
(2017) Science and education, 12, 1. Odessa.


Tetiana Koknova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Roman and Germanic Philology Department, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University,
1, Gogol square, Starobilsk, Ukraine










Initial Education Stage as the Determinant of Future Translators’ Further Academic Success

(2017) Science and education, 12, 5-14. Odessa.


Oleksandra Popova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages,
associate professor, Department of Translation and Theoretical and Applied Linguistics,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine,
Olha Yakovleva,
Doctor of Philology, associate professor, Department of General and Slavic Philology,
Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University,
2, Dvorianska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article is devoted to the problem dealing with the contents study of the initial education stage within the system of professional speech training targeted to the future translators of Chinese and English. The essence of the initial stage of the profession-centred class / extra-class activities at higher school has been analyzed; the contents of each form (means, methods, etc.) enabling the formation of basic translators’ professional skills and orientations in the field of translatology have been specified. The effectiveness of the experimental training targeted to the translators of Chinese and English at the initial education stage was proved in accordance with particular criteria (translation and discourse competencies) and indicators (translation and transformation indicator, written transfer indicator, oral transfer indicator, creativity and tactics indicator).


professional speech training, translators of Chinese and English, class activities, extra-class activities, initial education stage, higher school, professional skills, criteria, indicators.




1. Borysenko, I. V. (2005). Nastupnist navchannya v navchalno-vykhovnomu kompleksi "litsey-vuz" [Continuity of studying in the educational complex "lyceum-high school"]. Slov"yans'k [in Ukrainian].
2. Godnik, S. M. (1981). Protsess preemstvennosti visshey i sredney shkoli [The continuity process at higher and secondary schools]. Voronezh : Izd-vo Voronezhskogo un-ta [in Russian].
3. Honcharenko, S. U. (1997). Ukrayinskyi pedahohichnyi slovnyk [Ukrainian pedagogical dictionary]. K. : Lybid [in Ukrainian].
4. Nychkalo, N. H. (Eds.). (2002). Derzhavni standarty profesiynoyi osvity: teoriya i metodyka [State standards for profesional education: theory and methodology]. Khmel'nyts'kyi : TUP [in Ukrainian].
5. Moroz, O. H. (1971). Shlyakhy zabezpechennya nastupnosti u samostiyniy roboti uchniv serednoyi zahalnoosvitnoyi shkoly i studentiv vuzu (na materialakh shkil i vuziv Ukrayinskoyi RSR) [Ways ensuring continuity in independent work of secondary school pupils and high school students (on materials of schools and universities of the Ukrainian SSR)]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

Historical-System Model of the Development of Primary School in Transcarpathia at the Turn of XIX-XXI Centuries

(2017) Science and education, 12, 15-23. Odessa.


Oktaviia Fizeshi,
Doctor of Pedagogy, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy,
associate professor,
Department of the Pedagogy of Preschool and Primary Education,
Mukachevo State University,
26, Uzhhorodska Str., Mukachevo, Ukraine
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The paper aims to develop the author’s historical-system model of the development of primary school of the Transcarpathian region of the second half of the XIX and the beginning of the XXI century. Research methods: content analysis of the archival materials (of the curriculums, programs, textbooks, lesson schedules, class journals) in order to identify retro peculiarities of the organization and content of Transcarpathian primary schools’ work; chronological, retrospective logical and system analysis - as a basis for studying the organization and management of the activity of elementary school at Transcarpathia in the context of historical and systemic educational transformations; historical-comparative analysis - to identify trends in the regional development of the primary school; analysis of modelling contributed to the process of developing the author's historical-system model of the formation of the Transcarpathian primary school. The developed model includes: periodization (V chronological stages), territorial subordination (Austria-Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, the Soviet Union, Ukraine), the preconditions for the
formation of primary school (socio-economic, socio-political, educational and organizational), systemic educational transformations (subordinate-adaptive changes of the educational space of the Transcarpathian region depending on the introduction of the law-making, educational, language policy by the dominant state and defending of the national characteristics in a multicultural region), trends and peculiarities of the primary school development, updating retro experience. The model can be considered universal because the study of any historical and pedagogical process can be based on it. In particular, the following its components are universal: preconditions, process, periodization, trends, features. Any historical process is focused on the future, therefore, the actualization is highlighted in the model. The system education transformations are specific in the proposed model, because not every region has experienced changes in state-territorial subordination, which have caused the socio-economic, socio-political changes, in the context of which educational transformations have taken place.


elementary school, systemic educational transformation, historical and pedagogical modeling.




