Lesia Prokhorenko. Psycho-Correction of Motivation For Learning Achievements Among Schoolchildren With Cognitive Development Disorders.

(2018) Science and education, 5-6, 52-57. Odessa.


Lesia Prokhorenko,
Doctor of Psychology, senior research fellow,
Institute of Special Pedagogy,
National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine,
9, M. Berlinskoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper aims to highlight the results of the research into the development of qualitative motivational processes determining the performance of cognitive activity, which contributes to raising the level of realizing the child’s possibilities when solving the assigned tasks. The experimental program for developing the achievement motivation in schoolchildren included adaptation/modification of such methods as “Communicative Attack”, “Discussion”, “Creating a Problem Situation”, and “Creating a Situation of Success” (H. Eysenck, D. McClelland, D. Elkonin, V. Davydov, Y. Tamberg, K. Popper). Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results allowed to make a conclusion that the designed psycho-corrective program for creating the motivation of academic achievements has fostered qualitative changes in the development of all the components in self-regulation of students with cognitive development disorders.


motivation for achievement, assessment of motivation processes, problem situation, situation of success, students with cognitive development disorders.




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