. P., & Semyghina, T. V. (2007). Sotsialna robota (teoriia i praktyka) [Social work (theory and practice)]. Kyiv: IPK DSZU [in Ukrainian].
9. Kapskaya, A. (Ed.). (2003). Sotsialna pedahohika [Social education]. Kyiv: Centr navchalnoi literatury [in Ukrainian].
10. Savchenko, S. V. (2004). Naukovo-teoretychni zasady sotsializatsii studentskoi molodi v pozanavchalnii diialnosti v umovakh reghionalnoho prostoru [Scientific and theoretical basis of socialization of students in extracurricular activity in conditions of the regional space]. Extended abstract of Doctor’s thesis. Luhansk: Lugansk National Pedagogical University named after T. G. Shevchenko [in Ukrainian].
11. Andrienko, E. V. (2002). Sotsialnaya psikhologiya [Social Psychology]. Moscow: Akademiya [in Russian].
12. Moskalenko, V. V. (1986). Sotsializatsiya lichnosti [Socialization of personality]. Kyiv: Vishcha shkola [in Ukrainian].
13. Lytvynenko, S. Ya., & Jamnyskyi, V. M. (2002). Dytyna i seredovyshhe: problemy vzaiemodii [Child and environment: problems of interaction]. Onovlennia zmistu ta metodiv navchannia i vykhovannia v zakladakh osvity – Updating of the content and methods of training and education in educational institutions, 22, 216-219 [in Ukrainian].
14. Mukhina, V. S. Vozrastnaya psikhologiya [Agerelated psychology]. Moscow: Akademiya [in Russian].
15. Kravchenko, T. V. (2010). Teoretykometodychni zasady sotsializatsii ditei shkilnoho viku u vzaiemodii simii i shkoly [Theoretical and methodological principles of socialization of children of school age in the interaction of family and school]. Extended abstract of Doctor’s thesis. Kyiv: Institute of Educational Problems of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine [in Ukrainian].
16. Rohalska, I. P. (2009). Teoretyko-metodychni zasady sotsializatsii osobystosti u doshkilnomu dytynstvi [Theoretical and methodological principles of socialization in early childhood]. Extended abstract of Doctor’s thesis. Luhansk: Lugansk National Pedagogical University named after T. G. Shevchenko [in Ukrainian].
17. Kolomoiets, T. Gh. (2014). Normatyvne zabezpechennia maibutnioi sotsializatsii ta sotsialnoi adaptatsii vykhovantsiv korektsiinykh zakladiv osvity [Normative maintenance of future socialization and social adaptation of pupils of correctional educational institutions]. Materialy Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii «Suspilni nauky, istoriia, suchasnist i maibutnie» – Proceedings of international scientific conference ―Social sciences, history, present and future‖. (pp. 48-51). Kyiv: Kyivska naukova suspilnoznavcha orhanizatsiia [in Ukrainian].
18. Arbienina, V. L. & Sokuranska, L. Gh. (Ed.). (2012). Ukrainske studentstvo u poshukakh identychnosti : monohrafiia [Ukrainian students in search of identity: monograph]. Kharkiv : Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin [in Ukrainian].
19. Khyzhniak, L. M. (2007). Derzhavna osvitnia polityka v umovakh hlobalizatsii: poshuky optymalnoi modeli [State educational policy in the context of globalization: the search for the optimal model]. Derzhavne budivnytstvo – State building, 1. Retrieved from: http://www. kbuapa.kharkov.ua/e-book/db/2007-1- 2/index.html [in Ukrainian].
20. Kolomoiets, T. Gh. (2014). Formuvannia systemy spetsialnoi osvity dlia ditei z osoblyvymy potrebamy: sotsiolohichnyi aspekt [Formation of special education for children with special needs: sociological aspect]. Nova paradyhma – New paradigm, 123, 195-205 [in Ukrainian].
21. Abulkhanova, K. A. & Slavskaya, A. N. (2003). Predislovie. Bytie i soznanie. Chelovek i mir. / S. L. Rubinshteyn [Preface. Being and consciousness. Man and the world / S. L Rubinstein]. Moscow: Mysl [in Russian].
22. Barabanshchikov, V. A. (Ed.). (2005). Ideya sistemnosti v sovremennoy psikhologii [The idea of the system character in modern psychology]. Moscow: In- psikhologi RAN [in Russian].
23. Sokuranska, L. Gh. (2007). Tsinnisna determinatsiia stanovlennia sotsialnoi subiektnosti studentstva v umovakh sotsiokulturnoi transformatsii [Determination of values of social subjectivity formation of students in terms of sociocultural transformation]. Extended abstract of Doctor’s thesis. Kharkiv: Lugansk National Pedagogical University named after T. G. Shevchenko [in Ukrainian]. 

