Mykola Tsarenko, Inna Nikulina. Application of Multimedia in Forming Methodical Competence of Future Physics Teachers

(2015) Science and education, 6, 130-137. Odessa.


Mykola Tsarenko,

PhD (Candidate of Technical Sciences), associate professor,Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology,

Inna Nikulina,

3 rd -year student, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,

26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



In the article a systemic approach to application of multimedia aimed at forming methodic competence of future physics teachers is elaborated and proposed. Based on the competency approach, methods of teaching physics to pedagogical university students with the use of multimedia were worked out and offered for practical application. Considering methodic competency as a component of professional training, the current state of methodic readiness of a physics teacher under conditions of the credit based modular learning was reviewed. The idea of implementing multimedia into training process is reviewed from the standpoints of psychology and pedagogy, nature and didactic opportunities of training information media-visualization, ergonomic and psychophysiological requirements to its representation when teaching physics and methods of teaching it to students majoring in physics. Within two-stage training of physics teachers the procedure of applying multimedia when forming subject competency while studying general and theoretical physics at lectures, practicals, and self-guided work with educational material, techniques and ways of academic performance rating under conditions of the credit based modular learning were proposed. Implementation of the proposed procedure is put into practice partially in modern textbooks, which combine book and electronic versions of the content as illustrated by the chapters “Oscillations and Waves”, “Methods of Teaching Physics. General Issues”. The proposed didactic system of applying multimedia in methodic training of future physics teachers is based on the integral approach to studying general issues of teaching physics, systemic approach to forming basic notions of school course of physics with the use of the developed dynamic computer models and forming teaching and methodic abilities to apply knowledge, abilities and skills in teaching practice at the comprehensive school. 



methods of teaching physics, methodic competence, didactic system of teaching physics, multimedia in teaching physics, demonstration models, multimedia applications in physics.


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Natalia Сhernenko. Category of Risk in Management Activities

(2015) Science and education, 4, 137-142. Odessa.


Natalia Сhernenko,

PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), acting professor,

Department of Management of Educational Institutions and Civil Service, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,

26, Staroportofranskivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



 The essence of the concepts of “risk”, “uncertainty”, “risky situation”, “risk level” has been specified in the article. The prime causes of uncertainty and its types and peculiarities have been revealed; the features of management risk have been described. The review of scientific and methodical literature gives an opportunity to note that despite the theoretical and practical relevance of the category of risk, it still remains understudied in modern pedagogical literature. It has been determined that the terms “risk”, “danger”, and “uncertainty” cannot be considered as synonyms. Danger is not risk, it exists as such and it is not connected with risk to a certain moment. Danger is an objective category, existing out of the human consciousness and does not depend on person’s will. Uncertainty assumes factors, which make the results of actions undetermined, and the level of the influence on the results is unknown. The representatives of the neoKeynesian approach differentiated categories of “risk” and “uncertainty”, explaining this difference by the dependence on a situation. Economists of neoclassical school considered these terms to be equal. The majority of modern economists think that the concepts of “risk” and “uncertainty” are not equal. They note that objective factors of probabilities on the ground of the previous period for statistical prediction are used. In the situations with uncertainty the probability is used as a subjective estimation of possible consequences. It has been proved that risk emerges in the situations of uncertainty, when a choice of alternative decisions is necessary, but a risky situation and uncertainty are not equal. Uncertainty exists under conditions, when a type and number of possible decisions, as well as the results of the proposed variants, are unknown. That means a situation, when a probability of an event cannot be predicted and it happens unexpectedly and unpredictably. It has been also determined that a risky situation in management activity is connected with statistical processes and is accompanied by three co-existing conditions (uncertainty, the necessity of choosing an alternative variant, the possibility of qualitative and quantitative assessment of probability of one or another alternative). Management risk is considered as the carrying out of the management activity in terms of uncertainty, when a causeand-effect result doesn’t allow to take an optimal decision for achieving a goal.


 risk, uncertainty, risky situation, management activity, the level of risk



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Maryna Shepel. Self-Realization of Future Teachers-Philologists as Adaptation to Professional Activity

(2015) Science and education, 4, 143-148. Odessa.


