Korol L. M., Maksymets S. M. Psychological Aspects of Internet Impact on Personality Formation.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 189-193. Odessa.

Lidiya Korol,
PhD (Сandidate of Psychological Sciences),
associate professor,
Svitlana Maksymets,
PhD (Сandidate of Psychological Sciences),
associate professor, Department of General, Developmental and Educational Psychology,
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of Internet impact on the formation of adolescents’ personal qualities. The prevalence of Internet-based communication, which has become popular recently, causes hazards which should be controlled. Internet-addiction is considered to be one of them, as it leads to social maladjustment and personal changes. The study is aimed at defining the role of the Internet in the life of students and the peculiarities of its impact on the formation of personal qualities, particularly empathy. The obtained results indicate that almost all participants (92%) use the Internet every day, and most of them consider communication acts as the main reason for being online. According to the results of the examination of time spent on the Internet, two almost equal groups of respondents have been distinguished: those who do not have Internet-addiction (48%); those who are “on their way to addiction” or are Internet-addicted (52%). The findings of the research of empathy levels among the representatives of both groups have proved the hypothesis that there are differences in the manifestation of empathy between Internet-addicted students and those who are considered to be ordinary Internet users without any addiction. Thus, the participants from the Internetaddicted group have the lower level of empathy compared to the second group of students; they also display lower levels of emotional sensitivity to the problems of other people. Internet-addicted students more rarely demonstrate empathy when assessing the actions of others. The obtained results prove the necessity of preventing and overcoming Internet-addiction among adolescents by means of the development of the need for real (not virtual) communication, the development of communication skills, morality and empathy.


Internet addiction, personality, empathy.



1. Burovа, V. V. (2001). Sotsialno-psihologicheskie aspekty Internet-zavisimosti [Socio-psychological aspects of Internet addiction]. Moscow [in Russian].
2. Yang, K. S. (2000). Diagnoz – Internetzavisimost [Internet Addiction as a Diagnosis]. Mir Interneta – World of Internet, 2, 14-18. Moscow [in Russian].

Kulakovskyi Т. Y., Kulakovska O. G. Entrepreneurial Intentions as a Precondition for Entrepreneurial Activity.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 194-200. Odessa.

Taras Kulakovskyi,
PhD (Candidatу of Psychological Sciences),
associate professor, Department of Social and Applied Psychology,
Olha Kulakovska,
аssistant of the Department of Social and Applied Psychology,
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The article is aimed at defining the role of intentions in the creation of entrepreneurial structures and entrepreneurial activity as well as the development of the method of forming and implementing entrepreneurial intentions. According to the results of the questioning, among universities graduates (the city of Zhytomyr) only 17.3% have the desire to do business, 61.6% have the desire to be hired (among these people 40.4% want to find a job regardless of their profession, and only 21.2% are going to find a job according to their degree field. Besides, the research carried out among businessmen's children (aged from 9 to 11 – this age is considered as the period when the achievement motivation is being formed) has shown that their achievement motivation is higher compared to their peers, whose parents are not involved in business activities. The same results have been obtained in the sample of the university graduates. Entrepreneurial intention is the desire to create an entrepreneurial structure with the aim to have an independent job, have good income, manifest one’s creativity, etc. The intention cannot exist without the conscious desire. The realisation of the real desire activates the dynamic state of intension which causes the intention. The intention is considered as a feeling of readiness for the action, in this case – for entrepreneurial activity. Despite the general understanding of the role of entrepreneurship in the development of economy, there are no activities promoting the entrepreneurship among youth in Ukraine. Future specialists do not get any knowledge or skills in the field of applying their profession in entrepreneurial activity. These difficulties can be solved by means of instilling the entrepreneurial spirit in Ukrainians, starting from kindergartens (with the help of games), schools (by means of arts and crafts), vocational schools, and higher educational institutions (by means of studying methods of organisation and doing business).


intention, entrepreneurial intention, action, activities, entrepreneurship, classification of intentions, cognitive state, motivational state, cognition.



