Nataliia Konoshenko, Serhii Konoshenko. Using Interactive Technologies in Social Care Teachers Training in Terms of Preventive Work With Minor Children

(2017) Science and education, 12, 171-175. Odessa.


Nataliia Konoshenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
head of the Department of Social Education and Social Work,
Sergii Konoshenko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy,
professor, Department of Social Education and Social Work,
Donbas State Pedagogical University,
1, Uchytelskyi lane, Sloviansk, Ukraine



The paper aims to substantiate the feasibility of using interactive teaching technologies in the process of future social care teachers in terms of preventive work with minors. The greatest pedagogical effect in the process of forming the students’ competence in terms of preventive activities was observed due to the introduction of interactive teaching technologies that are characterized by the organization of the learning process in which a student cannot but takes part - in a collective, complementary one, which is based on the interaction of all its participants. The following technologies of interactive teaching are proved to be the most effective in forming future social care teachers’ competence in preventive activities: gaming technology, problem learning technology, training technology. It was these technologies that were introduced into the educational process with the experimental group of students within “Fundamentals of Preventive Work” course and internship and proved their effectiveness in terms of competence in preventive work with minors.


education, formation, readiness, prevention, social teacher, interactive technology, game, training.




1. Antoni, M.A. (2010). Interaktivnye metody obucheniya kak potencial lichnostnogo razvitiya studentov [Interactive methods of teaching as a potential for personal development of students]. Psihologiya obucheniya – Psychology of teaching, 12, 53-63 [in Russian].
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Oksana Karabin, Oksana Romanyshyna. Future Designers’ Information Competency Formation in The Process of Professional Training.

(2017) Science and education, 12, 176-182. Odessa.


Oksana Karabin,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
ORCID: 0000-0001-8759-948X
Oksana Romanyshyna,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
Department of Computer Science and Methods of Teaching,
Ternopil National Pedagogical University,
2, M. Kryvonosa Str., Ternopil, Ukraine



The article deals with theoretical and experimental study of the formation of information competency of future designers in the process of professional training. During the empirical study, the levels of informational competency maturity of future designers in the process of professional training (high, sufficient, satisfactory, low) were assessed, basing on the following components of informational competency of future designers: motivational, cognitive, informational and instrumental, operational and activity. The assessment of the levels of informational competency maturity was conducted according to the following steps: motivation to master the information competency; perspective planning of information competency formation in the learning process; creation of theoretical and practical information training; mastering strategic tasks of information competency formation. On the basis of the conducted pedagogical experiment, statistically significant positive changes in the levels of future designers’ informational competency maturity in the experimental group were found. The reliability of the results of the study was confirmed by Student’s t-test for independent samples.


informatization of education, information technologies, computerization of training, information competency, components, innovative technologies.




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Nataliia Aleksandrova, Larysa Sluchaina. Enhancing Phd Students’ Academic Writing Skills in The Process of Learning English.

(2017) Science and education, 12, 183-189. Odessa.


Nataliia Aleksandrova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Larysa Sluchaina,
PhD (Candidate of Political Sciences), associate professor,
Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication Department,
Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
54/1 Peremohy Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper aims to substantiate the designed technique of PhD students’ academic writing skills development, which includes the stages of formation, the content and functional components, as well as the corresponding organizational forms and methods of interaction between a teacher and postgraduate students in the process of learning a foreign language. At the initial and final stages of the verification of the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed technique, specially designed diagnostic methods and questionnaires aimed at identifying value orientations and motives of studying the basics of academic writing, the initial and acquired levels of language knowledge (English) at the postgraduate level in the process of studying the discipline were applied. The evaluation of the results took place according to the following criteria: value orientations and motives, knowledge of academic vocabulary and grammatical accuracy; and indicators: motives, vocabulary, lexical knowledge, grammatical awareness, academic writing skills. As a result of the study, most of the respondents (n=50) had insufficient knowledge and skills of academic writing. As a result of the carried out experiment, the effectiveness of implementation of the designed technique has been proved.


