shablon-english (7)

(2016) Science and education, 8, 142-150. Odessa.


Aleksandr Priymakov,
Doctor of Biology, professor,
Yezhi Eider,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Dean of Physical Culture and Health Promotion Faculty,
Szczecin University,
40-B, Pyastuv Avenue, Szczecin, Poland,
Aleksandr Kolenkov,
PhD (Candidate of Science in Physical Education and Sport),
associate professor,
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University,
3-11, Turhenivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine 



 The publications dealing with organization and implementation of biological monitoring of physical state of indi￾viduals engaged in physical culture and sport are characterized by the insufficient substantiation of the criteria for eval￾uation of functional capacities of athletes and incomplete differentiation of the system for evaluation of their prepared￾ness level at different stages of training process depending on their age, gender, skill level, weight category, individual peculiarities, sports result. The above mentioned factors decrease objectivity and accuracy of these research works. The paper is aimed at substantiating the criteria and elaborating differential evaluation of functional fitness (FF) of highly skilled wrestlers at precompetitive stage of training. The study involved 12-54 athletes aged 20-28 years, members of the national teams of Ukraine in Greco-Roman and free-style wrestling, and judo. Functional fitness and special work capacity of wrestlers during current, operative and stage control within annual preparation cycle were estimated on the basis of the methods of electrocardiography, variation pulsography, pulsometry, gas analysis, physical work capacity testing. Evaluation of the research results makes it possible to consider that the following criteria provide the high level of special working capacity and are principal in high-qualification wrestlers’ physical fitness: economical operation of physiological systems at rest and in the process of muscular anaerobic-aerobic work, high responsiveness of cardiovas￾cular system to physical exercise, working efficiency of the anaerobic system of energy supply, recovery process rate, the state of regulatory mechanisms of cardiac function, the level of metabolic processes and cardiac muscle excitability, the stability of high rate of throws in a specialized test. The developed simulation models make it possible to solve the problems of management and control over wrestlers’ functional fitness and special work capacity at the stage of best possible implementation of their individual capabilities.


 wrestlers, functional fitness, weight categories, skill level, models.




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9.Pankov, V. A. (2002). Ispolzovanie monitora ser￾dechnogo ritma dlya kontrolya za effektivnostyu podgotovki bortsov [The use of heart rate monitor for control over the efficiency of wrestlers’ training]. Teoriya i praktika fizi￾cheskoy kultury – Theory and practice of physical culture, 2, 2-4 [in Russian].
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Maryna Baditsa.Training Future Preschool Teachers for Professional and Creative Activity by Means of Productive Technique.

(2015) Science and education, 6, 5-10. Odessa.


Maryna Baditsa,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), teaching assistant, Department of Preschool Education,
Kryvyi Rih Institute of State Higher Educational Institution “Krivyi Rih National University”
54, Prospekt Haharyna, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine



The article is concerned with the technique of forming creative artistic abilities in university students while teach￾ing the course "Fundamentals of Fine Art with the Procedure of Supervising Children’s Graphic Activity"; a set of creative tasks within project artistic and creative activity is introduced. The urgent character of its implementation is determined by the fact that contemporary society more that ever requires extraordinary, vivid, creative people, who independently estimate the priorities of their personal and professional development, are committed to continuous self-improvement, capable of generat￾ing new ideas, making non-standard decisions in complicated situations. It is proved that fine art is an important factor of fu￾ture preschool teacher’s personality development, due to its flexibility it develops visual and sensory experience, deepens knowledge, affects the emotional and sensual sphere by means of major artistic devices associated with visual perception (co￾lour, shape, space). The group of abilities under investigation is regarded as a synthesis of creative actions characterized by a conscious search for original artistic and imaginative solutions. On the basis of structural and systemic approach ideas, stages of the simulated process of creative artistic abilities formation (motivational and goal-oriented, content and procedural, evalua￾tive and reflexive), which being interdependent and interacting can provide its integrity, were defined. In their matter, the above mentioned stages correspond to the logic of future preschool teachers training and provide gradual formation and im￾provement of creative artistic abilities. The algorithm of forming creative artistic abilities reflecting the dynamic nature of forming the phenomenon under study was substantiated. The defined stages of forming creative artistic abilities (motivational and informational, reproductive, reproductive and creative, projective and creative, correctional and reflective) provide the transition of the researched ability from simple way of orienting in a phenomenon, its differentiation to the emergence of a creative attitude to reproduction method and finding new actions and its implementation strategy. The technique of creative artistic abilities formation, as any systemic phenomenon, has its own dynamics, amenable to quantitative and qualitative changes in the context of overall professional development of a student as the subject of teaching and professional activity. It provides future preschool teachers’ readiness to preschoolers’ artistic and creative development.


 future preschool teachers’ professional training, creative activity, creative artistic skills, creative tasks, productive technique.