1. Akademichnyi tlumachnyi slovnyk [Academic Dictionary]. (n.d.). Retrieved from: http://sum.in.ua/s/namir [in Ukrainian].
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5. Zavyalova, E. K. (2004). Psikhologiya predprinimatelstva [Psychology of Entrepreneurship]. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University [in Russian].
6. Maksymenko, S. D., Zaichuk, V. O., Klymenko, V. V. (2006). Zahalna psykholohiia [General Psychology]. Vinnitsa: Nova Knyha [in Ukrainian].
7. Kanivets, T. M., Karamushka, L. M. (2015). Osoblyvosti formuvannia psykholohichnoi hotovnosti studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv do zdiisnennia maibutnoi profesiinoi kariery [Features of formation of psychological readiness of students of higher educational institutions for the implementation of future professional career]. Orhanizatsiina psykholohiia. Ekonomichna psykholohiia. Instytut psykholohii im. H.S. Kostiuka – Organisational Psychology. Economic Psychology. Institute of Psychology, 1, 69-77 [in Ukrainian].
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11. Kondratiev, A. I. (2016). Svidomist, intelekt, namir, meta [Consciousness, intelligence, intent, purpose]. Probudzhennia – Awakening. Retrieved from: http://waking-up.org/psyhologiya-i-psyhoterapiya/svidomist-intelekt-namir-meta/?lang=uk [in Ukrainian].
12. Roshchyn, S. K. (1995). Predprinimatelskaya deyatelnost: psikhologiya i ideologiya [Entre-preneurship: psychology and ideology]. Psikhologicheskiy zhurnal – Psychological journal, 1(16), 31-42 [in Russian].
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Lytvynchuk A. I. Reflection of Empathy in Adolescence: Ecological Aspect.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 200-205. Odessa.

Alla Lytvynchuk,
post-graduate student,
Department of History, Political Sciences and Psychology,
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The article is aimed at examining the peculiarities of understanding empathy by adolescents and determining the level of their empathy manifestation. The experiment involved 43 students of Socio-Humanitarian Faculty aged from 19 to 23 years. In order to study the level of empathy, the method “Test for determining the level of empathy in adolescents” by L. Zhuravlova was used. It consists of 15 different situations, which provide the opportunity of choice as beforehand considered behaviour patterns as well as the opportunity to suggest one's own solution to the problem. Besides, after carrying out of this part of the experiment, some interviews concerning the situations presented in a test, as well as the theoretically possible similar situations have been performed. The research results have shown that involvement (empathy) is peculiar to the most of the surveyed (56%). These adolescents are characterised by the ability to control their emotions, by the realisation of their emotional states. Sympathy is peculiar to 14.6% of the respondents. They can express their feelings in a verbal way and, as a rule, they keep to this kind of interpersonal interaction. 17.4% of the adolescents have manifested inner facilitation, 8% - real facilitation not against themselves, 2% - facilitation against themselves. The most of the respondents describe the phenomenon of empathy as the ability to support and sympathise. On the whole, the results of the empirical research make it possible to describe the revealed paculiarities of empathy through the attitude towards one’s empathic reactions: 1) positively-positive: “I am able to sympathise and support and I consider these qualities as very important ones”, 2) positively-negative: “I am able to sympathise and support but these qualities complicate my life”, 3) negatively-positive: “I am not able to sympathise and support and it makes my life difficult”, 4) negatively-negative: “I am not able to sympathise and support and it makes my life better”. The prospects for the further research involve studying the specificity of empathy reflection depending on personal qualities, gender peculiarities and other characteristics.


empathy, relationship, reflection, self-consciousness, compassion, empathy, adolescence.



1. Burns, R. (1986). Razvitie Ya-kontseptsii i vospitanie [The development of self-concept and training]. Bobneva M. I. (trans.). Moscow: Progress Publishers [in Russian]. 2. Vygotsky, L. S. (1983). Problemyi razvitiya psikhiki [Problems of mental development]. Moscow: Education [in Russian].
3. Derijabo, S. D. (1996). Ekologicheskaya pedagogika i psikhologiya [Environmental education and psychology]. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix [in Russian].
4. Zhuravlova, L. P. (2007). Psikhologiya empatii: monografiya [Рsychology of empathy: monograph]. Zhytomir: Vyd-vo ZDU im. I. Franka [in Ukrainian].
5. Zakharova, A. V. (1980). Deyatelnostnyi podkhod k izucheniyu samootsenki [Activity approach to the study of self-esteem]. Psikhodiagnostika i shkola: tezisy simpoziuma – Psychodiagnostics and school: proceedings of the symposium. Tallinn [in Russian].
6. Kon, I. S. (1984). V poiskakh sebya. Lichnost i ee samosoznanie [In search of oneself. Personality and his/her identity]. Moscow: Politizdat [in Russian].
7. Kon, I. S. (1989). Psikhologiya ranney yunosti: Kniga dlya uchitelya [Psychology of early adolescence: Teacher’s Book]. Moscow: Education [in Russian].
8. Merlin, V. S. (1970). Problemy eksperimentalnoy psikhologii lichnosti [Issues of experimental psychology of personality] [in Russian].
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Luchkiv V. Z. Age Peculiarities of Gender Differences of Empathy Determination of Assertiveness.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 205-211. Odessa.

