Mykola Stepanets. Establishing Master's Degree in Teacher Training in The Context of Сanadian Higher Education Reform.

(2020) Science and education, 2, 73-77. Odessa.

Mykola Stepanets,
PhD student,
Department of Pedagogy,
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko,
87-2, Romenska Str., Sumy, Ukraine



The relevance of the study is due to modern changes in the paradigm of social development, the novelty of personal and social requirements for the system of master's education and his/her readiness for professional development. This approach justifies the detailed study of foreign teacher education, development strategies and emphasis on the role in social progress as an objective regularity. The aim of the paper is to justify the formation of Master's degree in teacher training in the context of reforming higher education in Canada. The research was carried out in the interdisciplinary humanities field, where the following methods were used: analysis, synthesis, abstraction and comparison to find out the genesis of the studied educational phenomenon; induction and deduction methods to establish causal links of pedagogical, political, social and cultural processes that caused the reforms of higher education in Canada. Сomparative-historical, retrospective methods, which allowed to characterize the studied phenomena in historical retrospect; content analysis for objective study of information sources with the subsequent interpretation of the conclusions. In Canada, teacher education is characterized by a trend towards professionalization of teaching, which refers to both teacher education and the basic skills needed to practice and develop professional identity. The positive Canadian experience in implementing reforms that have been implemented as part of training or professional development programmes through the Master's degree can be used in the Ukrainian context.


higher education, educational reforms, master's degree, curriculum, training of pedagogical staff, Canadian education.




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