Oksana Vasiuk, Svitlana Vyhovska, Grzegorz Brzuze. Examining Students’ Academic Motivation

(2017) Science and education, 12, 105-111. Odessa.


Oksana Vasiuk,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor, Department of Pedagogy,
Svitlana Vyhovska,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor, Department of Pedagogy,
National University for Health and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
15, Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
Grzegorz Brzuze,
Doctor of Science in Pedagogy, Assistant Professor of Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences,
Cuiavian University in Włocławek,
Liberty square, 1, Włocławek, Poland.



The article reveals theoretical and methodological aspects of students’ academic motivation. The urgency of the study is due to the fact that most school leavers prefer just obtaining a diploma of a prestigious institution of higher education to mastering deep knowledge and becoming an expert in the field. The paper aims to investigate academic motivation of university students. In the course of the study, a classification was used that divides academic motives into two groups: cognitive and social. The survey was conducted using the methodology of studying the motives of educational activities (modified by A. Rean, V. Yakunin). It has shown that the educational system of students is dominated by cognitive motives, in particular “becoming a highly qualified specialist”, “acquiring profound knowledge”, “gaining intellectual pleasure”, etc. These motives form the basis of learning activities and are related to the content and process of learning; contribute to the development of students’ cognitive activity, provide for overcoming difficulties in solving educational and cognitive problems, which, in turn, contributes to the formation of a competent, competitive specialist. Social motives are based on the understanding of the social need for learning and are associated with professional training. They are manifested as motives for self-improvement and self-determination, as well as awareness of duty, the desire to take a decent place in the team. Among the social ones, the students tended to choose “getting a diploma” motive. At the same time, such motives as “keeping up with classmates”, “fulfilling pedagogical requirements”, “being an example for classmates”, “avoiding condemnation and punishment for academic failure” were rarely chosen by the respondents. This shows their inadequate desire to assert their social status precisely through educational activities, as well as the weak influence of the authority of both teachers and fellow students on them.


motivation, educational motivation, motive, cognitive motives, social motives, student, institution of higher education.




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Olena Chukhno. Experimental Work on Teaching Future Teachers Second Foreign Language Pronunciation

(2017) Science and education, 12, 112-119. Odessa.


Olena Chukhno,
Postgraduate student, Department of English Philology,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University,
2, Valentynivska Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine



Higher pedagogical educational establishments provide their students with an opportunity to become a teacher of two foreign languages. This leads to the necessity of working out teaching methods which allow forming the sufficient level of professional phonetic competence in the second foreign language during a limited period of time. The novelty of the research is in the theoretical grounding and elaborating of methods of forming future teachers’ phonetic competence in English as the second foreign language after German by means of developing the cyclic model of this process and the corresponding subsystem of exercises. The paper aims to present the results of the experimental verification of the effectiveness of the developed methods. The conducted pedagogical experiment started with a test whose results became evidence of a rather low level of future teachers’ phonetic competence in English as the second foreign language and proved the need for systematic work on its development. Experimental training was conducted according to two variants of teaching methods. Variant A was based on the author’s cyclic model of professionally oriented teaching of English pronunciation after German that included the introductory theoretical-practical and practical parts and took into account future teachers’ experience in learning the native and first foreign languages. Variant B was different from Variant A in relying in the teaching process only on the students’ native language. The results of the test carried out after the experimental teaching proved the effectiveness of both variants. However, the comparison of the increased indices of professional phonetic competence levels led to the conclusion that Variant A is much more effective. Thus, it can be regarded more preferable while implementing the developed methods into the teaching process. 


foreign language communicative competence, future teachers, professional phonetic competence, the first foreign language, the second foreign language. 




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Nataliіa Fedorchenko, Ivan Kalaur, Vladyslava Liubarets. Legal Consciousness of Young People as a Prerequisite of Social Environment.

(2017) Science and education, 12, 120-127. Odessa.


