Borys Kofman, Ilona Kurovska, Ilona Kurovska. Sociological Aspects of Innovative Development Perspectives of Higher Education in Ukraine.

(2018) Science and education, 2, 118-124. Odessa.


Borys Kofman,
PhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), leading scientific expert,
The Legislation Institute of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine,
4, Nestorivskyi lane, Kyiv, Ukraine,
Ilona Kurovska,
PhD (Candidate of Legal Sciences), deputy head,
The Legislation Institute of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine,
4, Nestorivskyi lane, Kyiv, Ukraine,
Inga Yakaitis,
degree-seeking student, Kherson State Agrarian University,
23, Stritenska Str., Kherson, Ukraine



The article deals with the issue of innovative development of higher education in Ukraine. The urgency of the considered problem is determined by significant increase in the role of information and knowledge in the life of the Ukrainian society. It is extremely important to develop practical tasks and a system of measures aimed at stimulating the innovative development of education with a view to enhancing the further development of the information society, and ultimately improving the quality and the standard of living of the country's population. The purpose of the article is to substantiate theoretical, methodological and practical principles for assessing the promise of innovative development of higher education in Ukraine. The objectives of the article were to identify current trends in the development of higher education, to formulate methodological principles and conduct an experimental study that would confirm or refute the hypothesis of the availability of promising latent trends of innovative development of higher education in Ukraine. In carrying out the research, expert methods, in particular the questionnaire method, were used. The purpose of the author's sociological survey was the applied grounding of the main trends in the development of higher education from the value-mental and innovative points of view. The conclusions from the conducted research allow us to speak about both the national tendencies of the national education development, and its specific characteristics in the regional section. Innovative development of education should first of all be implemented through the prism of such educational and qualification training of specialists, which would meet the potential needs of regional labor markets with a focus on the knowledge-intensive types of economic activity. Conclusions and considerations on the results of identifying the value characteristics of students make it possible to state that the innovative development of education in Ukraine should begin with the reforms of the cultural-spiritual and value-related nature.


 innovation development, higher education, labor market, educational process, competitiveness of education.




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