Vodolazska O. O. Self-regulation in Professional Becoming of a Future Specialist.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 72-77. Odessa.

Olha Vodolazska,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General and Differential Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with the results of the theoretical and empirical research of self-regulation as a factor of professional formation of a future psychologist. At the modern stage of the socio-economic development of the society, the issue of future psychologist’s professional training is very important as it means his/her development and formation as an active subject of activity and requires the proper level of competence, great personal responsibility for the results of work. The formation of a future psychologist involves not only mastering of the educational programmes but also personal development. According to O. Konopkin, self-regulation is the system-organised process of internal psychical activity of a man who initiates the creation, support and management of different kinds and forms of voluntary activity which implements the achievement of the goals set by him/her. The carried out experiment aimed at revealing the correlations between the indices of self-actualisation and achievement motivation involved 92 women aged from 24 to 58 years. They were divided into two groups: those who majored in technical sciences and those who majored in humanities. The carried out empirical research by means of psychodiagnostic tools has revealed significant correlations, which made it possible to describe the profiles and compose psychological portraits of individuals with different professional orientation with different levels of self-regulation. Psychological portraits of both groups of the respondents, which have been composed according to the visual profiles, have revealed the high achievement motivation in the surveyed with different levels of self-criticism, as well as the desire to have trustful relations with the social environment. The carried out correlation analysis has revealed significant positive correlations between the indices of achievement motivation, some personal qualities and the indices of self-regulation components: selfactualisation and sense-value attitudes, which has proved the hypothesis that self-regulation is a dominant factor of professional development of a future psychologist.


self-regulation, professional becoming, personality, self-actualisation, motivation, orientation of the meaning of life.



1. Batyshchev, S. Ya. (1998). Entsyklopediya professionalnogo obrazovaniya [Encyclopedia of education]. Moscow: Rossyiskaia Akademyka obrazovanyia, Assotsyatsyia «Professyonalnoie obrazovaniie» [in Russian].
2. Derkach, A. A., Kuzmina, N. V. (1993). Akmeologiya: puti dostyzheniya vershyn professyonalizma [Akmeolohyya: path achievements peaks professionalism] Moscow: RAU [in Russian].
3. Konopkin, O. A. (2004). Obshchaya sposobnost k samoregulyatsii kak faktor subiektnogo razvitiya [Total capacity for self-regulation as a factor subject development]. Voprosy psikhologii – Issues of Psychology, 2, 128-135. Moscow [in Russian].
4. Konopkin, O. A. (1995). Psikhicheskaya samoregulyatsiya proizvolnoy aktivnosti cheloveka [Psychic selfregulation of any activity of a man]. Voprosy psikhologii – Issues of Psychology, 1, 5-12. Moscow [in Russian].
5. Konopkin, O. A., Morosanova, V. I. (1989). Stilevyie osobennosti samoregulyatsii deyatelnosti [Stylistic features of self-activity]. Voprosy psikhologii – Issues of Psychology, 5, 18-26. Moscow [in Russian].
6. Rayhorodskiy, D. Ya. (Ed.). (2000). Psikhologiya samosoznaniya [Psychology samosoznanyya]. Samara: Izdatelskyi Dom „BakhrakhM” [in Russian].
7. Rubinshtein, S. L. (1976). Problemy obshchei psikhologii [Problems of general psychology]. Moscow: Prosveshchenie [in Russian].
8. Sannikova, O. P. (2003). Fenomenologiya lichnosti: izbrannyie psikhologicheskiie trudy [The phenomenology of personality: Selected Psychological Works]. Odessa: SMIL [in Russian].

Havrylovska K. P. , Furman O. I. Self-concept Perculiarities of Members of the Informal Religious Organisations.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 78-82. Odessa.

