Головченко О. І. Psychophysical State of Students-Future Pedagogues at Physical Education Lessons

(2015) Science and education, 4, 56-60. Odessa.


Oleksii Holovchenko,
PhD in Physical Education and Sports (Candidate of Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Human
Health and Physical Rehabilitation, Sumy State A. S. Makarenko Pedagogical University,
87, Romenska Str., Sumy, Ukraine 



 Since the problem of the working population’s health requires a search for ways to improve physical fitness, the authors has carried out the examination of motivation and autonomy of university students in physical education on the basis of subjective evaluation. 136 first-year students of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko took part in the experiment. The obtained data allowed to divide motor activity of students into five levels - very low, low, medium, high, and very high. Each level complied with certain types of physical activity. The index of functional status was determined by E. Pirogova’s method. A questionnaire of subjective assessment of independence at Physical Educationlessons has been developed in order to estimate the level of students’ independence. It consists of 24 questions with fixed answers. The surveyed students are characterized by an average level of physical fitness (38,3%), indicating a satisfactory state of their physical development and cardiovascular system. Motor activity of students in higher power consumption for the age limit (2620,8 ± 65,6 kcal). It is revealed that there is no dependence of the physical fitness level and the index of physical activity. The research has determined the structure of sport preferences: athletics (32,6 ± 4,8%), sport games, especially football (23,9 ± 4,5%), basketball (17,4 ± 3,9%). It has been also determined that health and physical fitness level of students are of a good level (59,8 ± 5,1%, 54,3 ± 5,2%,). The leading motives to physical training in higher educational institutions are hiking (78,3 ± 4,3%), creating physical training holidays (72,8 ± 4,6%) and teaching morale and self-discipline (50 ± 5,2%). The prospective of further researches in this field the author consider in the development of a program of female studentspedagogues’ psychophysical state improvement and assessment of its efficiency.


 physical fitness, physical activity, motivation, students.




 1. Mahlovanyi, A. V., Shymechko, I. M., Boyarchuck, A. M. & Moroz, E. I. (2011). Dynamika pokaznykiv fizychnoho zdorovia studentiv, yaki zaimaiutsia sylovymy vpravamy [The development of the physical health of students engaged in strength training]. Pedahohika, psykholohiia ta medyko-biolohichni problemy fizychnoho vykhovannia i sportu - Pedagogy, psychology and medical-biological problems of physical education and sport, 1, 80-83 [in Ukrainian].
2. Turchina, N. I., Korobeinikov, G. V. & Popadiukha, A. (2010). Doslidzhennia zdorovia ta rivnia fizychnoho rozvytku u studentiv [Research of health and physical development of students]. Pedahohika, psykholohiia ta medyko-biolohichni problemy fizychnoho vykhovannia i sportu - Pedagogy, psychology and medical - biological problems of physical education and sport, 12, 150-152 [in Ukrainian].
3. Sokoliuk, O. V. & Duda, O. V. (2012). Motyvatsiia studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv do zaniat fizychnoiu kulturoiu v umovakh informatsiinoho suspilstva [Motivation university students to physical training in the information society]. Naukovi zapysky. Seriia: Pedahohika - Scientific Notes. Series: Pedagogy, 4, 164-168 [in Ukrainian].
4. Konovalov, V. V., Kasian, A. V. & Cherednichenko, A. V. (2013). Optymalna rukhova aktyvnist studentskoi molodi v pochatkovyi period navchannia [Optimal physical activity of students in the initial period of training]. Slobogansky naukovosportuvnuy visnuk - Slobozhansky scientific and sports Gazette, 3, 16-19 [in Ukrainian].
5. Zemska, N. (2012). Kharakterystyka rukhovoi aktyvnosti studentskoi molodi [Characterization of motor activity students]. Fizychne vykhovannia, sport i kultura zdorovia u suchasnomu suspilstvi: zbirnyk naukovykh prats – Physical Education, Sport and Culture Health in Modern Society: Collected Works., 3 (19), 211–215 [in Ukrainian].

