Anastasiia Bolshakova. Features of Subjective Vision of Life Journey as Predictors of Personal Potential Exhaustion.

(2018) Science and education, 5-6, 79-84. Odessa.


Anastasiia Bolshakova,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
head of the Department of Psychology,
Kharkiv State Academy of Culture,
Bursatski Uzviz, 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine



The paper presents the results of the study of the peculiarities of life journey subjective vision as predictors of the development of personal fulfillment phenomenon. According to the author’s concept, personal fulfillment is a mental model associated with negative experiences of subjective personal potential exhaustion in three time measurements: present, past, and future. The examination of personal fulfillment was carried out with the help of the author’s Personal Fulfillment Scale, which contains three subscales: Retrospective; Current Time; Perspective. According to the results of the cluster analysis, it has been found that about 42% of the subjects have an average level of personal fulfillment by the general indicator and all dimensions, about 24% have a high level, and 34% - the low level of personal fulfillment. With the help of multiple regression analysis, it has been found that the most significant predictors of a high level of personal fulfillment are the following features of the subjective vision of life journey: fulfillment, negative past, positive past (reverse influence) and fatalistic present. The assessment of the richness of the past in events and the hedonistic present have moderate predictive value. The assessment of the richness of the future in events, the adulthood coefficient and the unconscious attitude towards the past and present have a rather weak effect. The psychological age, the expected life duration and “the future” time perspective in general are not predictors of subjective exhaustion. Indicators of the subjective vision of life journey in relation to the past are considered to be the predictors of personal fulfillment.


subjective exhaustion of personal potential, personal fulfillment, subjective vision of life journey, psychological past, psychological present, psychological future.




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