1. Honcharenko, S. (1997) Ukrainskyi pedahohichnyi slovnyk [Ukrainian pedagogical dictionary]. Kiev: Lybid [in Ukrainian].
2. Derzhavna natsionalna prohrama «Osvita» («Ukraina XXI stolittia») [State National Program "Education" ("Ukraine XXI Century")]. (n.d.). Retrieved from:
http://zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/ 896-93-п [in Ukrainian].
3. Fizeshi, O.J. (2015) Pochatkova shkola na Zakarpatti (drugha polovyna XIX – pochatok XXI st.) [Primary school in Transcarpathia (second half of the XIX -
early XXI century)]. Uzhgorod: MSU [in Ukrainian].
4. Shynkaruk, V.I. (Eds.). (2002). Filosofskyi entsyklopedychnyi slovnyk. Dovidkove vydannia [Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary]. Kiev: Outline [in Ukrainian].
5. Hargreaves, D.H. (2004). Personalising learning: Next steps in working laterally. London: Specialist school Trust [in English].

Using Interactive Whiteboard at English Lessons for Law Students

(2017) Science and education, 12, 24-30. Odessa.


Liudmyla Holubnycha,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,
professor of the Department of Foreign Languages № 3,
Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University,
77, Pushinska Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine,
Serhii Shatrava,
Doctor of Law, Associate Professor,
Professor of Department of Police Administrative Activities,
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affaire,
27, L. Landau avenue, Kharkiv, Ukraine



The paper deals with the issue of teaching a foreign language with the help of up to date interactive equipment in non-linguistic higher educational institutions. The researched topic is relevant as, on the one hand, innovative teaching technologies are considered to be effective in acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, which are required in the modern society, on the other hand, the role of foreign languages is rapidly growing in the global world. The study describes the pedagogical experiment, which has been held in Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the technique of using an interactive whiteboard at professional foreign language classes. Empirical (diagnostic) methods such as: observation, questionnaires, discussions and pedagogical experiment were used to study the effectiveness of applying an interactive whiteboard at professional English classes for improving a foreign language proficiency of students. Statistical methods helped to assess the results of the pedagogical experiment. Comparison of the results of the tests conducted at the beginning and at the end of the experiment have made it possible to prove the effectiveness of the suggested technique of using an interactive whiteboard for teaching professional English.


interactive whiteboard, intensification of cognitive activity, students, teaching English, non-linguistic higher educational institution. 