Евтухова Л. А.,Торопин М. А., Дышель Г. А. Method of Plantography in Assessing Foot Arch State of Pupils under Various Load Modes

(2015) Science and education, 4, 60-66. Odessa.


Larisa Yevtukhova,
PhD (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences),
Assistant Professor of the Department of Zoology, Physiology and Genetics,
Maria Toropyno,
III year student of biological faculty, Gomel Fr. Skaryna State University,
102, Sovetskaya Str., Gomel, Belarus,
Galyna Dyshel,
Senior lecturer of the Department Biology and Foundations of Health,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



 The article proposes a method for integrated assessment of the state of schoolchildren’s foot arch under different load conditions with different state of the musculoskeletal system. The weakening of ligament and muscular foot apparatus of children with faults in posture under all kinds of loads is noted. According to the carried out examination, the author has noticed a normal foot arch only in 75% of the surveyed pupils in the condition without any loads. The 50% load of one’s own body weight on a foot arch is characterized by mass change of qualitative indicator of a "normal" foot arch into the abnormal state: 85.7% of girls and 75% of boys had the symptoms of the “weak foot”. In 12.5% of the surveyed children with scoliosis the author has marked "flattened" foot arch. The author has also noticed the normal foot arch in 98.6% girls and 35% of boys who had no faults in posture in the condition of load of 50% of body weight. Changing of foot arch into the “pre-flattened” abnormal state is noted in 6.9% of girls and 41% of boys, "flattening" foot arch is observed in 3.5% of girls and 18% of boys; 6% of the surveyed had "flat" foot arch. The subsequent increase of the load mode up to 100% of one’s own body weight on a foot is characterized by static deformation of foot arch of the majority (88%) of the surveyed boys and 45% of girls who have no faults in posture. Under the condition of 100% load mode of one’s own weight of pupils with some faults in posture normal foot arch has not been identified, all the surveyed pupils have subsumed the risk group.


 plantography, arch of the foot, load mode, risk group.




 1. Mihnovich, M.S. & Volotovskiy, A.V. (2004). Diagnostika i lechenie prodolnogo ploskostopiya [Diagnosis and treatment of longitudinal flat foot]. Moscow: Meditsina [in Russian].
2. Laputin, A.N. (2003). Tehnologiya kontrolya dvigatelnoy funktsii stopy shkolnikov v protsesse fizicheskogo vospitaniya [Technology control motor function stops students in physical education]. Kazan: Diya [in Russian].
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Ігнатенко С. О. Professional Training of Future Teachers

(2015) Science and education, 4, 66-70. Odessa.


Siuzanna Ihnatenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
Associate Professor of Theory and Methods of Physical Education,
Remedial Gymnastics and Sports Medicine,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D, Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine 



 The article discusses the various views of modern scholars on the problem of professional training of future teachers in higher educational institutions at the present stage. The process of European and global integration of Ukraine causes the need of rapid changes in the political, economic and social life of the country. In this regard, over recent years reforming processes have been taking place in the system of education. The implementation of the Bologna process requires increasing educational and cultural level of future teachers as well as the level of their proficiency. Integration of higher education of Ukraine into the global educational environment requires continuous improvement of the educational process. Rapid social changes that have been taking place in the society of the country are driving the need for greater attention to the formation of such professionally significant qualities of future teachers as proactiveness, adaptability, ability to self-education and selfdevelopment, preservation of their own and students’ health. Thus, the vital problem of modernization of higher education is the search for the most efficient teaching systems organizations at the present stage of changes in political, socio-economic, scientific and technical life of our state. Basing on the analysis of psycho-pedagogical literature the author draws a conclusion that professional training is an integrated process of mastering general pedagogical and special knowledge and skills, aimed at the formation of future teachers’ preparedness to the future educational activity. Modern schools need highly educated, intelligent, creatively oriented teachers who responsibly perform their professional activities, the future of Ukraine depends on their competence, skills, and professionalism. In these terms the systems of higher education face the challenge of improving the training of future teachers.


 professional training, educational activity, a teacher.




