Liu Jia. Pedagogical Conditions of Preparing Master’s Students Majoring in Singing for Innovative Professional Activi-ties

(2016) Science and education, 6, 122-128. Odessa.

Liu Jia,
post-graduate student, Department of Music Art and Choreography,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



The paper deals with the issues of preparing Master’s students – future singers and voice teachers – for mastering innovative technologies in their professional activities. The relevance of the paper is determined by the fact that the above mentioned issues are currently understudied. Consequently, the author has considered scholarly literature, in which the essence and specificity of innovative technologies are characterized, as well as the essence of preparing students for innovative technologies implementation. The preparation includes the following components: the complex of psycho-pedagogical orientations determining certain forms and methods of teaching; organizational and tutorial tools of the teaching process; the complex of systemic interrelated forms and methods of pedagogical impact applied according to a certain algorithm; monitoring and correction of the obtained results, which facilitate achieving the anticipated result of training future specialists. The process of implementing innovative technologies is associated with the responsiveness of acquiring knowledge, abilities and skills in vocal art; individual choosing and interpretation of works; forming the capacity for self-analysis and self-evaluation, self-improvement in performing and teaching activities. The pedagogical conditions that facilitate students’ mastering innovative technologies and their ability to apply them effectively in singer’s performing and teaching activities have been substantiated. The first pedagogical condition involves providing comfortable psychological climate and style of pedagogical communication in the teaching process, i.e. factors that influence students’ self-confidence, their ability to experiment, and readiness for overcoming failures. The second pedagogical condition is considered to be the level of development of students’ personal qualities (emotional and volitional, intellectual qualities; determination; performance capabilities; moral traits like responsibility for vocal development of their pupils), which determine the efficiency of their preparation for innovative creative activity. The third pedagogical condition involves organization of gradual preparation of students-singers for professional innovative creativity in performing, methodical and theoretical, pedagogical and practical forms of teaching activities. It has been concluded that after implementing the above mentioned pedagogical conditions it is possible to achieve higher level of students’ competence in innovative technologies; there appear more opportunities for them to improve their learning, performing and future pedagogical activities. 


vocal training, innovative technologies, pedagogical conditions, vocal performance, voice teacher.




1. Bekh, V. P. (2003). Chelovek i Vselennaya: kognitivnyy analiz [A man and the Universe: cognitive analysis]. 2 nd ed., rev. Zaporizhzhia: Prosvіta [in Russian].
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3. Klarin, M. V. (1989). Pedagogicheskaya tekhnologiya v uchebnom protsesse. Analiz zarubezhnogo opyta [Pedagogical technology in the educational process. Review of foreign experience]. Moscow: Znanie [in Russian].
4. Kon, N. H., & Mazhara, T. V. (2007). Funktsii solfedzhio u formuvanni navychok samostiinoho muzykuvannia studentiv muzychno-pedahohichnoho navchalnoho zakladu [Functions of solfeggio in forming the skills of independent music-making of students of universities for music pedagogy]. Naukovyi visnyk PDPU im. K. D. Ushynskoho. Spetsvypusk. Mystetska osvita: suchasnyi stan i perspektyvy rozvytku – Academic bulletin of SUNPU named after K. D. Ushynsky. Special edition. Art education: current state and prospects for development, 2, 45–51. Odesa [in Ukrainian].
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Taras Pukhalskyi. Personal Component of Music Teacher’s Professional Competence

(2016) Science and education, 6, 128-134. Odessa.

Taras Pukhalskyi,
assistant lecturer, Department of Music Arts,
Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University,
61, Ohienko Str., Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine 



The paper deals with the analysis of personal component of music teachers’ professional competence; the place and the role of personal characteristics in teacher’s professional background are described. Personal component of music teacher’s professional competence is defined as a set of individually psychological features, personal capabilities and personal qualities. Individually psychological features of a music teacher are represented as a set of professionally significant psycho-physiological (perception, thinking, memory, imagination, fantasy, emotions, etc.), anatomical and physiological (health, nervous system tolerance, resilience to stress, the ability for mobilization and relaxation, anatomical organization of a body, features of the functioning of physiological systems of hearing and respiratory organs, neuromuscular system, facial expression, etc.) and psychological characteristics (features of temperament and temper). The author has divided professionally significant personal capabilities of a music teacher into general and specific ones. General capabilities are manifested in all kinds of human activity (learning capability, general mental capabilities, capacity for work, etc.) and have general professional significance. Specific capabilities of a music teacher include ability for music (ear for music, musical sense, musical memory, sense of rhythm, musical thinking, ability for music emotional experiencing), pedagogical capabilities (gnostical, practical, communicative, perceptive, authoritative, expressive, didactic, academic, organizational, etc.) and creativity (pedagogical, artistic and research capabilities). The author has also described a set of personal qualities necessary for music teacher’s work (general and specific ones) as well as interrelation between personal component in the structure of music teacher’s professional competence and other structural components (cognitive, pragmatic and acmeological). Results of the study have proven the critical role of personal characteristics in the process of forming music teachers’ professional competence, in its effectiveness and in determining the level of professional aptitude. 


personal characteristics, personal qualities, pedagogical capabilities, ability for music, creativity, music teacher.