Kseniya Havrylovska,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Social and Applied Psychology,
Оlexandra Furman,
Student, Faculty of Social Psychology,
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that the number of people, involved in informal religious organisations, is growing. Often they are experiencing disruptive changes in the structure of their personalities. The aim of the article is to identify the characteristics of bonds between religiosity and self-concept of members of informal religious organisations. The study sample consisted of 50 members of such informal religious organisations as “Evangelical Christian Baptist Union”, “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints”, “Jehovah’s Witnesses”. Members of informal religious organisations can be characterised by anxiety, negative expectations concerning interaction in the social sphere. Sex sphere is not important for them, which is considered by them as an unconscious inner taboo that does not match their moral and worldview principles. They can be also characterised by infantilism and emotional immaturity. They unconsciously use regression as a psychological defense mechanism. Thus, the relationship with the transcendent is perceived as the communication between a child and a father for satisfying different needs. Self-concept of these people is not influenced by personal experiences or attitudes, but is affected by the external social factors – authoritative people or groups. They are described by a particular strategy of producing value-ideas of themselves and the world: these value-ideas match criteria and values of an informal religious organisation. Since the evaluation criteria are simplified, self-conception becomes more positive. There is a correlation between self-concept and religiosity of the informal religious organisations’ members: the higher the level of religiosity is, the more positive the self-image is. The high level of religiosity is associated with qualitative changes in self-concept, manifested in specific peculiarities of perception and evaluation of oneself. Positive changes in self-concept of members of the informal religious organisations are determined by the low level of self-reflection.


self-concept, informal religious organisations, religiosity, reflexivity, religious experience.



1. Kryukov, D. S. (2012). Filosofskoreligiovedcheskiy analiz Ya-kontseptsii religioznoy lichnosti : monografiya [Philosophical and religious studies analysis of the religious identity of self-concept: a monograph]. Moscow: Sputnik [in Russian].
2. Mazyar, O. V. (2008). Relihiinyi dosvid yak chynnyk tsinnisnoi rehuliatsii povedinky [Religious experience as a factor in the value of regulation of behaviour]. Aktualni problemi psihologiyi tvorchosti: Zbirnik naukovih prats – Topical issues of creative psychology: collection of scientific works, 4, 143-151. V. O. Molyako (Ed.). Zhitomir: Vid-vo ZhDU Im. I.Franka [in Ukrainian].
3. Pirog, G. V. (2003). Sotsialni aspekti funktsionuvannya religiynih tsinnostey [Social aspects of religious values]. Ukrayinske religieznavstvo – Ukrainian religion studies, 26, 30-37 [in Russian].
4. Suchkova, O. V. (2008). Metodika izucheniya sotsialno-psihologicheskogo svoystva lichnosti «Religioznost» [Methods of studying the socio -psychological characteristics of personality "Religiosity"]. Vestnik Tverskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta – Bulleting of Tver state university, 13 (73), 136-146 [in Russian].
5. Karpov, A. V. (2003). Refleksivnost kak psihicheskoe svoystvo i metodika ee diagnostiki [Reflexivity as a mental property and methods of its diagnostics]. Psihologicheskiy zhurnal – Psychological journal, 5, 45-57 [in Russian].

Danilchenko Т. V. Features of Social Behaviour of People with Different Types of Subjective Social Well-Being.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 83-89. Odessa.

Tatyana Danilchenko,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General, Age and Social Psychology,
Chernihiv National T. G. Shevchenko Pedagogical University,
53, Polubotka Str., Chernihiv, Ukraine



Subjective social well-being (SSWB) reflects estimation by an individual of his/her social functioning as optimum. More often it is considered as an aspect of the general subjective well-being. As a rule, features of social behaviour are considered as a criterion of adaptation (normalisation), but out of research field the perception of the social functioning remains in context with social behaviour of an individual. Therefore, the article is aimed at studying the skills of social behaviour among people with different types of subjective social well-being. The experiment involved 401 persons (the mean age is 34 years). During research such skills as planning of social interaction, making contacts, reactions to other people, self-expression, alternative of aggression have been considered. Predictably, all social skills are the highest in the group of the respondents of the meliorative type (high level of SSWB). The level of the inoptive type is lower (low level of SSWB, low social activity). The surveyed of the vigilative type (level of SSWB is above the average; dependent social behaviour) had highly developed skill of expressing reactions to thoughts and feelings of other people (aspect of empathy). The solutive type (level of SSWB is below the average, independent social behaviour) experiences difficulties in making contacts, and also expressing emotional support. The structure of social skills is different in people with different type of SSWB. The people of the meliorative type prefer to plan their actions in dealing with other people and control their social interaction. Their main strategy is imperious compulsion. The surveyed of the vigilative type make emphasis on emotional care of other people. Their main strategy is the request. The representatives of the solutive type are committed to counteraction with surrounding people, expecting conflict situations. Their main strategy is persuasion. The respondents of the inoptive type plan their actions, disregarding other people’s interests. Their main strategy is emotional compulsion (rough expression of negative emotions). The obtained data helps to carry out correctional work with people with different levels of subjective social well-being experience more effectively.


subjective social well-being, meliorative type, vigilative type, solutive type, inoptive type, social skills, social interaction.