Nataliіa Fedorchenko,
Doctor of Civil Law, associate professor, head of the Department
of Civil Law and Tourism, Legislative Regulation,
Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law,
26, Zhmachenko Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
Ivan Kalaur,
PhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), associate professor, head of the
Department of Civil Law and Procedure,
Ternopil National Economic University,
11, Lvivska Str. Ternopil, Ukraine,
Vladyslava Liubarets,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Management and Innovative Technologies, Social and Cultural Activities,
Doctoral Candidate of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
9, Pyrohova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper aims to study senior school students’ legal consciousness in terms of social environment. The following factors of legal consciousness have been distinguished: legal literacy of students, mature civil qualities, the extent of their legal responsibility. The experiment was conducted in three stages. At the first stage, a comparative experiment was carried out in order to identify the level of legal literacy of students at a general educational institution and an out-of-school institution “Young Civil Society Leaders School”. At the second stage, a comparative analysis was carried out on assessing the level of maturity of students’ civic qualities: democracy, social initiative, humanism, ethnicity, patriotism, public consciousness, national dignity, devotion to the Ukrainian state creation, state optimism, and political will. At the third stage, the degree of legal responsibility of students was studied. The most important role in the development of legal consciousness of the younger generation must be played by an updated and rationally constructed system of moral, labor and intellectual education able to ensure the formation of their active life-affirming mentality and the transformation of the culture of legal behavior into an inalienable quality of an individual. According to the research results, there is a necessity to update the content of school curriculum aimed at forming the legal education of students.


legal awareness, legal culture, youth, student, group, social environment, research.




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Valetyna Babina. Peculiarities of Technical University Students’ Legal Culture Formation.

(2017) Science and education, 12, 128-134. Odessa.


Valetyna Babina,
PhD (Candidate of Political Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Law,
Odessa National Politechnic University,
1, Shevchenko avenue, Odesa, Ukraine



The paper aims to present an experimental technique of the formation of technical university students’ legal culture and provide the results of its practical implementation. The suggested conception is composed of the following units: a culturological unit, an axiological unit, an activity unit, and a personal one. Every unit has its specificity and provides certain forms of work. The process of the formation of technical university students’ legal culture should take place in stages, based on the structural and content characteristics of the process. The experimental work in the framework of the suggested conception involved various kinds of activities with experimental group students aimed at making them interested in self-development in the area of law and legal sciences. The study was conducted throughout three years involved forty students who were divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental one was taught using the suggested conception, and the control one followed the traditional curriculum. According to the results of the study, the experimental technique has appeared to be efficient for the formation of technical university students’ legal culture as compared to the traditional teaching methods.


legal culture, jurisprudence, legal education, formation of legal culture of students.




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Olha Prysiazhniuk. Comparative Analysis of Language Education Organization at Universities in Poland and Ukraine.

(2017) Science and education, 12, 135-140. Odessa.


Olha Prysiazhniuk,
PhD (Candidate of Philological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Humanities and Science,
Interregional Academy of Personnel Management,
2, Frometivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



Taking into account the relevance of reforms in the framework of the integration of the Ukrainian education into the European education model, comparative and factual analyses of the organization of language education in terms of teaching official state languages at universities of Poland and Ukraine have been carried out. The oldest and largest Polish university, the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (founded in 1364), promoting classical education, was compared with Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (founded in 1834) and The Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (founded in 1661). The analysis was focused on the university structure (namely, their departments), disciplines and professional qualifications. The following results have been obtained: 1) concerning the structure of the departments, Poland has twice as many departments as compared to Ukraine; 2) regarding the peculiarities of the disciplinary Педагогіка – Education Science and Education, 2017, Issue 12 140 content of language education in Poland, they have a great number of linguistic disciplines in the culture of the Polish language and language for specific purposes; 3) a distinct feature of the Polish language education is a high-demand specialization “Teacher of Polish as a Foreign Language” according to the programs of master’s and postgraduate training; 4) Polish language education is a part of its linguistic policy, since it directly implements the provisions of linguistic legislation on the observance and development of the norms of the language culture. The advanced achievements of Polish pedagogical experience that are worth considering for applying for the modernization of language education in Ukraine have been highlighted, namely: independent Ukrainian language faculties must be singled out from general philological ones; new advanced language disciplines should be implemented into the curricula; the discipline “Ukrainian Language for Specific Purposes” should be specified according to a specialty chosen; disciplines “Ukrainian Language Culture” and “Teacher of Ukrainian as a Foreign Language” (this one is for master-degree students as a specialty subject) should be introduced into the curricula.


language education, national philology, state language, official language, higher education, faculty, department, discipline, Ukraine, Poland.




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