Artur Inshakov. Theoretical Bases of Patriotic Education of Preschool Children in Psychological and Pedagogical Literature.

(2017) Science and education, 2, 69-74. Odessa.

Artur Inshakov,
PhD (Candidate of Philological Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Preschool Pedagogy,
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University,
54, Haharina Avenue, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine



The article deals with theoretical bases of patriotic education of preschool children. The tasks of national and cultural revival of Ukraine are the following: education of a patriotic person who is aware of his/her belonging to the Ukrainian people; of modern European civilization, who is guided by the realities and prospects of the social and cultural dynamics, which indicates the readiness for life and work in the changing world; preservation and enrichment of Ukrainian cultural and historical traditions, etc. The formation of the content of the basic elements of patriotic education of younger generation has been considered. Theoretical bases of patriotic education of preschool children have been substantiated in the paper.


education, patriotism, civil education, personality, universal values, cultural wealth, national education.




1. Anikina, T. (1993). Patriotychne vykhovannia maibutnikh uchyteliv muzyky zasobamy khudozhnoho kraieznavstva [Patriotic education of future music teachers by means of art local lore]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kyiv: APN Ukrainy. Instytut pedahohiky [in Ukrainian].

2. Bekh, I. (1998). Osobystisno zoriientovane vykhovannia: naukovo-metod. posib. [Personally oriented education: scientific and methodical manual]. Kyiv: IZMN [in Ukrainian].

3. Bekh, I. (1998). Psykholoho-pedahohichni umovy formuvannia u molodi hromadianskosti [Psychological and pedagogical conditions of formation of civil consciousness among young people]. Hromadianske vykhovannia studentskoi molodi v umovakh transformatsii suspilstva: zb. nauk. st. – Civil education of students in conditions of society transformation: collection of scientific articles. Cherkasy [in Ukrainian].

4. Boryshevskyi, M. (1999). Natsionalna samosvidomist osobystosti: sutnist ta shliakhy stanovlennia [National consciousness of a personality: the essence and the ways of formation]. Systema vykhovannia natsionalnoi samosvidomosti uchniv zahalnoosvitnoi shkoly – System of education of national consciousness of pupils of a comprehensive school. Kyiv: Raiduha [in Ukrainian].

5. Vashchenko, H. (1976). Vykhovnyi ideal: Pidruchnyk [Educational ideal: Classbook]. Toronto [in Ukrainian].

6. Honcharenko, S. (1997). Ukrainskyi pedahohichnyi slovnyk [Ukrainian Pedagogical Dictionary]. Kyiv: Lybid [in Ukrainian].

7. Yemuzova, N. (2000). Sovremennyye podkhody k probleme vospitaniya [Modern approaches to the problem of education]. Aktualnye problemy vospitaniya lichnostiv sovremennyh usloviyah: [sbornik nauchnyh dokladov i soobscheniy respublikanskoy nauchno-prakt. konf.] – Actual problems of personality education in modern conditions: [collection of scientific reports and reports of the republican scientific and practical conference]. Nalchik: Izd-vo Kabardino-Balkarskogo universiteta [in Russian].

8. Kaiukov, V. (1998). Patriotychne vykhovannia uchniv zahalnoosvitnoi shkoly na heroichnykh tradytsiiakh ukrainskoho narodu [Patriotic education of pupils of comprehensive school on heroic traditions of the Ukrainian people]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Ivano-Frankivsk [in Ukrainian].

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11. Onyshchuk, P. (1996). Pedahohichni zasady tekhnolohii formuvannia patriotychnykh rys u uchniv shkil, himnazii, litseiv [Pedagogical bases of technology of formation of patriotic features among pupils of schools, grammar schools, lyceums]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Lutsk [in Ukrainian].

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15. Sytnyk, P. (2002). Moralni zasady transformatsiinykh protsesiv v Ukraini [Moral principles of transformation processes in Ukraine]. Stratehiia rozvytku Ukrainy : teoriia i praktyka – The development strategy of Ukraine: Theory and Practice. Kyiv: NISD [in Ukrainian].

16. Pustovit, L. (2000). Slovnyk inshomovnykh sliv: 23000 sliv ta terminolohichnykh spoluchen [Dictionary of foreign words: 23000 words and term combinations]. Kyiv: Dovira [in Ukrainian].

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Svitlana Hryshchenko. Specifics of Future Teachers’ Work on Re-educating Difficult Pupils of Secondary Schools.

(2017) Science and education, 2, 74-78. Odessa.

