Liudmyla Romanyuk, Mariia Babych. Motivational Basis of Personal Values Formation Mechanisms in Psychology of Adult Education.

(2018) Science and education, 9-10, 5-12. Odessa.


Liudmyla Romanyuk,
Doctor of Psychology, professor, head of Psychology Department at
Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, 15, Horodotska Str., Lviv, Ukraine,
senior research fellow,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
15, Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
Mariia Babych,
teacher trainer,
Higher Educational Institution of Lviv Regional Council “Boryslav Medical College”,
37, Shkilna Str., Boryslav, Ukraine



The present study analyzes the motivational basis of the mechanisms of adults’ values formation in the process of their education, describes ten personal values prioritized by men and women. Besides, the research explores the relationships between two opposing values, achievement and benevolence, specifying stimulation as a mediator between them. It is examined whether such a mediation model could be further qualified by age and sex as moderators. The 40- item Portraits Values Questionnaire (PVQ), measuring ten basic values, was administered to 500 adults in education. Gender and country differences between the ten values were computed, and hierarchical regression methods were applied to explore mediation and moderation mechanisms among the three selected values and gender, and age. Minor gender differences emerged for some of the ten basic values. An indirect relationship among the three selected values was identified. Stimulation was found to operate as a mediator between achievement and benevolence. A conditional process model was established with sex moderating the achievement – stimulation path (men had a steeper slope than women), whereas age moderated the stimulation – benevolence path (younger individuals had a steeper slope than older ones). Gender also moderated the achievement – benevolence path (men had a steeper slope than women). For men, the association between achievement and stimulation values was stronger than that for women. For the younger persons, the association between stimulation and benevolence values was stronger than for older ones. For women, the level of benevolence was independent of their achievement level. The present analysis revealed peculiarities of indirect and differential associations among personal values, adding a perspective to research cognitive mechanisms involved in the formation of ten basic values.


motivation, values, values formation, achievement, benevolence, stimulation, sex, age, moderation, mediation.




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(2018) Science and education, 9-10, 1. Odessa.


Tetiana Koknova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Roman and Germanic Philology Department, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University,
1, Gogol square, Starobilsk, Ukraine










Anastasiia Yatsyshyna. Study of Destructive Behavior in Terms of Child’s Hyperactivity and Personal Qualities.

(2018) Science and education, 9-10, 13-20. Odessa.


Anastasiia Yatsyshyna,
post-graduate student, Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
4, Fontanska Doroha Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The issue of destructive behavior depending on child’s personal qualities is extremely relevant both in theoretical and practical aspects. Hyperactivity is one of the leading features which can provoke destructive behavior in children. Destructive behavior is considered as inadequate actions complicating interaction between a personality and social environment. Hyperactivity is interpreted as overactivity either mobilizing or disorganizing child’s behavior. The paper aims to study the correlation between hyperactivity and other personal qualities of junior schoolchildren showing different manifestations of destructive behavior. The research methods involved a specially designed questionnaire as well as a set of methods helping to examine personal qualities. The conducted research has shown that the children having signs of destructive behavior demonstrate hyperactivity in most cases, which are as follows: emotional instability, mood swings, affective behavior, poor attention, anxiety, proneness to conflicts, overactivity, sensitivity, poor working capacity, etc., as distinct from the children who do not manifest signs of destructive behavior. According to the statistical analysis of differences in the groups of children with different degrees of manifestation of destructive behavior the respondents with a high frequency of its manifestation significantly differ from those with an optimal one. They are characterized by instability, volatility, anxiety, violence, cruelty, aggression, inadequate actions, etc. According to the rest of the studied indicators characterizing personal qualities no statistically significant differences have been found among the groups of children with different levels of destructive behavior manifestation. It means that they are characteristic of both the children with a high level of destructive behavior and those with a low one.


destructiveness, destructive behavior, personal qualities, schoolchildren, junior school age.