Vitaliia Luchkiv,
post-graduate student,
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



Due to the contradictory changes of the modern society, the studying of the phenomena which help an individual not only withstand the crisis events, but also become a successful psychologically healthy person able to assert his/her interests, goals, and achieve them, becomes especially relevant. It is assertiveness which contains the mentioned competencies, so it is very important to study not only this phenomenon itself, but also factors of its development, in particular its empathy determination. Empathy helps to penetrate into the inner world of another person, to understand him/her and to find optimal ways of interaction. In this regard, the article examines the characteristics of the age dynamics of integrated empathy and its forms as determinants of gender differences in the development and manifestation of assertiveness in adolescence. The following research methods were used: cross-sectional method, empirical (testing), qualitative and quantitative analysis. The study had three stages. At the first one, the peculiarities of the ontogenetic dynamics of the integral empathy and its forms were examined. The second one involved studying the features of the ontogenetic dynamics of assertiveness and assertive behaviour. The third step was aimed at finding and analysing the relations between the components of the integrated empathy, its forms and assertiveness of male and female respondents. The experiment involved 360 boys and girls aged from 17 to 22 years. It has been proved that the gender differences in the ontogenetic dynamics of empathy are manifested in its polar forms (aggression – altruism, indifference – real assistance not against oneself) and in the period of adolescence in both sexes the frequency of manifestations of empathy, sympathy does not significantly change. In general, the girls’ positive dynamics of empathy is more intense compared to the male respondents. The positive dynamics of assertive behaviour strategies is also observed in them. Male respondents have the negative tendencies in the age dynamics of assertiveness. Indifference and empathy are considered as factors of aggressive assertiveness in girls, and compassion – in male surveyed. Antiempathy, compassion, modelling of facilitating behaviour (girls); sympathy (boys), which determine the assertive compromise strategies of behaviour, cause only partial consideration of other people’s interests and the satisfaction of their own ones. The developed ability to empathise (girls) and the lack of propensity for empathy (girls and boys) contribute to the assertive behaviour (cooperation).


аssertiveness, assertive behaviour, integrated empathy, forms of empathy, gender differences, adolescence.



1. Zhuravlova, L. P. (2007). Psikholohiia empatii [Psychology of Empathy]. Zhytomyr [in Ukrainian].
2. Zhuravlova, L. P. (2010). Diagnostyka form ta typiv empatii [Diagnosis of forms and types of empathy]. Psykholohiia. Zb. nauk. prats NPU im. M. P. Drahomanova – Psychology. Collection of scientific papers NPU named by M. Dragomanov, 31(55), 154-161 [in Ukrainian].
3. Kapponi, V., Novak, T. (1998). Sam sebe psikholog [One's own psychologist]. Saint Petersburg: Piter [in Russian].
4. Raigorodskii, D. I. (2006). Prakticheskaia psikhodiagnostika. Metodiki i testy. Uchebnoe posobie [Practical psychodiagnostics. Methods and tests.]. Bachrach, Samara [in Russian].
5. Poyrazli, S., Arbona, C., Bullington, R., Pisecco, S. J. (2001). Adjustment problems of Turkish international student studying in the U.S., Coll. Stud., 35, 52-62 [in English].
6. Jinsi, A. J. (2006). Self Assertiveness and Emotional Intelligence of Higher Secondary Students, Unpublished M. Ed dissertation, Farook Training College, University of Calicut [in English].
7. Lizzio, A., Wilson, K.L., Gilchrist, J., & Gallois, (2003). Evaluations of performance feedback. Management Communication Quarterly, (Vol.16), (pp. 341-379) [in English].
8. Ryan, E. B., Anas, A. P., Mays, H. (2008). Assertiveness by Older Adults with Visual Impairment: Context Matters. Educational erotology, (Vol. 34), pp. 512-515 [in English]. 9. Wilson, K.L., & Gallois, C. (1993). Assertion and its social context. Pergamon, Oxford [in English].