Maryna Shepel,

postgraduate student, Department of Pedagogy,

South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,

26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



 The article deals with the issue of self-realization of future teachers of philological specialties (the Ukrainian language and literature, a foreign language) as a stage of adaptation to future career. The viewpoints of leading scholars on the professional adaptation and personal self-realization are regarded. By adaptation of future teachers-philologists (the Ukrainian language and literature, a foreign language) to their professional activity the author understands the mastery of future teachers’ professional knowledge and skills during their studying at a higher pedagogical institution, the ability to use the knowledge obtained during the teacher-training practice and future professional activity, the establishment of future teachers-philologists (the Ukrainian language and literature, a foreign language) as professionals in education. Self-realization of future teachers-philologists (the Ukrainian language and literature, a foreign language) is considered as achievement of the sufficient level of pedagogical mastery by future teachers-philologists, as well as the disclosure of their own identity and potential. The author examines the impact of teacher-training practice on self-realization of future teachers-philologists as professionals. Examples of preparing future teachers of philological specialties (the Ukrainian language and literature, a foreign language) to teacher-training practice through the module “Professional selfrealization of future teacher-philologist” (which is included into the program of special course “The future teacherphilologist of the 21st century”). The module included lectures, practical lessons and seminars. Much attention was paid to the individual work: writing abstracts, reports, essays, composing plans of events. The implemented methods at the end of teacher-training practice “The level of social and psychological adaptation of secondary school teachers (by M. A. Dmitrieva)” and “Diagnosis of the level of self-teaching and professional activity (by L. M. Brezhneva)” have shown the effectiveness of the presented unit.


  professional adaptation, self-realization, future teachers of philological specialties, stage, pedagogical practice.



 1. Absaliamova, Ya. V. (2005). Profesiina adaptatsiia molodykh vykladachiv inozemnoi movy do roboty u vyshchykh tekhnichnykh navchalnykh zakladakh [Professional аdaptation of beginning teachers of foreign language to their work in higher technical educational establishments]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kyiv: Institute of higer education APSU [in Ukrainian].

2. Bezyulyova, G. V. (2008). Psikhologopedagogicheskoe soprovozhdenie professionalnoy adaptatsii uchaschihsya i studentov [Psycho-pedagogical support of professional adaptation of pupils and students]. Moscow: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute [in Russian].

3. Halus, O. M. (2009). Pedahohichne upravlinnia adaptatsiieiu maibutnikh vchyteliv u systemi stupenevoi osvity [Pedagogical management of the future teachers’ adaptation in the system of stage education]. Extended abstract of Doctor’s thesis. Kyiv: SU “University Educational Management” APSU [in Ukrainian].

4. Konovalova, V. B. (2005). Pedahohichni umovy uspishnosti profesiinoi diialnosti vykladacha vyshchoho navchalnoho zakladu [The pedagogical conditions of successful professional activity of a high school teacher]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Vinnycia:VPSU [in Ukrainian].

5. Kulyk, S. M. (2004). Psykholohichni osoblyvosti upravlinnia adaptatsiieiu vchyteliv [Psychological aspects of management of professional adaptation of teachers]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kyiv: NAPS [in Ukrainian].

6. Moroz, A. G. (1983). Professionalnaya adaptatsiya vypusknikov pedagogicheskogo VUZa [Professional adaptation of pedagogical university graduates]. Doctor’s thesis. Kiev: KSPI [in Ukrainian].

7. Musiienko-Repska, V. I. (2000). Pidhotovka studentiv do samomenedzhmentu v profesiinii diialnosti [Preparation of students for pedagogical selfmanagement in professional activity]. Odesa: PDPU [in Ukrainian].

8. Nastenko, L. H. (2002). Pedahohichni umovy kulturolohichnoi pidhotovky maibutnoho vchytelia [Pedagogical conditions of future teacher’s culturological training]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kyiv: NPU [in Ukrainian].

9. Petrusenko, S. Yu. (2009). Pedahohichni umovy profesiinoho stanovlennia molodykh vchyteliv u zahalnoosvitnomu navchalnomu zakladi [Pedagogic conditions of young teachers’ professional development in a general educational institution]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Odesa: PDPU [in Ukrainian]

10. Pro Derzhavnu natsionalnu prohramu “Osvita” (“Ukraina XXI stolittia») [On the State national program “Education” (“Ukraine XXIth Century”)].(n.d.). Retrived from:п [in Ukrainian].

