Tamara Poiasok, Olena Bespartochna, Volodymyr Skrypnyk. Future Legal Experts’ Professional Training In Terms of E-Learning.

(2018) Science and education, 2, 34-42. Odessa.


Tamara Poiasok,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, academician of Ukrainian Academy of Acmeology,
Dean of the Faculty of Law, Humanities and Social Sciences,
Olena Bespartochna,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Philosophy,
corresponding member of Ukrainian Academy of Acmeology,
Volodymyr Skrypnyk,
PhD ((Candidate of Legal Sciences), senior lecturer, head of the Department of Legal Sciences,
Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskiy National University,
20, Pershotravneva Str., Kremenchuk, Ukraine



The paper aims to outline factors contributing to the implementation of distance learning in the training of future lawyers. The following research methods were applied in the study: pedagogical observation, interviewing, testing, individual and group interviews with students and teachers, self-assessment and expert assessment. The study involved 279 students who were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. The following factors whose implementation according to the hypothesis is going to increase the effectiveness of the training of future lawyers in the conditions of e-learning and measures for their practical implementation, have been distinguished: creating an educational environment for distance learning on the basis of professional orientation, the use of interactive teaching methods, information and communication technologies based on practical orientation, providing individualized pedagogical support in the process of distance learning. A pedagogical experiment was conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed factors that would facilitate the implementation of e-learning in the training of future lawyers. To check the statistical significance of the results of the experiment, methods of mathematical statistics were used. The experimental group was taught taking into account the distinguished factors, and the control one was taught according to the traditional methodology, without any changes. As a result of the experiment, the importance of introducing e-learning in the training of future lawyers in higher educational establishments has been proved. The research outcomes have shown that the level of experimental group students’ professional competence has increased as distinct from the control one, which is indicative of the efficiency of the suggested factors.


professional training; professional competence; factors contributing to the effectiveness of distance learning, legal experts.




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Liudmyla Matviichuk, Nataliia Hnedko, Liudmyla Kukhar. Organization of Lessons By Means of Web Services in Terms of Professional Training.

(2018) Science and education, 2, 43-49. Odessa.


Liudmyla Matviichuk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Informatics and Computing Tools,
National University “Chernihiv Collegium” named after T. Shevchenko,
53, Hetmana Polubotka Str., Chernihiv, Ukraine,
Nataliia Hnedko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Information and Communication Technologies and Methods of Teaching Informatics,
Rivne State Humanitarian University,
12, Stepana Bandery Str., Rivne, Ukraine,
Liudmyla Kukhar,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Computer Engineering and Educational Dimensions,
Department of Computer Engineering and Educational Dimensions,
9, Pyrohova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper aims to examine effective web services and substantiate their efficiency in the organization of the educational process. The study is based on Kirkpatrick’s Four-Level Training Evaluation Model. Students of the National University “Chernihiv Collegium” named after T. Shevchenko took part in the experiment (n=35). According to the results of the organization of classes be means web services in the process of training future professionals there have been selected effective web services that have shown a positive impact on students and the educational process in general. Using the method of D. Kirkpatrick to verify the effectiveness of web services in the organization of the learning process, the reaction, knowledge of the material, behavior, and the result (learning effect) of the students were determined. The research outcomes have shown that web services improve the interaction between students and a teacher, promote the optimization of the educational process, self-development, increase interest, creative activity.


e-learning, web services, electronic tools, students of the computer profile, organization of classes.




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Svitlana Kondratiuk, Olha Shapovalova, Anton Vertel. Using Experience of Educational Service Quality Management in The System of Secondary Education in Great Britain and Ukraine.

(2018) Science and education, 2, 50-64. Odessa.


Svitlana Kondratiuk,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Olha Shapovalova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Preschool and Primary Education,
Anton Vertel,
PhD (Candidate of Philosophic Sciences), lecturer,
Department of Psychology,
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko,
78, Romenska Str., Sumy, Ukraine



The paper deals with modern approaches to the management of education service quality in the system of secondary education of Ukraine and prognostic prospects of using progressive British experience of education service quality management in secondary education. The peculiarities of external and internal provision of the secondary education quality in Ukraine have been distinguished. Common aspects in education service quality management in secondary education in Ukraine and Great Britain in the field of normative legislation, procedural foundations of quality management have been considered. Both counties have developed legislative base of education service quality management in secondary education which regulates the most significant aspects of this process. The central authorities – Ministries of education – both in Ukraine and Great Britain under modern conditions have a great number of powers concerning, first and foremost, regulating the national education policy, development of education standards on the national level, etc. The mandatory stages of internal assessment of the quality of education in both countries are collection and processing of information performed by means of a number of methods (such as questioning, interviewing, documents analyzing, etc.), manifestation of conclusions in the form of a report and providing recommendations for further improvement of an educational institutions’ work.


management, experience, education service quality, secondary education.