 1. Bondar, V. I. (2000). Teoriia i tekhnolohiia upravlinnia protsesom navchannia v shkoli [Theory and technology of learning management in schools]. Kyiv: FADA LTD [in Ukrainian].
2. Moliako, V. O. (2000). Psykholohichna kontseptsiia tvorchoi liudyny [Psychological concept of a creative person]. Dukhovnist i khudozhnio-estetychna kultura : analitychni rozrobky, propozytsii naukovykh ta praktychnykh pratsivnykiv – Spirituality and artistic and aesthetic culture : analytical inventions, suggestions of researchers and practitioners, 17, 85–90 [in Ukrainian].
3. Buhan, Yu. V., Uruskyi, V. I. (Eds.). (2001). Slovnyk psykholoho-pedahohichnykh terminiv i poniat (na dopomohu pratsivnyku silskoi shkoly) [Dictionary of psychological and pedagogical terms and concepts (helping rural school teacher)]. Ternopil: TOKIPPO [in Ukrainian]. 

Maryna Hrudok-Kostiushko. Interactive Teaching as Means of Forming Foreign Students’ Motivation to Holding Dialog Discourse.

(2015) Science and education, 6, 27-31. Odessa.


Maryna Hrudok-Kostiushko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), acting associate professor,
Department of General Subjects and Language Proficiency of Foreign Citizens,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
1, Nischynskoho Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The purposefulness of interactive teaching for the formation of foreign students’ motivation to hold a dialogue is grounded in the article. The aim of the research is to reveal the essence of interactive teaching as one of the main conditions of forming motivation to carrying on a dialogue in students, who learn the Russian language. The main peculiarity of interactive teaching is that the process of dialogue competence formation involves all students in this procedure, everyone has an opportunity to understand the discussed topics and express own points of view. Mutual activity in the process of acquiring the new information and material in the field of dialogue speech mean that everyone contribute to this process, exchange knowledge and ideas about the peculiarities and the specificity of different types of a dialogue. In interactive teaching students are full members of the process, their own experience is of the same importance as a teacher’s one. In the process of dialogue teaching students learn creative thinking, solving difficult problems on the basis of circumstances and certain information, assessing alternative thoughts, taking part in discussions, communicating with other people. The following methods of interactive teaching are used for the formation of dialogue competence: paired activity, “rotation threes”, small groups activity, cinquain, brainstorming, role-play games, discussion, case-study, etc. It has been concluded that case-study contributes to increasing the effectiveness of dialogue competence formation, the successfulness of practicals, saves time, creates the atmosphere of confidence, etc.


interactive teaching, dialogue discourse, motivation, foreign students, case-study.




 1. Ovcharuk, O. (2003). Kompetentnosti yak kliuch do onovlennia zmistu osvity [Competences as a key to renewal of education]. Stratehiia reformuvannia osvity v Ukraini: rekomendatsii z osvitnoi polityky – Strategy of reforming education in Ukraine. Kyiv: K.I.S. [in Ukrainian].
2. Kalinina, L. V. (1985). Ispolzovanie zvukozapisi pri obuchenii dialogicheskoy ustnoy rechi v auditornoy rabote na starshem etape yazyikovogo vuza (na mat-le angl. yaz). [Using audio recording in teaching dialogue speech in indoor in class work at the highest stage in a humanitarian institution]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kiev [in Russian].
3. Halash, H. (1996). Individual competencies and the demand of the society. Materials CE. Strasbourg, CDCC [in English].
4. Saharova, T. E. (1975). Situativnyie uprazhneniya dlya obucheniya nemetskoy dialogicheskoy rechi studentov i kursa yazyikovogo vuza [Situational exercises of German dialogue speech of students of linguistic faculties]. Moscow [in Russian].
5. Slastenin, V. A., Podymova, L. S. (1997). Pedagogika: Innovatsionnaya deyatelnost [Pedagogy: innovation activity]. Moscow: IChP „Izd-vo Magistr” [in Russian].
6. Skalkin, V. L. (1989). Obuchenie dialogicheskoy rechi (na materiale angliyskogo yazyika): posob. dlya uchiteley [Teaching dialogue speech (on the example of the English language): teaching guide]. Kiev: Rad. shk. [in Russian].
7. Ivin, A. A. (1983). Osnovy teorii argumentatsii [Foundations of argumentation theory]. Moscow [in Russian].

Tatiana Yeremenko, Viktoriia Ursul. Speech Means of Implementing Interactive Strategy of English Educational and Scientific Lecture Discourse.

(2015) Science and education, 6, 31-35. Odessa.


