Nataliia Blahun. Socialization of Pupil’s Personality by Means of Studying Ukrainian Literature.

(2016) Science and education, 6, 5-11. Odessa.

Nataliia Blahun,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University,
57, Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine



The article describes the approaches to the formation of personality socialization by means of studying Ukrainian literature. It is known that literature is the most important method of perceiving changes of the world. The ways of creating artistic images and characters, situations and social conflicts represented by outstanding writers have powerful educational potential. Psycho-pedagogical science has proven that personality is being developed from 12 to 17 years, because this is the very period when evolution of self-consciousness as well as moral and spiritual qualities of secondary school-age children is reaching its highest level. It should be noted that in the development of personality socialization the spiritual world of an individual is of prime importance. For example, in the rational sphere we see the education of national consciousness. Regarding the sensual sphere, the foreground is the sense of duty, patriotism, dignity, selfesteem, pride and honour. Volitional aspect provides observance of discipline, self-organization and determination of a man as an intelligent being. Family education takes an important place in the formation of socialization, because considerable attention is paid in the presented topics to the study of spiritual and moral, family and domestic, family and aesthetic educational traditions reflected in the works of Ukrainian authors. Pupils can characterize characters of literary works with the motivation for their actions and behaviour in different circumstances of life; to give reasons for their personal judgments about the reads on a background of understanding the importance of family relations; to express personal attitude to the literary heroes. A dominating aspect in the above mentioned process is certainly the national consciousness. Its basis, on the one hand, is knowledge about the people as a political, economic, psychological, and spiritual (traditions, customs, rituals, history) community; and on the other hand, it is the information about its individual representatives who are the embodiment of the most typical features of the character and mentality of his/her countrymen, express and defend the interests of Ukrainians, on the basis of which one can have the idea about the typical features and parameters of the gene pool, as well as character of the nation and society as a whole. After considering the themes for teaching Ukrainian literature to pupils of secondary schools, we can conclude that national and panhuman factors represented in literary works unconditionally facilitate the development of personality socialization, forming a spiritually rich individual, citizen-patriot, who possesses the highest ethical and moral virtues, respects the past, cares about the future of his/her nation, Ukraine. 


socialization, fiction, programme material, self-realization, national consciousness.




1. Blahun, N. (2014). The functional and social aspects of organizing comprehensive educational institutions. The Russian academic journal, 2 (Vol. 28), 51-53 [in English].
2. Blahun, N. (2014). Pryntsypy informatsiinoho zabezpechennia ta sotsializatsii upravlinskykh rishen u zahalnoosvitnomu navchalnomu zakladi [The principles of information support and socialization of management solutions in comprehensive schools]. Naukovyi chasopys NPU imeni M. P. Drahomanova. Seriia No2. Kompiuterno-oriientovani systemy navchannia – Academic yearbook of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 2. Computer-oriented teaching system, 15(22), 182-185 [in Ukrainian].
3. Blahun, N. (2014). Yakist osvity – kliuchova problema sotsializatsii kontroliu navchalno-vykhovnoho protsesu v zahalnoosvitnomu navchalnomu zakladi [Education quality: the key issue of control socialization of the educational process in schools]. Psykholoho-pedahohichni problemy silskoi shkoly: zbirnyk naukovykh prats Umanskoho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni Pavla Tychyny – Psychopedagogical problems of village schools: Collection of scientific papers of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, 50, 28-38 [in Ukrainian].
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Roman Balandiuk. Experimental Methods of Teaching Economic Component in the Content of Ukrainian History to 8-9-Form Pu-pils of Comprehensive Schools.

(2016) Science and education, 6, 11-16. Odessa.