Svitlana Hryshchenko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
Department of Social Work,
Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after T. H. Shevchenko,
53, Hetmana Polubotka Str., Chernihiv, Ukraine



The article focuses on the essence of future teachers’ practical activity when working with difficult pupils at secondary schools. Based on certain scientific approaches, methods and techniques, the content of teaching instructions worked out in view of the specifics of educating difficult children is outlined. Suggested teaching instructions are based on the principles of re-education, personality correction, regular monitoring of the behavior norms acquisition, objective tools of influencing, teacher’s control of his/her own attitude to pupils, individualization. The objectives of each component are presented in the article in details. The paper includes a list of methods and techniques according to the specifics of future teachers’ work with difficult pupils and the overall results of their implementation in the school work.


educating difficulty, difficult pupils, re-education, teachers, work specifics.




1.Maksymenko, S., Maksymenko, K., Hlavnyk, O. (2003). Adaptatsiia dytyny do shkoly [Adapting child to school]. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

2.Pidlypna, L. V. (2005). Adaptatsiia: 5-ti klasy [Adaptation: 5th grades]. Ivano-Frankivsk [in Ukrainian].

3. Orzhekhovska, V. M. (1994). Psykholohopedahohichni osnovy diahnostyky pravoporushen ta pryiomiv vykhovnoii korekysii [Psycho-pedagogical foundations of delinquency diagnostics and methods of educational correction]. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

4.Sturova, M. P. (1999). Deviantnoye povedeniye nesovershennoletnikh kak pedagogicheskaya problema [Deviant behavior of juveniles as a pedagogical problem]. Pedagogika – Pedagogy, 7, 38-41 [in Russian].

5.Kapska, A. Y. (Eds.). (2000). Tekhnolohii sotsialno-pedahohichnoi roboty [Technologies of social and educational work]. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

6.Shestopalova, O. (2000). Adyktyvna povedinka pidlitka: sutnist ta mozhlyvosti psykhokorekrsii [Adolescents’ addictive behavior: the nature and possibilities of psychocorrection]. Ridna shkola – Mother school, 9, 27- 30 [in Ukrainian].

Kateryna Nekit. Modern Challenges of Reforming Legal Education in Ukraine.

(2017) Science and education, 2, 79-83. Odessa.

Kateryna Nekit,
PhD (law), associate professor,Department of Civil Law,
National University “Odessa Law Academy”,
23, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The article deals with the analysis of the current stage of legal education reforming in Ukraine. There is a discrepancy between the tasks of the reforms, set by the Bologna Process, and its objectives. In particular, there is improper understanding of the essence of student-centered concept, which results in its incorrect implementation into the educational process. Studentcentered teaching involves active participation of a student in the educational process, particularly in the process of educational content determination and assessment. Special attention in the paper is paid to the disadvantages of the current system of students’ academic achievements assessment. The project of the Concept of perfection of legal (juridical) education for specialized training of lawyers according to the European standards of higher education and the legal profession has been analyzed in the study. Some recommendations about the improvement of the reforms in the field of legal education have been suggested. In particular, there is the need for increasing students’ personal responsibility, proper planning of students’ independent work, development of adequate methods of students’ knowledge assessment, increasing the role of written essays for the formation of professional competencies of students majoring in Law.


legal education, reforming, concept of improvement of legal education, student-centered teaching, assessment.




1. Zubchenko, Ya. (2016). Bolonska systema poukrainski: lin ta manipuliatsiia [Bologna system in Ukraine: laziness and manipulation]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian]. 

2. Nosko, I. V. (2011). Studentotsentrirovannoe obrazovanie kak osnovopolagayushchiy printsip bolonskikh reform v vysshey shkole [Student-centered education as basic principle of Bologna reforms at universities]. Vektor nauki TGU. – Vector of science, 1(4), 136-138 [in Russian]. 

3. Nekit, K. H. (2016). Problemy ta perspektyvy metodiv kontroliu navchalnykh dosiahnen studentiv yurydychnykh spetsialnostei [Problems and prospects of methods of academic achievements control of students of legal specialties]. Proceedings of International scientifically-educational internship “Innovative educational technologies: European Union experience and its implementation to the training of lawyers”. (pp. 163-166). Bratislava, Slovak Republic: Pan-European university [in Ukrainian].

4. Konopatska, L. V. (2016). Rol systemy zvorotnoho zviazku (feedback) u pokrashchenni osvitnoho protsesu [Role of the feedback system in the improvement of the educational process]. Vseukrainska naukovo-metodychna konferentsiia za mizhnarodnoiu uchastiu “Studentotsentryzm u systemi zabezpechennia yakosti osvity v ekonomichnomu universyteti” – Proceedings of Ukrainian Scientific and Methodical Conference with international participation “Student-centered educational system in procuring of quality of education in economical university”. (pp. 96-96). Kyiv: KNEU [in Ukrainian].