1. Zavadenko, N. N. (2000). Kak poniat rebionka: deti s giperaktivnostyu i defitsitom vnimaniya [How to understand a child: children with hyperactivity and attention deficit]. Moscow: Shkolnaia pressa [in Russian].
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Alexander Prokhorov, Albert Chernov, Alisa Khalfieva. Imaginary Characteristics of Psychic States Mental Representations in Students’ Lerning.

(2018) Science and education, 9-10, 21-27. Odessa.


Alexander Prokhorov,
Doctor of Psychology, professor, Head of General psychology department,
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation,
Albert Chernov,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General Psychology,
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation,
Alisa Khalfieva,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of General Psychology,
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation



The article presents the results of studying students' mental states situational determination and the features of the figurative characteristics of mental representations during learning process, the characteristics of the structural organization and the dynamics of the figurative characteristics of representations in the time ranges “Past - Present – Future”. Respondents are different specialties and profiles students, in general 237 respondents. The research was carried out in the context of the study of mental representations of cognitive states in learning activity. The theoretical basis was the author's concept of the image of a person's mental state. The research used methods of phenomenological description (freely constructed answer), analysis of situations and images of states in these situations, methods of studying the figurative characteristics of states. Imagery characteristics were considered in different time ranges: actual time “here and now”, week, month, year in the “past” and “future”. As a result of the research it was found that in describing the subjective image of the state, the most common are the ideas about the physical and physiological manifestations of this state, the features of behavior in this state, and also the description of the feelings experienced in this state. Analysis of the structures of state images shows that the structure of images of "simple" states is more "rigid" than in the images of complex states. The images of states are the most coherent and organized in extreme time bands. The least stable connections were founded in the actual time. It is shown that the image of a state is independent of the situation in which it is experienced. It is found that the images of mental states in the time continuum “past-presentfuture” are characterized by different stability, intensity and content saturation, depending on the level of mental activity and state modality. The most stable in all time ranges are indicators of high levels of mental activity positive states images and negative states of low energy level.


 cognitive states, image, consciousness, representation, trait, learning activity, time.




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10. Prokhorov, A. O., Chernov, A. V. & Yusupov, M. G. (2016). The Relationships of Mental States and Intellectual Processes in the Learning Activities of Students. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 11(6), 1031-1037 [in English].

Oksana Yemets. Psychoemotical State Stabilization Peculiarities of Women in Prenatal and Postnatal Periods.

(2018) Science and education, 9-10, 28-33. Odessa.


Oksana Yemets,
degree-seeking student, Department of Psychology of Educational Scientific
Institute of International Relations and Social Sciences,
Interregional Academy of Personnel Management,
2, Frometivska Str., Kуiv, Ukraine



Prenatal and postnatal periods in women are the most difficult stages of life, both physiologically and emotionally. During these periods, women suffer from changes in the endocrine profile, uncertainty, fear for the future of the child. These factors affect the stability of the psychoemotional state of a woman, the course of pregnancy and childbirth, the health of a newborn child. In order to provide timely assistance to women in these periods, it is necessary to clearly understand the level of stabilization of their psychoemotional state. The paper presents the analysis of the results of the conducted empirical study of the features of stabilizing the psychoemotional state of women in prenatal and postnatal periods. There have been distinguished the criteria (awareness of motherhood, motivational maturity, emotional stability, adaptive capacity), performance (understanding the essence of prenatal, postnatal periods by women, knowledge of the basic aspects of motherhood, the need for well-being, readiness for changes in the level of the value of motherhood, the child, others, anxiety, emotional stability, ability for self-regulation, favorite occupation), levels of psychoemotional state stabilization in women in the prenatal and postnatal periods (high, medium, low). A number of tests and questionnaires were applied in the study involving 99 women in order to assess the levels of their psychoemotional state stabilization in the prenatal and postnatal periods. Quantitative processing of empirical data was carried out applying mathematical-statistical data processing methods using the computer program SPSS. As a result of the research it has been revealed that the psychoemotional state of most women in the prenatal and postnatal periods is insufficiently stable, and requires corrective support, whose program is going to be considered in further studies.


 psychoemotional state, postnatal period, prenatal period, level of stabilization, conditions.




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