11. Savchenko, E. P. (1988). Didakticheskaya adaptatsiya vypusknika pedagogicheskogo vuza: na materiale obuchayuschey deyatelnosti molodykh uchiteley inostrannogo yazyika [Didactic adaptation of graduates of pedagogical high school on the example of training activities for young teachers of foreign languages]. Candidate’s thesis. Kiev: KSPU [in Russian].

12. Seheda, N. A. (2002). Pidhotovka maibutnoho vchytelia muzyky do profesiinoi samorealizatsii [Training future music teachers for professional self-realization]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kiev: NPU [in Ukrainian].

13. Herasymova, N. Ye., Kasiarum, N. V., Korol, V. M., & Savchekno, O. P. (2010). Slovnyk-dovidnyk z pedaghoghiky i psykhologhiji vyshhoji shkoly [Glossary Directory of Pedagogy and Psychology of higher school]. Cherkasy: Vyd. ChNU im. B. Khmelnytskogho [in Ukrainian].

Viktoriia Yahodnikova. Criteria and Indices of Innovative Orientation Maturity of Educational Process at General School

(2015) Science and education, 6, 148-154. Odessa.



Viktoriia Yahodnikova,

PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,

Department of Psychology and General Subjects, Director of the Odesa Institute “Interregional Academy of Personnel Management”,

19, Chornomorskoho Kozatstva Str., Odesa, Ukraine



 The article deals with the criteria for evaluating innovations in pedagogy, educational innovations, efficiency of organizing innovation and innovative learning environment. It has been revealed that these criteria have a specific character, which depends on the determination of the aspects of innovative activity. The analysis of the criteria of the educational process efficiency speaks for the great variety of them, which is caused by the specific aims and tasks of the educational process. The criteria and indices of the maturity level of innovation orientation of the educational process have been determined. The criterion of provision manifests itself in the material and technical support, the aesthetic designing of classrooms, information awareness about innovations in the educational process, and personnel maintenance. The procedural criterion manifests itself in certain actions of subjects of the educational process oriented at creating, mastering, implementing and spreading innovations in education. Personal criterion characterizes the positive changes achieved in students’ and teachers’ personal development. Therefore, this criterion includes two subgroups of criteria. The first subgroup is the development of child’s personality, the factors of which are value-motivational (value orientations, motives), cognitive index (awareness of moral norms and rules of conduct and statements of moral judgment), activity and behavioural index (actions, activities, proactive approach to life, ability to establish contacts, cooperate, the ability to solve problems in a creative way), reflexive index (self-awareness, self-education). The second subgroup of personal criterion is maturity of innovation and educational competence of teachers, the components of which manifest themselves in the following markers: motivation-oriented one (the motivation to succeed, awareness of the need for innovative educational activities, positive perception of innovations in the educational process), information and cognitive one (knowledge about innovation, interest of studying innovations use in the educational process, belief in the need of self-development and improvement of one’s knowledge for the implementation of innovative educational activities), communicative and perceptive one (efficient pedagogical communication, the ability to subject-subject interaction, using non-traditional ways of interaction), creative and operational one (the ability to organize educational activities on the basis of creativity; skills and experience of improving and recombining elements, tools and methods of educational activities, creating and using new models, technologies, forms and methods of teaching), reflexive and creative one (the capacity for reflection and self-control, self-awareness and educational activity, the ability of creative self-development, self-improvement, self-realization).


  criteria, indices, innovative process, educational process, innovative orientation of the educational process. 


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Olena Kovtun. Communicative Approach to Development of Future Preschool Teachers’ Speech Expressive-ness

(2015) Science and education, 6, 155-160. Odessa.




Olena Kovtun,

Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,

head of the Department of Foreign Philology, National Aviation University,

1, Komarov Avenue, Kyiv, Ukaine 



 The article outlines basic stages of the development of the communicative approach to language teaching, provides historical research of the development of communicative linguistics. The essence of such key concepts of the communicative approach as “communicativeness” and “communicative approach” is studied. It is stated in the article that communicative paradigm of language teaching has frequently changed within 50 years of its development; it has been enriched by personality-oriented, cultural, cognitive approaches to language teaching. The advantages of using communicative approach to the development of the expressiveness of future preschool teachers’ speech are proved. Communicative approach to the development of the future preschool teachers’ speech provides professionally directed speech development of the students, proves necessity of students training on the basis of communicative situations, makes the training process close to conditions in which real professional and speech activity of future teachers of preschool educational institutions occurs.


  communicative approach, communicativeness, expressiveness of speech, future preschool teachers, language teaching



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