(2024) Science and education, 1, 53-62. Odessa.
Larysa Zhuravlova,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor,
Polissia National University
7 Staryi Blvd., Zhytomyr, Ukraine
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4020-7279
The urgency of the problem. Since empathy is a basic meta-skill of specialists in socionomic professions and, in general, a condition for the existence of human civilization, studying the specifics of the development of this phenomenon in specialists in helping professions is extremely important for the implementation of targeted psychological interventions. The purpose of the study was to study the temporal aspect of the development of empathy and its personal correlates in future specialists of socionomic professions. We assumed that globalization processes, technological development, in particular the virtualization of social and interpersonal relationships, the deepening of uncertainty situations determine the negative dynamics of the evolutionary development of personal empathy. Research methods: test for determining the level of empathy development for teenagers and young men by L. P. Zhuravlova, self-actualization test by Yu. E. Alyoshina, L. Ya. Gozman, M. V. Kroz (SAT), self-confidence test by V. G. Romeka, test-questionnaire for researching the level of assertiveness (modified by V. Capponi, T. Novak), questionnaire by K. Thomas "Determining ways to regulate conflicts" (strategic forms of behavior in a conflict situation), B. Bass’s method of diagnosing personality orientation, adapted by L. P. Zhuravlova and M. K. Romanova with the aim of diagnosing ecological (ecocentric) orientation. The results. The obtained results confirmed the hypothesis regarding the negative evolutionary dynamics of human empathy. Finding empirical personal correlates of empathy of future specialists in the socionomic direction is a condition for the actualization and formation of professional competencies, in particular soft skills. The psychocomplex of empathic determinants of soft skills of future specialists in socionomic professions is represented by a system of personal correlates of integral empathy and compassion (its cognitive-emotional form). The components of the psychocomplex are empathy, contact, cognitive needs, creativity, assertiveness, ecocentric orientation. Possession of such meta-skills will allow the latter to create facilitative spaces for professional psychological assistance and support for victims of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.
integral empathy, forms of empathy, self-actualization, assertiveness, environmental orientation, empathic interpersonal interaction, soft skills, professional competencies.

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