 1. Abdullina, O.A. (1990). Obshhepedagogicheskaya podgotovka uchitelya v sisteme vysshego pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya [General teacher training in the system of higher pedagogical education]. Moscow: Prosveshhenie [in Russian].
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Коваленко Е. В., Иванова З. А. New Fitness-Programs for Initial and Medium Fitness Levels: T-Tapp System and Zumba

(2015) Science and education, 4, 70-74. Odessa.


Yevheniia Kovalenko,
Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Education and Sports,
Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University,
Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Zoia Ivanova,
Third-year student of the Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Art History,
Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University,
72, Prospect Haharina, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 



 Such courses of modern fitness-programs as Т-Тapp system and dancing fitness – zumba have been considered due to the fact that creating additional conditions stimulates students’ physical activity and motivates them to have an active pastime. Nowadays a number of gyms, clubs, sports centers is increasing, so students have more opportunities to keep fit. The authors of the article have highlighted the key moments which make new fitness technique especially popular with youth. The research included investigation of the so-called “intellectual fitness” programs and their positive influence on the state of health. One of such programs is T-Tapp system which helps keep not only the body but also the mind fit. This training system has been designed to engage both hemispheres of a human’s brain in cognitive work, which is important for maintaining a healthy functioning of the brain. One more healthy effect of the system includes a useful set of exercises both for younger people who have symptoms of fatigue, sleepiness and for the elderly to slow the loss of memory. Zumba involves a specific set of exercises worked out for different muscle groups. Such exercises should be done for many times under different rhythms with a qualitative load on the muscles, which trains the cardiovascular and respiratory system thereby increasing the overall level of stamina. Having analyzed the effective use of the T-Tapp system and zumba, as a kind of dancing aerobics, at Physical Education lessons in higher educational institutions, the authors concluded that modern recreational technologies are of great interest to young people, which motivates students to do a certain complex of exercises in extracurricular time.


 fitness-programs, recreational technologies, Т-Тapp system, zumba, the system of physical education.




 1. Ivlev, M. P., Kotov, P. I., Levchenkova, T. V. et. al. (2002). Aerobika. Teoriya i metodika provedeniya zanyatiy [Aerobics. Theory and technique of giving classes]. Miakinchenko E. B., Shestakova M. P. (Eds.). Moscow: SportAkademPress [in Russian]. 
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Козерук Ю. В. Pedagogical Techniques of Developing Students' Motive Skills by Means of Physical Exercises

(2015) Science and education, 4, 75-79. Odessa.


Yuliia Kozeruk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education,
Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after T. G. Shevchenko,
53, Hetmana Polubotka Str., Chernihiv, Ukraine



 The article deals with the problem of professional training effectiveness improvement of students of vocational (technical) schools. The pedagogical technology of movement skills formation by means of physical exercises, which aims not only at the objectives of physical education, but also professional education as well, is theoretically substantiated and confirmed in the course of experimental teaching. In the article the effectiveness of the integrated approach based on the principles of Physical Education and the foundations of intersubject bonds to the movement skills formation have been thoroughly studied. The additional topics and the complex of educational teaching aids have been developed and added to the curriculum. The system of teaching Physical Education, aimed at successful mastering the skills of work actions and operations, has been realized. It has been proved that due to the integrated influence of the various physical exercises and inter-related subjects students’ physical and health state may be improved, which will consequently help to optimize the process of adaptation to the professional activity conditions. Using the outcomes of the complex research, the theoretical and methodical basics for the creation of the pedagogical technology of movement skills formation by means of Physical Exercises have been developed. The applying of the pedagogical technology into practice has allowed to define the prospects for its usage and the main points of the studying process: the formation of the technology functional system, competence, creativity and teachers’ ingenuity in the educational process of movement skills formation by means of physical exercises.


 pedagogical technique, movement skills, interdisciplinary bonds, studying efficiency, circular training, means of PAPT (professional applied physical training), extra curriculum classes, health improvement.




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