 Tetiana Yeremenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), professor,
Head of the Department of Germanic Philology and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages,
Viktoriia Ursul,
master, Faculty of Foreign Languages,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
 34, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The article deals with lecture discourse and its features in the system of modern education. It is noted that today students are not so much the recipients of educational information as active members of the educational process in general, and lecture discourse in particular. Despite the fact that a lecture refers to the traditional forms of training activities, it is quite difficult to find an alternative to it, due to its multifunctionality. A lecturer nowadays is not just a source of information, he/she is an organizer of the learning process, a consultant, a facilitator, who never focuses the educational process just on himself/herself, and he/she is intended to the active co-operation and interaction with students. The most adequate transfer of information to students, attraction of their attention, networking and interaction with students are lecturer’s pragmatic aims. One of the ways of achieving these goals is the use of discourse markers (words, which function primarily as structural units of speech), which indicate the need to change the focus of speaker’s attention and intentions. They help a lecturer to create an interesting discourse, which is easy for understanding; to remove hypothetically existing difficulties, which, in turn, increases the role of the organizing principle of the discursive elements. In addition, the use of connection markers between statements makes it easier to understand a foreign language. It is experimentally confirmed that the speech means of implementing the interactive strategy contribute to the effectiveness of the English language educational and scientific lecture discourse. They facilitate the process of perceiving the content and factual information contained in the text of a lecture; differentiate general and secondary information, and monitor the dynamics of discourse development; promote the establishment and maintenance of communication between a lecturer and audience and contribute to curious active listening and reflection during a lecture.


English-language lecture discourse, interactive strategy, speech means, lecturer, audience.




1.Voiskunskiy, A. E. (1982). Ya hovoriu, my hovorym… Ocherky o chelovecheskom obshchenyy [I talk, we talk. Essays about a human communication]. Moscow: Znanie [in Russian].
2.Van Deik, T. A. (1989). Yazyk. Poznanie. Kommunykatsyia [Language. Cognition. Communication]. Moscow: Prohress [in Russian].
3.Kurliand, Z. N., Khmeliuk, R. I., Semenova, A. V. et al. (2005). Pedahohika vyshchoi shkoly: Navch. posib. [Pedagogics of higher school]. Kyiv: Znannia [in Ukrainian]. 4.Pometun, O. I., Pyrozhenko, L. V. (2004). Suchasnyi urok. Interaktyvni tekhnolohii navchannia: nauk.-metod. posib. [Modern lesson. Interactive technologies of studies: texbook]. Kyiv: A. S. K. [in Ukrainian].
5.Faerch, C. (1983). Strategies in Interlanguage Сommunication. London: Longman [in English].
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7.Hyland, K. (2001). Humble servants of the discipline? Self-mention in research articles. English for Specific Purposes (pp. 207-226). N. p. [in English].
8.Open Yale Courses. Retrieved from: [in English].

Larysa Kazantseva. Implementation of Culturological Approach When Teaching Ukrainian Language to Preschoolers in Multicultural Environment.

(2015) Science and education, 6, 36-41. Odessa.


Larysa Kazantseva,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor,Department of Preschool Education,
Director of the Institute of Socio-Pedagogical and Correctional Education
Berdyansk State Pedagogical University,
4, Shmidta Str., Berdiansk, Ukraine



 The article is concerned with the technology of using Ukrainian folk tales and folk tales of ethnical communities of Southern-Eastern region as a means of teaching the Ukrainian language to Russian-speaking preschool children. The technology is based on such basic principles of culturological approach as engaging children into mastering cultural values of the people whose language is learned; teaching the language basing on the “dialogue of cultures”; simultaneous studying native and non-native cultures when forming speaking skills; taking into account cultures integration processes oriented at mastering universal values; culture-oriented goal of involving children into active speaking and creative activity. Integrated lessons involve teaching the language, development of speech and communicative skills of speaking the Ukrainian language, forming the perception of the Ukrainian culture and the elements of other ethnical cultures of the region. The lessons content determines the ethnographic component; in the process of its mastering the problems of active speech development are solved: Ukrainian language units are introduced (lexical units, phrasems, morphological units, syntactic forms), communicative dialogical and monological skills are formed . Communicative and verbal component of the lesson provides deep involvement of children into Ukrainian-speaking activity, and implementation of educational ethnographic component by means of the Ukrainian language facilitates creating Ukrainian-speaking developmental environment and using positive emotional stimuli when teaching non-native language. Children study household of ethnic groups living in social and cultural environment of Southern-Eastern region (Russians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Germans, Armenians, Jews) with culture of nations-neighbours; children’s idea of the variety and difference of people’s world, which illustrates the unique character and value of the cultures, is formed. At the same time, the children find out what the representatives of different nations have in common; what makes their cultures understandable for everybody living nearby, i.e. ethical and aesthetical standards, basic notions of good and evil, of spirituality and morality. Understanding basic human moral values, the children realize (by means of fairy tales) the similar character of various cultures. In the paper the examples of planning integrated lessons are given, the objectives, educational and speech tasks are determined, communicative situations based on Ukrainian folk-tales are outlined.


 culturological approach, dialogue of cultures, multicultural environment.




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