Ivan Lopushynskyi, Olena Kovnir. State Language Policy in Education of Modern Ukraine Under Perspective European Integration.

(2018) Science and education, 2, 76-85. Odessa.


Ivan Lopushynskyi,
Doctor in Public Administration, Professor, Honored Educator of Ukraine,
Head of Public Administration Department,
Olena Kovnir,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor, Department of Foreign Languages,
Kherson National Technical University,
24, Beryslavske Shose Str., Kherson, Ukraine



The European integration movement of Ukraine means, in particular, the recognition of European standards in the field of linguistic policy, as world experience proves the decisive role of the language and cultural factor in the formation of national communities, and that the spread of a single language is the most effective factor in consolidating the population within a single state. The paper aims to develop and scientifically substantiate a conceptual model of the formation and implementation of the state language policy in the field of education of Ukraine in the conditions of perspective European integration, which is based on the system of scientific approaches, normative legal documents and empirical data on the language situation in the field of education of Ukraine. The article analyses the theoretical principles of the formation and implementation of the state language policy in the field of education of Ukraine, defines the essence and interconnection of the main categories of the theory of language policy, and substantiates the need for the development of modern language policy in the field of education of Ukraine as an integral part of the national statepublic system of this policy. On the basis of the conducted researches the methodology of improvement of mechanisms of its functioning and development is offered. The alternative models of implementing language policy in the field of education of Ukraine are presented. The methodology of the improvement of mechanisms of the state language policy formation and realization in the field of education of Ukraine is suggested based on the conducted researches. The results of the study provide an opportunity to determine the directions of further development and improvement of language policy in the field of education of Ukraine.


Ukrainian state, language policy, branch of education, prospective European integration.




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