Iryna Kucherenko. Studying Ukrainian in Terms of Student-Centered Teaching Technologies.

(2017) Science and education, 2, 53-57. Odessa.

Iryna Kucherenko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor ( professor),
Department of Practical Linguistics,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,
2, Sadova Str. Uman, Ukraine



Modern linguistic education in Ukraine, aimed at the formation of student’s linguistic personality, involves searching for efficient educational technologies, developing effective ways of organizing the educational process. Studentcentered teaching of the Ukrainian language is one of the most promising technologies, which provides optimal conditions for the harmonious development of every student’s communicative competence. The study deals with the peculialities of student-centered teaching methods of the Ukrainian language, as well as the ways of implementing this technology into the educational process of secondary schools. Student-centered technology of teaching the Ukrainian language is considered as a person-oriented organization and management of the teaching process which provides active learning, aimed at achieving specific learning goals (cognitive, research, experimental, converting, design), solving various difficulties and problems. The presented model of student-centered lessons of the Ukrainian language includes the following structural units: motivation, goal-setting, implementation of goals, reflection, supervision, correction. This technology is performed by a teacher taking into account both every student’s individual peculiarities and all children in a class as a whole. The following classification of student-centered situations according to the aim and the way of setting goals was suggested: the situation of interest involves the emergence of motivation to studying, necessary educational actions, gaining experience, awareness of the importance of the acquired skills and knowledge; the situation of choice provides the opportunity for choosing a kind of educational activities, variants, ways and forms of its performance; the situation of problem and search involves gaining experience in the field of problematic, scientific, searching and creative activity; role-play situations provide performing a certain communication role, modeling one’s behavior, and takes place in terms of subject-subject interaction of a teacher and a student, as well as a teacher and all students in the form of a game and a dialogue; the situation of success involves students’ recognition of their success, provides their assurance in their capabilities in conscious communicative acts in education and life. The implementation of these situations means that a student should search for a problem (linguistic, communicative or speech), find a reason of its emergence and try to solve it (correct, create, continue a text, build a model of communicative behavior, etc.). With the help of solving these situations the subjective personal experience of students is being formed.


student-centered teaching, student-centered lessons of the Ukrainian language, motivation, goal-setting, implementation, reflection, control, correction of training, student-centered situation.




 1. Varzatska, L. (2012). Formuvannia orhdiialnisnykh umin na urokakh ukrainskoi movy v starshii shkoli na akademichnomu rivni: metod. posib. [Forming organizational skills at Ukrainian lessons at the academic level: textbook]. Kyiv: Pedaghoghichna dumka [in Ukrainian].

2. Zymnyaya, Y. (2010). Pedagogicheskaya psikhologiya: ucheb. [Psychology of education: textbook]. Moscow: MPSY ; Voronezh : MODЭK [in Russian].

3. Kucherenko, I. (2014). Teoretychni i metodychni zasady suchasnoho uroku ukrainskoi movy v osnovnii shkoli: monohrafiia [Theoretical and methodical bases of modern Ukrainian lessons in secondary school: monograph]. Uman: Vydavets FOP Zhovtyy O.O. [in Ukrainian].

4. Piekhota, O., Starieva A. (2005). Osobystisno oriientovane navchannia: pidghotovka vchytelia: monoghrafiia [Student-centered teaching: training teachers: monograph]. Mykolaiv: ILION [in Ukrainian]. 

5. Podmazin, S. (2006). Osobystisno oriientovana osvita (sotsialno-filosofskyi analiz) [Student-centered education (socio-philosophical review)]. Extended abstract of doctor’s thesis. Dnipropetrovsk [in Ukrainian].

6. Savchenko, O. (1999). Dydaktyka pochatkovoi shkoly: pidruchnyk [Didactics of primary school]. Kyiv: Gheneza [in Ukrainian].

