Larysa Mostova. Promoting Cognitive Activity of Young Schoolchildren by Means of Didactic Games

(2016) Science and education, 6, 95-100. Odessa.

Larysa Mostova,
primary school teacher,
Odesa Learning and Education Complex “Gymnasium №2”,
5A, Havanna Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



An important objective of elementary school teacher is taking into account the individual characteristics of pupils, creating conditions contributing to effective learning according to the pupils’ level of development and providing further development of abilities and interests of children within the learning process. An important prerequisite for success in the training of younger schoolchildren is cognitive activity, regarded as a personality trait, manifested in its attitude to cognitive activity and providing a state of readiness, the desire for independent activity aimed at the mastering of individual social experience, accumulated knowledge and ways of life of humanity; it also manifests itself as cognitive activity. The progress of pupils’ cognitive activity is contributed by the implementation of game activity in the elementary school educational process, as the game is a natural and attractive activity for young schoolchildren. The emotional factor plays an important role in the regulation of cognitive activity of young schoolchildren, and it can largely ensure the use of didactic games in the learning process. The process of cognitive activity formation by means of didactic games is caused by the growth of a child’s activity; enhanced display of his/her interest in cognition, that is, efficiency of learning is directly dependent on the activity of the child. Didactic games help pupils overcome cognitive difficulties, fear, discomfort, which affects the progress of children and their cognitive activity. The essence of didactic games is to offer the children cognitive tasks in an interesting way, their solution is connected with the mental strain, overcoming difficulties, which contribute to the formation of logical thinking; consequently, children get accustomed to the mental activity. Learning and specifying any kind of educational material in the didactic game, children learn to observe, to compare, to classify objects according to certain criteria, to apply the clear and precise terms, to have coherent speech, to describe the object, name its actions and qualities, be quick-thinking, resourceful, and so on. A teacher’s task is to find maximum pedagogical situations; by their means child’s attitude to active cognitive activity can be realized. He/she must constantly improve the learning process that will enable children effectively and efficiently master the program material. The author offers examples of the use of didactic games at the reading lessons, mathematics, the Ukrainian language in elementary school. 


young schoolchildren, cognitive activity, didactic games.




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Raisa Martynova. Characteristics of Pedagogical Integration in the Researches of Ukrainian and Foreign Scholars

(2016) Science and education, 6, 100-106. Odessa.

Raisa Martynova,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
associate member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
head of the Department of Western and Eastern Languages and Methods of their Teaching,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
34, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article presents differentiation of the notions “interdisciplinary connections” and “integrative education”. A brief characteristics of the history of pedagogical integration development on the basis of interdisciplinary connections perfection to the level of their merging into one pedagogical unity is given. Nowadays pedagogical integration can be traced in all its forms: in interconnection of actions concerning youth education and upbringing; in interconnection of content of different subjects teaching, moreover not only related subjects (such as mathematics and physics) but socalled unconnected subjects (computer sciences and foreign languages); in interconnection of different activities as to the major subject learning. Pedagogical integration is realized by creating “practical synthesis”, it means: joining the content of related subjects into one academic discipline; applying similar methods and techniques of teaching synthesized subject; merging organizational forms of teaching different subjects into one organizational-methodic unity which functions in one educational process. 


pedagogical integration, interdisciplinary connections, procedural unity, practical synthesis, related subjects, different subjects, integration and differentiation.




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Oksana Sakaliuk. Model of Forming Education Managers’ Readiness for Professional Activities under Current Conditions

(2016) Science and education, 6, 107-111. Odessa.

Oksana Sakaliuk,
(PhD) Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor,
Department of Educational Institution Management and Civil Service,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
71, Straportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



The paper presents a contemporary model of forming education managers’ readiness for professional activities under current conditions; its basic components are characterized, they are pedagogical conditions, training targets, content, methods and forms of teaching process organization at every stage. The above mentioned model has been developed with the aim of specification and demonstration of the process of forming education managers’ readiness for work in multicultural educational environment. Pedagogical conditions for forming education managers’ readiness for work in multicultural educational environment are considered to be the following: providing the development of professionally significant qualities of education managers aimed at effective work performance in multicultural educational environment; orientation at advanced formation of professional and administrative abilities and skills based on cross-cultural management; the use of interactive teaching methods in the process of organization of partnership between educational process participants. The formation of education managers’ readiness for professional activities in multicultural educational environment involved implementation of the pilot model in three stages by means of implementing all the pedagogical conditions at every stage as well as inclusion of the optional course “Fundamentals of education managers’ professional activities in multicultural educational environment” into the process of training education managers. The purpose of the first stage (motivational and reflexive) was the formation of education managers’ positive emotional attitude towards professional activities in multicultural educational environment and multicultural integration in the sphere of education. The second stage (information and cognitive) was targeted at systematization of knowledge on the specific character of the functioning of multicultural educational environment and mechanisms of its improvement. The third stage (activity and projecting) involved the formation of education managers’ abilities and skills of efficient performance based on cross-cultural management. It has been concluded that the proposed model of forming education managers’ readiness for professional activities in multicultural educational environment is effective and should be implemented in observance of all its components.  