1. Ivanova, A. Ya., & Toskina, A. A. (2013). Ispolzovaniye multimediynoy presentatsii na zaniatiyah inostrannogo yazyka [Using a multimedia presentation in a foreign language class]. Problemy sovremennoy nauki – Problems of modern science, 8 (2), 76-83 [in Russian].
2. Mihaliova, L. V., & Teriohina, N. M. (2013). Ispolzovaniye sovremennyh sredstv nagliadnosti pri obuchenii inostrannomu yazyku [Using modern means of visualization while teaching a foreign language]. Filologicheskie nauki. Voprosy teorii i praktiki – Philological sciences. Issues of theory and practice, 6 (24) (1), (pp. 146-149) Tambov: Gramota [in Russian].
3. Karpova, O. (2017). The use of web-case in teaching English to students majoring in economics. Science and Education, 2, (pp. 58-62) [in English].
4. Zhdanov, S. S. (2015). Interaktivnaya doska kak element informatsionno-kommunikatsionnyh tehnologiy v obuchenii inostrannym yazykam [Interactive whiteboard Педагогіка – Education Science and Education, 2017, Issue 12 29 as part of information and communication technologies in teaching foreign languages]. Filologicheskie nauki. Voprosy teorii i praktiki – Philological sciences. Issues of theory and practice, 11 (53) (2), (pp. 60-63) Tambov: Gramota [in Russian].
5. Schmid, E. C., & Whyte, Sh. (2012). Interactive Whiteboards in State School Settings: Teacher Responses to SocioConstructivist Hegemonies. Language Learning and Technology, 2, 65-86. (Vols. 16). Retrieved from: http://llt.msu.edu/issues/june2012/cutrimschmidwhyte.pdf . [in English].
6. Richards, L. What Are the Benefits of an Interactive Whiteboard? Retrieved from: http://yourbusiness.azcentral.com/benefits-interactivewhiteboard-10097.html. [in English].
7. Glover, D., & Miller, D. (2002). The Introduction of Interactive Whiteboards into Schools in the United Kingdom: Leaders, Led, and the Management of Pedagogic and Technological Change. International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning, 6 (Vols. 24). Retrieved from: http://www.dm.unipi.it/~didattica/CERME3/proceedings/ Groups/TG9/TG9_Miller_cerme3.pdf. [in English].
8. Glover, D., & Miller, D. (2006). Running with Technology: the pedagogic impact of the large-scale introduction of interactive whiteboards in one secondary school. Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education, 10 (Vols. 3). Retrieved from: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/1475939010 0200115 [in English].
9. Al-Faki, Ibrahim Mohamed (2014). Difficulties Facing Teachers in Using Interactive Whiteboards in Their Classes. American International Journal of Social Science, 2, 136-158. (Vols. 3). Retrieved from: http://www.aijssnet.com/journals/ vol_3_No_2_March_2014/16.pdf. [in English].
10. Holubhycha, L. O. (2016) Case Studies as One of the Communication Methods of Foreign Language Teaching Law Students. V.Ya. Tatsiy (Eds.), Problemy zakonnosti – Problems of Legality (Vols. 135), (pp. 245- 253). Kharkiv: Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University [in English]..

Peculiarities of Understanding the Basis of Culture of Consumption by Senior Preschoolers

(2017) Science and education, 12, 31-35. Odessa.


Sabina Ivanchuk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Preschool Education,
State Higher Educational Institution “Donbas State Pedagogical University”,
1, Uchytelskyi lane, Slaviansk, Ukraine



The paper deals with a relevant issue of preschool education, namely the education of the bases of the culture of consumption in children of the senior preschool age. The study involved 136 senior preschoolers. The following criteria with relevant indicators for assessing the level of the respondents’ culture of consumption have been distinguished: inductive (the need for and interest in consumer phenomena, awareness of the dependence of satisfying their needs and needs of the family on the work of their parents), cognitive (awareness of the content of elementary consumer concepts, understanding the relationship between satisfaction of human needs and the presence of relevant goods and services as a result of the work of people of different professions), productively-reflexive (participation in joint work with other children and adults to meet personal and group needs, displaying economical habits (care of things). According to every criterion the children were suggested to perform different tasks and were involved in various activities. The carried out assessment has revealed that the primary and satisfactory levels of the maturity of the culture of consumption prevail in the group of the respondents. Limitedness and, in some cases, the lack of knowledge of the consuming nature (on needs, their types and choices, types and limited resources, money, budget, etc.) prevents children from making a rational choice in their actions, being economical, which leads to manifestations of greed and covetousness. The lack of most children’s focus on the needs of higher order develops their consumer attitude to the environment, an attempt to circumvent the rules of the culture of behavior in the society, inability to establish positive relations with the subjects of consumer relations. This indicates the need for purposeful work with children of the senior preschool age in order to increase their level of the maturity of the culture of consumption.


children of preschool age, economic education, bases of culture of consumption, concept of sustainable development, inductive, knowledge, productive and reflexive criteria.




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2. Hryhorenko, H. (2012). Vykhovuiemo ratsionalnoho spozhyvacha [Educate a rational consumer]. Doshkilne vykhovannia – Preschool education, 1, 16-19 [in Ukrainian].
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