Mykhailo Khoroshukha, Anatolii Bosenko, Sergii Ivashchenko, Olha Buriak. Relationship between the development of basic mental functions and the blood group indicator in 13-15 years old female athletes Dedicated to the memory of Professor Leonid Prokopovyc

(2022) Science and education, 2, 25-30. Odessa.

Mykhailo Khoroshukha,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Ph. D (Candidate of Medical Sciences),
Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of
Physical Rehabilitation and Biokinesiology
Boris Grinchenko Metropolitan University of Kyiv,
13-B, Tymoshenko Str., Kyiv, Ukraine

Anatolii Bosenko,
Doctor of Pedagogy (Candidate of Biological Sciences),
Professor of the Department of Biology and Health Protection,
The State Institution ‘South Ukrainian National Pedagogical
University named after K. D. Ushynsky’,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine

Sergii Ivashchenko,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Professor at the Department of
Physical Rehabilitation and Biokinesiology,
Boris Grinchenko Metropolitan University of Kyiv,
13-B, Tymoshenko Str., Kyiv, Ukraine

Olha Buriak,
Senior Lecturer at the Department of
Physical Rehabilitation and Biokinesiology
Boris Grinchenko Metropolitan University of Kyiv,
13-B, Tymoshenko Str., Kyiv, Ukraine

Dedicated to the memory of Professor Leonid Prokopovych Sergiyenko


In this article, the influence of serological blood group markers on the development of basic mental functions, such as attention, perception information, thinking, in female athletes aged 13 to 15 years has been studied. The purpose of the article is to analyze and summarize the data of our scientific research, which relate to the influence of serological markers of blood groups on the development of basic mental qualities among girls involved in various sports. The study involved athletes of the Brovarsky Sports College (experimental group) (n=178), who, according to the classification of sports in the Dembo method (1980), were divided into two groups: group A – speed-strength sports (n=96); group B – endurance sports (n=82). The control group included girls aged 13-15 (n=117) who did not go in for sports. The study of mental functions was carried out using well-known scientifically based methods: 1) The study of the attention function was carried out according to the Anfimov correction test by using the letter table. The following indicators were determined during the study: the number of characters viewed, the number of correctly crossed out letters, the number of errors made during the entire period of work, as well as the focus (concentration) attention; 2) The study of the time perception functions was carried out according to the methodology of V.L. Marishuka and co-authors (1990). The following indicators were determined during the study: the sum of errors done by the participants and the accuracy of the time perception; 3) The study of the logical thinking function, respectively, was carried out, according to the method of ‘numerical series methodology’ proposed by M.V. Makarenko and co-authors (1987). Quantitative indicators of the logical thinning function evaluation were the following: the number of correct answers guessed by the participants during the study, the speed of thinking and the overall assessment of the logical thinking state. Associative links between blood groups and the development of mental qualities among young people were revealed. The fact of the possibility of using indicators of blood groups in the process of genetic forecasting of the prospects for the development of mental functions in girls has been established.


blood groups, mental functions, females, adolescence.




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