1. Dukhnovskiy, S. V. (2009). Diagnostika mezhlichnostnykh otnosheniy. Psikhologicheskiy praktikum [Diagnostics of the interpersonal relations. Psychological practical work]. Saint Petersburg: Rech [in Russian].
2. Danilchenko, T. V. (2015). Pitalnik «Subiektivne sotsіalne blagopoluchchya»: metodologіchne obґruntuvannya і protsedura rozrobki [Questionnaire «Subjective social well-being»: a methodological substantiation and development of procedure]. East European Scientific Journal, 3(4), 20-29 [in Ukrainian].
3. Petrenko, V. F. (2005). Osnovy psikhosemantiki [Psychosemantics bases]. Saint Petersburg: Piter [in Russian].
4. Khlomov, D. N., Baklushinskiy, S. A., Kazmina, O. Yu. (1993). Rukovodstvo po otsenke urovnya razvitiya sotsialnogo povedeniya starsheklassnikov [Handbook of assessment of development level of social behavior of senior school students]. Moscow: Tsentr sotsiologii obrazovaniya [in Russian]

Zagurska I. S., Nykonchuk N. O. Training as a form of psychological assistance in overcoming situational anxiety of senior students.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 90-94. Odessa.

Inna Zagurska,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Nataliia Nykonchuk,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Social and Applied Psychology,
Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine



Leaving school, as well as going to the higher educational institution, are considered to be important events in adolescents’ life. Professional self-determination, final exams, and other life situations can cause situational anxiety, because they are of importance for the majority of young people. Situational anxiety is manifested only in certain situations, which are associated with subjectively meaningful activities and are stressful for an individual. It has been mentioned that besides positive mobilising function, situational anxiety negatively affects a personality, which can express itself in a wide range of manifestations: from the lowering of mental ability to work to total uncertainty of one’s own abilities. That is why it is important to contribute to students’ realisation of the factors which provoke situational anxiety, and their mastering of effective ways of lowering its level. The article is aimed at developing the structure of the training session, focused on students’ understanding of the factors that provoke high levels of situational anxiety, and learning effective means of its reducing. These goals can be achieved with the help of the informing and developing training. The informing and developing training “How to overcome situational anxiety and cope with examination task” is presented in accordance with the procedure of planning socio-psychological training, offered by L. A. Petrovskaya. The structure of the training includes the following main methods: the method of “brainstorming” by A. F. Osborne and the method of “group discussion” by W. Gordon. Training consists of several stages. The first one, organising and preparing, is aimed to prepare the place and materials for classes. During the second one, introductory stage, the participants get acquainted with each other and discuss the principles of behaviour in the group. The main diagnostic phase includes the use of socio-psychological methods aimed at the implementation of the main objectives of the training. At the summarising stage, the training results are discussed. In the future, it is planned to expand the diagnostic phase of training in the direction of the development of special techniques for overcoming situational anxiety.


personal anxiety, situational anxiety, training, brainstorming, group discussion.



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Kabysh-Rybalka А. V. Life Strategies as a Creative Way of Life Path Planning by a Personality.

(2016) Science and education, 5, 95-99. Odessa.

Anna Kabysh-Rybalka,
post-graduate student,
Department of General Psychology,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
2A, Prospekt Hlushkov, Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with a classification of life strategies as a way of creative planning of a personality’s life path. There are five main strategies according to the theory of V. Molyako about the creative constructology: strategies of analogy, combinative strategies, reconstructive strategies, strategies of universal way of creating, and spontaneous strategies of the life path planning. This theory of creative constructing is appropriate in terms of studying life creativity, as it is based on the experience of both: competent people and one’s own experience and ability to use consciously the resources of one’s personality, which can play a significant role in the personal choice of life path strategy. Each of the strategies is focused on the structural and functional transformation – construction of structures with specific functions, and is the essence of creative planning, which is considered as the basis of strategic planning of life. Adolescence (student age) is potentially one of the most favourable periods for the successful acquisition of life path strategy. During this phase it is very important to implement special pedagogical interaction in order to achieve an appropriate level of students’ creativity on the way of planning their life path using life strategies. One of the ways of achieving the desired efficiency of life creativity experience is life path reflection. Psychology of life creativity is defined by the formation of life planning strategies as a tool of conscious creation of way and style of life by a personality. In other words, life planning is the desired result and the steps to achieve it.


personality, way of life, life strategy, creativity, life path planning, choice of life strategy.



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