1. Aminov, N. A. (1997). Diagnostika pedagogicheskikh sposobnostey [Diagnostics of pedagogical capabilities]. Moscow: Institut prakticheskoy psikhologii [in Russian].
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Tetiana Syrbu. Theoretical Bases Regarding the Preparedness of Using the Coping Strategies by the Future Merchant Marine Navigation Officers in their Occupation

(2016) Science and education, 6, 134-141. Odessa.

Tetiana Syrbu,
lecturer, English language department # 1,
National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”,
8, Didrikhson Str., Odessa, Ukraine 



The article analyses specific pedagogical and psychological approaches to the phenomena of “preparedness” and “occupation”. The concept of occupation and its component structure is presented. The purpose of occupation, its functions are specified and the conditions under which it is performed are set out. The author researches the problem of preparedness regarding occupation, in particular psychological preparedness regarding occupation which is a system of motivational, cognitive, emotional and conative components. In the system of preparedness by future merchant marine navigation officers for work motivational component will help to start using coping strategies at work, cognitive component will provide appropriative solutions, emotional component will generate positive attitude to the use of coping strategies, and conative component will provide the ability to focus on the use of coping-strategies. The problem of preparedness of using coping strategies by the future merchant marine navigation officers in their occupation is a complex pedagogical problem which includes content-related and activity-related aspects. Content-related aspect combines theoretical, methodological and systematic knowledge of basic ship theory, ship handling, navigation, world ocean waterways, ecology and environmental protection, basics of safety, survival in emergencies, sea resources management, hydrography, aids to navigation, electronic security systems for ships, religious tolerance in multinational crews, celestial navigation, meteorology, oceanography, cargo transportation theory, maritime law, ship propulsion and electrical equipment, application of international conventions on board, practice of navigational watch, modern automated vessel traffic control systems, navigation safety, organization and regulatory system of ship security, organization and management of the crew, English for professional purposes, etc. The contents of the training program for future merchant marine navigation officers has a complex structure which specifies a variety of research objectives and pedagogical phenomena. To solve a teaching problem in the process of future merchant marine navigation officers training it is necessary to take into account a large number of academic disciplines designed as preparation for future work and introduce new methods and technologies such as the use of coping-strategies. Activity-related aspect combines the ability to use new technologies at work. In this case a student can choose an appropriate coping-strategy which corresponds to his individual abilities. 


activity, preparedness, occupation, occupation preparedness, coping-strategy




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Svitlana Yermakova. Kaizen: Peculiarities of Forming Innovation-Oriented Professional Environment of a Future Special-ist

(2016) Science and education, 6, 141-147. Odessa.

Svitlana Yermakova,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor,
Department of Philosophy, Political Science, Psychologists and Law,
Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture,
4, Didrikhsona Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The relevance of the study is caused by the necessity to examine the characteristics of transformational change in society regarding professional training of future specialists at higher technical educational institutions; the strategies for the implementation of educational audit in the process of professional training of future specialists as one of the aspects of Kaizen have been specified. The features of studying theoretical and methodological problems of applying the fundamentals of lean production at higher educational institutions depending on peculiarities of their activities and specificity of their tasks have been emphasized. The aim of the article is to substantiate the system of higher technical education based on the principles of thrift. The task is to study and substantiate the elements of the system of higher technical education development based on the principles of lean manufacturing; to define possible application of lean production means in higher education. Moreover, the essence of Kaizen conception has been specified; the peculiarities of forming innovation-oriented professional environment based on sustainable use of resources of a higher technical educational institution due to implementation of experimental monitoring technology for training future specialists based on lean production have been considered. Pedagogical reasonability of advanced training of future specialists at higher technical educational institution based on the idea of lean manufacturing has been proven 


higher technical educational institution, training, Kaizen philosophy, educational audit, lean manufacturing.




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Do Han Feng. Specificity of preparing schoolchildren for collective instrumental music-making at comprehensive school

(2016) Science and education, 6, 147-151. Odessa.

Do Han Feng,
post-graduate student, Department of Music Art and Choreography,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



The paper is focused on the study of specificity of preparing pupils for collective instrumental music-making at a comprehensive school. In particular, age peculiarities of primary school children and adolescents, peculiarities of selection of pupils for learning to play musical instruments and issues of choosing proper instruments for collective music-making have been considered. Particular attention is paid to organizing performances of instrumental ensembles in the pedagogical process of a comprehensive school, in particular, the importance of organizing individual, selfguided and group studies, teaching fundamentals of basic musical theory as well as pupils’ participation in artistic and creative collective activities at a comprehensive school 


comprehensive school, instrumental ensemble, performance activities.




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