7. Serykov, V. (1999). Obrazovannost i lichnost. Teoriya i praktika proektirovaniya obrazovatelnykh sistem [Education and personality. theory and practice of projecting education systems]. Moscow [in Russian].

Olena Karpova. The Use of Web-Case in Teaching English to Students Majoring in Economics.

(2017) Science and education, 2, 58-62. Odessa.

Olena Karpova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Foreign Languages,
Odesa National Economic University,
8, Preobrazhenska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



In the article the notion of «a web-case» has been defined, its structure and the peculiarities of its use in the process of teaching English have been presented. The analysis of theoretical resources and a survey have been conducted that approved the necessity to develop new forms, methods and tools of teaching English with the use of multimedia technologies. The use of a web-case in teaching English to future economists has been proved. The empirical data show the effectiveness of implementation of a web-case and other interactive tasks in the educational process.


web-case, Internet-technologies, interactive learning, individual work, interdisciplinary approach.




 1. Ishchuk, N. Yu. (2006). Zastosuvannya zasobiv multymedia u protsesi pidhotovky ekonomistiv u vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladakh I-II rivniv akredytatsiy [Using multimedia technologies in the process of training economists at higher educational institutions]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Vinnytsia [in Ukrainian].

2. Zakharchenko, N. V. (2006). Pedahohichni umovy vykorystannya dilovykh ihor u pidhotovtsi maybutnikh ekonomistiv [Pedagogical terms of the use of business games in preparation of future economists]. Candidate’s thesis. Vinnytsia [in Ukrainian].

3. Pinchuk, O. P. (2004). Problema vyznachennya multymedia v osviti: tekhnolohichnyy aspekt [The issue of multimedia technologies in education: technological aspect]. Novi tekhnolohiyi navchannya: nauk.-metod. zb. – New teaching technologies: collection of scientific works. Kyiv, Lenvit Publ. [in Ukrainian].

4. Tarnopolskyi, O. B., Kozhushko, S. P. (2004). Metodika obucheniya angliyskomu yazyku dlya delovogo obshcheniya: uch. posob. [Methodology of teaching the English language for business communication: textbook]. Kyiv, Lenvit Publ. [in Russian].

5. Karpova, O. O. Multimedia Technologies in Teaching Business English. Retrieved from: http://oneu.edu.ua/pages/cath/for_lang/businessenglish/we bcase.php [in English].

6. Warschauer, M., Shetzer, H., Meloni, C. (2000). Internet for English teaching. Alexandria, VA : TESOL [in English].

Valentyna Todorova. Peculiarities of Objective Evaluation of Choreographic Preparedness at Different Stages of Long-Term Athletic Performance (Through the Example of Aerobic Gymnastics).

(2017) Science and education, 2, 63-68. Odessa.

Valentyna Todorova,
doctoral candidate, Lviv State University of Physical Culture,
11, Kostiushka Str., Lviv, Ukraine



The paper demonstrates the opportunities of objective evaluation of choreographic preparedness of athletes majoring in aerobic gymnastics. There has been proposed the scale of evaluating aesthetic and technical components according to the following criteria: body alignment, turnout, stretched knees and pointed toes, stability, precision and completeness of movements, airiness and fluency of movements, musicality, dancing style, illustrative and emotional expression. The levels of these criteria development has been described; and the levels of gymnasts’ choreographic preparedness at different stages of athletic performance have been distinguished.


choreographic training, evaluation, criteria, level of choreographic preparedness, athletes, programme choreography.




 1. Aerobnaya gimnastika: Proekt pravil sorevnovaniy 2013-2016 [Aerobic gymnastics: contest rules project] (2012). Retrieved from: http://www.figaerobic.com./2013-2016-AEROBIC-GYMNASTICSCOPE-OF-POINTS Russian–a977.html [in Russian].

2. Vaganova, A. Ya. (2000). Osnovy klassicheskogo tantsa: uchebnik dlya vuzov [Fundamentals of classical dance: textbook for universities]. St. Petersburg: Lan [in Russian].