5. Tokar, V. V. (2016). Studentotsentryzm u systemi vnutrishnoho zabezpechennia yakosti osvity: implementatsiia v Ukraini dosvidu universytetiv SShA [Studentcentered educational system in interior system of procuring of quality of education: implementation of the USA experience in Ukraine]. Vseukrainska naukovometodychna konferentsiia za mizhnarodnoiu uchastiu “Studentotsentryzm u systemi zabezpechennia yakosti osvity v ekonomichnomu universyteti” – Proceedings of Ukrainian Scientific and Methodical Conference with international participation “Student-centered educational system in procuring of quality of education in economical university”. (pp. 43-45). Kyiv: KNEU [in Ukrainian].

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8. Proekt Kontseptsii rozvytku vyshchoi yurydychnoi osvity v Ukraini (2009). [Draft Concept of development of high juridical education in Ukraine]. Yurydychnyi zhurnal. – Juridical journal, 11. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

9. Bolonska systema [Bologna system]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

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Simin Sattarpour. The Impact of Proficiency Level on Receptive and Productive Vocabulary of Efl Learners.

(2017) Science and education, 2, 84-94. Odessa.

Anna Baliuk,
post-graduate student, Department of Pedagogy,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



To know a word means both recognizing and using it correctly (Pignot-Shahov, 2012). The scarcity of the research and the inconsistent reports about the nature of the relationship between receptive (R) and productive (P) vocabulary knowledge indicate the complexity of this issue. Therefore, the present study investigated the relationship between these two types of English vocabulary knowledge as a whole and also in different frequency bands, across two proficiency levels. Version A of the R and P Vocabulary Levels Tests were distributed among 100 EFL learners of two proficiency levels. It was found that R vocabulary size was always greater than the P one, and that the gap between them widened as the frequency of words decreased. Although the participants progressed in R and P vocabulary knowledge, the proficiency level did not make any significant difference in the nature of the relationship between R and P vocabularies. It was concluded that the EFL context can be an important factor that hinders the turning of R vocabulary into P one.


receptive vocabulary, productive vocabulary, Vocabulary Level Test, EFL Learners.




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Serhii Pryima, Andrii Orlov, Olena Anishenko, Katerina Kuchyna. Educational Needs of Zaporizhzhia Region Residents: State and Potential for The Learning Region Development.

(2017) Science and education, 2, 95-111. Odessa.

Serhii Pryima,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, professor,
Department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Skills,
Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University,
20, Hetmanska Str., Melitopol, Ukraine,
Andrii Orlov,
PhD (Candidate of Philosophical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Sociology,
Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University,
20, Hetmanska Str., Melitopol, Ukraine,
Olena Anishenko,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor,
Head of the Department of Andragogy,
Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education of NAES of Ukraine,
9, M. Berlinsky Street, Kyiv, Ukraine,
Katerina Kuchyna,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), lecturer,
Department of Primary Education,
Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University,
20, Hetmanska Str., Melitopol, Ukraine



The competitiveness of any country, region or city under conditions of globalization is determined by their ability to learn. The idea of the “learning city or region” has recently become widespread in the global theory of regional development. The “learning city or region” acts as a marker of the successful socio-economic development of a city or a region, the development of its human potential, the basis of the regional education policy. The theoretical rationale, design and experimental verification of the conceptual grounds of the regional education policy requires a careful analysis of both the educational potential of the region and the study of the educational needs of its residents. In order to identify the educational needs of Zaporizhzhia region residents and the level of their satisfaction 400 respondents have been surveyed. The experiment was conducted in the form of a standardized interview using “face-to-face” method by means of a questionnaire which included 20 questions. It was designed according to the specific features of the respondents and was divided into conventional blocks making possible to identify the current state of the education services market in the region and assess its strengths and weaknesses; to analyze the structure of the education services market in the region; to determine educational needs and the needs of the region residents to sort out priorities concerning the opportunities for the education services market development. The analysis of the survey results has revealed the following factors influencing education development in the region: the availability and interrelation of different levels and forms of education; the need for cooperation and collaboration among all stakeholders of regional development, the resources sharing; the need for constant dialogue and use of feedback mechanisms in the development and implementation of regional programs and development strategies; the need to encourage the development of social partnership by establishing permanent links between various agencies and organizations of formal and informal education; the need to expand volunteer movement in informal education; the need to establish pilot projects as prospective resource centers for issues of education regional development management.


lifelong education, adult education, learning city and region, educational needs, education services market.




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