Форостян О. І. Physical Training Theory and Methods of Space Sense of Children With Vision Disorders

(2015) Science and education, 4, 162-166. Odessa.


Olha Forostian,
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Training and Sports,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



 The problem of correction of psychophysical development of blind and hyposeeing children and teenagers has created awareness of developmental paediatricians in this research. The carried out scientific search has allowed famous developmental paediatricians to contribute to the solution of this problem, to show a various orientation, contents and methods, to open and concretize the general laws of training and their development. Vision disorders are characterized by more or the less expressed disturbances of function of the visual perception, caused by the harmful impact on an eye, thus there are secondary, tertiary, etc. abnormalities in the development of children, for example, troubles with space sense, limitation and abnormality of adequacy of thing representational, uniqueness of gait, facial expression, some features of character. The author is sure that skills of space sense can be formed at physical culture lessons, by means of outdoor games and the kinds of sports taking into account the age of children, a state of their vision, and also level of their physical and mental development. At Physical Culture lessons pupils repeat movements of walking, running, jumping which play an important role in the development of their space sense. However movements in gymnastics, acrobatics and other sports are more difficult kinds of spatial orientation. Considering physical training and sports as a kind of educational activity of children, we notice that methods and tools of the development of their space sense are used insufficiently at educational institutions. This points to the absence of an efficient scientifically grounded system of training disabled children (particularly children with vision disorders), which would improve their space sense. The author concludes that lessons of physical training, outdoor games and specialized sport clubs will help such children to improve their state, if they take into account their special characteristics and features.


 motive sphere, vision disorders, correction, space sense, Physical Education.




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