3. Gaverdovskiy, Yu. K. (2012). Sovershenstvovanie tekhniki dvizheniya i spetsialnoy tekhnicheskoy podgotovki kak osnova vysshikh dostizheniy v sovremennoy sportivnoy gimnastike [Improvement of movement technique and special technical training as a basis for highest achievements in contemporary artistic gymnastics]. Sovremennaya sistema sportivnoy podgotovki gimnastov – Contemporary system of training gymnasts: Proceedings of International research and practice conference, 1, 7-27. Kyiv: Nauka v Olimpiyskom sporte [in Russian].

4. Kabayeva, A. M., & Plekhanova, M. Ye. (2009). Esteticheskiy komponent sorevnovatelnykh programm gimnastov [Aesthetic component of gymnasts’ competitive programmes]. Uchenye zapiski – Scholarly notes, 4(50), 54-57 [in Russian].

5. Kyzim, P. M., Lutsenko, L. S., & Batieieva, N. P. (2016). Udoskonalennia zmahalnoi prohramy zhinochoi pary z akrobatyky zasobamy khoreohrafii na etapi spetsializovanoi bazovoi pidhotovky [Updating the contest programme of woman’s pair in acrobatics by means of choreography at the stage of specialized basic training]. Slobozhanskyi naukovo-sportyvnyi visnyk Slooda Ukrainian bulletin of science and sports, 2(52), 55-60. Kharkiv: KhDAFK. doi:10. 15391/snsv.2016-2009 [in Ukrainian].

6. Lisitskaya, T. S. (1985). Khoreografiya v gimnastike [Choreography in gymnastics]. Moscow: Fizkultura i sport [in Russian].

7. Platonov, V. N. (2004). Sistema podgotovki sportsmenov v olimpiyskom sporte. Obshchaya teoriya i ee prakticheskie prilozheniya [The system of training athletes in the Olympic sports. General theory and its practical application]. Kyiv: Olimpiyskaya literatura [in Russian].

8. Sosina, V. Yu. (2009). Khoreografiya v gimnastike: ucheb. posobie dlya studentov vuzov [Choreography in gymnastics: textbook for university students]. Kyiv: Olimpiyskaya literatura [in Russian].

9. Todorova, V. H. (2016). Analiz prohramnonormatyvnoho zabezpechennia z khoreohrafichnoi pidhotovky u skladnokoordynatsiinykh vydakh sportu [Analysis of programme and standards of choreographic training in complex coordination sports]. Fizychna aktyvnist, zdorovia i sport: naukovyi zhurnal – Physical activity, health and sport: academic journal, 1, 23-32. Lviv: Lvivskyi derzhavnyi universytet fizychnoi kultury [in Ukrainian].

10. Todorova, V. H. (2015). Suchasnyi stan i perspektyvy khoreohrafichnoi pidhotovky v skladnokoordynatsiinykh vydakh sportu [Current state and prospects for choreographic training in complex coordination sports]. Nauka i osvita: naukovo-praktychnyi zhurnal – Science and education: academic journal, 5, 119-124. Odesa [in Ukrainian].

11. Medvedieva, I. M. (1999). Fihurne katannia na kovzanakh. Navchalna prohrama dlia dytiachoyunatskykh sportyvnykh shkil, spetsializovanykh dytiachoyunatskykh shkil olimpiiskoho rezervu, shkil vyshchoi sportyvnoi maisternosti [Figure skating. Training programme for youth athletic centres, specialized children and youth sports school of the Olympic reserve and schools of higher sports skills]. O. P. Morhushenko (Ed.). Kyiv: Derzhkomsportu Ukrainy z fizychnoi kultury i sportu [in Ukrainian].

12. Shipilina, I. (2004). Khoreografiya v sporte: uchebnik dlya studentov [Choreography in sports: text book for students]. Rostov-on-Don: Feniks [in Russian].

13. Bradshaw, E., Hume, P., Carlton, M., & Aisbett, B. (2010). Reliability and variability of day-to-day vault training measures in artistic gymnastics. Sports Biomechanics, 9(2), 79-97. doi: 1080/14763141.2010.488298. [in English].

14. Gautier, G., Thouvarecq, R., & Larue, J. (2008). Influence of Experience on Postural Control: Effect of Expertise in Gymnastics. Journal of Motor Behavior, 40(5), 400-408. doi:10.3200/ JMBR.40.5.400-408. [in English].




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