education managers, pedagogical conditions, education managers’ readiness for professional activities, the model of forming education managers’ readiness for professional activities, multicultural educational environment.




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Olena Semenova. Integrative Role of Composition in Professional Training of Art Teachers

(2016) Science and education, 6, 111-115. Odessa.

Olena Semenova,
lecturer, Department of Fine Arts, post-graduate student,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,
28, Sadova Str., Uman, Ukraine 



The efficiency of educational process of future art teachers’ professional training depends on the components of pedagogical system. They include content, forms, methods and means that are used to form artistic-pedagogical and artisticcreative competence which is determinant in art teachers training. The effective functioning of pedagogical system is provided by a block of profession-related subjects which includes drawing, painting, sculpture, graphic art, etc. In terms of their content, these subjects should have corresponding cross-curriculum connections. Their unity can be achieved by means of composition, which integrates common and specific features of the formation of the work of art. The purpose of the article is to define integrative basis of composition in professional training of future art teachers. Composition as a subject is taught in all universities for art. The course of composition is traditionally divided into theoretical and practical sections in professional training of future teachers of art. The first one covers the theory of composition; the second one covers the system of exercises which give students an opportunity to learn universal laws, rules, techniques and means of formal composition that is the structure of non-figurative images. We have discovered that the principles of unity, rhythm, proportion, symmetry and composition center; universal means of expression (statics and dynamics, contrast, shade, vertical and horizontal) and specific means of expression (dot, lines, stroke, shape, color, light, texture, background and aspect angle) are studied not only at composition lessons but also in all profession-related subjects; they are integrative basis of composition in training future art teachers, consequently, there is an intrasubject integration where general artistic and special disciplines are combined (drawing, painting, sculpture, graphic art). 


composition, integration, art teacher.




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Oksana Hrydzhuk Specifics of Components of Language and Communicative Competence of Students Majoring in Forest-ry

(2016) Science and education, 6, 116-122. Odessa.

Oksana Hrydzhuk,
PhD (Candidate of Philological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies, National Forestry University of Ukraine,
103, Gen. Chuprynky Str., Lviv, Ukraine



The issue of determining the components of the language and communicative competence of students – future professionals of forestry is considered. The relevance of the study is determined by the need for forming the proper level of professionally oriented language and communicative abilities and skills in students majoring in forestry. The aim of the article is to identify and describe the components needed to build an effective model of the formation of students’ language and communicative competence. The following main components of it are named and described: linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic. The orthoepic, orthographic, lexical, grammatical and stylistic competencies were distinguished within the linguistic component. Value-semantic and socio-cultural competencies are the content of the sociolinguistic component. The pragmatic component consists of terminological, speech text, culture and language, lexicographic competencies. The speech text component, in its turn, is divided into text-interpreting and text-creating ones. The required level of the professional language and communicative competence of а student majoring in forestry can be formed under the condition of the development of his/her language and communicative professionally oriented skills. The basic skills are the following: the choice of the language means depending on the conditions of communication in different styles and genres; reasonable use of language means (including terms) according to the norms of modern Ukrainian standard language; building texts of different genres of scientific and educational substyle belonging to the style of scientific prose; effective communication when performing professional activities. The parallel development of a student’s environmental and professional competences we consider as another condition for the formation of the proper level of the language and communicative competence of a student – future professional of forestry industry. The formation of language and communicative competence will facilitate the increase of the level of general competencies of students majoring in forestry, in particular: the ability to communicate in the official language both orally and in writing; the ability to study and master modern profession-related knowledge; the ability for search, processing and analysis of the information from different sources. 


competence, competency, linguistic component, sociolinguistic component, pragmatic component.




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