Roman Balandiuk,
post-graduate student, Institute of Pedagogy,

National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
52-D, Artema Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper deals with the results of teaching economic component in the content of Ukrainian history to the pupils of 8-9th forms. Recent events in Ukraine demonstrate the crisis in the educational system in general and in the methods of teaching economic component in the content of Ukrainian history in particular. Economic component is one of the key elements in historical education, which forms certain knowledge, skills, experience and values necessary for young generation in their lives. Practical teachers convince that it is very hard to teach pupils to understand and correctly use economic component in future if we make the most out of traditional methods. Results of questioning among pupils of 8-9th forms show the average level of their achievements. This problem determines the need for improving the methods of teaching economic component. Consequently, the aim of the paper is to present the results of testing experimental methods of teaching economic component in the content of Ukrainian history to pupils of 8-9th forms of comprehensive schools. At the first stage, scholarly literature was analyzed; experimental research was carried out which made it possible to evaluate teaching economic component to pupils. After that, original methods of teaching economic component were developed. We chose control classes, in which economic component was taught using traditional methods, and experimental classes for teaching economic component using author’s original methods. It was statistically confirmed that the result in classes, where traditional methods were used, did not change significantly. As for the classes, where author’s methods were used, achievement growth was observed. In conclusion, it can be stated that the developed author’s methods of teaching economic component in the content of Ukrainian history to pupils of 8-9th forms are effective.


economic component, history of Ukraine, teaching methods, testing




1. Balandiuk, R. G. (2014). Zmist i mistse ekonomichnoi skladovoi sered inshykh komponentiv zmistu shkilnoi istorychnoi osvity [The content and place of the economic component between other components of the historical school educational content]. Visnyk Zhytomyrskoho derzhavnoho universytety – Zhytomyr State University Journal, 1, 166-169 [in Ukrainian].

2. Balandyuk, R. G. (2015). Metodychni aspekty navchannia ekonomichnoi skladovoi zmistu istorii Ukrainy maibutnikh vchyteliv istorii [Methodical approaches of teaching economic component in the content of the Ukrainian history for the future history teachers]. Zbirnyk prats Rivnenskoho derzhavnoho humanitarnoho universytetu – Proceedings of Rivne State University of Humanities, 12, 35-40 [in Ukrainian].

3. Luzan, P. G., Sopivnyk, L. V. & Vygovska, S. V. (2010). Osnovy naukovo-pedahohichnykh doslidzhen [The bases of research and educational investigations]. Kyiv, Vydavnytstvo NUBP Ukrainy [in Ukrainian].

4. Novikov, D. A. (2004). Statesticheskie metody v pedagogicheskikh isledovaniyakh (typovye sluchai) [Statistic methods in the pedagogical researches (typical cases)]. Moscow, MZ-Press [in Russian].

5. Statystychni dani pro zahalnoosvitni navchalni zaklady Ukrainy za 2014/2015 ta 2015/2016 n. r. [Statistic facts about general educational schools in Ukraine during 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 academic years]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

Svitlana Karychkovska. Features of Foreign Language Learning as a System Component of Future Ecologists Training.

(2016) Science and education, 6, 17-22. Odessa.

Svitlana Karychkovska,

(PhD) Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor,
Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages, Uman National University of Horticulture,
1, Instytutska Str., Uman, Ukraine 



The article deals with the experimental studying of psychological peculiarities of senior school students’ axiological attitudes in ethnocultural environment. The experiment involved 30 students of senior grades. Having analyzed the results of the method “Types of ethical identity” it has been revealed that the dominant type (28%) is a positive one – the combination of positive attitude towards one’s nation and towards other nationalities. Ethnic indifference, which means ethnical identity “diffusion”, expressed in the uncertain ethnic attitude, is manifested in 21,3% of students. Ethnic fanaticism, which means being ready to do anything for the sake of ethic interests is expressed in 17% of the surveyed. 13,5% of the respondents are characterized by the ethnic egoism – they feel anxious and irritated when communicating with the representatives of other ethnic groups; ethnic isolation (national supremacy) is expressed in 11,7% of students. 7,5% of the surveyed have manifested marks of ethnic negativism, which means ignoring one's own national belonging. According to the research results obtained with the help of the method “Values” (by M. Rokych) the dominant terminal values in the students’ life are health, pleasure, the main groups of values are concrete (31,2%) and abstract (31,5%). The main instrumental values are politeness, cheerfulness, fairness, carefulness, independency, etc. The main groups of values are communication values (15,5%), business (16,6%) and values of self-esteem (17,7%). This, the research results have shown that in order to form axiological attitudes in senior school students one should gradually widen and deepen their beliefs about values in different areas of life. 


foreign language, future environmentalist, teaching, consistency, components, professionally-oriented education, method.