Mazyar O. V. The Depth-Psychological Peculiarities of Pickup Artists’ Perception of the Opposite Sex Persons.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 212-217. Odessa.

Oleg Maziar,
PhD (Сandidate of Psychological Sciences),
senior lecturer, Department of Social and Applied Psychology,
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



Due to the contradictory changes of the modern society, the studying of the phenomena which help an individual not only withstand the crisis events, but also become a successful psychologically healthy person able to assert his/her interests, goals, and achieve them, becomes especially relevant. It is assertiveness which contains the mentioned competencies, so it is very important to study not only this phenomenon itself, but also factors of its development, in particular its empathy determination. Empathy helps to penetrate into the inner world of another person, to understand him/her and to find optimal ways of interaction. In this regard, the article examines the characteristics of the age dynamics of integrated empathy and its forms as determinants of gender differences in the development and manifestation of assertiveness in adolescence. The following research methods were used: cross-sectional method, empirical (testing), qualitativ is being specially trained and consciously aimed at seduction of another person with the purpose of sexual gratification. The study is aimed at searching for depth psychological factors of pickup artist’ perception of the opposite sex. The specificity of pickup artists’ sexual behaviour is caused by the fact that they are unable to combine erotic (sensual, biological, physical) and tender (emotional, platonic) attraction to persons of the opposite sex. However, the author substantiates that the sexual behaviour of pickup artists is rarely preconditioned by psychological problems. A typical pickup artist is the “subject” of such a sexual relationship which does not have a destructive internal conflict, although he is not able to establish long-term relationship with the opposite sex due to the lack of tender attachment to the “object”. According to the results of the associative experiment it has been found that most of the pickup artists combine incestuous persons (mother, sister, grandmother) and those who replace them later (the girl he managed to seduce; the first intimate partner) into one factor, but they are at the opposite poles. The peculiarities of pickup artists’ perception of the opposite sex lies in the fact that they generally have serious difficulties in the confusion of tender feelings and erotic attraction. Only in some cases, the pickup activity is associated with an attempt to compensate the inadequately experienced Oedipus conflict. Personality problem of pickup artists in such cases is a failed attempt to compensate the psychological impotence with obsessive sexual activity.e and quantitative analysis. The study had three stages. At the first one, the peculiarities of the ontogenetic dynamics of the integral empathy and its forms were examined. The second one involved studying the features of the ontogenetic dynamics of assertiveness and assertive behaviour. The third step was aimed at finding and analysing the relations between the components of the integrated empathy, its forms and assertiveness of male and female respondents. The experiment involved 360 boys and girls aged from 17 to 22 years. It has been proved that the gender differences in the ontogenetic dynamics of empathy are manifested in its polar forms (aggression – altruism, indifference – real assistance not against oneself) and in the period of adolescence in both sexes the frequency of manifestations of empathy, sympathy does not significantly change. In general, the girls’ positive dynamics of empathy is more intense compared to the male respondents. The positive dynamics of assertive behaviour strategies is also observed in them. Male respondents have the negative tendencies in the age dynamics of assertiveness. Indifference and empathy are considered as factors of aggressive assertiveness in girls, and compassion – in male surveyed. Antiempathy, compassion, modelling of facilitating behaviour (girls); sympathy (boys), which determine the assertive compromise strategies of behaviour, cause only partial consideration of other people’s interests and the satisfaction of their own ones. The developed ability to empathise (girls) and the lack of propensity for empathy (girls and boys) contribute to the assertive behaviour (cooperation).


personal problem, the Oedipus complex, substitution, psychological impotence, sexual behaviour, pickup artist.



1. Kelli, G. (2000). Osnovy sovremennoi seksologii [The foundations of modern sexology]. St. Petersburg: «Piter» [in Russian].
2. Kon, I. S. (1989). Vvedenie v seksologiiu [Introduction to sexology]. Moscow: Meditsina [in Russian].
3. Kraft-Jebing, R. (1996). Polovaya psikhopatiya, s obrashheniem osobogo vnimaniya na izvrashhenie polovogo chuvstva [Sexual psychopathy, with a particular focus on a perversion of sexual feeling]. Moscow: Respublika [in Russian].
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