1. Zakon Ukrainy “Pro zahalnu seredniu osvitu” iz zminamy, vnesennymy zhidno iz zakonom № 76-VIII vid 28.12.2014, ВВР, 2015, № 6, st. 40 [Law of Ukraine “On higher education” with changes implemented according to the law № 76-VIII dated 28.12.2014, ВВР, 2015, № 6, art. 40]. Retrieved from: http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/651- 14/print1421216054602064 [in Ukrainian].
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Nataliia Chernenko. Formation of The Functional Component of Executives’ Readiness For Risk Management.

(2018) Science and education, 2, 65-69. Odessa.


Nataliia Chernenko,
Doctor of Pedagogy, associate professor, acting professor of the
Department of Educational Institutions Management and Civil Service,
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The article clarifies the concept of "flexibility / rigidity of skills", discloses the indicators of executives' functional readiness for risk management and diagnostic techniques, presents the results of evaluating the executives' functional readiness for risk management. The functional component is characterized by a combination of practical skills and knowledge of risk management acquired in the process of learning and fulfilling certain responsibilities with experience (both obtained from teachers, masters, managers, employees and personal) and is determined by the following indicators: the ability to apply methods for identifying risks and classifying identified risks in an educational institution; the ability to carry out quantitative and qualitative analysis of risks; the ability to identify the most critical risks; the ability to plan a response to risks; the ability to monitor risk assessments and determine proposals and recommendations by the monitoring results. The "flexibility of skills" is substantiated as the ability to perform certain risk management procedures properly, carry out analytical and synthetic actions, using tools in accordance with situations of uncertainty, summarizing and developing proposals and recommendations. The results of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the evaluation of the performed tasks demonstrate low index of the formation of the investigated skills, which convincingly confirms the need to increase attention on their further formation.


 flexibility of skills, functional readiness, executive, risk, risk management.




1. Torhan, M. M. (2011). Pidhotovka menedzheriv osvity do zdiysnennya kontrolno-diahnostychnykh funktsiy [Training of education managers to perform control and diagnostic functions]. Odesa [in Ukrainian].
2. Chernenko, N. M. (2016). Pidhotovka maybutnikh menedzheriv osvity do upravlinnya ryzykamy: teoriya ta praktyka: monohrafiya [Preparing future managers of education for risk management: theory and practice]. Odesa: vydavets Bukayev Vadym Viktorovych [in Ukrainian].

Yaroslav Nahornyi, Ivan Rusnak, Inna Shorobura. Effectiveness of Using Modern British Serials in Professional Training of Future English Teachers (Through The Example of “Mr. Selfridge” Serial).

(2018) Science and education, 2, 70-75. Odessa.


Yaroslav Nahornyi,
PhD (Candidate of Philological Sciences), senior lecturer,
Department of Foreign Languages,
Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy;
Ivan Rusnak,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
head of the Department of Foreign Languages,
Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy,
Inna Shorobura,
Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
rector of Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy,
139, Proskurivskoho Pidpillia Str., Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine



Nowadays the English language is compulsory for studying in secondary and higher educational establishments of Ukraine. That is why the search for up-to-date means, methods and ways of its teaching acquires special significance. The article substantiates the effectiveness and expediency of using television series in the process of teaching foreign language and proves that they are an important source of educational material for building communicative and sociocultural competencies of students, for development of their cognitive skills. It has been grounded that watching TV series in the English language provides interactivity of training, increases the motivation of students to learn it, develops positive personal qualities and creative abilities of students, brings aesthetic pleasure. However, the use of this means in the educational process has a number of peculiarities that should be taken into account by a teacher, when organizing this type of activity in the class. In this regard, the main stages of work with video material at the English language classes and pattern tasks for the students’ classroom and independent work have been offered. The authors’ experience proves that the British serial “Mr. Selfridge”, under the conditions of correct organization of cognitive activity of students, is a valuable source of cultural information and can serve as a tool for the students to develop high level of communicative competence at the English language classes and in their everyday life. Skilfully selected video material, detailed commenting and competently planned work after watching the series facilitates the successful mastering of a foreign language.


British serials, English language, classroom and individual work, communicative competence, language skills and abilities.




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