Yurii Cheban, Viktor Plokhikh. Emotional and Volitional Component of Competitive Attitude of Rowing Athletes.

(2020) Science and education, 2, 22-31. Odessa.

Yurii Cheban,
PhD student,
Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
Viktor Plokhikh,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
Department of Developmental Psychology and Social Communications,
The State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



High achievements in modern sports are associated with the development of the emotional and volitional sphere of athletes, with their abilities for effective self-regulation of functional states and actions. The theoretical basis of the study is the provisions of the attitude theory, the concept of system organization and self-regulation of the process of activity, the differential psychology of emotions, the concept of basal and system volitional qualities. The competitive attitude of rowing athletes is considered as an attitude for self-mobilization and stabilization of highly coordinated, powerful rowing actions. The purpose of the study is to determine the structure, relations, symbolic and significant forms of strengthening the emotional and volitional component of the competitive attitude of rowing athletes. The following methods were used to determine the values of indicators in the empirical study: natural experiment (indicator of overcoming exhaustion); analysis of performance (sports qualifications); test psychodiagnostics of emotional stability, worry, conscientiousness, courage, self-control (16 Personality Factors Questionnaire of Raymond Cattell); achievement motivation (test of T. Ehlers); frequency of manifestation of basal emotions (T. Dembo technique); questioning (frequency of using mental resources). A subgroup of 18 people was selected in the group of subjects using cluster analysis who have a high level of development of volitional qualities, with a preference for a positive emotional background of vital activity, with relatively higher (Mann-Whitney U-test) sports achievements, evaluated by indicators of sports qualifications (U=96.5; p=.003) and the ability to overcome exhaustion (U=101.0; p=.005). A higher, in comparison with other subjects, expressiveness of achievement motivation (U=90.5; p=.002), conscientiousness (U=35.0; p<.001), cheerfulness the opposite of worry (U=43.0; p<.001), courage (U=111.5; p=.011), self-control (U=95.5; p=.003), emotional balance (U=110.5; p=.011), experiences of pleasure (U=117.5; p=.014) were observed in this subgroup. The analysis of the study results allows to conclude that the emotional and volitional component of the competitive attitude of rowing athletes functionally aimed at mobilizing and stabilizing highly coordinated, powerful rowing actions, in its structure relies on developed systemic qualities of conscientiousness and cheerfulness associated with manifestations of courage, self-control, patience, energy, with expressed preferences for a positive emotional background of vital activity. The implementation of the emotional and volitional component is directly related to the motivation of achievements and the energy strengthening of the oared process. The competitive success of rowing athletes is increased by using mental resources (verbal formulas, figurative constructs) for self-mobilization


 basal emotions, basal volitional qualities, systemic volitional qualities, mental resource, attitude, selfmobilization, actions of rowing athlete.




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