PhD students, academic writing skills, research work, method of developing skills, enhancing academic writing skills, academic writing style.




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Tetiana Koycheva, Iryna Kniazheva. Technique For Didactic Multidimentional Tools Application in Future Teachers Training.

(2017) Science and education, 12, 190-195. Odessa.


Tetiana Koycheva,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Vice Rector for Scientific Work,
Iryna Kniazheva,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Department of Preschool Education,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



An active search for opportunities to increase the efficiency and quality of professional training of university teachers as highly skilled specialists actualizes the need to use modern teaching technologies, in particular multidimensional ones. Their didactic toolkit helps to process large volumes of information effectively. In the paper, the following concepts are considered: splitting – unification of elements into the system, coordination and polydialogue of the external and internal planes of activity; multidimensionality as a universal characteristic of the investigated objects and models, which presupposes such representation of information, which simultaneously involves hierarchical, visual, spatial, systematic organization of its constituent elements and features of the technology of using multidimensional didactic tools in the future teachers training in terms of master’s degree programme at modern higher pedagogical educational institutions. The basic idea of this technology is the ability to present information in a visual, specially transformed, logically represented, concentrated form with the help of special didactic multidimensional tools that perform regulatory, mnemonic and illustrative functions. The role of didactic multidimensional tools is performed by special cognitive logic-semantic models, which are both a means and a result of teaching. They make it possible to accumulate educational material as a sum of keywords logically organized with the help of special solar graphics as an important graphical feature of displaying numerous characters and symbols. The possibility of application of not only auditory but also visual channels in classrooms helps to coordinate the work of both signaling systems. Creating visual models of knowledge leads to a more holistic and profound perception of information, which contributes to improving the quality of the training of future teachers for higher educational institutions.


didactic multidimensional tools, technology, future teachers, professional training, higher education.




1. Vyshcha osvita Ukrayiny – yevropeyskyy vymir: stan, problemy, perspektyvy [Higher education in Ukraine – European dimension: state, problems, perspectives] (2008). Vyshcha shkola – Higher education, 6, 92–125 [in Ukrainian].
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3. Shteinberg V. E. (2002). Didakticheskie mnogomernye instrumenty. Teoriia, metodika, praktika [Didactic multidimensional tools. Theory, methods, practice]. Moscow: Narodnoe obrazovanie [in Russian].
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Olha Halitsan, Olena Foksha, Anna Baliuk. Experimental Programme of Future Teachers’ Pedagogical Facilitation in Terms of Higher Education.

(2017) Science and education, 12, 196-201. Odessa.


Olha Halitsan,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor, Department of Pedagogy,
Olena Foksha,
degree-seeking student, Department of Pedagogy,
Anna Baliuk,
post-graduate student, Department of Pedagogy, head of Information and Publishing Centre,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The paper deals with pedagogical facilitation phenomenon and its potential in using by a modern teacher within the framework of teaching at school. The following indicators of the pedagogical facilitation maturity in future students have been distinguished: empathy, emotional intelligence, motivation for teaching, pedagogical thinking; awareness of the specifics of pedagogical communication, the need for communication, the ability for self-management in communication, perceptually interactive competence, non-verbal competence, communication attitude, reflexive pedagogical skills, self-esteem, professional self-awareness. An experimental programme for the formation of future teachers’ pedagogical facilitation has been designed and implemented into the educational process. The programme envisaged the enrichment of the material of normative disciplines (such as Pedagogy, Psychology, Methodology of Educational Work) with information on phenomenological signs of facilitation in the work of a teacher, providing students with knowledge of modern roles of a teacher as a facilitator, adviser, and tutor. The practical aspect of work with students involved the development of mechanisms of pedagogical facilitation – pedagogical support for the personal growth of students and pedagogical support of their educational achievements. The effectiveness of the designed programme has been verified by analyzing the dynamics of the manifestation of each indicator at the initial and final stages of the experiment.


facilitation, pedagogical facilitation, teacher-facilitator, formation, future teachers, pedagogical university.




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