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Vasyl Karychkovskyi. Territorial and Economic Zoning From a Perspective of Agricultural Professional Educa-tion.

(2016) Science and education, 6, 22. Odessa.

Vasyl Karychkovskyi,
(PhD) Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor,
Department of Business Management, Uman National University of Horticulture,
1, Instytutska Str., Uman, Ukraine 



Territorial and economic zoning is one of important factors of the government of the state. The author analyses the territorial and economic regions of Ukraine represented by nine regions in the context of training future agrarians, inparticular from a perspective of providing these regions with higher agrarian educational institutions; the proportion of students of higher agrarian educational institutions within the whole population as well as human resourcing of agricultural enterprises with graduates. Based on the analysis performed, the author has made the following conclusions:

- under conditions of market economy in Ukraine agricultural sector is one of top-priority line of the national business;

- the analysis of territorial and economic regions of Ukraine in terms of training specialists for agricultural industry is relevant;
- the distribution of higher agrarian educational institutions in the above mentioned regions is unequal;
- the level of staff support of agricultural enterprises of cooperative manufacturing arrangement by graduates of agrarian universities is about 5.96-11.57 people per enterprise.
Proceeding from the research, we can recommend activation of training future specialists-agrarians at higher educational institutions of Black Sea, Dnieper and Central economic regions. They are the following: Dnepropetrovsk State Agrarian and Economic University, Tavria State Agrotechnological University, Odessa State Agrarian University, State Higher Educational Institution “Kherson State Agrarian University”, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Uman National University of Horticulture and Kyrovograd National Technical University.


zoning, territorial and economic region, agrarian university, future specialist, human resourcing, agricultural enterprise, percentage value.




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Iryna Titarenko. Components of the Formation of Conflict Competence in Future Specialists in Advertising and Public Rela-tions.

(2016) Science and education, 6, 29. Odessa.

Iryna Titarenko,

post-graduate student, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy,

National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”,
2, H. Skovorody Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



Professional development of an individual occurs in the process of understanding his/her functional tasks of the profession, awareness of his/her own role in it and is provided through purposeful involvement into the system of train- Педагогіка – Педагогика – Pedagogy "Наука і освіта", №6, 2016 34 ing. It is known that professional environment is characterized by conflictogenity, thus, the following measures are required in the process of professional training at higher educational institutions: to form students’ desire for harmonization of interpersonal relationships with the aim of fruitful cooperation of the entities engaged in professional activity; to provide students’ acquisition of specific professionally oriented conflictological knowledge in order to perceive and understand the conflicts adequately; to develop conflictological skills of future professionals for their effective performance of professional duties in conflict situations; to induce students to gain practical experience in conflict resolution in order to reduce the destructive impact and turn them in a constructive direction. Consequently, the problem of forming conflict competence in future professionals in the course of training becomes topical. Based on the review of literature on psychology and pedagogy as well as requirements for training specialists in advertising and public relations, conflict competence has been defined as an integrated personal formation that facilitates successful performance in conflict situations. The following components of the formation of conflict competence of specialists in advertising and public relations have been distinguished: value and motivational (personal orientation at creative conflict resolution); cognitive and practical (combination of integrated knowledge on different subjects related to conflicts and ways of their elimination); testing and correctional (conflictological attitude as a system of volitional, emotional and evaluative attitudes towards professional activity in conflict situations). Prospects for further research involve theoretical justification of the technology of forming conflict competence in future specialists in advertising and public relations. 


conflictological competence, component, future specialists in advertising and public relations.




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